Don’t just do something, stand there!

14th January 2022

A few months ago, I resolved not to write anything more about COVID19. I was having zero apparent effect on anything, or anybody, and I was just getting increasingly despondent at the destruction of science, debate, logic, humanity, personal freedoms … life.

However, my New Years resolution was to not have any more resolutions. Which lead to an almost inescapable logic loop from which I have only just managed to extricate myself.

In truth, I believe that I still have a few things left to say about COVID19 that may be useful in stopping some of the most egregious nonsense being repeated. [Fat chance, says the little man on my shoulder].

What I am about to write, I have written about before, in various different guises. However, I think it is worth going back over some old ground again. Hopefully in a more effective manner.

In this blog what I want to do is to look at how we think about a few things, primarily in medicine, and medical science. To try and highlight how some repeated flaws in thought have influenced the reaction to COVID19.

I hope that by doing this, it may help to prevent some us travelling down the terribly well-worn ‘paths of pointlessness’ again. Or, at least, to get people to stop and question how they are thinking, before throwing themselves into the fray.

To begin.

What I saw happening with COVID19 is a pattern that repeats in medicine over and over again:

  • We have a serious illness – panic
  • Something must be done – grab the pitchforks, run about screaming
  • An influential person, or organisation, grabs the initiative – ‘‘experts’ move in.’
  • I/We know what to do, you must follow me/us – simple idea + soothing paternalism
  • Frightened people latch onto their ideas – two legs good, four legs bad
  • A path is chosen – along the side of a cliff
  • Momentum builds – the unstoppable charge of the light brigade
  • Those who object to the path taken are crushed – 1984

Fast forward a few decades… ‘Oh, it seems that the thing we always do as standard medical practice… Turns out it does more harm than good.’ See under: removal of toxic colon, the radical mastectomy, strict bed rest following a heart attack, cutting teeth, use of radium water, plombage, mercury for syphilis, pre-frontal lobotomy etc.

Of course, this pattern is not true of every medical intervention, not by any manner of means. Sometimes the influential person, or organisation, promotes the best course of action. This has been known to happen from time to time… believe it or not. In addition, medical practice does eventually auto-correct – and ends up doing the right thing. Almost always. We no longer remove toxic colons to cure female neurosis.

But what never, ever, seems to happen is OODA. Defined as ‘a practical concept designed to function as the foundation of rational thinking in confusing or chaotic situation’.

OODA stands for. ‘Observe, Orient, Decide Act.’

It was developed by the Air Force Colonel, John Boyd.

What John Boyd taught was simple. If you don’t know what is going on, do not make immediate decisions. First, work out what is happening, then orientate yourself – before you decide what to do. That way you avoid most, if not all, stupid mistakes. For many years, without knowing anything of OODA my own medical strategy has tended towards ‘don’t just do something, stand there.

Unfortunately, the medical profession has always battled ferociously against doing nothing. It has always greatly favoured the ‘You must do something, anything, I don’t care what it is so long as it sounds like a good idea. Chaaarge!’ Strategy.

This, the ‘do something strategy’, has always proven far more seductive, and almost always wins. It is easier to attract followers to do something, than to than to do nothing. Why not whack a hole in the skull and split the brain apart to cure various mental diseases? Why not… indeed. Ah yes, the good old pre-frontal lobotomy.

A.N. Other doctor: ‘If you do nothing people will surely die. You cannot just stand there doing nothing.

Me:                             ‘But what if those things we do end up causing more damage, or killing more people?’

Many years ago, my father said to me. ‘You will always be blamed for failures of omission, rath than commission.’ At the time I was young,  I knew everything, and thought he was talking rubbish. In truth I didn’t really understand his point. Now that I know that… I know nothing, I fully understand how profound his comment was. I wish I had listened to him more.

Yes, doing something will always be looked on in a positive light. Effort has been made, decisions have been taken, activity carried out. In medicine this is reflected in a comment that I have had directed at me, from time to time. ‘At least you tried, doctor.’ Well, seeing as they are now dead, my efforts achieved very little. But thanks anyway.

In addition, if you do nothing, you can be accused of laziness, of being uncaring. You just stood there and watched them suffer, even die. You cruel swine. I see this overwhelming urge to do something, anything, in the person who cannot swim, jumping into a river to try and save their dog from drowning.

What exactly did they think they were going to achieve? Oh well, at least they tried, you may say. No… they were stupid. They drowned along with their dog. But who can stand on the riverbank watching their dog die?

Well, me, actually.

This also moves into the area of survival guilt. How am I still alive when others have died? Better to die trying than to have done nothing? It all further wraps round into it the almost irresistible urge to be seen to be doing something. I think it is hard-wired into our psyche. We must fight to protect those in our tribe and be seen to be doing it. Chop, chop, busy, busy, work, work, bang, bang 1.  

I am, however, reminded of the philosophy behind recruitment to the German army in the good old days – as recounted to me. Men were divided in to four categories:

  • Intelligent and lazy
  • Intelligent and hardworking
  • Stupid and lazy
  • Stupid and hardworking

At which point

  • Intelligent and lazy men were taken for officer training
  • Intelligent and hardworking men were turned into NCOs (non-commissioned officers)
  • Stupid and lazy men became privates – squaddies, to use the UK vernacular
  • Those who were both stupid, and hardworking, were taken out and shot, before they could do too much damage

Doing things, doing things, doing things. We place great value on it. Too much.

As Kurt Vonnegut Jnr noted in Cat’s Cradle:

“We do, doodley do, doodley do, doodely do,
What we must, muddily must, muddily must, muddily must;
Muddily do, muddily do, muddily do, muddily do,
Until we bust, bodily bust, bodily bust, bodily bust.”

Of course, if there are things to be done, they should be done. But that does not mean we should rush around doing stuff, just because it seems better than doing nothing. Here is what Vinay Prasad has to say in his blog ‘Will science do better post COVID19?’

‘When faced with a pandemic, we re-treated to all the old delusions. Bioplausibilty was sacrosanct— that’s why #maskswork! We can’t run RCTs— these are parachutes. Doing something is always better than doing nothing! More is better than less! Keep boosting, young man!! Newer is better than older. Disease bad; treatments good. Bad people (John Ioannidis) are always wrong (never mind, that a year ago we all thought he was brilliant).’ 2

The additional problem with doing things is that, once you have started doing them, it becomes damned difficult to stop again. After you have decided to blow four hundred billion pounds on lockdown, or thereabouts, then you are pretty much stuck with it. Or else, you are going to look pretty stupid. ‘Sorry, ahem, I seem to have wasted a teensy bit of money. Sorry, my mistake.

If everyone is ordered to wear a mask, on pain of death, you are stuck with that too. Back pedalling from instant decisions is very, very, difficult. For the scientists and politicians involved you cannot be seen to have been wrong. Reputations must be protected.

At which point, vast amounts of time and effort are expended in trying to batter down anyone who dares to suggest that we rushed into doing things that were completely pointless, even damaging. Science then becomes twisted and bent to justify the errors made. Those in power must retain power. The narrative must be supported:

  • COVID19 is really, really deadly
  • Lockdowns really, really, work
  • Masks really, really, work

If you question these narratives, people will demand an answer to this rhetorical question. Do you want people to die! (That’s always an effective weapon). The correct answer to this question by the way, is usually no – although I am willing to make exceptions.

The other terrible flaw in thinking here, especially in medicine, was also mentioned by Vinay Prasad. It is Bioplausibility. Often closely associated with fast thinking a.k.a. jumping to conclusions, because they just seem right.

Masks, indeed, must surely work. Because? Because they prevent the virus from spreading. In fact, masks represent an almost perfect example of bioplausibility a.k.a. sheer common sense. No-one can argue against using them. If you do, your arguments must be pure sophistry, or simply nonsense. ’You do not understand science.’ That’s a good one, I get that a lot.

‘I think you will find it is not I that fails to understand science.’ I think to myself. But I don’t say it, because it makes you sound like a prat.

Let me remind you of a time when, after a heart attack you had to rest in bed doing nothing for six weeks. The heart has been damaged and must be given a chance to rest. Yes, perfect Bioplausibility, believed by virtually everyone. To question it was to be cast into the outer darkness.

It is now known that the worst thing you can possibly do is to enforce strict bed rest post heart attack. This advice, in place from 1912 to about 1960(ish), killed tens of millions. Maybe hundreds of millions.

As for masks – the sort of masks worn by almost everyone.

‘The use of cloth facemasks in community settings has become an accepted public policy response to decrease disease transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet evidence of facemask efficacy is based primarily on observational studies that are subject to confounding and on mechanistic studies that rely on surrogate endpoints (such as droplet dispersion) as proxies for disease transmission. The available clinical evidence of facemask efficacy is of low quality and the best available clinical evidence has mostly failed to show efficacy, with fourteen of sixteen identified randomized controlled trials comparing face masks to no mask controls failing to find statistically significant benefit in the intent‐​to‐​treat populations. Of sixteen quantitative meta‐​analyses, eight were equivocal or critical as to whether evidence supports a public recommendation of masks, and the remaining eight supported a public mask intervention on limited evidence primarily on the basis of the precautionary principle. Although weak evidence should not preclude precautionary actions in the face of unprecedented events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, ethical principles require that the strength of the evidence and best estimates of amount of benefit be truthfully communicated to the public.3

How can masks possibly fail to work?

Well, unfortunately, our brains work one way, and the world often works in quite another way. As does, therefore, science. For centuries people thought that heavier than air flight would only be possible if you flapped things that looked very like wings. Why, because birds and bats were the only flying things people had ever seen flying [apart from lemmings] and they mostly flapped about like mad – using wings.

Except that, if you looked closely, they didn’t – not really. If you thought flapping was the key to flight, you were not really looking. An albatross can stay aloft for hours, gliding above the waves, using the wind and updrafts, and barely moving its wings at all.

Yet, and yet, no-one was able to see this. When I say ‘see’ this I mean – look beyond the obvious, in your face, flappy stuff. Observe properly, deeply, to really understand what you are looking at – in this case aerodynamics. Eventually, of course, some people did. Et voila, the Wright Brothers.

With masks… Yes, it is both true, and self-evident, that a mask stops droplets being catapulted across a room after a cough or sneeze, or suchlike. So, they must stop spread…mustn’t they? I mean, you can even see it working in slow motion videos. A man coughs in London, virus ends up in New York – or something. Ah, the dreaded Bioplausibility… that can also be visualised. Double bubble.

But a mask can also turn droplets into an aerosol by breaking the droplet down into far smaller particles. Particles will float in the air for longer, and thus be inhaled for longer. Possibly, probably4. You didn’t think of that, did you?

A mask can also become damp and keep viral particles viable for longer. Once discarded – as many masks are – they represent receptacles for viruses and can spread disease when picked up. What happens when masks are used and used, and re-used? As they often are. Superspreading here we come. Blowing viral particles out of a wet mask.

As a wise man also said. Using cloth masks to prevent viral spread it like trying to pick up sand with a tennis racket. Virus particle size ‘x’. Holes in mask size 1000x.

A mask can also mean that people stand closer to each other than they otherwise would. A mask may, simply, never had had a chance to work at all. After all, we breathe in and breathe out the same amount of air whilst wearing a mask than not.

If there is virus in floating in the air, we are still going to breathe it in, and out. Masks do not stop us breathing, and the air has to come from somewhere. Unless masks act as a type of black hole, trapping, then transporting viral particles from here into another universe… I’m not putting much money on that hypothesis.

Some months ago, I wrote about the last people to be infected with smallpox. In one hospital, in Germany, a patient with smallpox was being treated on the ground floor. The patient in the room above, and then the room above that, become infected. Which means that viral particles must have got out the window, drifted upwards and infected those above.

Which just gives you some idea of how few viral particles were needed to spread a disease that was, up to that time, not even believed to spread through the air. No droplets required.

Early on, with COVID19 it was noted that ferrets could be infected with the virus. So, researchers put one ferret in a cage, with another ferret above with a solid barrier between them. The one below was infected with COVD19.

The only route for COVID19 to travel from one ferret to the other was through a tube that bent through ninety degrees, bent again to go upwards through the barrier, then across, and back round through ninety degrees

In essence, this tube was specifically designed to ensure that droplet spread was impossible. As droplets cannot go round corners, travel upwards, turn another ninety degrees… and suchlike.

Despite this, all of the uninfected ferrets became, very rapidly, infected. Conclusion – COVID19 can travel and infect through aerosol spread. Secondary conclusion – masks cannot stop this. At least not the sort of masks that virtually everyone wears, and then re-uses.

Of course, there are masks that you can use to prevent the spread of viral particles. But they have to be airtight, they have to have filters. They are uncomfortable to wear for any length of time, and they need to be changed regularly. They also prevent a great deal of communication, as people hard of hearing will tell you. Oh yes, there are serious downsides to mask wearing.

I only focus on masks here to make the point that masks appear totally ‘Bioplausible’. If, that is, you don’t think about all the issues too deeply. Also, getting everyone to wear masks represents doing ‘something.’ Doing something, especially something visible, is always better than doing nothing.

Yes… doing something, anything, and Bioplausibility. Two bear traps in human thought. Traps that seem impossible to eradicate.

There is another, major trap, which is the urge to draw ourselves into tribes. Then attack and attempt destroy anyone who does not agree with us. Humiliate and silence. Turn the ‘other’ into someone with evil intent. I am not getting into this in any depth here. We have all seen too much of it. The terrible seductive pleasure of righteous anger. Which so easily flips into hatred.

As also mentioned by Vinay Prasad. Bad people (John Ioannidis) are always wrong (never mind, that a year ago we all thought he was brilliant).’

As we all know, it is not just Ioannidis who is attacked. Dare to breathe one word of caution about vaccines and you become ‘dirty anti-vaxxer scum. You deserve to lose your job. Ha!’

This is no way for humans to act towards each other. Crush debate, silence those who dare to think differently. Bring in the Spanish Inquisition a.k.a. fact checkers. All bought and paid for by those who have vested interests in obliterating the opposition, of course.

Question:     When is a fact checker not a fact checker?

Answer:        When they are called a fact checker. [Especially if they work for a company that used to begin with Face and ended in Book. Or Witterpedia]

Also Meta…as in, I meta  ‘n’ idiot – who think it’s okay to silence anyone they disagree with, and claim this is science. Spare me.

Anyway, what do we do next time? How do we do better? How do we think better? Well, I suppose that first of all you have to get those in power to accept that they made mistakes…. Ho hum.

Frankly, that ain’t going to happen. Therefore, we need new people in power. People who can understand that things are complicated. That the immediate Bioplausible and simplistic ‘answer’ is as likely to be wrong, as it is right. More likely in truth.

We really need people to think better:

‘We have a crisis in medicine when it comes to understanding and appraising science. We do not teach this explicitly in medical schools, and it gets short shrift to mechanistic science. Our overemphasis on molecular mechanisms fuels the cognitive distortion that a reductionistic view is superior to empiricism*’ 2

*empiricism is the view that all concepts originate in experience, that all concepts are about or applicable to things that can be experienced, or that all rationally acceptable beliefs or propositions are justifiable or knowable only through experience.

Were there any examples of doing things better from which we could learn? In Sweden they did things differently – at least from most of the rest of Europe. Anders Tegnell, the state epidemiologist (yes they have such a post) was the man who led the Swedish response. It was to bring in very few restrictions and make almost everything voluntary. Lockdown ‘lite’ if you like.

He was ruthlessly attacked from all directions, but remained superficially calm. Although I imagine he felt most terribly bruised and battered inside. TIME magazine ran a story about the Swedish response entitled ‘The Swedish COVID-19 Response Is a Disaster. It Shouldn’t Be a Model for the Rest of the World.’5

You don’t really need to read the article. The title makes it entirely clear what tone was adopted, and also what the conclusion was going to be. Sweden = death and mayhem, run for the hills. Frankly, I am amazed that the Swedish Government held firm in supporting him.

At one point even the Swedish King, Carl XVI Gustaf ‘Gustaf –  the eminent epidemiologist’ as I believe he is also known – had a pop at poor old Anders. But the Government did support Tegnell’s light touch strategy – mostly. They held their nerve.

What was Anders thinking, the mad mass murdering fool? As he calmly stated in the British Medical Journal, after COVID19 deaths in Sweden had settled into the lower half of European figures. Not as good as some, better than most:

there is still disagreement among scientists about which measures are effective against the spread of infection. “This is what we are still struggling to understand: some measures work in some places, but it is difficult to see patterns.”

“Countries that went through lockdowns are not doing that much better,”6

Yes, he is describing his OODA journey. Anders is still observing and attempting to orientate, but he cannot see what to do. He still believes that the evidence for severe lockdowns, and mask wearing, simply does not exist. To put it another way, he cannot yet decide what should be done. So, he isn’t doing it.

Good man. We need far more like Anders Tegnell, and less of those like the members of SAGE in the UK. Screaming blue bloody murder with threats of hundreds of thousands dying if WE DO NOT ACT NOW! The sky is falling, the sky is falling. OMCIRON will kill us all… all I tell ee’. Beware the black spot Cap’n.

We also need more people to be sceptical. To look at the science and the evidence. We need, quite frankly, to learn to think… and grow up. Also, importantly, learn the incredibly difficult trick of doing nothing at all.

As they used to say in a UK advert. ‘Nothing acts faster than Anadin (a painkiller)’

Solution… take nothing

Nothing acts faster than a damn good lockdown

Solution…do nothing

Or, to quote the famous physician William Osler. ‘One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine.’ I shall now leave you with two things to consider. The first is an open letter, written by Professor Ehud Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and one of the leading Israeli immunologists:

Ministry of Health, it’s time to admit failure

In the end, the truth will always be revealed, and the truth about the coronavirus policy is beginning to be revealed. When the destructive concepts collapse one by one, there is nothing left but to tell the experts who led the management of the pandemic – we told you so.

Two years late, you finally realize that a respiratory virus cannot be defeated and that any such attempt is doomed to fail. You do not admit it, because you have admitted almost no mistake in the last two years, but in retrospect it is clear that you have failed miserably in almost all of your actions, and even the media is already having a hard time covering your shame.

You refused to admit that the infection comes in waves that fade by themselves, despite years of observations and scientific knowledge. You insisted on attributing every decline of a wave solely to your actions, and so through false propaganda “you overcame the plague.” And again, you defeated it, and again and again and again.

You refused to admit that mass testing is ineffective, despite your own contingency plans explicitly stating so (“Pandemic Influenza Health System Preparedness Plan, 2007”, p. 26).

You refused to admit that recovery is more protective than a vaccine, despite previous knowledge and observations showing that non-recovered vaccinated people are more likely to be infected than recovered people. You refused to admit that the vaccinated are contagious despite the observations. Based on this, you hoped to achieve herd immunity by vaccination — and you failed in that as well.

You insisted on ignoring the fact that the disease is dozens of times more dangerous for risk groups and older adults, than for young people who are not in risk groups, despite the knowledge that came from China as early as 2020.

You refused to adopt the “Barrington Declaration”, signed by more than 60,000 scientists and medical professionals, or other common-sense programs. You chose to ridicule, slander, distort and discredit them. Instead of the right programs and people, you have chosen professionals who lack relevant training for pandemic management (physicists as chief government advisers, veterinarians, security officers, media personnel, and so on).

You have not set up an effective system for reporting side effects from the vaccines, and reports on side effects have even been deleted from your Facebook page. Doctors avoid linking side effects to the vaccine, lest you persecute them as you did with some of their colleagues. You have ignored many reports of changes in menstrual intensity and menstrual cycle times. You hid data that allows for objective and proper research (for example, you removed the data on passengers at Ben Gurion Airport). Instead, you chose to publish non-objective articles together with senior Pfizer executives on the effectiveness and safety of vaccines.

Irreversible damage to trust

However, from the heights of your hubris, you have also ignored the fact that in the end the truth will be revealed. And it begins to be revealed. The truth is that you have brought the public’s trust in you to an unprecedented low, and you have eroded your status as a source of authority. The truth is that you have burned hundreds of billions of shekels to no avail – for publishing intimidation, for ineffective tests, for destructive lockdowns and for disrupting the routine of life in the last two years.

You have destroyed the education of our children and their future. You made children feel guilty, scared, smoke, drink, get addicted, drop out, and quarrel, as school principals around the country attest. You have harmed livelihoods, the economy, human rights, mental health and physical health.

You slandered colleagues who did not surrender to you, you turned the people against each other, divided society and polarized the discourse. You branded, without any scientific basis, people who chose not to get vaccinated as enemies of the public and as spreaders of disease. You promote, in an unprecedented way, a draconian policy of discrimination, denial of rights and selection of people, including children, for their medical choice. A selection that lacks any epidemiological justification.

When you compare the destructive policies you are pursuing with the sane policies of some other countries — you can clearly see that the destruction you have caused has only added victims beyond the vulnerable to the virus. The economy you ruined, the unemployed you caused, and the children whose education you destroyed — they are the surplus victims as a result of your own actions only.

