My feelings about the vaccine debate

9th July 2019

As readers of this blog will know, my primary area of interest is cardiovascular disease, which a big and complex subject, where anyone questioning the ‘conventional’ ideas gets ruthlessly attacked. However, in comparison to the area of vaccination, the battles in cardiovascular disease pale into insignificance. Mere squabbles in the nursery.

I am a member of an on-line doctors’ community in the UK called Doctors Net. Not open to the public. Whenever any story about vaccination emerges, the vitriol, anger and naked rage is quite scary to observe.

Whenever the issue of MMR raises its head on Doctors Net, doctors have stated that Andrew Wakefield should be thrown in jail, and never allowed to earn any money ever again, that he is a crook and a criminal – and those are the nicer comments.

It is clear that, in the medical profession, there is an unquestioned faith in vaccination. That is, all vaccinations, for all diseases, everywhere – for everyone. Anyone who dares to hint that, ahem, there could be some negative issues associated with vaccination is subjected to withering contempt. ‘You will be responsible for killing millions of children.’ You don’t understand science.’ And suchlike.

When it comes to the science, it does amuse me that vaccination began before anyone understood any of the science – of anything to do with microbes and the immune system. It all began, so it is recorded, with the observation that milkmaids were much less likely to get smallpox.

This led to the idea that you should deliberately infect people with a bit of cowpox, to prevent them getting smallpox. Bold.

‘The terms vaccine and vaccination are derived from Variolae vaccinae (smallpox of the cow), the term devised by Jenner to denote cowpox. He used it in 1796 in the long title of his Inquiry into the Variolae vaccinae known as the Cow Pox, in which he described the protective effect of cowpox against smallpox.’ [from the website that cannot be named… Wikipedia actually]

This was suggested at a time when all doctors thought infections were spread by Miasma. Basically, a nasty smell. No-one had the faintest idea that there were bacteria, or viruses. Somewhat ironically, vaccination – giving a small amount of a substance to cure/prevent a nasty disease – became the underlying principle of homeopathy – which most doctors now angrily dismiss as ‘woo woo medicine.’

Clearly, vaccination did not start as science. It basically started as a hunch, based on no comprehension of the science at all. Of course, that doesn’t make it wrong, but you can hardly suggest it was founded on a thorough understanding of the human immune system. Edward Jenner did not know that such a thing existed, and nor did anyone else. It was just a good guess.

The science of vaccination then became, what I call, backwards rationalisation. ‘It works, now let us work out how the hell it actually works.’ Again, nothing wrong with this. The best science often starts with observation, not a hypothesis. Graphene is a recent example. Two scientists larking about in the lab with Sellotape and pencils.

Just in case you are wondering. Yes, I do believe that vaccination works. Or, to be more accurate I believe that some vaccination works. Most vaccination, all vaccinations?

However, I do speak as one who has had seven hepatitis B inoculations and, once, just about managed to provide a blood test to show that I had made enough antibodies – to allow me to work as a doctor. A friend, who worked as a surgeon, had twenty-two hep B inoculations, and never managed to raise an antibody. He did explain to me how he continued to work as a surgeon, but I have forgotten how he managed.

Which means that I have personal – and slightly painful – experience that vaccination is not equally effective for everyone. Why not? Does anyone care about such things? It seems not. Just close your eyes and vaccinate away. No-one can question anything. Such as, why do inoculations produce antibodies in some people, and not others? Kind of interesting you would think – but no. Question not, the mighty vaccination.

This is strange, because it has been clearly established that vaccination does not work in many people:

‘An outbreak of measles occurred in a high school with a documented vaccination level of 98 per cent. Nineteen (70 per cent) of the cases were students who had histories of measles vaccination at 12 months of age or older and are therefore considered vaccine failures. Persons who were unimmunized or immunized at less than 12 months of age had substantially higher attack rates compared to those immunized on or after 12 months of age.

Vaccine failures among apparently adequately vaccinated individuals were sources of infection for at least 48 per cent of the cases in the outbreak. There was no evidence to suggest that waning immunity was a contributing factor among the vaccine failures. Close contact with cases of measles in the high school, source or provider of vaccine, sharing common activities or classes with cases, and verification of the vaccination history were not significant risk factors in the outbreak.