There is currently no medical emergency, but you have been cultivating such a condition for two years now because of lust for power, budgets and control. The only emergency now is that you still set policies and hold huge budgets for propaganda and psychological engineering instead of directing them to strengthen the health care system.

This emergency must stop!

Professor Udi Qimron, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University7

I suppose I should say that the opinions of Professor Udi Qimron are not necessarily those of the senior management of this blog. I, in exactly the same way as Google and Facebook (Sorry, Alphabet and Meta. ‘As I was going to St Ives I meta man with seven wives’… how many idiots were going to St Ives), and suchlike, am merely the repository for information, and articles. A warehouse if you like. I have no editorial control over content, so you cannot sue me for anything written.

Unfortunately, I am not rich enough to employ Fact Checkers and unleash them upon anyone who disagrees with me. Yet. You have been warned.

The second thing, that I shall leave you with, is the fact that doing nothing can be very rewarding, and sometimes pretty hard work. As outlined by this article in The International Journal of Doing Very little:

‘We’re busy doin’ nothin’
Workin’ the whole day through
Tryin’ to find lots of things not to do
We’re busy goin’ nowhere
Isn’t it just a crime
We’d like to be unhappy, but
We never do have the time,’

‘I have to watch the river
To see that it doesn’t stop
And stick around the rosebuds
So they’ll know when to pop
And keep the crickets cheerful
They’re really a solemn bunch
Hustle, bustle
And only an hour for lunch.’


‘We’re busy doin’ nothin’
Workin’ the whole day through
Tryin’ to find lots of things not to do
We’re busy goin’ nowhere
Isn’t it just a crime
We’d like to be unhappy, but
We never do have the time.’

‘I have to wake the Sun up
He’s liable to sleep all day
And then inspect the rainbows
So they’ll be bright and gay
I must rehearse the songbirds
To see that they sing in key
Hustle, bustle
And never a moment free.’

‘We’re busy doin’ nothin’
Workin’ the whole day through
Tryin’ to find lots of things not to do
We’re busy going nowhere
Isn’t it just a crime
We’d like to be unhappy, but
We never do have the time.’

‘I have to meet a turtle
I’m teachin’ him how to swim
Then I have to shine the dewdrops
You know they’re looking rather dim
I told my friend, the robin
I’d buy him a brand-new vest

Hustle, bustle
We never do have
We never do have
We never do, never do
Never do, never do, never do have the time
Never do have the time.’8

And if that don’t cheer you up, nothing will. And follow my motto. ‘Don’t just do something stand there….’ Whilst observing and orientating of course. Think first, act later.







7: It’s an open letter you can go and find it yourself


454 thoughts on “Don’t just do something, stand there!

  1. AhNotepad

    Well, a big thank you for the amusement distributed in this post. As with the previous posts I will have to sit and digest it later. However, this one is so important for many panicky people, which the government have ensured there is a surfeit, that I will forward it to several I know. It may engender some calm, while of course raising the anger when they realise they have been panicked and lied to.

    The 14th Jan 2022 ukcolum broadcast has some information useful in conjunction with this post, as the admissions are now coming out that the psychological attack on the British people was overall ineffective, and damaging, and the elite liars ignored the restrictions anyway.

    1. robertL

      Firstly Malcolm – Again Brilliant – thank you.
      Thanks too for your deservedly pointed arrows.

      These days Common Sense is Decidedly Uncommon, sadly.

      AHNotepad: I refer to your quote:
      “… while of course raising the anger when they realise they have been panicked and lied to.”

      I have, and sadly no longer have, friends who have verbally attacked me for choosing to remain unvaxxed. Some others, close and dear, have been similarly abused.
      In one case the abuse has questioned my faith and alluded to deliberate negligence (and worse) for those in my care. All so unnecessary and truly sad.

      When some of these people who took such strong damaging and abusive attitudes realise that they are so wrong that they are beyond embarrassed they continue to deny, deny, deny and then to deny again to their dying day. Sad, being unable to admit a wrong decision in own profession (medical GP)

      It takes a Really Strong man to stand up to this kind of tyranny. Thank you Professor Noakes for standing up for the many who have benefitted from your actions.
      Sadly, John Yudkin bent and withdrew under the relentless pressure imposed on him.

      The good news, I believe, is that there are many millions of people now calling out the tyrannical attack we are all under.

      1. AhNotepad

        robertL, sorry to hear you have had these unjustified attacks. I am fairly thin skinned, but if anybody quotes the government narrative to me, or attacks me, I might react at the time, but for this subject it’s water off a ducks back. Some of their assumptions are so ridiculous I can’t help bursting with laughter.

        I often point the oft quorted ten most dangerous words in the English language:

        “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you”.

      2. JW


        I understand, for too have lost a huge proportion of friends and colleagues for my views expressed spring 2020 to spring 2021. I have been roundly abused, gaslighted, misquoted and smeared.

        Would I do the same again. Yes, I think so.

        Truth is more important, and anyway, anybody who would treat you in such a manner is neither a friend nor reliable as a colleague.

        Good luck to you.


        Yes, this is a brilliant piece.

      3. barovsky

        I’ve been called (clinically) insane for not getting ‘vaccinated’ and not wearing a mask and worse still, for actually shaking a friend’s hand! I might add that to have called them friends in the first place, was an error of judgement on my part. Yet, can I really blame them after the govt’s pysop campaign on the population has put the fear of death into (nearly) everyone? But I see signs at long last, that some people and even institutions are waking up to the evil the Cabinet Office’s ‘Nudge Unit’ has done to us but whether this will go beyond ‘opinion’ remains to be seen. I doubt it if the government, while arresting us for being in the wrong place, was busy partying like crazy and as with the PPE scandal (nearly £10 BILLION down the drain, or rather given to Bojo’s crony crook friends), I doubt anything will be done. In any case, the state now has all the laws it needs to lock us down permanently, after all, isn’t this what it was all about in the first place?

  2. Antonio Reis

    What a piece of philosophical thought! How true! Having avoided commenting for years, I can’t resist congratulating MC. Please share it with your friends, and, if possible (is it really possible??) also with the “infallible experts” of mainstream medicine.

  3. Jean Sharac

    Hello from the US! I love reading your posts! Only just partway through it but had to make a comment. I am a retired Med Surg RN, and back in 1975 when I started nursing, the accepted treatment for gastric ulcers was 30cc of milk alternating with 30 cc cream every hour around the clock! (Of course I also remember complete bed rest for MI patients) Certainly not recommended treatment now.

  4. andy

    It seems to me that the time for such lengthy consideration has passed. And despite it all being worthy for comic lampooning, the reality of the draconian powers being exerted over helpless people the world over requires now direct decisions.
    Do you submit or dont you submit?
    Do you hold your eight year old and inject them pointlessly. Or not?
    Do you work for an organisation that demands control over your body against all normal ethics, or do you stand back and just say I will not be part of this. I will not comply.?

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      There have always been different forms of protest, and hopefully they can all work together to maximum effect. I have tended to follow the idea that humour is just a funny way of being serious.

      1. Shaun Clark

        …Serious? Deadly serious! Thank you, Dr K. for your words of truth.
        People? People are very good at f*&^%$g things up. No species can do better really. Especially if there is BIG money to be had somewhere along the way. What an utter waste there has been. What a daft bunch we are. Now we have to pay it back. I’m still unjabbed, had Covid in early December, along with most family members (not pleasant, but at aged 70 no issues, thankfully). However, I am still getting heaps of opprobrium directed at me from many others that are vaxxed. I guess the needlessly at risk must feel a wee bit… stupid. Some of the snide remarks and behaviour has been quite outrageous, but I guess such folk really like being part of an ‘in’ tribe. There are many, many good folk who called it as otherwise with Covid, and it’s them that keeps me going. There are too many to mention here, but all are in Dr K’s fine circle of open-minded and questioning folk. Besides the epistles of Dr K, for me, regular dosing up of Ivorcummins was also de rigueur.

        1. Eggs ‘n beer

          Yes, they might be feeling a bit stupid. If they are finally realising that they took the wrong path. But, to quote Professor Dumbledore, “people find it much easier to forgive you for being wrong, than for being right”.

        1. J. Parry

          From an article:

          “…The position of the court jester was actually very complicated. On the surface, a jester might be taken as a mere buffoon but he also had to walk a fine line in the court, as he had no official place in the ranks of the court. This allowed jesters to be more free with their opinions, since their words could be considered jokes, but they had to be careful about overstepping their boundaries…

          …Other jesters were trained musicians, actors, or artists, and some of them even became trusted and valued confidants in the court.

          Many court jesters were extremely intelligent and sensitive to the political and social trends of their eras. Their skilled entertainments might have included clever or subtle gibes at the enemies of the king, along with commentary on general problems in society…”

      2. ricksanchez769

        I read a passage, I use common sense, logic and reason to interpret it’s veracity. If I’m still perplexed, I go to the fact checkers – if fact-check = false – I proclaim to myself “I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I KNEW I was right”

    1. Linda Randell

      Wonderful! Made me laugh out loud! I’ve still not had the jab and have felt like a leper at times, and apparently I am irresponsible, selfish and immoral. Well, it makes a change from being lazy and crazy when I had M.E.! I’ve decided that I may be useful in the future as part of a control group, or maybe not!
      I saw a photo the other day of one of the Australian state governors, behind whom was a large notice that said – ‘Staying apart keeps us together’. Well, I’m reading 1984 at the moment, (just for a bit of light relief, you understand), and it make me think of some of the statements in that amazing book!
      War is peace!
      Freedom is slavery!
      Ignorance is strength!
      You’ve cheered me up Dr Kendrick, bless you – you’re my favourite now 😊😊😊

    2. Binra (@onemindinmany)

      They operate under Common Purpose training. Or rather the puppets who front for it do.
      The Gov is a corporation within a realm of corporate contractual ‘law’ that you will not be aware of. Hence you regard legislation as Law rather than as contract. There’s a whole dimension of re-learning there.
      But even on surface, consider the term ‘pandemic’ was part of pre planned pandemic response contracts with most world Govs to be triggered by such declaration by WHO – and that WHO redefined THEIR legal definition of the word to no longer require severe disease or fatality such that they COULD legally have used it for any flu season (which effectively they did).
      But common sense would reveal your governments are not acting in your best interests – including your regulatory captured medical state monopoly.
      Common sense would reveal the creep of Corporate management of captured and managed assets within an increasingly controlled system. But common sense doesn’t fit social masking ‘normals’ – though of course we can negotiate this rather than react from our own masking strategies.
      If only those we give power to so as to relieve us of responsibility acted responsibly…

  5. jan van ruth

    1975, i was a medic in the dutch army, conscripted that is, and as such was sent to work in a general hospital in town.( what else to let a medic do in peacetime?)
    i ended up being ( i would not call it working) in the emergency department.
    there i learned to not panic, to stand and do nothing to begin with.(apart from blood gushing wounds and an apparent lack of breathing that is).
    it has served me well.

    thank you for the reminder

  6. gazbom


    Thanks, this is a big read!

    On Fri, 14 Jan 2022 at 15:28, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick wrote:

    > Dr. Malcolm Kendrick posted: ” 14th January 2022 A few months ago, I > resolved not to write anything more about COVID19. I was having zero > apparent effect on anything, or anybody, and I was just getting > increasingly despondent at the destruction of science, debate, logic, > humanity, ” >

  7. Jeremy May

    I read Professor Qimron’s article this morning, also one by Dr Alan Mordue entitled, The Betrayal of Public Health during the Covid Pandemic.
    You blog here makes a great triad, Thanks again.

    I recently had a big bust up with two friends (on Facebook!). Bright people both, but blind to how we have all been misled, and are still being misled. One even directed me towards Wiki to go and check my ‘*****’ facts. And you’re right, anger can soon turn to hatred. Thankfully we didn’t get that far because I went for a walk.
    I feel when (if) this is all done, there’ll be a sort of post-apocalyptic winter to endure. Some people may even have new sets of friends. It’s Madness.

    1. AhNotepad

      Don’t let your guard down. If this covid train hits the buffers, there is another one called “Climate Emergency” waiting in the next platform.

      1. Gary Ogden

        AhNotepad: Those who aren’t finished off by the clot shot will freeze to death through the absurdity of unaffordable energy brought to us by Climate-porn-mongers. I suspect the Climate narrative will be going off the rails just as the “Rona narrative currently is, but not before they’ve done enormous damage. Glad I live in a mild climate, but many millions don’t.

        1. lingulella

          I am waiting to hear that hospital ICUs are filling up with the victims of damp living conditions currently suffered by relatively few of us, in particularly fungal lung diseases and tuberculosis, because more of us are unable to maintain well ventilated dry living spaces while staying warm… things that are mutually exclusive where I live in Wales for much of the year.

        2. barovsky

          Wrong! As usual, it’s greed that’s the cause. The Russians prefer long-term, fixed contracts for their energy sales and for some time, this is what we got in Europe. Then the EU decided drop the fixed-term contracts and replace it with so-called ‘Spot Prices’, prices that mostly go up and rarely down and result in pure price speculation. In a word, capitalism.

          1. andy

            Fixed price or spot prices are fine examples of capitalism Mr B. Both give the buyer and the seller chances to make a contract between them that suits them both. Its the way of the world.. “The Free Market” and long may it live. THe alternative is government “control” think USSR and starving Ukraine.

  8. thecovidpilot

    “We also need more people to be sceptical. To look at the science and the evidence.”

    Can people do this when they are in a state of panic and panic-mongering is continuously going on? (I was never in a state of panic and only really abandoned all fear in Oct. 2020 after I thought about the physics of mask dynamics and realized that masks won’t stop viral spread. One protection for me against panic was the wisdom from Frank Herbert’s “Dune”: “Fear is the mind-killer.”)


    I found your blog in March 2020 and Zelenko about the same time. And covexit. And Kyle-Siddell. And I kept looking and reading and trying to understand. Lots of journal articles. And I assigned degrees of certainty to various propositions so that I could make decisions about what to research and which information streams to follow. And I noticed that SPI-B over at SAGE was involved in panic-mongering as was the mass media. So I knew that there was a psychological trick being played on us as far back as Feb. 2020. But I didn’t understand why until Jan. 2021 when I looked at covid vaccines because of adverse events and the pieces fell into place.

    Back to the main point. How can we get people to realize that they are in a state of panic? They will defend their panicked state to their death and rationalize bad decisions with great energy. If only doctors had protection from getting struck off and from retaliation by employers, we might see more start to advise and treat patients properly, which could help reduce the panic of the mob. But a lot of doctors go along with the narrative because they have to feed their families. Some are also among the panicked sheep, but maybe a third are not but just go along.

    1. jewelsword13

      I, like you, have questioned how to “wake” people up. I think it’s by asking them questions: “What are you most afraid of?” is a start, and then trying to talk then off the government/media/self-imposed cliff they are on with more questions (like why would we need a vax for a 99% survivable virus?). Haven’t had a real chance to try it yet as I have surrounded myself with like-minded family and friends, but… maybe?

  9. Lorri King

    Thank you, you have my support n (for what that’s worth) and admiration, I wish the right people could tame their ego, read and understand your blog. Then I hope they do something (as they are apt to do for medical responses) about stopping their need to do something especially with respect to COVID!. Keep on keepin’ on!! I love all your writing,

  10. Allan Young

    Think. Thinking. Thought. Critical analysis. The lost sciences. Brilliant notes Malcolm, delivered as usual, with humor. Thank you

    PS just finished. “Clots”, more excellence, thank you again.

  11. mmec7

    Dr Kendrick – Bravo. A bottle of your fave malt would be on the way to you, if I had the name of it. Yes, I had read and then extensively shared Professor Udi Qimron’s ‘letter’. Superb. I believe, a force for change is on our doorstep. Be well, go well, keep well.

  12. Robert Dyson

    How I agree! Odd you should have the song, “Busy Doing Nothing”. I have been singing that to myself since I first heard it sometime in the 1950s sung in a Bing Crosby movie.

    1. Robert Dyson

      I just noticed you have put the Bing singing it at the bottom. That has cheered me a lot – there’s more to medicine than pills !

  13. Robert Dyson

    But I think it is worse, because many people have suffered and many died because early treatment, as with hydroxychloroquine and invermectin, was suppressed to promote the idea that the only way out was to ‘vaccinate the world’. If people phoned 111 about symptoms, a pack of those two with zinc should have been at their door within 24 hours. Also, I have taken supplemental D3/K2/Mg for years (10,000 IU over autumn/winter) because we know that the active serum D is a switch for thousands of genes, especially those involved in immune T cell response and cytokine regulation (and therefore inflammation, the killer with covid). It is a crime against humanity. There was plenty of time to work on a traditional vaccine and test it well because there was treatment for the small fraction of the population that was vulnerable.

    1. Morag Foster

      Have you read What Really Makes You Ill by Dawn Lester and David Parker? Or Dissolving Illusions about vaccines. Interesting books. They make you question the narrative and the money made by Pharmaceutical companies

  14. Jaydot

    Thank you!
    I’ve been subscribed to your newsletter sinds March last year, and every post has me heaving large sighs of relief! Sanity will prevail… one day… I hope!

  15. undine2006

    Verily, verily, He sends angels across my path. Thanks for being one of them, your help is muchly appreciated. I will do a cheese souffle supper to say thank-you when I’ve finished all this. And recovered. This is a long but amuing read from my favourite rebel doc I thought you might enjoy. A

    On Fri, 14 Jan 2022 at 14:26, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick wrote:

    > Dr. Malcolm Kendrick posted: ” 14th January 2022 A few months ago, I > resolved not to write anything more about COVID19. I was having zero > apparent effect on anything, or anybody, and I was just getting > increasingly despondent at the destruction of science, debate, logic, > humanity, ” >

  16. janetgrovesart

    Wow! That’s a blog and a half plus. I’m looking forward to reading it but in the meantime thank you for all the trouble to take. You are amazing.
    Three cheers, everyone! Hip hip!

  17. Mr Chris

    One little niggle, I read once that it was the Austrian army.
    Hope you will return to the question of Vitamin D.

  18. Andrew Makin

    I remember hearing a story that when planes hit the Twin Towers, Rudy Giuliani, the then mayor, did not rush into action. Instead he had his driver take him somewhere quiet, where he walked and thought for about half an hour. Then he went back to his office to deal with it.

    As a working nurse of older people (other than in real emergency of course) I have always found it better to stop and think first. It’s a good philosophy.

    1. lingulella

      He didn’t need to panic, they were running a simulation that morning with FEMA in NY. Who still believes the official narratives on any of these gaslighting exercises?

  19. pakadavid

    Quite a significant contribution Dr. M14.01.2022, 09:29, “Dr. Malcolm Kendrick” <>:

    Dr. Malcolm Kendrick posted: ” 14th January 2022

    A few months ago, I resolved not to write anything more about COVID19. I was having zero apparent effect on anything, or anybody, and I was just getting increasingly despondent at the destruction of science, debate, logic, humanity, “

  20. Jerome Savage

    I immediately sent this out to some acquaintances with the description, “clever, wise with funny bits”
    A timeky pearl of a blog. Thank you.

  21. Roy Butler

    Absolutely spot on but it is an uphill struggle to get that information to the masses let alone get the “experts” to consider a different approach..
    Reminds me of that Cholesterol thing 🙂

    1. andy

      I am amazed that with the almost undersal corruption of recording, analysing and concluding of the situation….where, let us not forget, a positive test is NOT a case of infection, and where a death from Covid probably isnt a death from Covid, that any one has the slightest reliance on any information. So much is fake now so that who are we now to know what is true? They have ruined it all and we no longer are able to separate falsification from truth.

  22. Mark Heneghan

    I have often wondered why the medical world is so obsessed with ‘process’, and of course it is a way of pretending to the world (and sometimes ourselves) that we are doing something rather than nothing.
    These days it is called ‘monitoring the situation’ but when I was a medical student/younger doctorit was called ‘masterly inactivity’. There was also the deluxe version, ‘masterly inactivity with steroids’.

  23. oscaretu

    Hello, Malcolm.

    This article reminds me of the YouTube video in which Senator Robert McGovern says (in the 1972 Senate committee investigating cardiovascular disease) that politicians cannot afford the luxury of scientific researchers to wait until they have all the evidence.

    Specific moment of the relevant part:

    Full video on Youtube:

    The exact phrase he says in response to a request by Dr. Robert Olson of St Louis University that further research is needed before issuing public recommendations is:

    “I would only argue that Senators don’t have the luxury that the research scientist does, of waiting until every last shred of evidence is in.”

    Additional references in which that phrase is mentioned

    * Dietary Fats and Heart Disease – Exposing the Villain

    * I Can’t Believe It’s Not Science

    1. Prudence Kitten

      If he had understood anything about science, Senator McGovern would have known that “every last shred of evidence” is never in. Science retains an open mind, even when some propositions are considered 99.999% likely to be true. All it takes is one contrary event – provided it is thoroughly verified – to destroy the best established theory.

      In politics (and to a lesser extent in business) exactly the opposite is the case. Once a stuffed shirt has uttered a judgment, it is treated as if carved on tablets of stone. That is why the dogma about Covid-19 can never be challenged, no matter how many facts pile up to show its untruth.

      There is only one solution in practice: different leaders.

    2. DaveL

      This is directly relevant to the COVID mess, too, since the US embarked on the high carbohydrate, low fat journey with the resulting dietary guidelines that probably led to 40% of the population being obese or overweight (and many also diabetic) and therefore much more susceptible to COVID’s worst effects.

  24. Gary Ogden

    Bravo! Thanks, Dr. Kendrick. This is what my family and I have honed into a high art, a practice we’ve engaged in from the beginning of the Wuflu. It was clear by 2015, with the appearance of Trump, that the media had ceased doing journalism, so I never believed a word of any of it. And the stupidity extends to high places: Just a week ago, a sitting Supreme Court justice (Sotomayor) made the most wildly inflated and incorrect statements about the risk for children in oral arguments over workplace mandates. She said them with a straight face, presumably, although it was hard to tell with the face mask and shield. Yet, good sense prevailed, and the mandates were rejected, although it appears the entire body of the Court has only a sketchy understanding of the fundamentals of science and medicine.

    1. robertL

      Gary, as you may know the issue before the court was not about mandated vaxx.
      What the court had to decide; did the Fed Gov have the authority to issue such law/instruction/mandate. Or was it a State responsibility. It was/is a State responsibility.

      1. Gary Ogden

        robertL: Correct. The majority opinion was based upon separation of powers. This is good and important, as the Tenth Amendment has been seriously undermined over the centuries, as the federal government has grown into a brutish behemoth. What is scary is the question of how many “. . .powers. . .reserved. . .to the people.” do we have left? John Marshall concluded that powers in the realm of health were state powers, not federal, but nowhere in the body of the Constitution are such powers granted. They must belong to the people.

        1. Janice Willoughby

          January 14, 2022
          I have given this subject (the right and responsibility to make healthcare decisions) some thought lately, and have re-read some parts of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. It is clear to me that the right to make healthcare decisions is one of those “powers” reserved to the people (See Amendment X of the U.S. Constitution.). Thanks Gary Ogden and robertL.

          We are at a time when it is good to review our moral ground, and know on what ground we stand.

          Dr. Kendrick, your search for truth in health and medicine; and your work of writing books for the common man which present your best thoughts on causes of cardiovascular disease, and how to stay healthy,
          are among other things:

          a testament to the belief that the common man can read and understand, and choose to follow the good health disciplines that are right for her or him. If it is two steps forward and one step back, it is moving forward, and is highly unlikely to be worse than the meandering path of Big Brother; and it WILL be worse, once Big Bro has joined up with Big Pharma, Big Insurance, and so on and on. I see the specter of Big Greed.

          Finally, a review of history (see McGovern moments above (thx, oscaretu)) and a little common-sense thought, leaves me, for one, certain, that good health is a gift for some, and a quest for others. There is not one path that is right for all.

          May we all be well.

          1. Janice Willoughby

            Obvious problem with syntax in my paragraph re Big Bro: The path of the Bigs WOULD BE WORSE. The path of the individual cannot be worse: “standard of care” will be presented to the individual; and that person will make a healthcare decision which is highly unlikely to be worse, and has an excellent likelihood of being better.

            I speak as a U.S. citizen. I am curious on what grounds citizens of Britain claim the right to healthcare decisions. Am kind of thinking that the Magna Carta does not get the job done, LOL.

        2. Prudence Kitten

          “Am kind of thinking that the Magna Carta does not get the job done, LOL”.

          Janice, no words on paper (or parchment or papyrus or stone or brick) have any power whatsoever over the actions of people.

          Words can never be anything but a guide. In every generation people must take the words to their heart and commit to supporting them and putting them into action.

  25. Louisa Berani

    Please become prime minster and put a stop to all the nonsense. I think exactly as the same as you. I work in pathologie. Med lab tech. When they started jabbing l said to one of the doctors…The first rule in immunology is …never vaccinate during a pandenmic. He said …l know but we have to…
    I‘m not vaxxed. They all are 3 x and beginning to see that it‘s all been for nothing and are all worried what they put into their bodies.
    I do believe people are waking up. Hiw can it be possible that l, unvacxed, withe -ve test cannot go into a fitness centre with a mask but a nurse +ve but boostered can go to work?
    Keep up your vommon sense. It helps. At least me

    1. Prudence Kitten

      Thanks for your post, Louisa. It confirms something many of us have suspected but hardly dared to believe: that here in Britain, people in positions of trust and responsibility can behave just as cruelly and immorally as the Nazis did.

      “He said …l know but we have to…”

      Those last six words sum up everything that has happened. Little else is needed. When doctors – supposedly the best people we have, bound by the Hippocratic Oath (or some similar pledge) to “first do no harm” – respond that way, civilisation itself is in grave danger.

      Because those six words mean that the doctor knew perfectly well that what he was doing increased the risk of harm to his patients, and did it anyway – because, presumably, he was afraid to lose his job.

      Of course it is no joke to be threatened with a loss of your livelihood, and perhaps even your profession – especially if you have a family to support.

      But I think we all hoped that doctors and others in similar positions of authority and trust would, if it came to the crunch, bite the bullet and refuse to do harm.

      Evidently, not so.

      The only recourse now for lay people is to distrust everything doctors say and do, and make every effort to find out the facts and judge for themselves. Which is, I think, what most of us reading Dr Kendrick’s blog have been trying to do.

  26. Joan

    My heart lifts when your writings pop into my mailbox. I know I shall always rewarded with some good old common sense amongst the insanity that prevails us. Thankyou Malcolm Kendrick

  27. Frieda Paton

    Referring to first paragraph of this post I would like to reassure you that your posts do have an effect – at least on this “anybody”.

    The concerns you previously expressed about RNA, endothelial damage, and blood clots caused me to stand and do nothing, and to orientate and orientate some more. With information coming in lately I have now decided firmly to swim upstream.

    Thank you and carry on, you are having an effect whether you see it or not.

  28. J. Parry

    Dr Kendrick, don’t be discouraged! You probably have no idea how many people you have helped and encouraged.

    Almost a year ago I busted the neck of my femur in a fall. As I’d already been wondering about whether to take “The Jab”, this gave more time to Do Nothing and Observe. While in hospital I had a letter with an appointment for THE JAB, which was of course impossible to take up then. I also, caught COVID in hospital, providing another reason to continue Doing Nothing. Thankfully (no doubt due in part to already taking vitamins C and D – added zinc later) it was a mild dose – not nearly as bad as the few times I had the flu.

    On returning home there was time to study, observe and further Do Nothing while moving into the Orientation stage. This was much helped by your blogs and a nurse friend who is even more sceptical.

    This resulted in a firm Decision – NO JAB unless they knock me out or hold me down to stick the needle in they missed their chance by not doing it during the op 😉 :-D).

    Taking Action so far is mostly talking one to one, commenting on Internet blogs with the medical information learned and giving people leaflets with information on supplements.

    Thank you too for confirming that someone who has been jabbed may be infectious and therefore possibly dangerous to us antivaxxers. A friend, who used to take me out while I was unable to drive, tried very hard to persuade me to get the jab asap. When she realised that I wasn’t going to she said she didn’t feel comfortable taking me in the car any more. I said “OK” and that was that. Sad, but there you go.

    How many others have fallen foul of the brainwashing and unable to listen to reason any more 😦 ? I’m just thankful for having escaped.

  29. Garrett Connolly

    Superbly written. I’ve missed your musings of late. Gar.

    On Fri, 14 Jan 2022, 14:28 Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, wrote:

    > Dr. Malcolm Kendrick posted: ” 14th January 2022 A few months ago, I > resolved not to write anything more about COVID19. I was having zero > apparent effect on anything, or anybody, and I was just getting > increasingly despondent at the destruction of science, debate, logic, > humanity, ” >

  30. May Hooper

    I love your blogs — I was however wondering a bit more re mask wearing . I believe, like you, that they can cause serious problems — I wear hearing aids and cannot make out what is being said most of the time, which causes me considerable anxiety. I just wonder what you think about Prof Trish Greenhalgh’s take on this, which impresses as being at odds with your own.

  31. Julian

    Thank you. I always look forward to your blog, in part because its humour helps take the edge off my anger. I am sure you will have more to say on the subject in the not too distant future. When is your latest book coming out, and how can it be purchased?

  32. Michelle Elaine Johnson

    Ah brilliant! My thoughts exactly! Thank you so much for posting. My friend group have been badgering me to have these jabs as well as my Rheumatologist so that he can poison me further with methotrexate to knock out my immune system. I say as Dr Robert H Lustig says in his book Metabolical, dont treat the symptoms treat the disease. Let whole foods be our medicine not processed junk. xx

  33. Steve

    We will never get back to ‘normal’ until people begin to act ‘normal’.
    I got really p*ssed off, frustrated and really depressed with the stupid mask mandates, to me ‘the science’, I studied, was obvious. So, I had a serious talk with myself and realised that, yes, mask wearing was causing me serious distress, seriously, and as such I met the government exemption criteria [1].
    Since last year I have not worn a mask. Mentally I feel much better. I have never been challenged, anywhere.
    Not wearing a mask is not being a rebel or an anti-vaxer it is your right if you believe it is causing you actual distress. Not going out, snapping at loved ones, feeling bullied, not sleeping well, fear of confrontation, depression all signs of distress.
    Today, in the sunshine, on the beach, some people masked up. Tell me this behavior is ‘normal’ ? We will never get out of this while people behave this way.


      1. Junkgirl

        I’m tired of hurting my own mental, emotional and physical health to calm someone else’s panic. I’m not taking a shot to calm anyones panic. I’m tired of feeding the panic. The lies. The evil oozing around us all. You do what you want but this 73 yo healthy recovered Covid gal is not getting older with a face diaper pasted on my face as standard equipment. Period. If people don’t take a breath and remove these sodden pieces of useless respiratory scum contaminated booger wiped filth from their apparatuses of freekin breathing that people can’t take their fingers off moving them around constantly then it will be the walking zombie look forever. Since most ears are plugged up as well and not hearing truth then there is nothin much going on inside is there? Just what our masters want. Do I care what these masked zombies feel? Nope. Not anymore. I’m over it. I have a couple of trusted friends and that’s fine with me. I am making sure I have health to carry on. No one is going to tell me what to do with my body. Not ever again.

        1. An Italian Australian at the tropics

          Junkgirl, I agree with you, a year ago I was still trying to convince my friends about how illogical and not rational this whole mess was, now I don’t bother anymore.

          I decided to completely ignore masked people, they don’t exist to me, but I smile and nod to fellow human beings without face nappies. It’s incredible how effective this simple act can be, I usually sit on a couch in the middle of a local shopping centre, and just being there without a mask could be a moral encouragement to people to do the same.

          An aboriginal friend said it’s like the blackfella nod, when two of them cross each other path in a town or city. It works wonder, believe me.

          If it helps just one person to take a stand and remove his nappy, it’s a victory. The vast majority are wearing it just to comply, you can tell that they don’t believe in any of this crap because a lot of them wear the mask under the nose or even on the chin, often is a several months old bacterial culture kept in the glove box (with 90% humidity and 30 plus degrees all year round, you could grow mushrooms on those masks).

          1. Eggs 'n beer

            You’re a lawless mob up there. Down in civilised Brisbane I’ve no-one to nod to.

            Interesting, and probably valid concept. I feel like getting a T-shirt made of a mask with mushrooms growing out of it.

          2. andy

            I agree, I chat to unmasked check-out girls whilst a captive glowering band of surly be-masked customers wait behind me…all unable to really pretend that that is a normal human condition. I leave, not looking at anyone in the eye..unless they are unmasked.
            It’s powerful and makes a point to everyone there ..some of whom actually might go to the pub later, one entirely full of healthy unmasked people!

          3. AhNotepad

            I do something similar, but I think that saying it’s powerful and makes a point to everyone there is self delusional.. It’s just as likely the ones dressed up in face gear are thinking there’s another of those selfish nutters who doesn’t bother protecting other people.

    1. Penny

      This morning I passed, yet again, a patently aged cyclist riding through the countryside wearing a mask. He was alone. I wondered how much his oxygen intake was compromised and why he was so fearful that he felt threatened by country air. To me, this seemed stupid and sad.

    2. Martin Back

      It has always puzzled me that those who claim a cloth mask cannot stop a virus also claim it cannot pass a CO2 molecule which is orders of magnitude smaller.

      1. lingulella

        That is not the claim though. The respiratory process requires unfettered access of the inhaled and exhaled air in order to function properly – our URT is not designed to function properly while access is impaired by obstructions at ingress and egress. No doubt someone far more qualified than I will explain it all with reference to partial pressures of gases etc etc, but the bottom line is that if we could function fully with a more restricted airway then nature would have provided us with one – it hasn’t so we probably cannot. Note the serious mask manufacturers like 3M put limits on length of time masks should be used, typically 2 hours max for N95/99 masks.

      2. AhNotepad

        There is some problem with masks, as surgeons.who were studied were found to have lower blood oxygen levels after they had worn masks for prolonged periods.

        1. Eggs ‘n beer

          To say nothing of the study (Orr et al. 1980) that showed post op infections halved when surgeons didn’t wear masks.

          I wore a mask once. I couldn’t stand it. Claustrophobic. That, with the knowledge that there a no sound studies showing that they are effective and several showing that they aren’t or are in fact counterproductive, which should be enough to cause anyone a panic attack, led me to claim an exemption. I’ve been questioned a few times, but always politely, and the exemption has been accepted. Not so my wife who was told if she has an exemption (she showed the one her GP gave her) she should be wearing a yellow “I’m exempt” badge.

          Hold left forefinger horizontally under nose.

          Click heels.

          Raise right arm at 45 degrees, fingers extended.

          Think of John Cleese.

    3. Valda Redfern

      I don’t wear masks either and, like you, have never been challenged about it. I’m done with wearing masks for the sake of sparing other people’s feelings: if they’re afraid, they can stay home and spare my feelings of pity.

  34. steve cook

    On the beach ,where? Yes wearing a mask on the beach is daft. But being extremely vulnerable I will be wearing one even if the Gov. says no need .Someone once said ‘ Common sense is not very common’ , seems so.

        1. Binra (@onemindinmany)

          Masking against exposure to truth is fear of truth. This locks fear IN, and healing OUT.
          So the modern fixation on shame with bare bodies or genitalia is … a modern derivative.
          I have reason to associate fig-leaves with the priest class. Ingenious thinking is the masking of a mind in obfuscations.

    1. Robert Wursthaus

      That is your right, even though the Science says they do not protect, you must do what makes you feel secure, I do not agree, but I feel your fear.

    2. AhNotepad

      That you wear a mask might make you feel better, but it will not affect your acquiring an infection. What grade of mask do you use? Assuming it might be able to filter pathogens, do you put it on immediately after washing your hands, then not touch it again until you remove it, and then dispose of it, and wash your hands immediately?

  35. Binra (@onemindinmany)

    As a ‘student of ACIM’ I note that “I need do nothing” is the final but pervasive realisation for true release of False Evidence Appearing Real.
    The qualification in its teaching being that we do nothing by our self, while the illusion of being a doer set ‘over and apart from life’ brings a result of being subjected under the measure of our own giving.

    When China caught a Cold by War propaganda blitz, I pointedly ignored what was evidently gaslighting of fear, guilt and coercive manipulations. When it became clear that the population had taken the bait and the psyop was irreversibly running, I looked deeper into the underpinnings of the psyop as an interface with back doors in our psyche.
    As I am not trained and invested in ‘establishment’ or orthodoxy, I have freedom to question Koch’s pustules & Pasteurised history. Lockdown to Cells that Ling found no membrane pumps for, and filled with entities that Hillman revealed as artefacts of a pathological methodology.
    Malcolm has to at least try to cling to some wreckage of a false or mistaken model, even if just to survive long enough to land like a bottled message on some other desert island and open the mystery of Communication beyond time and distance.

    ‘Be still and know’ can be mistaken as a means to GET by a mindset for GETTING.
    But know in this sense is not some Promethean light, or Prodigally mis- taken inheritance but who and what you Are – as distinct from F.E.A R.
    When we see through a false assumption, that’s it! – there is nothing more to do there but leave it behind us and engage in what is true. There is an action component to being you that embodies who you are. The impact your choices and acts have on you is of course total, but unless you are aligned in purpose you are too busy trying to be what F.E.A.R says you are, should be, or should hate yourself for being.
    To align in and be at one with my lawful wedded life is not your business, nor yours, mine, excepting we meet in truly shared worth or value and purpose.
    the intent to help may often carry a great deal of hidden hindrance as a result of false presumptions, but we can appreciate or find redeeming value in the thread of a truehearted connection – which is when we ‘get out of our own way’ while what needs doing finds its way to be done. Everyone knows we never can or have become a self-autonomous micro managed control system – yet this ideal is the world we think we want that real life never gives us – hence the civilising of tantrum control ratcheting to fully armoured paralysis or indeed rigor mortis.

    Breaking the mould in vengeance as if the tools defeated the workman, is often a first reaction.
    Shifting to a perspective of humour and relational awareness allows breaking a spell rather than trying to impose an even stronger counter spell to the mind virus that propagated by all and any attempt to eradicate, escape or hide it in a ‘solution’. F.E.A.R is translated to reaction automatically by an automaton or programmed set of acquired and conditioned habits.

    As infants we took on guilt or ‘self-wrong-ness’ such that our connection with unselfconscious joy in being was undermined, each in different patterns of experience and strategy of survival.
    Yet the genius for natural learning remains in our being, wherever we uncover and engage our interest and resonance with what truly moves us. No one else has come here to be you, and no one else can tell you what you should think or do – for doing automatically follows from who and what we accept true – whether expressed or inhibited or allowed to move us as life intended.

    The urgency is to truly connect, the rest will then unfold within the context or terrain of who we are, as a self revealing act, rather than self-concealing mask set in ‘action’.
    We learn by doing’s feedback, and so what we are always already doing is revealed by allowing awareness in.
    Much attacked as disease is the body’s attempt to heal or restore functional integrity.

    1. Susan

      This sounds like the late night drunken philosophical discussions we used to have in the college dorm … next day it was remembered mostly as mumble jumble

  36. Prudence Kitten

    “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves; nor can they be safe with them without information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe”.
    – Thomas Jefferson to Charles Yancey (6 January 1816)

    Democracy works only if most of the people are intelligent, well educated, well informed, and actively interested in politics.

    The best alternative is the dictatorship of one or more people who are actually virtuous. Marcus Aurelius is the best known example. Unfortunately, his son Commodus, who became emperor when Marcus died, was a vicious beast. Heredity is unreliable.

    So what lies between us and working democracy? The average intelligence of the people is falling slowly but steadily, as a direct result of the decreases in child mortality. People today are noticeably stupider than their opposite numbers in 1850. Education has been seriously, and no doubt deliberately, degraded. In 1850 every American schoolchild – and probably British ones too – knew a vast amount of detailed information that today’s children completely lack. It was routine for children of 8 to know their complete 20 x 20 multiplication tables. State education has led the way in dumbing down. Naturally: ambitious politicians just love stupid, ignorant constituents.

    It is harder every day to be well-informed. You really have to choose some good blogs (such as Dr Kendrick’s) and work from there. You have to stop watching TV, listening to radio, and reading the press and popular magazines. Still you will come across a good deal of nonsense, some of it truly poisonous. You just have to learn to sift it.

    Even with the smartest, best educated and informed people, you cannot have a functioning democracy unless a lot of them are actively involved in politics. We can’t sit back and leave it to politicians, or you wind up (as we have) with a whole political class that is purely selfish and uncaring.

    How to start?

    1. robertL

      Prudence, well said.

      Democracy begins with a (real) fair and free election. It never ends there. Yet many believe that once elected the majority dominates.
      Democracy only happens when:
      Those elected truly do the best for ALL voters and their dependents (without distinction).
      Those elected treat ALL voters and their dependents equally without favour to any.
      Those elected fear the voters. (Laws must protect the voters from the government).
      The voters never need fear the elected. (Laws do not specifically protect the Government (as a special class) from the voters).
      Then you can say this country is probably democratic.

    2. Junkgirl

      I turned everything off April 2020. I just listened to my health blogs and podcasts because my first instinct was to get healthier and bump up my already strong immune system. I’m 73. Consequently I did not get inoculated with the fear virus. And remained calm and with a healthy skepticism. My anxiety has only risen in the age of the clot shot. I’m retired so i don’t have to make those horrible choices of shot or inability to feed your family. Line up my children in a planet wide experiment. It’s evil all around now. But it is cracking. EVERYTHING I had some trust in has been blown apart. Including trust in my church. Not in God. My faith holds me together and protects me from fear. I will not comply.

    3. Eric

      How about starting with a bit of logic?