The outbreak subsided spontaneously after four generations of illness in the school and demonstrates that when measles is introduced in a highly vaccinated population, vaccine failures may play some role in transmission but that such transmission is not usually sustained.’1  

We are told that if you reach a measles vaccination rate of 95%, in a population, you cannot get an outbreak. Seems that is wrong. You can get an outbreak in a 98% vaccinated population. Wouldn’t it be nice to know why?

It does seem weird that measles is the chosen battleground for the vaccine furies. I am not entirely sure why. You would think the highly vocal pro-vaccinators would point to smallpox, or polio – or suchlike. Although, to be frank, I look at smallpox and wonder. I wonder how the hell we managed to eradicate this disease so quickly and simply. The entire world successfully vaccinated in a few years – with a perfect 100% record. No vaccine failures, all populations in the entire world vaccinated? Quite some feat.

An alternative explanation is that some diseases naturally come and go. Measles, for example, was an absolute killer three hundred years ago. Captain Cook introduced it to South Seas islands. The mortality rate was enormously high in native populations that had never been exposed to it before. Gradually the death rate attenuated. In most of the Western World measles was becoming a ‘relatively’ benign disease by the time vaccination came along.

If we look back in history, the black death wiped out half the population of Europe. What was it? It was almost certainly not the plague, although many people claim that it was. From the descriptions of those who died from it, it seems it was possibly a form of Ebola (haemorrhagic fever).

‘The Black Death of the 1300s was probably not the modern disease known as bubonic plague, according to a team of anthropologists studying these 14th century epidemics. “The symptoms of the Black Death included high fevers, fetid breath, coughing, vomiting of blood and foul body odor,” says Rebecca Ferrell, graduate student in anthropology. “Other symptoms were red bruising or hemorrhaging of skin and swollen lymph nodes. Many of these symptoms do appear in bubonic plague, but they can appear in many other diseases as well.”

Modern bubonic plague typically needs to reach a high frequency in the rat population before it spills over into the human community via the flea vector. Historically, epidemics of bubonic plague have been associated with enormous die-offs of rats. “There are no reports of dead rats in the streets in the 1300s of the sort common in more recent epidemics when we know bubonic plague was the causative agent,” says Wood.’ 2

Of course, we cannot be sure what the Black Death was. We do know that it came, it killed, it went. It also appeared to leave a legacy of people with CCR5 Delta32 mutations. People with this mutation cannot, it seems, be infected by the Ebola virus (or, indeed HIV). Ebola and HIV both gain entry to cells using the CCR5 protein, and if it is missing, the virus cannot get in. [Yes, you can cure HIV by giving bone marrow transplant from a donor with the CCR5 Delta 32 mutation – little known fact].

Why would we have this mutation far more commonly in areas of Europe than, in say, Africa – where the Black Death did not occur? Unless it provided a survival advantage at some point, against a virus that was (or was very like), Ebola.

Looking back at smallpox, did vaccination get rid of it? Or did vaccination simply apply the final push to see off a weakened opponent?

The plague itself – where has it gone?

Yes, I do look at the official history of vaccination with a jaundiced eye. The greatest successes… Well, it seems inarguable that vaccination has created enormous health benefits. Polio and smallpox – gone. But has this been entirely due to vaccination – possibly? I am yet to be convinced.

In truth, I find the entire area of vaccination quite fascinating. But the problem, the great problem, is that even by writing this blog I will have said several things that cannot be said.

  • Vaccination does not always work – burn the unbeliever.
  • Vaccination may not have been entirely responsible for ridding the world of smallpox – burn the unbeliever.
  • Measles is not the killer disease that it once was – burn the unbeliever.
  • You can have measles vaccination and still get measles – burn the unbeliever.

To me, these are just facts, and to state them is simply part of valid scientific questioning. For some reason, I am not entirely sure why, to question any ‘fact’ about vaccination is to be flung into the outer darkness. People get very, very, angry. They close their minds and they get polarised. Parts of this blog will almost certainly be taken out of context and used to attack me.

I don’t really know how to open the debate out into something sensible. Something scientific, something questioning and positive. Screeching at people that they simply don’t understand ‘science’ is not a good approach. In addition, yelling that they are ‘killing thousands of children’ is not a way to conduct a debate.