      “The average intelligence of the people is falling slowly but steadily, as a direct result of the decreases in child mortality.”
      Did dumb kids use to die at greater rates than smart kids? Maybe poor kids died at greater rates. Are you implying that the poor had stupid kids? This is thin ice you are treading.

      “In 1850 every American schoolchild – and probably British ones too – knew a vast amount of detailed information that today’s children completely lack. It was routine for children of 8 to know their complete 20 x 20 multiplication tables. ”
      Source please? It may have been easier to drill this into kids if there was less other stuff on the curriculum, and if being a good shopkeeper or carpenter depended on getting your multiplications right.
      But for what it’s worth, my kids had to learn 20 x 20 multiplication tables in third grade in a regular German elementary school.

      “It is harder every day to be well-informed. ”
      Is it really? The amount of information available to us has multiplied with the internet, and it is much easier to get non-mainstream information and analyses published than it was at any time in history. I’m with you that one needs some education and critical thinking to weed out all the noise and disinformation. I am also with you (based on my experience in the 80s) that American high schools do not strive to foster a good education and critical thinking skills into all of their students.

  37. Heidi D.

    I love Malcolm Kendrick’s sarcastic sense of humour but, more importantly, I love the absolute common sense that he unashamedly speaks.

    We would all do well to apply more OODA!

  38. Peter Whitehead

    Hi Malcolm

    Thanks for another great email.

    I frequently use a simple example for those that make assumptions (ie. that masks work) ; 

    I assume that the sun goes around the earth.  I can see the proof with my own eyes so it must be. I ignore that pesky Galileo chap and his weird ideas!

    I find it a very effective way of getting people to think “outside their box”.

  39. kenfurphy

    When I started nurse training in 1978 , I got a bollocking for allowing a post heart attack patient to use a commode by the bed , apparently it was less of a strain for him to have his bowels open whilst perched on a bedpan

  40. Margaret phillips

    Glad you did write more ☺️It made be chuckle…a much needed chuckle.Loved the analogy of the tennis racket and sand to the wearing of masks. I will use th

  41. Cookie

    Sweden has done no worse, but how are the people generally? How is society functioning? If the response is as usual then I say Sweden has done wonderfully compared to places like Australia.

    What the Wuhan virus has shown us us representative democracies have outlived their usefulness, the pyramid of power puts too much power in to many foolish hands.

    How to remedy this situation when the majority are like children in thought and action is the challenge.

    To create a system that promotes reason and thought above all else and to reward those who reach levels of reason, thought and compassion with voters right’s.

    To be able to vote in society is given away to cheaply to all our detriment.

    1. Dana

      Sweden may not have followed the WHO guidelines strictly but has taken up the vax pass, also Russian Federation. The digital ID was part of the plan, so we are run by BigTech, BigPharma and BigBanks not elected representatives. I am gobsmacked at the statements of Trudeau and of Macron toward the vaccine hesitant.

          1. Jerome Savage

            Those tasked with the virus mania mandate have closed vision. Their mission is impossible, blinkered and self serving. They care not what collateral damage they inflict, just as the US army/airforce in its various missions can let no obstacles interfere with its programme, a programme to reap incredible rewards for the cheerleaders and back up capitalists. Same with the beady eyed “science” fellas with the microscopes peering down in to isolation. Would they bat an eyelid if it was decided that the only way to eliminate this virus thingy is by way of nuclear detonations ? Well the nuclear option has been applied to western society and they don’t appear to notice the social or societal harm. Blinkered i tell yah, blinkered ! (at best)

  42. David

    Woman’s Hour on BBC radio4 this morning had a midwife of many years experience who, along with some of her colleagues is refusing the vaccine. They all face being dismissed in April. The programme brought on a medical expert who explained that being vaccinated meant you were less likely to spread infection. The feedback from listeners was, of course, condemnatory of the midwives. I tried to find the evidence supporting the “expert” but could only find evidence to the contrary. The grinding down of anyone exercising their rights continues. Shameful.

    1. Roisin Dargan-Peel

      In an attempt to challenge and to help others question the dominant thinking and health policy in the UK I have found el gato malo (Substack) and John Dees Almanac (Facebook and Telegram) to be wonderful sources of information and data. Their understanding of data and their analyses has kept me sane at times!! With reference to the comments made by the ‘medical expert’ you mention, el gato is currently exploring the possibility that the jabbed are driving infections and thus present more of a risk to the unjabbed rather than vice versa. If you don’t already know of them, you might wish to look them up?

  43. Rob

    Wonderful post, really cheered me up. One of the good things to have come out of this mess, is that a lot more people are awake and asking the right questions. And I think these questions are going to make life very uncomfortable for those in power.

  44. howie

    What to make of all the lockdowns – and testing – isolation periods – mask wearing – in Asia – such as Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam (China?) – that claim to have done much better than most western countries

  45. sticky

    I would say that the ‘damage limitation’ has already started, judging by the recent easing-off of ‘self-isolation’ periods, and similar moves in Wales and Scotland.

    I will stick my neck out, and say that, probably within a week, the ‘government’ will be saying that there will no longer be a need for ‘vaccine passports’ in order to enter nightclubs, go to the theatre or attend a sporting event.

    Either that, or they will be coming for the 25 million of us who have not even had one jab. But, somehow, I can’t see that.

    No noisy No.10 parties now, just the overwhelming sound of rustling feathers, as the headless chickens run around flapping their useless wings.

    Soon to be accompanied by the overpowering smell of soiled underwear.

    1. halifa51

      Do nothing. As we did in 1968. Anyone remember it? Of course not. People died. The economy remained sound. Children’s education and mental health were untouched. Small businesses did not close. Livelihoods were not lost. A mad chancellor did not just keep printing money and rack up an unpayable national debt. And so on.

  46. hbyd

    I wear a mask because I still (maybe incorrectly) believe while wearing one won’t stop the virus completely, it might still slow down the transmission rates. If nothing else, it keeps my face warm outside in these frigid Canadian winters. I find it distressing that countries like mine are willing to fine and vilify the unvaccinated for overburdening their health care system, yet they have no interested in examining why their healthcare system is overburdened in the first place. Hmmm could it be that it was already underfunded? I have only a high school level education, yet somehow I knew to expect that a world wide pandemic was due, (1980’s grade 10 history class I believe), why were all these countries not to mention the world health organization so unprepared? And if it didn’t happen organically (Chinese lab), there are 59 Containment Level 4 laboratories throughout the world (Canada for instance) working not so secretly with all sorts of nasty things yet, nope, not prepared for an accident, not us! Why so damn unprepared? It’s infuriating. I could go on and on.

    Nice to hear from you again.



  47. Sasha

    On the question of Sweden: while their covid mortality numbers aren’t as high as some other European countries that went into lockdowns, they are considerably higher than Finland, Norway or Denmark, correct? (I got the numbers from “The Real Anthony Fauci” book). So, when evaluating whether lockdowns had an effect on covid mortality, shouldn’t we compare like with like as much as possible? Vikings to vikings and not vikings to UK, for example?

        1. Sasha

          By mentioning all cause mortality, do you mean to say that lockdowns killed more people by other causes than they saved by preventing them from getting covid?

      1. Sasha

        I just checked ethnic composition of Sweden and Denmark. According to Wiki, every fourth (24.9%) resident in the Sweden has a foreign background. However, the most common foreign ancestry is Finnish. They comprise 5% of all inhabitants of Sweden. Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians and Somalis all together comprise about 5% of Sweden. There are probably other non-Western immigrants but Wiki doesn’t break down further by categories.

        In Denmark, 14% of inhabitants are immigrants. About 9% of Danes are of non-western origin (Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Kurdistan, Pakistan, Thailand, etc).

        So, unless I am missing something, these are pretty comparable stats on dark-skinned people living in Sweden vs Denmark. I would be interested if anyone could give their opinion on why covid mortality numbers are so different for Sweden vs Denmark, for example.

    1. Gary Ogden

      Sasha: Demographics play an important role in these comparisons. As I understand it, Sweden has a higher percentage of dark-skinned immigrants than some of the other Scandinavian countries, and they would be more likely to have low vitamin D levels.

      1. Sasha

        Gary: Are you sure about that? Because I looked at Sweden vs Denmark and Denmark doesn’t seem to be that far behind in the proportion of dark-skinned immigrants

  48. Bev Courtney

    Excellent! Thank you for another good post. Your humour is always cheering. Re masks: I went to my GP the other day to get a repeat prescription and passed a lady outside the main entrance doors, presumably waiting (outside!) for a consultation. In addition to the usual cloth mask, she was wearing a huge piece of rigid plastic that extended from her forehead to below her chin. I goggled in amazement, went inside and sat down with my (mandatory) mask deliberately below my nose as I always do now. When her GP came to call her in, of course she couldn’t hear him and he had to fully enter the waiting room and wave frantically to her. I don’t know about anyone else, but I was glad my mask hid my huge grin.
    One of the first things I did when masks were made mandatory was to look up the size of the average virus particle and the weave diameters of some common materials. That convinced me. So I loved the ‘trying to pick up sand with a tennis racquet’ analogy.
    Oh, and I loved The Clot Thickens.

    1. Penny

      I think that it was Piers Corbyn who said something along the lines of…like trying to stop a fart with your trousers. Made me smile.

    2. Eggs ‘n beer

      In the interests of science (whatever that means nowadays) I dissected a standard mask.

      Aim: to determine the potential for transmission through a standard blue face mask of large droplets.

      Method: a face mask was dissected (sorry Dr K, old habits die hard) by slicing the outer covers of with a pair of scissors. The internal pad was placed under a microscope at 50x multiplication.

      Results: in several areas of the mask the illuminating light could be clearly seen through the weave of the fabric, which was also observed to be irregular.

      Conclusion: the cost of the face mask was not wasted by the experiment as it was totally useless anyway.

      Discussion: should I have taken the mask back for a refund?

  49. Super Ron

    Informative as always – I think you may appreciate this link.
    270 Doctors Demand Spotify Implement COVID-19 ‘Misinformation Policy’ Over Joe Rogan’s Podcast | The Daily Wire
    A group of 270 medical professionals sent an open letter to Spotify to urge the platform to add a misinformation policy, especially regarding COVID-19, over the success of Joe Rogan’s popular podcast.


    1. Junkgirl

      Yup. 50 million views so far. Can’t have that many getting the truth you know. It was AWESOME. Im sure the actual existence of every signee to the petition was checked. Yeah. Sure. You can use bots to do that kind of chicanery.

  50. karen elliot

    There’s science, and there’s medical science. I dont know much of the former, the latter seems intent on trying to kill me…
    I dont refer to Eastern medicine and the many naturopathic healing modalities as science. I consider them arts…

    1. Junkgirl

      My number one job is to stay out of conventional docs offices and hospitals which are just becoming death traps. I see a functional medicine doc. No one is vaxxed there. I feel safe and respected.

    2. David Bailey

      I’m not so sure about the rest of science – think of climate change science!

      I reached the level of a post-doc in Chemistry, and I moved on to software development because it became crystal clear that thread of department valued expediting his students’ PhDs at the expense of continuing to run seriously faulty equipment that rendered their data pretty meaningless.

      The quality and honesty of science has slid a lot further since those days.

    3. Prudence Kitten

      Science is fairly well understood, and has done us untold good. But – science, like constitutions and holy books, cannot do anything on its own. It can only guide the actions of people.

      In the golden age of science – roughly 1550-1950 – scientists were mainly motivated by curiosity, ambition, and the hope of doing good by being able to invent useful machines, medicines, etc. Because very little had yet been learned, they could make excellent progress by picking the low-hanging fruit. Dissecting bodies and recording what they observed; looking at the celestial bodies with telescopes, recording their motions, and doing some relatively simple maths to work out Newton’s laws; combining fairly common materials to work out the basics of chemistry; observing the simplest phenomena of electricity and magnetism; ending an epidemic by removing a pump handle; etc.

      Thos scientists got by on their own means (if wealthy), or clubbed together to pool resources; or (most often) had rich patrons – kings, dukes, universities, or even the Church. Thus they were not much motivated by hopes of profit – those who were became technology entrepreneurs like Edison and Ford rather than pure scientists.

      Since 1950, as Dr Kendrick has often explained, science has become so complicated and expensive that it usually must be funded by governments or corporations. They dictate what results they want, and scientists have to dance to their tune. Eventually, we get people like Fauci, Ferguson, Vallance and Whitty acquiring real political power that even dictators like Stalin would envy.

      1. Eggs ‘n beer

        And then there was Jenner, a not terribly smart, and particularly lazy, second or third rate country surgeon who purchased his qualification of Doctor from Edinburgh University, faked his entry into the RS and got the government to fund his cow pox inoculation program. The only thing he seems to have worked hard on was marketing the cow pox goo and suppressing any dissent or objections to his government funded gravy train and fame by the same tactics used today.

  51. Martin Back

    Here in South Africa our scientists, who are sharp enough to have spotted Omicron before anybody else, and brave enough to announce that it caused a very mild infection on a par with the ‘flu, influenced the Dept of Health to drop some restrictions.

    Two days later, the Dept of Health reversed its position and reinstated the restrictions. Why? The public demanded them!

    Honestly, we live in a world of brainwashed, thrice-jabbed sheeple who want everyone else to be just like them. I despair for the human race.

    1. karen elliot

      Never accept any Authorities claim “the public demanded” (the reinstatement of restriction.).
      How often do we hear governments claim they’re acting in the publics interest, bowing to public pressure, etc.,. Lies. Bullsh*t. Shifting the blame. Dodging responsibility. Doing what they intended to do anyway…
      Governments dont know what the public thinks or wants because the public dont know…

      1. sticky

        karen elliot, this tactic has also been used by the pushers of 5G, claiming that the public are demanding faster connections.

    2. Prudence Kitten

      And precisely there lies the worst problem, Martin. We are accustomed to beliecving that if only we could attain a pure democracy all would be well. But that can work only if the people can be trusted to get things right.

      Covid-19 has demonstrated, not only that our political and business establishments are riddled with corruption and absolutely unfit for purpose; but also, sadly, that the great majority of the people are ignorant, foolish, unable to tell between truth and falsehood, and – worst of all – easily brainwashed by transparent lies.

  52. Peter Ford

    As you so rightly said, people will behave like children. Almost everything in contemporary society conspires to infantilise, so without deep societal change we are condemned to relive these bouts of hysteria (climate as well as corona). Still, we must fight the good fight to kick down and grind into dust the now crumbling edifice of deceit you so correctly identify. Our intensity will make up for the other side’s superiority in media access. Next time I hope more non-medics like me will join the street protests, not just sit at their laptops.

  53. Mr Chris

    On the subject of masks, you cite a Cato org survey.
    Two points : Cato org has always seemed to me fairly to the right of the spectrum, even in American terms
    Secondly, in the heading, they refer to cloth masks, and even picture fashion statement masks.
    Is there a distinction to be made between, such cloth masks, what are called surgical masks, and the the various FFP masks particularly FFP 2 ?

      1. Eric

        The big issue is how people wear them, e.g. on the tip of their noses or using ill-fitting models or not fitting the metal strap.

        Surgical masks are not certified but are generally made of a similar three layer synthetic fabric with electrostatic properties. If you can find one that fits well, i.e. constricts when you breathe in and inflates when you breathe out, it is probably a lot better than a cloth mask.

        Accoring to testing by a consumer product testing foundation (, FFP2 mask material has very good filtering properties, but many masks did not pass their tests either because they did not fit reliably or their breathing resistance was too high. That being said, I was quite happy with the Leikang model when it was still available, even if it failed their test for breathing resistance. I never found it hard to breathe with that model and liked that my glasses did not fog up.

        Based on some superficial reading, I am led to believe that the difference between a well fitted FFP2 and FFP3 is marginal.

      2. Eric

        On reusing, one should not allow them to get saturated (which is mostly a problem if worn outside in winter, the sense of which is debatable), and drying them in an oven at 60 to 70°C seems to not hurt their filtering properties, based on some independent reports. Of course, a mask manufacturer would never sanction this as they are out to sell new masks.

        Another recommendation by some official health body I have seen is to simply air them for a few days after use.

        Having teenagers who must wear them at school and are notoriously not careful with them and more often than not ignore an invitation to bake their stash, I am surprised that the sky has not fallen yet.

        1. AhNotepad

          Eric, how have you assessed the lack of change in their filtering qualities? Assuming they did anything useful in the first place.

          As for your teenagers wearing them, it is an unlawful imposition, and you should refer to Anna de Buisseret’s statement here, and act on it. These are your children you should be protecting, as the law permits, not what the tyrants try to tell you.

          1. Eric

            As for baking masks, this is what I found in English:

            Researchers at the Münster School of Health have found in studies that “Sars-CoV-2 on and in FFP2 masks remains infectious at 70 degrees Celsius after more than an hour. Only at 80 degrees Celsius dry heat is no infectious coronavirus detectable after 60 minutes.” The scientists provide the following tip: First let the mask air-dry for a day. Then preheat your oven to 80 degrees Celsius (top and bottom heating), place the FFP2 mask on baking paper and then place it in the oven for 60 minutes. “The mask should only be reprocessed five times in this way and then disposed of in household waste,” the researchers write.

            As for the mandate being legal, I’m afraid German courts have not taken that view, and, agreeing with the mask mandate, I see no reason to take action.

          2. Eric

            They don’t even mention baking. Apparently, just airing them out for a day is enough if you are not working with patients.

      3. Eric

        Apparently, it is even more difficult in the US to find good masks:

        While I haven’t seen any non CE and FFP2 marked masks for sale in Germany, many fall short on fit or flow resistance, not so much on filtering:

        I would still like the EU to require independent testing on all imports.

        I just received a delivery of 3M 9320+ FFP2 masks, the winner of above linked test. They have a different shape from all FFP masks I have used before, head straps instead of ear loops, and a longer and thinner foam strip to seal around the bridge of the nose. While I have had Chinese FFP2 masks with a good fit, these seem to be in a class of their own in terms of an all around good airtight seal. Breathing resistance does not seem to be incresed, it is acutally lower than with some of the other masks I have tried. I will have to see if fogging of eye glasses is also improved. This is actually the most annoying and potentially dangerous thing about mask mandates. This is also why outdoor mask mandates are questionable (little risk of infection but increased risk of accidents).

  54. Jill

    Another good read – full of that rare quality, common sense, which, as you say, is not very common. I was reminded of an editorial in “The Lancet”, published circa 1971, in which “Mr Everyman” discusses what is best to have for breakfast. After dismissing every possible option on health grounds (including a glass of water – “it depends if it is hard or soft”), the article ends – and I quote.
    “In the long run, it is anxiety, not tobacco, coffee, or soft water, that is the hidden destroyer in the contemporary world.
    “Anxiety treacherously opens the door to every kind of accident and physical disease, cripples efficiency and murders happiness. In wartime, it was an indictable offence to “spread alarm and despondency” – even if the facts were true. It was recognised then that human survival depended on morale. It still does.

    “I do not know the answer to this dilemma: but I do know that medical researchers should open their eyes to the danger of activating anxiety, this insidious cancer of the human mind, this grey enemy of life – and should devote at least a part of their research to the aim of reducing, rather than increasing it.”

    Keep writing!

  55. sparrowca283284

    I, for one, am very glad that you have changed your mind about your resolution! I enjoy all your posts, but the Covid ones, in particular, have helped greatly to keep me sane (and chuckling) here in Australia… Many thanks.

  56. VeryVer

    Thank you Malcolm! You have the rare ability to pull together information from many different fields, which is just pure genius.

    1. Prudence Kitten

      I completely agree, VeryVer – but don’t overlook what is obsviously a vital ingredient in Dr Kendrick’s secret formula – masses of hard work and “midnight oil”.

      “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent”.
      – Calvin Coolidge

      Or, as my grandmother put it nearly a century ago, “…success seldom comes even to clever people if there has not been a background of steady and unremitting grind”.

  57. thecovidpilot

    I think that this post assumes too much good faith on the part of political actors. Perhaps the panic and confusion were designed to gain support for official measures that were planned before the pandemic was declared. Perhaps the official “science” was designed to provide a rationale and justification for oppressive measures like lockdowns and mandates.

    But maybe this post was designed to make us think and consider this possibility.

    There were too many actions that fit together whose purpose seems to have been to justify mandatory vaccination. The lockdowns were only for the purpose of getting the public roused and on board with mandatory vaccination as a way to escape lockdowns.

    If physicians had the freedom to advise their patients without fear of being struck off or fear of retaliation from employers, many of those who go along with the official narrative might advise their patients against vaccines and for early treatment with antiviral cocktails, which would possibly result in large segments of the public–especially the upper middle class professionals–begin to question official narratives.

    it seems to me that we should seek to provide legal protection for doctors as the next step forward. Is there a politician or political lobbyist in the house?

  58. David Bailey

    First I want to say how nice it is that you are writing again about COVID-19. That one disease dominated the country even now, and we need your thoughts, because you are clearly right on so many other medical issues.