I feel that I do understand ‘science’, whatever that means exactly. Or at least I understand the scientific method. Which primarily consists of questioning everything – and feeling free do to so. One thing I do know is that anyone who states that the science is settled, and inarguable, and all the experts agree, and must therefore be right – clearly does not understand anything about science. At all.



594 thoughts on “My feelings about the vaccine debate

    1. annewayman

      Oh thank you so much. I’m 76. I survived two bouts of measles, once as a kid and again as an adult… had to postpone my wedding. Through one of my daughter’s in law I’ve become a semi-anti-vaxer… largely because here in the U.S. we now give so many vaccines to kids at such an early age.

      It makes no sense to me, It seems like we’re overloading a newly evolving child with toxins in hopes of preventing something – which might be the right thing in the case of polio, small pox and whooping cough (although that one’s not working well any more so apparently not) but not in the face of everything else under the sun.

      I’ve also survived mumps, who knows how many ‘colds,’ some bronchitis and probably pneumonia and what may have been a light case of dengue fever in the South Pacific. .

      Whose to say that it’s all due to my genes, how about my attitude or the possibility that I’ve developed some immunity because I’ve gotten sick and then well again?

      Let’s hope you’re bringing some sanity to this discussion as you’re doing with heart disease.

      Anne in San Diego, CA

      1. Gary Ogden

        annewayman: Very interesting. Having wild measles infection is said to confer lifetime immunity, and it appears to, most of the time, but you are a textbook case that it doesn’t always. Interesting! One of Karl Popper’s black swans.

        1. Gary Ogden

          Cindy Robin: Excellent question! Measles is rubeola and what is often called “German measles,” because much of the research was done in Germany, is rubella, so the clinical presentation is likely similar.

      2. rosross

        And there is research showing having Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox etc., in childhood protects against strokes, heart disease and Brain Cancer in adults. The protection against Brain Cancer from having Chicken Pox in childhood, probably the most minor of all the minor childhood diseases, is now triggering a push for a vaccine against Brain Cancer.

        Don’t have Chicken Pox in childhood but do make sure you get your Brain Cancer vaccine. Fortunately many countries including the UK do not vaccinate for Chicken Pox. Some stupidly do so.

        Anyone, and I am one of them, who had all of these minor childhood diseases, as a child, and had children who had most of them, knows that vaccines against them are unnecessary.

      3. Judy B

        I have always wondered about the wisdom of giving babies and small children so many vaccines in one day. Doctors should not have a problem with stretching out the vaccinations, but if you even mention this, too many erupt into a rage. One would think that the timing of the vaccination process would not matter that much!
        I also do not take the flu vaccine, as in too many years, the vaccine is not even effective against the current active forms of the virus. My father was a public health doctor and he thought the science was not very good for the flu vaccine. He and my mother never got those shots. Declining the shot gets you more of the “angry doctor face.”

      4. Martin Back

        “And there is research showing having Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox etc., in childhood protects against strokes, heart disease and Brain Cancer in adults.”

        Doubtful. The peak of heart disease was around 1970. All of those people would have been exposed to the usual childhood illnesses in around 1910-1930, when vaccination was far less prevalent than today. CVD these days is about half what it was, amongst people with many more vaccine shots.

        So in the case of strokes and heart disease, I think the protective effect of getting sick in childhood is greatly exaggerated.

        1. Gary Ogden

          Martin Back: The fact remains that most of the victims of this epidemic died of bacterial pneumonia. Sequencing a viral genome from a tissue in a corpse from that period says nothing about what caused so many deaths in a relatively young population. How could it?

    2. Carol Waugh

      I vaccinated my first 2 children against whooping cough. For my 3rd child I refused the vaccine because of the health risks. The older children although fully vaccinated with boosters, caught whooping cough at school and gave it to my unvaccinated child. The severity of the disease was the same in all 3 cases. Not very severe. I had whooping cough at the age of 3yrs and I have never had a recurrence of the disease. I hear that those who avoid the disease by vaccination need to have repeated doses to keep them immune. This, in my opinion shows this vaccine is ineffective.