    Secondly, I am amused that our buffoon of a PM, has quite by chance stumbled upon your policy of doing nothing. The NHS was clearly pushing for another lockdown for omicron, and he was starting to accept the inevitable, until it turned out that Whitehall seems to perform its work in a permanent alcoholic haze (which maybe explains a lot) and regularly broke all the rules. To save his own skin, he backed off from wrecking Christmas, he was then able to see for himself that nothing horrendous happened – so he seems emboldened to go for scrapping all the restrictions as soon as possible! I do hope that together with Sweden, we can help the rest of world to wake up from this lunacy – well I am an optimist!

    I hope I am not being over-optimistic to assume that omicron MUST mark the end of COVID-19, because it is rapidly giving everyone immunity against all the variants of the disease (It makes you wonder who made it).

    1. Junkgirl

      Well. The anagram of Omicron is Moronic. There maybe quite a few that were involved in its creation that fit the anagram. Who says the devil doesn’t have a sense of humor.

  59. Jeanie

    Thank you as always Dr K and happy new year to you.
    I’ve had a particularly rotten few weeks trying to live and understand my fragmented family because we refuse to “conform”.
    I’ve been threatened with “ let’s have a covid party because if nannie is so sure not being vaccinated is the way to go she won’t mind that we have omicron when we pop over” I responded by saying bring it on you idiot knowing fine well it wouldn’t happen because they never visit anyway.Boxing Day we were left outside on the driveway to hand over the Xmas gifts then they were going to visit their “vaccinated” in-laws,cruelty beyond belief.
    The other adult child,unvaccinated, then thought it was acceptable to invite us in knowing they were all Ill with omicron and we were unvaccinated ,but because of underlying health issues we are at risk regardless of vaccine status,they didn’t bother to tell us but we guessed and they then confirmed,I’m just as angry as I would have been if they’d had flu or chickenpox and not at least given us the option of a drop off knowing we are elderly and have compromised immune systems.
    What the hell is happening to the world???
    Thank god we have level headed people like yourself and your posters who share so much valuable information and resources with us non educated plebs who dare to question and make our own choices.
    Your post today has lifted my spirits again and just confirmed that we should stay true to our beliefs and time will tell if that was a mistake or not but I think Not.
    Take care Dr K from a heart broken Granny.

    1. Ann H

      Oh Jeanie,

      How awful for you.

      You are not alone. There are many others experiencing the same bizarre behaviours within their close families. I understand that they may be victims of mass formation psychosis/hypnosis as described by Dr Matthais Desmet from Ghent University. The Behavioural Insights unit attached to SAGE has a lot to answer for.
      The awakening will occur no doubt. It may not be pleasant when they realise they have been duped.

      In the meantime if you wish to meet like minded people…are you aware of the Stand In The Park organisation?… ( I first saw mention of it on this site last summer. So thank you to whoever posted the information )
      Started in Australia
      Every Sunday 10 til 11am at least, at a park hopefully close to you.
      There are now over 900 stands in the UK alone.
      Stands for freedom. A happy gathering.

      On 5th January 2021 Hammersmith Police Station, London were presented with 1100 pages of evidence against the use of the jab. 20 crimes cited include: misconduct in public office; crimes against humanity; corporate manslaughter and many more. A crime number was issued: 6029679/21.

      Documents have also been presented to the International Criminal Court at The Hague. The complaints being violations of the Nuremburg Code along with violations of various Articles of the Statute of Rome
      The Hague has acknowledged receipt with application Ref number: OTP-CR-473/21

      A Telegram Channel (header is the crime number) has much more information/ documentation about this.

    2. Clathrate

      Hello Jeanie – I feel for you and I’m so sorry to read your story & the cruelty that you have been through. Stay strong. Easy for me to say but don’t dwell on it. My son thinks I’m a tinfoil hat nutter – he’s made his choices and has to live with any consequences. I won’t have the jab and have provided evidence that has continued to persuade parents plus sister & brother-in-law to keep away (they now see the crumbling narrative with the Downing Street parties, etc.) – sister and her husband are having to put up with increasing coercion through their jobs. I’m hoping my daughter hasn’t had the jab – after providing loads of information early doors, I was ‘told off’ so I now keep schtum to avoid any fallouts. Hopefully as time goes on and water flows under the bridge, Granny Jeanie’s family will realise the hurt they’ve caused and appreciate without question the choices the wise Gran has made.

    3. David Bailey


      I take it you didn’t catch omicron from your family – perhaps because you take a vitamin D supplement as recommended by Dr K.

      I think events are moving fast, and your family may well be sending you a grovelling apology before long. They are victims of a carefully devised propaganda effort that seems to be falling apart – at least in England.

      1. Jeanie

        Many thanks sticky and no neither of us caught omicrom David lol im convinced its the b12 injections providing protection against covid and of course the d3/k2 and folate and multi b supplements that I have to take due to absorption problems,our diet is great but we need that extra bit of help to replace all the things we can’t absorb from our food as p.a sufferers .
        Has anyone had a look at Dr malcolm Campbell YouTube regarding the latest statistics what a shocker that will be once its fully out there.stay well guys

    1. thecovidpilot

      Vitamin D and zinc levels tank after any significant immune event, which would include vaccination. It would seem that those need to be supplemented quickly at significant levels after any immunization or infection.

      This is for educational purposes only.

  60. Zak

    Here’s my translation of the last post in Ichilov Hospital’s twitter feed

    “Hundreds of thousands of isolated for what? A huge population walks around asymptomatically with Omicron and we do not even know. Many become infected and unaware of it. During this period and in the current corona strain (Omicron) the guidelines should be adapted:
    Anyone who feels unwell should stay at home. Everyone else – let go and just do one thing – put on masks.

  61. thecovidpilot

    I’ll weigh in on masking as I am in field by training. Mask dynamics is a subfield of the physics of fluids. I have graduate training in physics and have a general understanding of the physics of fluids, although it’s not my field of research.

    All of the studies of masking which purport to show mask effectiveness miss one key fact. Droplets evaporate. Droplets less than 5 microns diameter evaporate within microseconds when exhaled. Droplets greater than 100 microns diameter fall to the floor. This is uncontroversial. The masks-are-effective hypothesis imagines that droplets between 5-100 microns will be captured by masks and held there. In the case of cloth and medical masks, this is nonsense. I will show why, shortly, hopefully so that a 5 year old can understand. (If you have trouble understanding, you might go find a five year old to explain it to you.)

    Evaporation rate of a glob of water of indeterminate shape is dependent upon three things: ambient heat, ambient humidity, and the ratio of air-exposed surface area to the mass of the water. You can test this at home. Measure 2 oz of water and put that water into a narrow glass or test tube. Measure another 2 oz of water and put that into a small saucer and observe whether the water in the glass or saucer evaporates the quickest.

    When a droplet encounters a mask, the mask will wick the droplet, massively increasing its surface area almost instantly. Droplets of 5-100 microns diameter will evaporate within microseconds because they will be wicked (past tense of “wick”) by masks so that their ratio of air-exposed surface area to mass will grow greatly.

    There is one caveat to this–the cases where ambient heat is relatively low, as in winter outdoors, or when ambient humidity is high, as in New Orleans year round outdoors. And outdoors there are lots of wind currents, so outdoors isn’t typically an environment where lots of aerosol infection is seen.

    The end result is that virus in the droplets will be aerosolized. And that virus will either be inhaled by the mask wearer or exhaled into the room. (Masking outdoors is irrelevant to anything.) Reinfection is not a good thing, so infected people ought not mask, it seems to me, but I am out of field on that question.

    N95 masks are a special case. They use electrostatically-charged fibers and Brownian Motion layering to trap particles, which includes virus. However, N95 masks will become saturated over time and I have not yet seen any time-saturation curves for N95 masks when viruses are considered. That means that any specification as to what time period can occur before changing out N95 masks is a SWAG.

    Of course, proper handling and fitting of N95 mask are required to use them effectively. If those masks become soiled with finger oil or other contaminants, their effectiveness will be reduced.

    1. Eric

      As a fellow physicist, I enjoyed your explanation, especially the part about the wicking action. This would be mainly a question of how fine the fibers are, i.e. what the chance of an aerosol is of hitting a fiber is. Obviously, the multilayered synthetic filters are much finer and more uniform than regular cotton weave.

      From what I’ve read, both surgical and FFP masks use electrostatically charges fibers. These are certainly good for attracting dry dust particles and making them cling. I am not sure that the charge is that important for droplets and aerosols because when they hit a fibre, they will get wicked.

      Cotton fibers will also wick but they also absorb the moisture, making them swell, so you don’t get to keep the accelerated evaporation due to enlarged surface for long.

      Once a synthetic or cotton filter gets saturated locally, its flow resistance increases, forcing the air to other locations of the filter or through a poor seal at its edges. I don’t think it will start launching aerosols and droplets because the air stream gets deviated to other locations, and because the water in the saturated area has strong cohesion, so launching droplets takes considerable energy.

    2. thecovidpilot


      I also enjoyed your questions.

      I wouldn’t call myself a physicist, lol. Trained in physics and did a little research once upon a time.

      Anything will wick–especially around pores, unless it is excessively hydrophobic so that even van der Waal’s forces don’t apply. Even metal mesh will wick, if it is fine enough. Think of door screens.

      “From what I’ve read, both surgical and FFP masks use electrostatically charges fibers.” You and I may have read different sources.

      Once virus is aerosolized as free virus, it will tend to stick to the fibers, right, with the probability of bonding depending on the degree of fiber saturation?

      I have thought a bit more about work done around mask pores as breathing occurs. Breathing would generate additional heat in the vicinity of pores.

      Yes, cotton fibers will swell a little. I can’t see this as being significant wrt droplets 5-100 micron diameter. >100 micron diameter, more, maybe, I don’t know. I don’t know the distribution of droplet size in breath. Otherwise pores would likely close and breathing through the mask would become extremely burdensome if the fit were tight. And jets with droplets would exit around the edges to a greater degree, as you said. But even there I would expect some free virus aerosol to be formed because work is being done (overcoming friction).

      Droplets will tend to cluster around mask pores and breath jets will draw them into the pore about half the time. Once in the pore, droplets will be attracted to the pore walls mostly through van der Waal’s forces/hydrogen bonding and will deform and bubble and the droplet surface area will increase as the droplet exits the pore. (Think of kids blowing soap bubbles with a wand.) Combined with heat from the work done going through a pore, droplets will result in free virus aerosol, I’d expect, as they exit a pore in a mask.

      And the movement of air through pores will tend to increase the rate of evaporation. I didn’t think of that when I wrote the original comment. More kinetic energy and more friction would occur, which means more heat.

      I’ve seen a couple of articles in Physics of Fluids about masks, but nothing looked convincing. Somebody paid for the articles, I expect.

      Any masking studies using solid particles to simulate breathing go straight to the trash bin.

      Does this comment count as physicoplausibility, similar to bioplausibility?

      1. Eric

        Well, if you’ve done research on your own and earned a degree in physics, you’re a physicist for life! Once you have been taught or have figured out how to think you can’t stop.

        My point about the swelling of natural fibers was that the fibers will trap lots of moisture with out a significant increase in their surface area. This is exactly why cotton T-shirts have fallen out of use for performance sports. They get saturated quickly because of insufficient evaporation.

        I would love to read more about water in semi-saturated mask materials if you have any half decent studies to link to.

        1. thecovidpilot

          I don’t see how the surface area of the fibers is relevant to my point about rate of evaporation of the droplets from 5-100 micron diameter.

          I don’t see cotton fibers trapping anything other than water–and precious little of that. I’ve worn a cotton mask and I’ve worn a cotton t-shirt. The t-shirt got soaked when I worked out, but not otherwise. The mask was never soaked.

          I don’t see how cotton fibers will slow or prevent evaporation. If anything, I would expect cotton fibers to increase the evaporation rate of droplets.

          This ought to be testable at home. Get a strip of cotton cloth from a rag to use as a wick. Place 2 oz of water in two identical glasses in the same location and see which one goes dry first.

  62. Clathrate

    Thank you for the latest blog. To echo other comments, I appreciate your covid blogs and there is always some new snippets.

    Right at the beginning, among the many things that I read was the 2008 HSE report ‘Evaluating the protection afforded by surgical masks against influenza bioaerosols’ (RR619) [ can download at ]. I have never worn a face mask including in a shop or supermarket. In the early days of face masks, when I’d be the only one in a shop without a mask, I’d be asked at doors if I had a mask until they got used to me (it never ever happens now) and was ‘challenged’ only twice – once at Sainsburys (short story – on asking the bloke if he was challenging / discriminating against me, he ‘chickened’ out) & in Specsavers (she stopped when I asked her to fetch the manager). I can’t believe that most people believe in the magical powers of a mask [at church the elderly priest and myself are the only adults ‘bare’ faced – I am ‘tickled pink’ by the number of times people touch their coverings and the various approaches taken during communion].

    The cruelty that is being forced on school children with masks makes my blood boil and, in a very unchristian manner, I’d like to mandate the face covering during waking hours of all of those responsible for demanding, imposing and continuing this façade (in some respects, I’m grateful for the Downing Street parties as I had fully believed that covid passes were almost inevitable in England – following their failures in Scotland and Wales – but the narrative is crumbling as is the level of fear factor).

  63. Chancery Stone

    Excellent blog and grateful to see you back on the subject. I live alone so am very much a lone wolf when it comes to Covid restrictions, all of which I have disobeyed (no staying in, no gel-using, no mask-wearing, no vaccine). I wash my hands very thoroughly every time I come in from outside and try not to touch my face when out, I also keep my distance where possible, and that’s it. But I do find that as more threats appear in the media, more rules are made, and more animosity is directed towards the unvaccinated, that I regularly think ‘Is it worth it?’ I often think ‘Just go and get the damn vaccine and your life will be normal again’. I also often think ‘AM I Covid-conspiracy-believing weirdo?’ If so, I am a bad one: I don’t think it was created in a lab or that Bill Gates chipped us, or, or, or, or… yet I still find myself on the outside wondering if I am a lunatic, or gullible in the opposite direction, disbelieving something that’s obvious to everyone else

    So all that confessed, I find your blog reassures me that I’m not mad and other people do actually think about Covid measures and how INCREDIBLY illogical most of them are. It also helps me control my overwhelming rage about the outrageous incursions they have made into our lives, and how easily they have been embraced. The population just rolled over and barked ‘yes’, and are still doing it now. This is my greatest concern. While I see quite a bit of bad temper rising, I still see much more obedience and possibly even more unvaccinated-targeting and oppression, which is worrying.

    The Govt has dug themselves, and us, into such a hole I don’t know how they could possibly get out of it without losing face. I also cannot see all those A-types and narcissists backing down over Covid. Can you imagine the fall-out if they just came clean and said ‘Well, actually, a load of that advice we gave you was unsubstantiated crap’? And the NHS, worryingly, seems even worse: more and more restrictions on seeing doctors, more and more panic about hospitals overflowing with Omicron patients, longer and longer waiting lists, with Covid as the excuse. I’m afraid I don’t feel optimistic that either organisation will change their attitudes, or their public personas of ‘Covid will kill you, but WE are here to save you’ any time soon.

    Anyway, short answer – I just wanted to thank you for this. It makes me feel less like a lone tinfoil-hat wearing lunatic in the wilderness.

    1. David Bailey

      We have not been vaccinated, don’t wear a mask, use cafes when I am out, and to be honest I’m no longer very careful about washing my hands when I come in.

      Fairly early on we realised that you could go out for exercise, and that included driving to the coast and cycling round the Wirral coast. We always found somewhere to get some food in New Brighton.

      About conspiracy theories, I am pretty sure there was a conspiracy of some sort, but the high-tech billionaires often seem to get detached from reality. Think of the billions that were wasted on driverless cars – which were just a billionaire’s dream. I think they did plan to take control of the world in some sort of way, but their plans are collapsing. I hope the truth is starting to come out, and that there will be a big fight back against such people.

      The one precaution I do is to take Vitamin D and C – as advised by Dr K.

      1. Chancery Stone

        I don’t. I was talking about what runs through my head when I find myself an outcast from what the rest of the world is doing around me, and I was referring to being normal as in belonging to the tribe of ‘general humanity’ again, not as in ‘life is now as it always was’. Nothing about this is normal, and unless Tory politicians and NHS brass can eat their pride it won’t be normal for a very long time to come.

        1. Penny

          I was actually referring to the fact that you will be manufacturing S spike protein from the v but did not explain clearly. I cannot recall reading about limits to this manufacture.

  64. Eggs ‘n beer

    Plus the data sheets for N95 masks (3M for example) say they are not to be used for organic compounds. As the virus is contained in a lipid, that would indicate that they must not be used for covid.

    And nobody, NOBODY, ever follows the instructions critical to its effectiveness wrt washing hands before putting it on and taking it off.

    1. Chancery Stone

      Never heard that acronym before. Most excellent, and very applicable to the Covid response. Although I’m not sure we’ll ever get the apology part.

  65. Vaughan Jones

    Thank you Malcolm – that was a fantastic blog! And here’s Dr Toby Rogers (uTobian on SubStack) from the U.S.:

    ‘Maybe I missed it earlier but has anyone in the Biden administration explained the relationship between 1 billion tests and stopping the pandemic? It seems like a non-sequitur, particularly since they never bother to explain what one is supposed to do after the test. Do they know that a test is not prophylaxis nor treatment? I do not get how their brains work. Oh here’s a thing! We’re doing something(TM)! Who cares if it works, we’re just here for the participation trophy! Literally we could have ended the pandemic in 30 days by using treatments that the FDA and CDC knew worked on day 1 of this disaster. Instead we’re stuck in an endless bougie grift.’

    It’s a worldwide psychosis!

    Wishing you well

  66. Vivien Stratton

    It is truly great to get your wonderful musings although Covid is one helluva pain-the-ass subject – I really appreciate you revisiting and adding a little something! One thing I have come to which makes the doing nothing a great idea is that ‘doing nothing IS doing something’ – clients even hear me sometimes (I’m a homeopath)…. The other little phrase I use is ‘just because it’s horrid, doesn’t mean it’s bad’ – clients like that less. One of the most useful things we were taught is the prescription ‘Watch and Wait’ …..

    Warm wishes,

    Vivien Stratton
    07768 448 522

    From: “Dr. Malcolm Kendrick”
    Reply to: “Dr. Malcolm Kendrick”
    Date: Friday, 14 January 2022 at 14:26
    To: Vivien Stratton
    Subject: [New post] Don’t just do something, stand there!

    Dr. Malcolm Kendrick posted: ” 14th January 2022 A few months ago, I resolved not to write anything more about COVID19. I was having zero apparent effect on anything, or anybody, and I was just getting increasingly despondent at the destruction of science, debate, logic, humanity, “

  67. sticky

    I was channelling The Big O last night. He sang me a song, and asked me to post it here.
    Hope you like it, it goes like this:

    Those psychos can’t abuse you any more
    Covid days are due to end
    That’s the truth of it, my friend
    You won’t be facing lockdown any more

    BoJo, Turdeau and Macron
    The front men for an evil con
    Will soon be made to answer for their wrongs
    It’s over

    They’d break your world in two
    But now, what will they do?
    Their pants will fill with poo
    Then they’ll wail “We’re screwed!”
    “We’re screwed!”
    “We’re screwed!”
    “It’s over!”
    “It’s over!”
    “It’s over!”

    All you mates who speak the Strine
    You keep your heads, and hold the line
    And Kiwis, you must break the Witch’s spell
    How the mighty they must fall
    Pollies up against the wall
    And we will see the Sun rise after all
    It’s over
    It’s over
    It’s over
    It’s over!

    (Apologies to Roy. And Jennifer)

  68. thecovidpilot

    You can tell how much of a lack of critical thinking there is when people turn to medical people to find out about mask dynamics. Masking shows the tendency of people to cling for comfort to superstitions.

  69. Eric

    “As for masks – the sort of masks worn by almost everyone.

    ‘The use of cloth facemasks in community settings has …'”

    Are cloth masks still being used in the UK? I am with you that they are mostly pointless and maybe outright dangerous in some settings. However, I don’t think they have been legal in any setting where masks are required in the EU for more than a year.

    I am not saying that surgical masks or FFP2 masks are without problems, especially given how most people use them, but ever so sustainable cloth masks are long leading a quite life in the back of peoples’ sock drawers.

  70. Ian Partington

    Bang on the mark, as ever, Dr. K.! You should be standing where Whitty, Vallance and Van Tam have been in the Downing Street briefings. We need wisdom based on evidence, not b.s. strategies which have achieved nothing ( and probably worsened the situation). Keep on fighting the good fight!