      1. Gary Ogden

        Carol Waugh: That’s right. The acellular pertussis vaccine is no longer very effective. What is worse is that it creates asymptomatic carriers who spread it. All of the whooping cough outbreaks in recent years in the U.S. have been among highly- or fully-vaccinated children, usually in a school setting. The authorities know this, but continue to go on their merry way, as if they were conferring actual immunity. As I understand it, whooping cough is usually only dangerous in infancy (<12 months).

        1. Jennifer

          Gary.Thank you for your informative contributions, which I find quite revealing regarding modern medical practices. There is a theme running through this week’s blog i.e. a stagnation in medical teaching over recent years, and a lack of inquisitiveness by today’s medical students. Or, maybe I am wrong….surely there must be young, bright buttons out there, but are they being stifled by the old (minded) buffers, who occupy high places, and to whom the students /junior medics rely on for references?
          Smarty-pants me, once asked a consultant physician a pertinent question regarding lung/heart physiology which I could not get my (nursing) brain around. His response was music to my ears, but what I noticed as a lack of questioning by those in training… “thank you for that intervention, Staff, no medical student brings that up in discussion, and yet, as you say, our treatment is counter-intuitive, so ought to be questioned”.
          I put vaccination/immunisation into the same category, as demonstrated by Dr Kendrick’s pure logic this week.
          By the way, has a vaccine been developed against World War aggression? Seems we can stop worrying about our health as the world could be on the brink of being blown to Kingdom Come.

      2. Anna M

        It confers a partial or temporary immunity in many cases. I am also such a case. I haven’t had measles but had 3 shots over my life and last time they drew a titer, I was not immune. And now they want everyone to repeat the tDap, tetanus, pertussis, diphtheria.

      3. anglosvizzera

        Jennifer, that was a great response from your consultant! When I was training as a diagnostic radiographer back in the late 70s, we had a hospital physicist teaching us about radiation physics, electrical circuits etc from his aged lever-arch file with yellowing pages. He’d been spouting the same stuff for years – but something he said didn’t make sense to me. As the class was quite small, we all felt comfortable chipping in at times so I asked him about this ‘something’. He said, words to the effect of, “Yes! You’re absolutely right – yet nobody in the past 15 years has ever noticed that error!”

        So it always pays to ask questions – but I imagine at medical school, students feel that they are chosen for their intelligence and therefore feel intimidated about questioning anything, lest they get laughed at or, worse, thrown out for being ignorant!

        1. Jennifer

          anglosvizzera. Our questioning minds must develop (no pun intended) from our training as radiographers. I trained as a diagnostic radiographer in the 1960s, at a forward thinking regional centre, where innovation was key to everything we did. In later years I trained as a Nurse, in a much smaller set-up, and noticed that much was being regurgitated from photo-copied old notes, and so long as the students passed their finals, that would suffice.
          Strangely enough, when I spent 6+ months at 2 London teaching hospitals, ( for specialised training) I found it even more antiquated. The nurses were almost curtsying to the doctors, ( in the 1990s) so any form of discussion was out of the question. Sorry I am straying from the main subject of the debate, but history can tell us a lot.

          1. anglosvizzera

            Jennifer – how funny that you were a radiographer too! I did find that radiographers were a different breed to many other hospital staff back then, and I’m sure it was a great additional background for your training as a nurse. I went on to start the arduous training as an architect afterwards, although only managed 3 and a half years of the 7, before biopanic set in at age 29 and I stopped to have a family! That’s when the issue of vaccination became a topic of concern…not only after my second child, my son, developed severe eczema days after his first set of vaccines, but also I happened across a leaflet that addressed concerns that autoimmune disease in adults was related to certain vaccines. So I started to look into it more, back in the ‘good old days’ when children had far fewer vaccines than now.

          2. Jennifer

            This blog, with your contributions, is exposing the most sinister things. For parents, who dared to question MMR safety, being ridiculed, whilst there was conclusive evidence of such damage being hidden away, is alarming.
            So, how long will it be before ‘retracted’ papers, proving statin damage, get out into the open?
            I suspct that research must be hidden away in archives, proving the relationship between statins and their severe adverse effects, such as I experienced ( but was not believed).
            We live in strange times.

          3. Jennifer

            anglosvizzera… a private response to you….we have identical hair. So there must be a link with our radiographic training.?( ha ha)?….a quack researcher would probably be able to prove causation rather than correlation. Well…that’s my theory, surely is as good as any.

      4. bjrnhammarskjld9519

        @Gary Ogden
        Pertussis infection in infants is easily treated with erytromycin if necessary.

    3. Daryl Sprout

      The little do to do typo in the first sentence of the last paragraph is a distracting end to an excellent article. I applaud your bravery in coming forward. I have a closed FB group called Vaccinosis, a safe haven for victims and families of victims. I a month we were almost 200 strong. Being willing to take heat about this topic brings people out about it, and the more I learn, the more horrified I become. Homeopathics WERE and are a good idea, but the more is better approach with vaccines is not. WAY more, the current model, is absurd.

    4. K J E

      Why do people get so het up about measles? There was no vaccine when I was a child and pretty much everyone got it and survived. OK, the conjunctivitis was pretty scary to a young child. I also had German measles several times and chicken pox and lived to tell the tale. They are all relatively minor childhood diseases

  1. TVJohn56

    Very interesting. You raise some facts there that I didn’t know. However, I notice that you steered clear of the ‘MMR causes autism’ debate. I don’t believe it does myself; I note that there has been an uptick in diagnosed cases of autism in recent years but there are too many possible reasons to be able to pin it on MMR. A classic case of correlation not meaning causation. I’d be interested in your take, however.

    Incidentally, I’ve no desire to burn you as an unbeliever – I’d miss your blog posts too much.

    1. Ian Roselman

      I think we (that is, humans) are more likely to be convinced by personal experience or anecdotal evidence than by statistics. I am a scientist (retired) and believe that I understand the scientific method as does Dr Kendrick. In South Africa I knew of two cases of children diagnosed with autism after having the MMR vaccination. This made me think long and hard about having my own children vaccinated with MMR, though in the end conventional wisdom prevailed (they had no ill effects). It is regrettable that doctors are no more rational than the rest of us when it comes to vaccination.

    2. Sharon

      My understanding of the MMR/autism issue is that Wakefield, who at the time was an eminent gut biologist, showed that all the autistic children in his trial had mitochondrial dysfunction in the gut and all the controls didn’t. His mistake was to ascribe possible causation to the vaccine ahead of any proof. We were told that he was a corrupt scientist and his results could not be replicated.

      In 2010 in JAMA, a UC Davis paper showed that all autistic children in their trial had mitochondrial dysfunction and the controls didn’t but they were very quick to say they didn’t know what caused the mitochondrial dysfunction and that further research was needed. The Wakefield science has therefore actually been replicated but without causation ascribed.

      What we now need to know is what actually causes the dysfunction in the mitochondria in these children. Is it genetic, is it an environmental factor in the womb, is it a product of early childhood environment, do they have it but the symptoms only manifest themselves at a particular development age or with an immune system overload such as from vaccination, is it caused by vaccination in susceptible children, etc etc?

      The real disaster of the Wakefield debacle and the inability to have any reasoned debate about vaccines it that it has pushed research into autism back by a decade or more.

      1. anglosvizzera

        The case of Hannah Poling brought this to light. This certainly does need more research, as some theories are that mitochondrial dysfunction are inherited and others that it can by triggered environmentally – I guess that indicates a hereditary disposition whereby the gene can be ‘switched on’ at some point. Certainly this must happen quite early in life (in utero, as you say) if vaccines can then become harmful in some children. Hannah Poling’s neurologist father wrote this:

        “It is unclear whether mitochondrial dysfunction results from a primary genetic abnormality, atypical development of essential metabolic pathways, or secondary inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation by other factors. If such dysfunction is present at the time of infections and immunizations in young children, the added oxidative stresses from immune activation on cellular energy metabolism are likely to be especially critical for the central nervous system, which is highly dependent on mitochondrial function. Young children who have dysfunctional cellular energy metabolism therefore might be more prone to undergo autistic regression between 18 and 30 months of age if they also have infections or immunizations at the same time. Although patterns of regression can be genetically and prenatally determined, it is possible that underlying mitochondrial dysfunction can either exacerbate or affect the severity of regression. Abnormalities of oxidative phosphorylation can be developmental and age related and can normalize with time”

        It seems that mitochondrial disease might be more common than realises, “1 in 4000”, and can be ’caused’ by certain toxins, including ‘heavy metals’, pharmaceuticals, herbicides, pesticides etc.