  71. cvwbizwp

    Dear Dr Kendrick, I should have written to you ages ago simply to say thank you. I do not want you to think for a moment that you have had zero effect on anybody. Your posts are superb – succinct, interesting, full of relevant details and data and often amusing and boy do we need that at the moment. I first ‘discovered’ you over a decade ago and all to do with statins. We had returned from living in Asia for years and I found a GP practice and had the introductory 10,000 mile service. I was/am a reasonably fit and slim individual with a HDL reading of such height that I have often had it redone when it is queried. So my serum cholesterol can look a tad high. The GP said she would have me on statins by the time I was 60. So I changed GPs and started ‘researching’. Your book *The Cholesterol Con *and info I found from you ‘saved me’. I shall forever be grateful to you for this. Then when the bonkers hit two years ago, I was delighted that you started writing and I really must apologise for not letting you know sooner. Please don’t be despondent. It is the brave and true professionals such as yourself (and there are too few) who have helped someone like me to keep sane. I am not a tin foil hat wearer but I have thought from Day 1 that the response, globally, to covid has been grossly disproportionate. I am a physio, so what do I know, but I can read and have done so – extensively. I believe one of my strengths is common sense – surely the Diamond Princess was the petri dish we should have taken seriously (?) and now the news of Downing Street parties indicates to me that No 10 knew this was not Ebola or worse, even in May 2020, and knew that lockdowns do little if anything. I think there could be an inverse square law here – if Something really nasty, airbourne and highly infectious does turn up with an IFR across the board of say 40%, I believe the gov will tell us all is well, don’t panic and carry on because the reality of such a scenario would cause complete chaos and total civil destruction. We would need to be calmed down, not panicked or scared rigid, as has happened with covid. I am not vaccinated – I calculated my risk to be very small from covid and I knew from the start that no medicine, including vaccines, are totally safe and risk-free, so for me the risk/benefit is against me accepting the vaccine. Much of the MSM and many people, including a few friends (sadly), believe I should be in a concentration camp on the IoW. Late last year I thought they might get their wish but I am now much more optimistic that the mood is shifting. I think we will be grounded for a while but hey ho, there are worse things than travelling in one’s own country of which I am embarrassingly unfamiliar. If ever you are in the vicinity of Cheltenham and need a bed for the night, my husband Roger and I would be very pleased to have you to stay and it would be a pleasure to meet you. You could then sign my Christmas present – *The Clot Thickens *! Please keep writing and with many thanks again. Kindest regards, Caroline

    Caroline Willbourn NeuroRestart Therapy for immature reflexes Tel 07950 279411 Web Email

    On Fri, 14 Jan 2022 at 14:30, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick wrote:

    > Dr. Malcolm Kendrick posted: ” 14th January 2022 A few months ago, I > resolved not to write anything more about COVID19. I was having zero > apparent effect on anything, or anybody, and I was just getting > increasingly despondent at the destruction of science, debate, logic, > humanity, ” >

    1. David Bailey

      I think Malcolm should write another book aimed at NHS doctors. It would be all about how to stay just within the guidelines so as to remain a doctor, and yet be as outspoken about medical folly as possible.

      His son could start it off with a suitably snazzy title!

  72. Linda

    According to my sister the best advice I ever gave her (many, many years ago now) was if you don’t know what to do, don’t do anything. The answer always appears when you settle the mind and allow circumstances to unfold as they will, in that moment insight arises and is usually correct. 🙂

    1. Prudence Kitten

      I agree, Linda. But that sane advice is the diametric opposite of the received wisdom in the army and business. Theodore Roosevelt is said to have declared:

      “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing”.

      No doubt true in moments of emergency, but very wrong when there is time to think.

      1. AhNotepad

        Roosevelt had an opinion, it does not mean it was justified just because he said it. Boris said we will be protected if we get the booster.

  73. anon

    Hello. Thanks for writing. I fell so much better now.

    A worthless opinion: I think that abolishing all licensing in medicine could be a very good incentive for Doctors to just stand there and do nothing. “Hey Doc, your income does not depend anymore on being the lapdogs psychopaths. You are now free! And if you do some damage you will go to a real judge and you will have an opportunity to defend yourself.”

    Would not this be a better system to see who are the good doctors and who are the bad ones?

    And perhaps it would be even better if the patent system was abolished too. These two things, licensing and patents, seem to be the main cause of iatrogeny.

    Is it even fair to call it iatrogeny after all?

    1. Eggs ‘n beer

      An alternative system again would be to only pay doctors for doing nothing. At the moment doctors only get paid if you’re sick. Switch it around so that they only get paid when you are healthy.

      It actually becomes a health service then.

      1. Steve

        Either case is problematic. IMO, targets and performance metrics are always a recipe for box ticking and bad service.
        A better solution is to just pay Doctors based on their hours, like the vast majority of the rest of the country ! And, separate out wages and infrastructure costs.
        As someone who has socialist tendencies, I believe the medical profession should be treated like civil servants with defined pay grades and benefits – after all, they are supposed to be providing a ‘public service’ ?
        Of course arguing about pay and performance means we fall into the government’s trap of distracting from the real problems – underfunding and not enough doctors, nurses, surgeries and hospitals. All things the Tories said they’d fix, but haven’t.

  74. Suzy B

    Today’s madness is very much like the story of Chicken Licken. An acorn falls on his head so he immediately jumps to the conclusion that the sky is falling & he runs round fear mongering everyone into a frenzy. It doesn’t end well. Except for Foxy Loxy who we can probably equate to Bill Gates/ Tony Blair/ Klaus Schwabb/ Big Pharma (delete as appropriate according the conspiracy theory you aspire to).

      1. Suzy B

        The story I learned at school was Chicken Licken but I believe he’s AKA Little. Feel free to add as many despots as you wish x.

        1. jeanirvin

          It was Chicken Licken, in a school reading book when I was teaching, including Duck Luck, Hen Len and Foxy Loxy, among others. The next story in the book was about a doll called Betsy Lee. Every child called her Betsy Letsy!

  75. andy

    I personally think that its over. People sense this now.. So what happens next will be instructive. Either we get back to normal …or they will enact tyranny over us purely on grounds of that they can do.

    1. David Bailey

      I presume you live in England? I certainly get that impression here, although if Boris falls, I’m not quite sure – there seems to be a huge vested interest in keeping the panic going. It is frightening that the rest of the world doesn’t seem to see it the same way as England, even though they are fighting the same variant – omicron.

  76. Sara Holland

    Another excellent post, please keep them coming, they’re a crucial antidote to so much of the nonsense we’re bombarded with.
    Talking of observing and waiting.
    Are you familiar with the work of Dr Shankara Chetty, a GP in South Africa? I’ve found his take on whole Covid narrative, treatment and vaccines to be of great practical use and a source of hope and inspiration. He has examined and treated over 7,000 Covid patients from his tented triage facility in the carpark of his surgery/home and has collected detailed observations on the progression of all the Covid variants. Fascinating insights from this dedicated Dr serving his community in its hours of need.

    1. thecovidpilot

      From Burkhardt’s autopsies, it looks like the clotshots cause autoimmune disease, so antihistamines might work to limit damage for them. Antihistamines might also tend to reduce/prevent hyperinflammation from covid, so Chetty’s approach might have merit.

      1. Gary Ogden

        thecovidpilot: Interesting. I was last night reading Ch. 6, particularly about steroids. I think Budenoside is one of these, and it has been used successfully to treat the ‘Rona here in the U.S.

  77. JB

    Thank you for channeling Dr. William Osler. I was just writing about him this morning. I think his teaching was a more important landmark event in the history of medicine than vaccines were. Stop poisoning others and stop poisoning yourselves! Duh!

    Here’s my personal pandemic protocol. Simple and old-fashioned, it has kept me healthy for the last 2 years. And it doesn’t cost a dime:

    Letter: Old-fashioned treatments the best

    1. Sasha

      Good stuff. We used to do a lot of it in Soviet Union when I was growing up. People would breathe over all sorts of things, like boiled potatoes (I forget which one that was used for). Often times worked very well for URIs.

    2. Martin Back

      We used to put Friars’ Balsam into the water and inhale the steam.

      Personally, I inhale and snort out the warm soapy water after every bath. Been doing it for years ever since I read in a book on yoga that one should bathe the nasal passages since that’s where germs breed. Made sense to me, and I very rarely get a cold or flu.

      I read that in the Soviet Union they would hold a wound over a bowl of crushed onions for faster healing.

      1. Penny

        I still use Friar’s Balsam for a cold. As a youngster one of my ponies had nasal congestion and couldn’t breath (they only breathe through their nose). My late father filled a bucket with boiling water and added Friar’s Balsam and went out to the stable and placed the bucket under the pony’s nose. He maintains that on the second bucketful the pony placed its nose over the steam and kept it there. He did this all night and in the morning the pony’s congestion had cleared.

      2. Prudence Kitten

        I think garlic used to be called “Russian penicillin” back in the Soviet days when the US government wouldn’t allow the USSR to import them. Also the science of using bacteriophages was taken quite far, especially in Tbilisi.

          1. Prudence Kitten

            Phages do have drawbacks, of course; everything does. They must be refrigerated, and there are a host of phages – essentially one for each pathogenic bacterium.

            So it’s vital to diagnose exactly which bacteria are causing sickness. The doctors at the institute in Tiflis gained enormous expertise in that.

            Last I heard it was being shut down because it cost too much to run. Although the profits from just one Western “vaccine” would enable 100 such institutes to be set up and run for years.

          2. Sasha

            I talked to people in Georgia, including one word class scientist, and they said that Georgia was rapidly becoming a banana republic. There’s a large brain drain with young talented people either emigrating to the West to do science or going into business. There’s also reorientation of educational system away from hard sciences and towards producing lawyers, financiers, and service economy workers. That could be one of the reasons for that institute closing…

          3. Martin Back

            @ Sasha

            Admiral Hyman G. Rickover was a great proponent of quality education. He said something along the lines of, “We have more to fear from Russian schools than from Russian missiles.” So it looks like Georgia is taking the first steps along the downward path.

            Incidentally, while trying to find the correct quote, I found two more from the admiral that apply well to our medical academics and staff during the current pandemic:

            — “If you are going to sin, sin against God, not the bureaucracy. God will forgive you but the bureaucracy won’t.”

            — “More than ambition, more than ability, it is rules that limit contribution; rules are the lowest common denominator of human behavior. They are a substitute for rational thought.”

          4. Sasha

            Martin: I recently spoke to two physicists, one in Moscow and the other one in Georgia. Both of them lamented the destruction of the Soviet education system (they said it was based on the German system) and it’s replacement with the multiple choice system which discourages thought and trains people to take tests and think in algorithms which sometimes become just dogmas. In Russia there’s an attempt to revive that old education system whereas in Georgia, according to the scientist I spoke to, there’s a wholesale destruction of educational and scientific base.

            Both of them have said the same thing Eric said on this forum: once you learn how to think, you can apply it anywhere. The ex-physicist in Moscow said it took him about 6 months to learn the ins and out of the financial system when he left science and went into business to ultimately become very successful.

            The problem with the medical education, as I see it at least in the United States, is that it discourages thinking and encourages route learning. And when physicians begin to think out of the box, they are subjected to a lot of pressure to conform, much of which stems from outside financial interests that have nothing to do with health. In the US there’s consolidation of independent medical practices that’s funded by large hospital conglomerates or hedge funds. Every patient is looked at in terms of revenue that can be generated from “treating” them. Add to that a population that’s been “medicalized”, poorly educated, and taught to look for a quick fix (in other words – lazy) and you have a very sick system.

          5. Gary Ogden

            Sasha: Good analysis. In addition, we now have so many entitlements, and free money over the past two years, both of which discourage honest work, goal setting, and innovation. Add to that a vast bureaucracy. Putin was right on the money when he said the U.S. is becoming like the Soviet Union. The U.S. is a mess. Extreme wealth is in charge, and they’re not going to give an inch without a vicious fight. So many sheep we have, too.

          6. Sasha

            In regards to sinning against bureaucracy, “The Real Anthony Fauci” goes into details about what it’s like to sin against him and the bureaucracy he represents. It makes for very uncomfortable reading…

        1. Sasha

          One of the largest (maybe the largest) medicinal leech farms in the world is located outside of Moscow. I had seen and read about some crazy results from leech therapy when used by a well trained practitioner. Not surprising, if we accept the premise of Traditional Chinese Medicine that “blood stagnation” is responsible for many chronic diseases, including the diseases of aging. And Covid, it seems.

          Interestingly enough, I recently learned that Pharma developed its first blood thinners in 1930s by studying leeches’ saliva.

      3. Sasha

        Yogis use netti pots but as far as I know, they use slightly salty water. I wonder if soapy water dries out your nasal passages. Does it?

        Do crushed onions act as a bactericidal? That could explain the mechanism in healing leg ulcers. A cook once told me to never let chopped onions sit exposed for too long as it collects “bad stuff” from the air around it…

        1. Martin Back

          I’ve never noticed my sinuses drying out. If they do, they probably rehydrate pretty quickly. Incidentally, I also snort cold water straight out of the tap. It stings a bit, but I’m too lazy to warm it and add salt. ;o)

          Re onions: I can’t remember where I read about the Russian experiments, but there is a lot of information out there, for instance:

          “Inspired by such properties and impressed with the idea that ancient and traditional remedies should not be regarded as naive and absurd, Toroptsev and Filatova (S), of the Tomsk State University and the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the USSR, studied the effect of onion vapors on purulent inflammatory wounds. They placed the paste of one or two onions in a shallow dish the size of the wound and exposed the wound to the vapors for 10 minutes, usually in two 5-minute intervals, using the paste of fresh onion for each exposure. These investigations started with 25 patients, but for lack of onion (a striking commentary on war times) the number had to be reduced to 11. Of these, seven had amputations of the arm, one of the thigh, and three of the foot. In two of the patients the wounds were complicated with gangrene and in one with frostbite; the others were purulent and contained streptococci, white staphylococci, and other bacteria. All wounds showed distinct purulent inflammation, some with odor and edema of the soft tissue. Some patients complained of pain.

          “After the initial treatment all wounds became rose colored instead of gray, and there was no more complaint of pain. After the second treatment purulence subsided, odor disappeared, and regeneration was induced. Regeneration began to lag in a few cases after several days treatment, suggesting possible overexposure. Without minimizing the value of synthetic preparations to the practice of medicine and surgery, the Russian investigators take the position that the so-called phytoncides also have their place.”
          The Chemical Components of Onion Vapors Responsible for Wound-healing Properties
          by Edward F. Kohman of the Campbell Soup Company, SCIENCE, December 26, 1947

        2. Martin Back

          A further though. This line of inquiry i.e. treatment with plants died out with the success of penicillin, but imagine if penicillin had not been discovered and the Campbell Soup Company persisted with therapeutic plant treatments. We might be able to buy cans of soup tailored to various ailments. A kinder, gentler medicine. One can dream…

          1. Sasha

            Based on what I heard, the line of inquiry into plants continues but pharma companies are interested in identifying an active compound in a plant, creating a synthetic equivalent of it and patenting the molecule. A great number of drugs were “discovered” by studying plants, think aspirin, for example. I was told that nowadays one of the biggest lines of inquiry into plants by pharma is herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine because they are so effective. However, in TCM plants are almost never used alone but are combined into formulas and treatment is based on pattern differentiation. In practice that means that two people with psoriasis may be treated completely differently if they present with different patterns as recognized by TCM.
            Also, when I was in the Amazon, I was talking to Ashuars, one of the tribes who live deep in the Amazon forest. They told me that they sometimes get visitors posing as Peace Corps workers who do some relief work and ask them about their herbal knowledge since traditionally Ashuars treat everything with herbs that grow around them. These Peace Corps “volunteers” then take the samples of the herbs back home. The people telling me this story thought that the volunteers actually work for pharma.

  78. Leila

    Sad day for me as my sister has taken my 7 year old niece to the jab clinic in Queensland. Won’t be long before my brother follows suit with his kids who are in the 5-11 year old group. Really hope they’ll all be fine but it’s hard to be the only one in the family who feels this is wrong and to be so helpless. If only people would just keep waiting and holding off, and doing nothing!

    1. AhNotepad

      If common law works in Australia, that is wounding with intent, and after prolonged brainwashing giving informed consent is impossible, since people are in no fit state to consent.

      1. David

        Anna de Buisseret, former army lawyer, gave a very good online lecture on the common law and medical freedom.

        Essential watching for all of us, I’d say.

      2. Leila

        I feel the whole thing could be coming to an end so it’s more painful. If they could only hold off on the kids and wait a month or 2 longer.

        1. Prudence Kitten

          I’m afraid that may be why they are so anxious to get the kids jabbed now. Before the reign of terror ends.

      3. sticky

        It’s impossible to give informed consent to these ‘vaccines’ anyway, since the pharma companies haven’t disclosed what is in them.

        1. Prudence Kitten

          And even if they did make full disclosure of the ingredients, the vast majority of people have no idea how they work and what their side effects are. Neither do the vast majority of doctors and scientists. Nor, very likely, the very people who created them.

  79. patagonia1

    @malcolm I am sure you have been sent many article and youtube videos to watch and you cannot watch them all, but have you seen this one by Dr Shankara Chetty who claims that the deaths are caused by an allergic reaction to the spike protein on the 8th day of covid?

    What are your thoughts from a medical POV?

  80. Hillary Wilson

    Dear Dr Kendrick,
    Your recent email, reminded me of the foot and mouth epidemic in 2001. I have sent a rather long letter I wrote about it.
    I also recall the conversation I had, with an elderly member of the community whose father lived through the 1901 epidemic where no action was taken to stop the disease. The sheep were largely unaffected, some cows died but those which recovered did well and were described as ‘Fat as butter’ later in the year. Your comments on doing nothing were very relevant here.
    I took particular note of the reliance on modelling as a way of estimating spread of the disease, and realise now it is not factual science. It was a practically minded experienced vet who knew what was going on.
    It worries me as to the current situation with climate change as does the suppression of any sceptic voice.
    Yours sincerely
    Hilary Wilson


    1. Steve

      Modelling has its place but only tends to work retrospectively !
      The current problems are caused by the government using incompetent modelers who get it wrong every single time.
      Neil Ferguson’s record:
      2001 – Foot&Mouth – predicted 150,000 – reality <200
      2002 – BSE – predicted 50,000 – reality 177
      2005 – Bird Flu – predicted 150,000,000 – reality 282
      2009 – Swine Flu – predicted 65,000 – reality 457
      2020 – Covid 19 – predicted 500,000 – reality ?

      Q/ Why is this guy not in prison, or at least unemployed ?

    2. andy

      I was with a nurse this week who in her MSc course investigated modelling an infection.
      The results were crazy she said, so was advised that if this happened to “go back and alter the initial functions.” “This was essntially telling us to cook the books to get the result one needed. And after that time I never took the slightest interest in modelling to predict anything ever again.”

      1. Eric

        That is just science, and we do the same things in physics or engineering. You observe something, come up with a hypothesis, model it, and if it does not match observation, you change the model. That ain’t cooking the books.

        Same thing with Corona, you make an assumption, model it until you match past observations, and if it fails to follow your predictions, you have to change your model again. The problem here is that the virus and your population’s behavior and immunity status change in real time. Of course, you have to be honest when recommending changes in regulation that your predictions are just that.

        1. andy

          I see. “You make a model, and if it fails to conform to your data then you make another one ”
          Really? Thats all fine and dandy. Essentially, as I said…using your data to fit your model and then declaring you have discovered something wonderful, from looking at your model to see what data is in it. Circular logic.

          1. Eggs ‘n beer

            They used to be called theories. Theory of evolution, of relativity etc. Models, however, seem to work back to front, in that instead of data driving modifications of theories, models require the data to be modified to fit. Models of covid cases and deaths, climate change etc. Data is recalibrated, so that an infection becomes a case, vastly ramping up the numbers. Deaths with covid are used, rather than of covid, and they still couldn’t get the numbers – but continued to use the same models for each variant. Definitions of vaccine and immunity are changed to validate toxicity experiments, and the data of deaths and illness from the toxins ignored as they don’t fit the model.

          2. Eric

            Eggs, that is demonstrably false.

            If you don’t like the results you may change the definitions or endpoints but that is not changing the data.

            What I described and what happens all the time in Covid and other modelling is that in trying to understand the mechanics of a process you really change the model, not the data and not the endpoints, if the previous model fails to describe or predict the data. Model here is just shorthand for a theory of transmisson and viral multiplication in the body. Such a theory usually involves rate equations which are best intregrated numerically.

            The model may need to be changed if your theories were off, or when reality has changed (new variant, increased immunity, change of weather, change of regulations).

          3. Eggs ‘n beer

            No. Changing definitions changes data. From David Bailey’s 19th January post

            “I am not sure if this has already been posted, but someone has managed to pin down the ONS to report the numbers of people dying of COVID only (only reason on the death certificate):

            3362 men
            2821 women”

            Or you go with the narrative of covid deaths for 153,000 (inc. Scotland).