        Click to access Mito%20Toxins_0.pdf

      2. Anna M

        Mitochondrial dysfunction is also implicated in cancer. I am pretty sure it is not inherited. The genetic predisposition to cancer was exaggerated and now they are saying only a few percent of cancers are caused by a person’s genetics.

      3. rosross

        Very well said. Wakefield the scapegoat. His mistake was to mention the MMR link. His research has however been validated and indeed, his research colleagues completely exonerated in courts of law. Wakefield has not contested his case in a court of law because apparently the cost is huge and he cannot get insurance cover. However, if his colleagues were innocent then logic suggests, so was he of the charges as claimed.

        1. Gary Ogden

          rosross: Yes. The only additional charge in the GMC against Dr. Wakefield concerned taking blood samples at a children’s birthday party. The draws were done by a medical professional with full informed consent of the parents and children. The children were each given five pounds for their trouble. Odd, unusual, but in no way unethical. So yes, the whole team of thirteen has in effect been exonerated by Justice Mitting’s ruling. Justice would mean the restoration of Dr. Wakefield’s license and the re-instating of the Lancet paper, a groundbreaking and very important piece of good science, good clinical research.

      4. Socratic Dog

        I think we can all be pretty certain that Wakefield was railroaded, even without digging into the science. A useful rule in understanding the world as it is is that if the mainstream media says something is true, it’s probably not, and if they shout from the rooftops that it’s true then it absolutely is not.

        1. Sasha

          “You say it to me once, I believe you. You say it twice, I start to doubt it. You say it three times, I know you are lying.”
          An old Chinese proverb…

          1. AhNotepad

            Sasha, that means nobody should believe me, or many of the posters on this blog, but even if they don’t, large numbers will believe the MSM and the politicians, and their own doctors when they are told vaccines are “safe and effective”.

          2. Sasha

            I think more and more people are beginning to question the current vaccination schedule. Things will come to a head at some point, I believe

    3. Gary Ogden

      TVJohn56: It is not an uptick but an explosion-the rate in the U.S. in now 1 in 36 (figures from New Jersey) for a condition that did not exist in the historical medical record until the first group was diagnosed and the condition named in 1946 by a psychiatrist named Leo Kanner. An excellent book about the history of this condition is “The Age of Autism,” by Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill. The CDC itself, in a study begun in 1998 designed to test the Wakefield hypothesis, designed to determine causation, indeed found an OR of 3.46 for an autism diagnosis in African-American boys given MMR prior to 36 months of age. They panicked, gathered the researchers into a conference room with a big garbage can, and tossed all the original data. All except one of them, the statistician, Dr. William S. Thompson. He knew what they were doing was unethical and illegal; nevertheless, it took him ten years to reveal this fraud. This is what the film “Vaxxed” is about, and why it was suppressed. I recommend everyone see it. It would be both incorrect and unscientific to assert that MMR causes autism in all cases, or in most cases, but clearly it is one of the causal agents in the neurological injury from chemical poisoning which produces the behaviors diagnosed as autism. Nobody in the public health realm has any interest in figuring out what the causal agents are, or how to protect our children from them Too much money is at stake. It seems human cowardice knows no bounds when money is involved.

    4. rosross

      MMR may be one of the triggers for Autism. We do not know. Only a fully independent study looking at rates of Autism in fully, partially or non-vaccinated children would settle that question.

      What we do know is we have gone from one in 10,000 with Autism in the Eighties as the max-vax age took off, to one in less than 70 today. Connect the dots. Sure there may be other factors and no doubt are, but, again, we could settle this easily with a study of children as described above.