            If you change definitions or endpoints, the data changes because you are data recognition criteria have changed. The classic here was the “29 times more likely to be hospitalised if you’re unvaccinated” scam where the bulk of the timeline was pre-vaccination. Change the dates, and the data changes. Change the definition of vaccinated (7, 14 or 28 days after second jab, or, not vaccinated unless boosted) and the data changes. So often have I seen a headline or study where I know the conclusion is false and you have to plug away at the data to see what they’ve altered, omitted or simply lied about to present you with the “data” you need to know. Like this study:


            No abstract,so see the conclusion, “Risk of COVID-19 hospital admission was approximately doubled in those with the Delta VOC when compared to the Alpha VOC”.

            The definition of risk of hospital admission is based upon how long you are exposed to the virus before hospitalisation. Not simply the actual number of people hospitalised divided by the population. When you look at the numbers hospitalised with each variant, the rate of hospitalisation is 28.6% higher for alpha, which is what you would expect for the earlier, less virulent but more vicious strain.

            Change the definition, change the data.

          4. thecovidpilot


            I just published a post about how the FDA manipulated category definitions in order to hide the data.

            Most statistical lies are done by manipulating definitions.

          1. Eric

            Not familiar with the details and the history of that model. Did it contain assumptions that far off or did it not happen because it triggered restrictions that in turn kept its predection from becoming true (prevention paradox)?

      2. Martin Back

        In fairness, if you want to predict something you have to have a model to do so. It might a fuzzy mental approximation e.g. “same as last time”, or a mathematical function, or a fancy computer program, but there’s a model in there somewhere.

  81. sticky

    In light of the defeat by the House of Lords of the government’s Policing Bill, I sent a ‘template’ (Ripples) email to my MP, but added my own message (in bold):

    The House of Lords has rejected measures in the government’s Policing Bill which would have outlawed “annoying” protests and expanded stop-and-search powers for use against protesters.

    As my MP, I am asking you to vote to keep these lines out of the bill when it returns for another vote in the House of Commons.

    The government’s bill was designed to outlaw “disruptive” protests even when “people are not primarily violent or seriously disorderly”. It even outlaws static protests just for being “too noisy”.

    It adds up to a wide range of restrictions on the right to protest, which is a vital human right for all.

    Please, vote to keep these dangerous measures out of the Policing Bill for good.

    Mr Chishti, you may be aware that the Metropolitan Police are currently conducting an investigation into “crimes of Gross Negligence Manslaughter and Misconduct in Public
    Office” with regard to two prominent medical Chief Executives, and “United Kingdom government ministers, civil servants and media chief executives.”
    If you are not, I would suggest that you contact Detective Inspector Trevor Struthers at Hammersmith CID –

    It is thanks to demonstrators and activists that the above action has been initiated. Once the mainstream media are forced to inform the British Public about the above, I imagine that there would be little chance of politicians imposing yet more draconian measures on them anyway, so you might like to find yourself ‘on the right side of history’ by voting against these measures.

    1. David Bailey

      My only caveat to that is that while I am all in favour of people demonstrating about COVID and against vaccine mandates, I am not in favour of people disrupting traffic by blocking motorways etc.

      The ‘climate emergency’ seems to have all the same hallmarks as the ‘COVID emergency’ – dodgy science (including computer models) being used to railroad people into appalling mistakes.

      1. sticky

        Well, I think those Insulate Britain protests certainly, and possibly the Extinction Rebellion ones, were a ‘put-up job’ to get through this Policing Bill.

      2. AhNotepad

        Difficult one, as the anti-lockdown protests disrupted traffic in many cities and towns around the world.

        With the imminent lifting of restrictions in the UK, don’t trust the lying b(*&$£^£*s, they are up to something. They have lied thus far, so they will probably lie again, about the climate. Oh, they are doing that anyway, and waddya know, they are using models to predict what’s going to happen. So that’s alright then, not.

      3. Henry Smith

        The whole point of demonstrating is to get noticed. Blocking motorways certainly did that to the extent that the BBC and Daily Mail were ‘up in arms’. Virtually all Covid demonstrations have been brushed under the carpet by the MSM so we have had to endure two years of lunacy with no intelligent discussions in the MSM. I would suggest blocking Motorways is an excellent way to make your case against a corrupt government since the action cannot be ignored. The fact that people put up with government lies and continue to act ‘normally’ in the face of corruption and lies suggests to me that they need to be inconvenienced, as they say: ‘nothing gets your attention quite like a punch in the face’.

      4. Gary Ogden

        David Bailey: Indeed. One of our fundamental human needs is for energy, to stay warm, to cook food, to power the essential needs of our daily lives: lighting, transportation, the manufacture of goods, etc. The consequences of these mistaken beliefs (that a gradually warming climate is a threat, and that human activities are causal) and the policies being used in an attempt to slow it will fall most heavily on the poor and already marginalized, the majority of the human population. In California the politicians want 100% renewable energy by 2050. Nobody with expertise in the energy field thinks this is anything but ridiculous. Fossil fuels fuel our lives as we know them, and will for a long time to come. And they are still abundant. I think this is one of the issues which will lead to the collapse of the Democratic Party in the U.S., as they are heavily invested in this nonsense.

  82. thecovidpilot

    Why is it that the CDC and the NHS don’t give guidance about how to investigate suspected deaths from covid vaccines? Is it incompetence, corruption, both, or something else?

    1. thecovidpilot

      I want to clarify my previous comment. I mean that I would expect that official public health guidance be given on how to conduct an autopsy, similar to what Arne Burkhardt published at

      “Notes and recommendations for conducting post-mortem examination (autopsy) of persons deceased in connection with COVID vaccination”

      The CDC says for pathologists to wear PPE when they conduct autopsies. I expect more. Pharma researchers ought to have provided some notes for the CDC and NHS to use to prepare official guidance about how to conduct autopsies.

  83. Chmeee

    Excellent, as always. It reminded me of the Politician’s Syllogism:

    We must do something
    This is something
    Therefore, we must do this.

  84. Martin Back

    If you wear a mask you are probably inhaling microfibres breaking off from the material. Any possibility of an increase in lung cancers in years to come as a result of mask wearing?

    1. Steve

      And, there were previous reports of lateral flow test swabs leaving micro (plastic) particles embedded in the nasal cavities !
      Nose cancer anyone ?

      1. Martin Back

        Fibres seem to be uniquely damaging to the lungs. I’m thinking of asbestos. Maybe the body finds it hard to deal with the sharp ends. I don’t know, TBH, it’s just a thought.

        Another reason I speculate is that I smoked a pack a day for 25 years, and so far **touches wood** no problems in the ensuing 30 years. The thing is, I always smoked plain cigarettes, never filters, because filters made me cough. And dragging on a filter tip must also draw microfibres into the lungs.

        “given the choice between smoking ten filtered cigarettes per day or ten unfiltered, Shields believes people would probably be better off with the filterless. This is in part because he’s been tracking a curious rise in lung cancer that correlates well with the rise of filtered cigarettes.”

        The research focuses on tar content, deeper drags, finer microparticles etc, not on the presence or absence of fibres. So I have no research to back up my suspicions.

        1. Eggs ‘n beer

          Smoking pipes and cigars was always a lower risk than cigarettes as a whole – and the vast majority of fags were filtered. How ironic if after all this time it is the filters to blame. Makes sense though. Nobody has ever been able to link any chemicals to lung cancer, whereas asbestos, cotton, stone, coal etc. have all been conclusively implicated.

  85. Janice Willoughby

    January 20, 2022

    The Magna Carta aside, here’s what I see as some good news re the rights to self-direction in health care.

    By Marie Jackson & Mary O’Connor
    BBC News

    England’s Plan B measures are to end from next Thursday, with mandatory face coverings in public places and Covid passports both dropped, Boris Johnson has announced.
    The prime minister also said the government would immediately drop its advice for people to work from home.
    The PM said England was reverting to “Plan A” due to boosters and how people had followed Plan B measures.

    Mandatory Covid passports for entering nightclubs and large events would end, though organisations could choose to use the NHS Covid pass if they wished

    This appears to be good news. Here in the U.S., Starbucks has announced that they will not require Covid19 vaccination for their employees.

    I believe that work like yours has had much to do with positive changes in public health policies, Dr. Kendrick. As usual, thx.

  86. Matt

    As usual you are spot on Dr K. Many thanks for your brilliant posts and the time and trouble you take to produce them.
    Maybe this video has been mentioned before, but I found it to be very insightful as to what is going on. Professor Mattias Desmet of Ghent University reflecting on the phenomenon of Mass Formation as it seems to be happening now and what that means. Rather long, but well worth the watch and rather positive in tone I found.

  87. TFS

    I have asked this question many times on various blogs over the past two yrs, and yet I have still yet to receive any real answer on the subject.

    In relation to the Spanish Flu (or as a like to call it one of Americas first vaccine crimes), a certain individual reviewed the situation in 1921. I forget the link, but part of the review on tackling the flu outbreak was centred around masks and in particular the possibility of infection via the eyes. I’m pretty sure, they tried and proved infection via the eyes could indeed find its way into the throat some 24hrs later.

    So my question, for 2022. Is infection via the eyes a thing, and if so, why are the medical fraternity so quiet on the subject?

      1. David Bailey

        I think there were suggestions that COVID could enter the eye – not that it would give the person problems in the eye. There was a study that showed that people who wear glasses were less likely to get COVID than hos that didn’t.

        1. Junkgirl

          How are we supposed to believe anything at this point. Put a mask that also covers your eyes now. Wait. That’s what most of the brainwashed are doing at this point anyway. See nothing, hear nothing, feel nothing—except fear. I’m so over reading about this. Every tribe sounds the same now. Bye.

      2. Eggs ‘n beer

        Eye symptoms of covid sufferers include painful eyes, that is, the eyes themselves, mild to extreme photophobia and sore eyes. I can’t be certain, but these seem to be omicron specific. Many of omicron’s symptoms are specific to it.

    1. Martin Back

      Yes, infection via the eyes is a thing, that’s why they advise you to sanitise your hands and avoid touching your face and eyes. Although I believe it is more protective against ‘flu viruses, which are carried in droplets and land on surfaces that you might touch, than against SARS-CoV-2, which floats about in tiny aerosols which you can breathe in.

  88. thecovidpilot

    Some of you conspiracy theorists will find this a bit interesting.

    Apparently, the government of Alberta posted some data and then quickly removed it, showing that most of the vaccinated covid deaths occurred during the two-week waiting period after a vaccination–and then were added to the unvaccinated group.

    Then the government removed the data. But not before someone had already archived the data. [raised eyebrow and wry smile]

  89. andy

    The trouble for me is that once one finds outright falsity in the data, and it has been going on for years now… then there can be little trust in any of the figures whatever they indicate. If some government figures are fake then how can we trust any of them?

    1. Gary Ogden

      andy: Exactly right. What we have witnessed over the past two years is the colossal incompetence of both the “public health” authorities and the political class. The result has been mass murder. Even today, in the U.S., hospitals are refusing to treat patients using effective protocols, with deadly results. Hospitals are run by technocrats, not healers, and the Federal CMS (Medicare) has financially incentivized them to carry out these murders. Governments, and the health establishment, have become the enemies of the people they govern

    1. AhNotepad

      If this article is fact, the question is, how do these f in toadies get away with blatant criminal activities? Not that they are much good with their products, but the collateral damage caused by the also unlawful brainwashing, and as a result, incidental torture, should mean they are cared for in an institution for the criminally insane.

      1. Prudence Kitten

        I think there are two main reasons for their impunity. The first and more obvious is that hardly anyone ever gets to see such reports. How many British or American people have even heard of Dilyana Gaytandzhieva?

        More or less safe from public scrutiny, the ineluctable forces of government and business work just about as inevitably as gravity. Water runs downhill, and money moves steadily towards the pockets of the super-rich and their corporations.

  90. phillip tate

    To late dr malcom I’ve had my injections, hope they help, If not,I am snookered

    On Fri, 14 Jan 2022, 14:26 Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, wrote:

    > Dr. Malcolm Kendrick posted: ” 14th January 2022 A few months ago, I > resolved not to write anything more about COVID19. I was having zero > apparent effect on anything, or anybody, and I was just getting > increasingly despondent at the destruction of science, debate, logic, > humanity, ” >

  91. Tom Morgan

    At the Childrens Health Defense site Dr. Joseph Mercola has an article talking about a paper written by a MIT researcher discussing the effects of the vaccine spike protein on the immune system.
    The details are way over my head, but the discussion reminds my of Dr. K’s book ‘The Clot Thickens’ in the sense that the paper lays out a mechanism as to how the Covid Vaccine affects the immune system, and then uses that theory to explain some of the adverse effects found in the VAERS database.
    I was impressed by the theory and its explanatory power.
    Also note that the authors have experienced some censorship trying to publish their paper, so it seems Big Pharma may not want folks to see this paper – a good reason to take a look…

    1. Eggs ‘n beer

      A brilliant and terrifying article. Thanks, Tom.

      I used to be sceptical at people ascribing cancer cases to the vaccines. They’ve only been around for less than a year, and cancers usually take decades to develop from a causative factor. But here’s an explanation.

      1. Penny

        …and my husband is insisting on having the booster shot! I pass on all the data to him and he reads John Dee’s Almanac (he understands stats) but still he believes the govt. I’m rather worried; he’s 64 with no health problems. Why risk it? There’s nothing I can say that will budge him from the delusion that authority would not wish to hurt it’s people.

    2. David Bailey

      I am wondering slightly what this statement actually means:

      “Lymphoma is also showing up much more frequently with these [COVID shots]. There’s just an amazing signal there in VAERS [the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System].”

      Clearly they would have to track the patient for some time after the jab(s) to determine this.

      Is there a paper that concentrates on the empirical evidence that this is true?

      1. Eggs ‘n beer

        Good question. My concern was similar, in that some sources are reporting significantly increased levels of cancers following the jab. On the face of it, this sounded ridiculous to me, as in most cases such as smoking and asbestosis it takes decades for the cancers to appear. However, people are reporting increases in cancers within months of the vaccine being deployed. Then I came across this paper which in the best tradition of Doctoring Data does not mention cancer in either the title or the abstract. This is no reflection upon the authors intent to deceive, but rather I am sure they did it to ensure that the article could be published at all without the risk of punishment for associating cancer with the jab.

        This is actually the most terrifying paper I have read since the non-pandemic started. Typically long-term outcomes are showing up within less than 12 months of the application of the jab. After reading this paper I find it very difficult to call it a vaccine. It makes me wonder if all of those folk forecasting millions of deaths from the jab within 3 to 5 years may not have some validity to their arguments.

        1. Morag

          The whole thing is barbaric and evil. People are being killed or maimed by this experimental jab. Truth is slowly coming out though. The Great Reset. No thanks

    3. Martin Back

      Startling increases in various medical conditions were noted in Department of Defense personnel, comparing the first ten months of 2021 (the year vaccines were rolled out) to the previous five-year average.
      there was an almost 300% increase in cancer diagnoses (from a five-year average of 38,700 per year to 114,645 in the first 11 months of 2021). There was also a 1,000% increase in diagnosis codes for neurological issues, which increased from a baseline average of 82,000 to 863,000!

      Some other numbers he did not mention at the hearing but gave to me in the interview are the following:

      – myocardial infarction –269% increase
      – Bell’s palsy – 291% increase
      – congenital malformations (for children of military personnel) – 156% increase
      – female infertility – 471% increase
      – pulmonary embolisms – 467% increase

      All these numbers are among the ambulatory visits because those are where the vast number of diagnoses in the military occur. However, Renz did say the increases were indicated in the hospitalized patients as well. I have seen one of the sworn declarations from one of the military doctors, and it states as follows, “It is my professional opinion that the major increases incidences of the above discussed instances of miscarriages, cancers, and disease were due to COVID-19 ‘vaccinations.'”

      See also the video at

      1. Sasha

        I am curious how many people on this blog read “The Real Anthony Fauci” book. I followed up on some links that have to do with the data Pfizer reported as a 6 month follow up post 2nd jab. I have some questions about the tables and would love an input from someone with statistical knowledge.

        Thank you

      2. thecovidpilot

        Isn’t it amazing how we humans can brainwash ourselves so that data no longer matters to us? It’s like we are unaware of our own emotional commitments to a narrative.

        1. +40% increase in deaths in working age population in 2021…”It’s not the vaccine!!!!”
        2. DMED database adverse events in 2021…”It’s not the vaccine
        3. FDA report shows no all-cause mortality benefit for the Pfizer covid vaccine…”Vaccines are safe and effective.”
        4. FDA report shows 1223 deaths of the vaccinated in the first 90 days of the vaccine rollout with 30% lost to followup, which could be additional deaths…”Vaccines are safe and effective.”

        I have seen no analysis of these facts by the clotshot cultists, but they still soldier on despite the data.


  92. Thunkit

    I mentioned your latest blog subject to my partner. She remarked that usually she’d agree with you, but this is exactly the argument duff endocrinologists all over the world are using to deny thyroid patients like her of treatment that actually works (combination T4 + T3, or T3 alone).

  93. Joerg Beringer

    As a former institutional stockbroker, I learned quickly that doing nothing (or here little and being very, very patient) is in truth the most efficient and rewarding investment strategy, but also that it is completely against human nature and all institutional necessities.
    In a training session, we were once made to play an investment game on PCs, where a few years market movements were condensed into half an hour.
    It was basically a behavioural experiment or confirmation, as they found out in every case that brokers were immediately and far more active than the fund managers who played the game, who also took far longer (observed) to make their first move.
    Needless to say, the latter had a better overall performance than the former.
    But no one beat Mr. Market and buy and hold…

  94. Douglas Lockhart

    I’m pleased and relieved that you have resumed commentary on this. I was close to dropping you from my bookmarks list as it seemed you had been ‘got at’ – happily it was not so. I know that you are in a particularly dangerous position when expressing dissident views, and have lot to lose personally. I’m not sure I would have your courage if I were in your position. Bravo!

  95. thecovidpilot

    As humor has been shown to boost salivary IgA, let me contribute to the health of Dr. Kendrick’s readers.

    There was a man on his death bed who caught the aroma of freshly backed cookies wafting into his room from downstairs. Gathering all his strength, with great effort the man crept slowly downstairs and into the kitchen. Just as he was reaching for a cookie, his wife rapped him on the hand with a wooden spoon and said, “Don’t touch those! They’re for the funeral.”

  96. andy

    Whilst statistically one death due to injections means little, as I went into the fish and chip shop last night I was reminded that the Manager’s daughter ( Lisa Shaw, 44) had died of a blood clot just a week after her injection.
    ‘The “BBC radio presenter died as a result of complications from the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine”, a coroner has concluded.”‘

    1. Janice Willoughby

      February 3, 2022-

      From MACLEAN’S:
      By Terry Glavin
      January 28, 2022


      Rogan stands accused of engaging in dezinformatsiya, as the Russians elegantly describe the traffic in dangerous half-truths and lies deployed as offensive weaponry in propaganda warfare. Specifically, Rogan’s offside notions about vaccines and masks are widely understood to make him a dangerous menace to public health. While he’s helpfully referred to himself as a “moron” for suggesting young people shouldn’t bother themselves with COVID vaccinations, the former “Fear Factor” game show host’s Spotify broadcast, the Joe Rogan Experience, still draws roughly 11 million listeners per episode.

      I should straight away confess my own loyalties this week were to the cause of Team Neil. One must take sides, after all. Sorry, but that’s how these proxy wars work. There’s little room for conscientious objection, and the alliances that form up can draw the most disparate and ordinarily unfriendly parties to one another in the same blocs, rallying behind banners that wouldn’t otherwise summon them.


      I have wondered what the Neil Young:Joe Rogan fight at Spotify was about, and have just done some Google queries to get some sort of information. Based on everything I have learned, the above excerpt seemed fairly accurate in representing the writer’s point of view, and gives an introduction to the nature of the fight.

      I have, months ago, listened to Rogan’s interview with Dr. Robert Malone, and maybe also one with Jordan Peterson (sp?). Rogan has also stated that he has taken Ivermectin against the Covid19

      I learned today, if I trust the Google sources, that Neil Young was diagnosed with polio, epilepsy, and diabetes, all in his youth. Wow, there are some very heavy burdens.

      But that does not make him an expert on Covid19, and/or the vaccines. I consider the anecdotal account one of the basic foundations of all medicine, so if Neil Young has been “fully vaccinated” and reports that he believes it has benefited him and done him no harm that would be of interest.

      In the meanwhile, I will continue to hear, in my mind’s ear, “…I’ve seen the needle and the damage done…” ; thinking of the song as, not just about the addict shooting heroin; but about any damage done by any injection, including the Covid19 vaccinations.

      As usual, thx, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick.

  97. TFS

    I’m sure there will be multitude of people who will say ‘we needed to do something’.

    If I’m not mistaken, the lockdowns, masks etc came under the term ‘Non Pharmaceutical Interventions’ Those persuiing such an intervention were required to not only go for the intervention but address the downsides to such interventions. They didn’t and any dissenters were quickly sidelined.

    Not sure how they are going to adequatley defend the position in any Public Inquiry, and I’m not sure elements of the ‘Nudge Unit’ should be in jail for a very long time.

    1. Janet

      In USA a mask is federally described as a grade 2 medical device snd subject to federal law that a person cannot be made to use a medical device to enter anywhere. Of course it’s ignored.

  98. thecovidpilot

    This just in…no all-cause mortality benefit from the Moderna covid vaccine…18 deaths in both the placebo and the vaccine arms.

    The lack of all-cause mortality benefit is missing from the paper’s conclusion, which means that the paper should be either corrected or withdrawn. But it pushes the pharma narrative…

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the death numbers change later based on some FDA report to show a trend towards harm.

    See Table S-2 on page 22 of the Supplementary Appendix

    1. Eggs ‘n beer

      Indeed. Fudeau suffering a case of Coward-19.

      Bizarre how half the world is opening up (UK, Denmark, other parts of Scandinavia, parts of Australia) but others are going the other way (Italy, Austria, Spain, the other parts of Australia, NZ).

      The science is really confused.

      1. An Italian Australian at the tropics

        From what I understand from friends in Spain, there is almost no restriction left but indoor masks, even if every region has different rules.

        Do you have more updated information?

          1. An Italian Australian at the tropics

            Ah, yes, more restrictions for foreign travellers.

            I wrote about the end of mass tourism about one and a half years ago, and I was considered a crazy monkey even by my most open minded friends. Travelling will be a thing of the past for most people, there are more soldiers and check points on the Brenner Pass than during the WWII, I’m a prisoner in my own country, and even triple blessed people see more and more countries closing their doors.

            I’m seriously thinking about buying a Lagoon 40, Mexico should be only a few hops away from Australia…

          2. Eggs ‘n beer

            The only problem is that there are still immigration issues. Even though you’ve isolated for eight weeks …. The old “Certificate of Pratique” will make a come back.

            I’ve friends stuck on their yacht in Portugal (they keep telling me how tough it is!) who aren’t confident to set sail again yet because of the uncertainties about what happens at the other end.

            Oh, and I think you still need permission to leave Australia. Even on a boat.

          3. An Italian Australian at the tropics

            As many other things, the border closure is largely overestimated. It’s still hard to come back, there are few spots in hotel quarantine and I have friends who just flew back to Adelaide instead of Melbourne, they still had to wait a few weeks (unless you fork out a business class ticket) but that was all.

            Leaving is much easier, just say that you’ll stay out of the country for more than 3 months. From what I understand, there are many thousands of permits issued every month.

            Since in this moment I don’t have that tad over half a million in cash to afford a decent catamaran, the issue is moot, but I’ve heard that’s not really hard to sail away undetected (or at least without being bothered).

          4. andy

            It is always good to remember that the collapse of East Germany and hence communism in Russia, resulted not from debates or changes in law, but when someone climbed the wall and the guard knowing the game was up didnt fire. It was a similar moment..perhaps the moment when that tyrant in Canada in hiding knows the game is up and goes off to his island. But fall it did .

          5. Gary Ogden

            andy: Fudeau is trinished. Amusing that the Canadians have their own version of “Let’s go Brandon.” much better, and more poetic, and it involves trucks!

  99. Neil

    Dr Ros Jones, a member of HART, on the total collapse of medical ethics, in particular the rollout of childhood COVID vaccination.

    Also a good or rather ‘bad’ read is ‘Hidden Hand’. It’s a recent book on the long march of the Chinese Communist Party through the world’s countries and institutions. Join the dots …

      1. Neil

        That’s in the USA I think. Its laws seem to say that if a vaccine is approved for use in children then its use in adults also becomes free of liability. This situation is rather complicated and I don’t know if the UK details are the same.

        1. Gary Ogden

          Neil: I think you’re correct, that if a vaccine is put on the childhood schedule, it falls under the 1986 NCVIA, and thus becomes liability free for all ages. We are ruled by pure evil. The Canadians are fighting back, though. Go Canada!

          1. Prudence Kitten

            Not really “pure evil”, Gary. More an amoral, psychopathic interest in maximising profits, combined with a cold, uncaring callousness about death and injury.

            The worst of it is that this is not that it is inhuman: it is that it is all too human.

          2. An Italian Australian at the tropics

            I disagree.

            The people behind those pharmaceutical companies are the same behind banks and central banks, it would have been equally easier to syphon that much money without the need for all this crap, hell they are printing so much money that they’ll probably have to rewrite all the banks’s software to be able to input digits so big…

            No, the money is a welcomed plus, but it’s not the goal, the goal is control (or worse, depending on how paranoid you are).

  100. Smy


    WHO report 2019
    Non-pharmaceutical public health measures for mitigating the risk and impact of epidemic and pandemic influenza

    Think only Sweden followed the guidance in the above report by the WHO. And Sweden statistics mirror that of most of the world which beggars the believe that the need for all the restrictions had little impact. The virus has peaked and eased and peaked and eased no matter what the world of men and mice did or didn’t do.

  101. Tish

    It’s all so darned predictable. Fuel prices have to go sky high to help make people grateful when they bring in the World Economic Forum planned Universal Basic Income (UBI). Everyone, including the richest people on the planet will get this basic income. If you want to be better off you can go to work. Or you can find some hobbies. No longer any excuse for lying about in shop doorways. Such a humane equitable world. Be grateful. No need for any more handouts. All’s fair. Hmmm.

  102. thecovidpilot

    Do any of the virus-skeptics have an explanation of how allegedly viral nucleic acids can multiply in cell culture (without a virus actually existing in which the nucleic acids are allegedly located)?

    I haven’t seen any explanation from any of the virus skeptics for this phenomenon.

    Step one. We input alleged virus sample into cell culture and run a quantative PCR test which will tell us how many cycles had to be run before we got a positive result.

    Step two. We leave the cell culture alone for a week to let the alleged virus allegedly multiply.

    Step three. We run another quantitative PCR test which tells us how many cycles it took to get a positive result.

    If we find many fewer cycles in step three than in step one, then the allegedly viral nucleic acids have multiplied.

  103. thecovidpilot

    Too bad Fast Eddy isn’t around to discuss natural oil seeps.

    “As much as one half of the oil that enters the coastal environment comes from natural seeps of oil and natural gas. These geologic features are known to occur in clusters around the world, such as off the southern coast of California and in the Gulf of Mexico, but are still relatively unstudied.”

    Relatively unstudied. If oil is still seeping up from the magma, then there certainly is replenishment going on for the foreseeable future. Oil exploration should continue and we should expect new finds. If we were clever, we would try to figure out flows from down below and where they might go and off you go.

  104. 2014velcr0WP=

    I’m glad you changed your mind about not writing any more about Covid. Your thoughts are always refreshing and spot on.

    I just finished Doctoring Data and I’m recommending it to everybody who will listen. Even though written in 2014, many observations are prescient about our current situation, which, as you point out, is just the latest in a long pattern of stupidity.

    Quoting Douglas Adams near the end was just the icing on the cake. Ironically, the quote had to do with disproving the existence of God; I consider Douglas Adams my personal deity. Pop!

      1. lingulella

        Definitely needs following up, and should it be repeatedly found without explanation there needs to be parliamentary and senate investigations of the ‘vaccine’ developers and manufacturers under oath.

          1. barovsky

            I’ve had a closer look at the site and the article has no attribution other than the author saying he’s a doctor. We need more than a single website with lots sci-fi pictures before making any kind of claims about nanotech in the ‘vaccine’. That the ‘vaccines’ are dangerous is obvious to anyone who looks. 100s of athletes dead following jabs and clearly a crime against humanity.

      2. Janice Willoughby

        February 6, 2022

        Regarding the article at –

        Nanotech in the shots?,
        29 January, 2022

        This is a thoughtful description of one person’s examination of Pfizer Covid19 vaccine by dark field microscope. Details of procedures are given. It would have been nice to have a standard-size red blood cell pictured in the frame of each photograph, for scale. Or just a scale, probably showing millimeters, or microns. The work and expense that went into this project are impressive.

        Fine work, gratefully acknowledged here. It seems to me that examination of the vaccines by electron microprobe is desirable. Identification of some of the compounds in the vaccines could probably be done by microprobe, I would think. (readily admitting that it has been a long time since I have been around an electron microprobe, and I have no idea what the instrument, in the hands of a skilled technician, is now capable of.)

        Another question, that would contribute to understanding of the crystalline-appearing objects in the vaccines: what crystals appear naturally in the human body ? The author seems to imply that uric acid crystals are not unknown. Do kidney stones, of any sort, in any stage of development, exhibit crystalline forms ?

        1. Gary Ogden

          Janice Willoughby: Kidney stones are indeed crystals, sharp and pointed. This is why they are so painful to pass.

  105. An Italian Australian at the tropics

    From what I understand, it’s not the existence of viruses that’s negated, but their role in transmitting infectious diseases.

    Cowan and others believe viruses are exosomes, and there are a few interesting theories about their roles, they don’t say they don’t exist.

    1. thecovidpilot

      Some viruses reproduce using the cell membrane. Others use lysozomes.

      Then it seems that the key question is whether viruses cause an immune response. We see immune response in covid. So SARS-COV-2 is the causal agent for covid.

      Cell culture technique proves that viruses infect cells and multiply their RNA. The mechanism of infection of SARS-COV-2 has been identified–it’s via the ACE2 receptor.

      Covid has some unique characteristics, so it can’t be anything else. Vascular endotheliitis in all stages. Silent hypoxia when progression to moderate stage disease occurs.

      We see symptomatic transmission of covid in hamsters, although not in ferrets.

      “Ferrets thus far appear an ideal model to study transmission in the absence of clinical signs, whereas hamsters are more appropriate to study transmission in the context of pathology and severe disease.”

      Title: “Pathogenesis and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in golden hamsters”

      “Hamsters were infected intranasally with 8 × 104 50% tissue culture infective dose (TCID50) of SARS-CoV-2 (BetaCoV/Hong Kong/VM20001061/2020; GISAID identifier EPI_ISL_412028), isolated in Vero E6 cells from the nasopharynx aspirate and throat swab of a patient from Hong Kong with a confirmed case of COVID-19. At 2, 5 and 7 dpi, the nasal turbinate, brain, lungs, heart, duodenum, liver, spleen and kidney were collected to monitor viral replication and histopathological changes.”

      I don’t see the terrain theory people having a leg to stand on.

    2. David Bailey

      Does it have to be an all or nothing concept? I mean could it be that some exosomes morph into viruses, which then evolve and cause certain diseases?

      I certainly think the modern way of ‘isolating’ viruses followed by the less rigorous use of Koch’s principles, may have caused a lot of confusion, and sadly in medical science it rather looks as if mistakes never get sorted out – think of the whole “what causes heart disease” saga.

    1. Prudence Kitten

      Absolutely stunning. And it took place in the US Senate itself! Surely this is the thin end of the wedge. The liars, thieves and killers will fight to the last to avoid admitting their guilt – but the writing is on the wall.

      “Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting”.

    1. Eggs ‘n beer

      If that’s in response to sticky’s post about nanoparticles in the vaccines then, yes, it’s true. Sort of. But my optical microscope would see them too. Except it can’t. Because nobody can get a vial of vaccine. Can’t get no ivermectin. Can’t get no hydroxychloroquine. Can’t get no vaccine. Just can’t get no satisfaction.

      1. sticky

        I thought it was ‘sars infection’ you couldn’t not get?

        I think these ‘discoveries’ in the vaccines, in various countries, are from empty vials with dregs left in them, presumably smuggled out by medical personnel.

  106. Jeremy May

    I’m sure most of you will have come across HART (Health Advisory and Recovery Team). But if you haven’t…….
    It’s a re-enforcement (or driver perhaps) of many of the views on which we seem to largely agree. There are articles, open letters to the likes of the MHRA and more. There is some very interesting stuff, such as an article from there published on today’s ‘The Daily Sceptic’, here:

    HART describes itself thus: “HART is a group of highly qualified UK doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and other academic experts. We came together over shared concerns about policy and guidance recommendations relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

    A powerful group you would have thought. But you don’t see them mentioned in MSM (at least I haven’t). It’s disappointing but not surprising that we are being denied critical information. Not denied exactly, just that we’re made to go dig for it, which most people don’t do.

    One member of HART is Dr K, who, if he has time, may consider updating his own biog.

  107. Randall

    I am very surprised. The highest ranking vaccine approval authority (EMA) for the EU that I can find has something to say about booster shots, which he says can harm the immune sys. Marco Cavaleri (Head of Biological Health Threats and Vaccines Strategy). EMA press briefing 11 January 2022 Start at 22 minutes for almost 2 minutes.

  108. thecovidpilot

    I have done some analysis of US mortality data that I found at . You may find it at my blog.

    It looks like US working age deaths for 2021 are up 17% with an increase of 137,500 from 2020. Simultaneously, 85+ y.o. deaths are _down_ 14%. Deaths in geriatric disease categories generally hold steady, so the 2021 deaths in those categories have to include an increased and significant number of the 15-64 y.o. group.

    The only geriatric disease that is down is chronic lower respiratory disease, which is down in line with the decrease of 85+ y.o. deaths.

    Covid is up 12% (Influenza/pneumonia), but the word from the life insurance people is that the 40% surge in working age deaths is not significantly due to covid. Heart disease, cancer, and stroke (which is up 5.4%).

    There were two major epidemiological currents in 2021–covid and covid vaccinations. We have eliminated covid as a significant cause of the upsurge in working age deaths.

    I foresee fraud claims against pharma and wrongful death lawsuits against pharma, maybe sometime in the next five years. This couldn’t happen without fraud.

    1. J. Parry

      “I foresee fraud claims against pharma and wrongful death lawsuits against pharma, maybe sometime in the next five years. This couldn’t happen without fraud.”

      Which means that price of meds and insurance premiums will go up?

      1. sticky

        Well, when this thing gets turned around, the big pharma companies will get shut down, and their assets used to compensate the victims of their crimes. Either that, or they will be hit by such punitive damages that they will no longer be viable.

        The allopathic system will disappear along with them, so you shouldn’t have to worry about expensive drugs and health insurance.

        1. An Italian Australian at the tropics

          You either have lived in a different world from where I do or you are always the optimist. Good for you, I with I could share some of that optimism.

          In Italy they just changed the constitution with the result that the government (not the parliament, not that it would make any difference) can decide any lockdown or restrictive measure in case of “environmental emergency”.

          Not that there is any need, with the cost of gas increased 500% people won’t need a mandate to shut the heaters off.

          1. sticky

            I’m an adherent to ‘The Great Awakening’. I do live in a different world to you, in that, here in the UK we haven’t had the same repressive measures that you and others have in so many other countries. And I really feel for you all.

            Yet you must be able to see that their plan is coming apart: there are many legal processes taking place around the world (this is why the narrative has collapsed here, and measures are rapidly being wound back, with the ‘mask mandate’ and the proposed ‘vaccination’ mandate for NHS staff), and although there are currently difficulties in getting cases into court – due to corruption – it will come, and the perpetrators will be brought to justice.

            There are more of us than there are of them.

            It is also true that there is a case of crimes against humanity (and others) lodged with the Metropolitan Police in London. This is not ‘fake news’, as claimed by the usual suspects, but actual, and has been issued with a crime reference number. This has been confirmed by others contacting Hammersmith CID.

            The mainstream media can’t keep up this censorship indefinitely: – those companies will go under if they keep losing customers (and advertising), so they will have to stop the lies sooner or later.

            People really are ‘waking up’ – look at the Canadian truckers, most of whom have had the jabs, and the massive protests taking place everywhere (especially in Oz).

            Those who are pushing for system change (i.e. a new way or running the world – not unbelievably wealthy ‘elites’ owning and controlling everything, especially politicians) have cautioned that things will get bad before they get better, so we need to be prepared for some hard times.

            Yes, I suppose I am an optimist – “positive vibes, man”.

            We should all be – if not, then we really are f*cked.

          2. An Italian Australian at the tropics

            Sticky, mine wasn’t a criticism, I do appreciate your optimism, but you seem to believe that we are winning the war while I believe we just won a few battles.

            Where I live there was never any restriction, I’ve never been in any lockdown, I’ve never worn a mask and even if bars and restaurants can ask for proof of vaccination, mostly don’t and the ones that do are usually quite empty. All in all life didn’t change much for me in the last two years, apart from the international travels part. Also the pretty much all restaurants here are awful, I’m an Italian Australian (meaning that I can cook) following a keto carnivore diet and I live close to the beef capital of Australia, I’d rather entertain friends at my place than pay overly high prices for mostly industrially prepackaged “food” in a restaurant.

            The winding back of restrictions is moot if governments gets to keep the emergency powers, the plandemic was really a pretext, those powers (and more to come) are the goal. I expect to see even more restrictions in the near future based on environmental issues, more plandemics, the centralization of the food chain and the end of fresh food, end of country living and so on.

            Bear with me, it doesn’t have to happen, but it will if we don’t do something. That’s where I’m an optimist, I really am 🙂

            As for the awakening part, I have a couple of books with that word in the title that I usually recommend to my friends…

          3. Eggs ‘n beer

            I’m not sure what you’re referring to when you say “I do live in a different world to you, in that, here in the UK we haven’t had the same repressive measures that you and others have in so many other countries.”

            Perhaps you’ve been duped by media reports. Maybe I have, but in sunny Queensland I have never had to wear a mask, not even in hospitals. I have never had to use sanitisers, nor am I discriminated against through being unvaccinated by choice. I’ve never been confined to my home. I cannot travel internationally, and for a while couldn’t travel interstate, but that didn’t worry us; with an area over fourteen times that of England there’s plenty to scope for travel anyway.

            That’s not to say that there haven’t been repressive measures and a psychopathic level of fearmongering which has terrorised much of the population, forced some professionals (teachers, police, healthcare workers) to get vaccinated but I understand that similar impositions have been made on UK personnel.

          4. sticky

            It is also true that there is a case of crimes against humanity (and others) lodged with the Metropolitan Police in London

            I forgot to say that I feel there is a connection between this and the recent demise of the head of the Met, but I have no idea which way it goes.

          5. sticky

            An Italian Australian at the tropics, I saw no offence in your comment!

            It reassures me that you are remaining largely unaffected – I suppose it’s difficult to get a broad picture from the other side of the world, when you’re only looking at selected stuff – maybe I’ve seen too much from Victoria?

            But I have also seen plenty of images of uniformed thugs laying into defenceless people.

            “In the final end he won the war
            After losing every battle”
            Bob Dylan

          6. andy

            You mention Bob, but where is that brave ‘protest singer’ nowadays? Still blowin’ in the wind whilst the world races towards tyranny… the like of which we have never seen before. ( Bob Dylan is worth $500,000,000)

          7. An Italian Australian at the tropics

            Governments are like kids, they push the boundaries until they find a resistance.

            Resistance in Queensland is very strong, in Victoria is not. My council and others in the area voted resolutions to not discriminate in any council’s owned facility, a significant part of the police here is against the mandates, including all the big brasses, well you get the gist.

          8. sticky

            E ‘n’ B, well, what can I add, other than that you and your compatriot paint a different picture to what most people ‘over here’ are led to believe.

            Maybe Dan Andrews really is a nice bloke?

          9. An Italian Australian at the tropics

            Dan Andrews is the premier of a state approximately 3000 km from where I live, more or less like the distance from London to Moscow.

            ‘Straya is a big federal country.

  109. Heidi Dawson

    Hello there,

    I wanted to thank you for this post. I’ve been following your writing throughout the pandemic and this one is a real stand-out for me.

    For ages now, I’ve been getting all sorts of messages coming at me, from different directions, about standing back, letting the dust settle, etc…. all of which has been scarily relevant to my work and my life. However, I’ve struggled to find the words to convey that outwardly, so others could understand where I was coming from.

    You have beautifully and poignantly captured that for me in “Don’t just do something, stand there!”

    I hope you don’t mind, but I have used this in my own blog (with you referenced, of course)

    Heidi Dawson

    07887 613670

  110. thecovidpilot

    “Now, Pfizer – which just forecast $54 billion in Covid-related sales in 2022, appears to be anticipating some bad news, as evidenced by several redline changes in their Q4 earnings releases.

    As Rubicon Capital’s Kelly Brown notes on Twitter, the changes center around disclosures of unfavorable safety data.

    For example, in Q4 they added: “or further information regarding the quality of pre-clinical, clinical or safety data, including by audit or inspection.”

  111. Jerome Savage

    Getting thro a riveting read with The Clot Thickens, fairly slowly i might add, as there are many moments of pondering and back peddling on what are the wonders of just one part of the human anatomy. Two things had me pondering more than usual, 1. difficult to understand how clots can be “shaved” and 2., the comment about N.O. being the single most important item relating to CVD is at odds with the previous paragraphs on the importance of VIT C, the absence or scarcity of which can result in scurvy – a condition triggering mass bleeding and clots & the cowboy repair crew, the rough and ready LPa, & its amateur repair jobs – that with the extra protein around its neck – so facilitating CVD (apologies if I misread that)


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