      1. Gary Ogden

        rosross: Actually, that study has been done, in response to the speculation in the Lancet paper. The CDC did a study of Atlanta school children. They confirmed the Wakefield hypothesis. They panicked. They trash-canned the original data, removed 40% of the individual data points, and, thus sanitized to remove the signal, hunted for a journal to publish it. None would have it, so the mouthpiece of the pediatric industry, “Pediatrics” published it in 2004 (DeStefano). This is the only vaccine which has been studied for a link to autism. So when the CDC says, “vaccines don’t cause autism,” they are lying and they know it. No reputable scientist would ever make a categorical claim like that. We do know that at least 83 cases of vaccine-induced autism have been compensated in vaccine court, the most well known being Hannah Poling, who had the good fortune to have a father who is a pediatric neurologist at Johns Hopkins, one of our leading research centers. The story of this CDC fraud is told in “Vaccine Whistleblower,” by Kevin Barry, Esq.; Foreword by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. JD, LLM; Preface by Boyd E. Haley. By the way, in a comment yesterday, I promoted Dr. Wakefield’s book, “Callous Disregard,” forgetting that a NOTE TO CUSTOMERS: NOT FOR SALE IN THE UNITED KINGDOM appears on the copyright page, so those of you on the other side of the pond will have to beg, borrow, or steal it.

      2. anglosvizzera

        Gary, I was lucky to find a copy of “Callous Disregard” in a charity shop in Babbacombe, Devon (UK) – it was a good read too!

        1. Gary Ogden

          anglosvizzera: Good for you! So much for the warning! By the way, does your copy have the warning? Wonder how many copies snuck across the border under their noses?

      3. anglosvizzera

        Gary, yes it does have the warning! I hadn’t actually noticed it as I just skipped to the beginning of the narrative without looking at that page. Censorship!

        1. Gary Ogden

          anglosvizzera: It is my hunch that that warning was put there to somehow protect Dr. Wakefield from the thugs. The publisher, Skyhorse, is one of the really good guys. They don’t censor, and have published numerous books revealing truths about the vaccination debacle.

      4. (Dr. Ron Jones)

        At least one such study has been done, and though I can’t recall the autism results, it showed that fully vaccinated children have 4 times the rate of chronic diseases as the unvaccinated group! Also, Dr Paul Thomas’ unvaccinated and partially vaccinated patients have much lower rates of autism than those fully vaccinated. Virtually all of my patients’ parents chose his amended plan when shown the results.

        1. rosross

          And the reason why the vax-industry and its pushers refuse to do the one study which could settle this – a fully independent study comparing health and particular disease rates in fully, partially and non-vaccinated children – is because they say it would be unethical to not vaccinate children.

          Despite the fact that millions of parents would not willingly allow children to have no vaccination or limited vaccination.

  2. Malcolm Gough

    When offered ‘ there’s no science behind it so l dont believe it’ closed mind l ask them two questions. The first is to let science explain love. The second is how do anesthetics work? It wasnt u till last year that l realised we don’t truly know how anesthetics work,… just that we know they do work. If l were awarded just, let’s say, a couple of million £s for research l coukd prove sound therapy works too. How do l know it works? How about hundreds of testimonials and the results of tests with clients wearing a Muse headband ( a simple kind of EEG machine) showing how their brain states are altered; usually moving to deep Alpha (relaxation), Thera (meditative state) and sometines Delta (deep sleep).

    Of course there’s nothing in it for the Bug Pharma to support such research so it doesn’t happen..I suppose we shall just have to wait for the NHS to collapse before switching our attention to causation. Money is not the answer, fewer customers is. Rant over. Sorry..

  3. Christopher Trundle

    Good to have you back!! Have you considered a piece for those of us who already have arteries that are blocking up, and how we can live as healthily as possible?

    1. robertL

      I believe from my readings (this blog series and many others) that clogged arteries / plaque is reversible. That calcification of arteries is reversible. I believe that I am doing the right thing to achieve these reverses (assumed that I was affected). I trust that I am doing right!

      But I have no before and after (experiment of 1) data to prove this.

      So I would love to Know for sure from somebody’s references that doing ABC and XYZ is most likely to reverse plaque, even really old plaque, even in somebody who is 70+.

      Maybe I will sleep better; maybe I will live longer; maybe I will be healthier but not live longer.
      But then maybe I am doing my best; then it must be good!

      1. Gary Ogden

        robertL: Great attitude! I. too, am doing all I can (or know about) to promote health and slow aging. Most important things for me: Sun exposure; lots of physical activity; vitamin C and collagen, citrulline malate; good hydration, and good sleep. Never forget the placebo effect, also! It is powerful.

        1. Mr Chris

          Why the palate form of citrulline? I’ve searched on this without finding a satisfactory answer. I take the L citrulline form.
          By the way the flu vaccine has no aluminium adjuvants.

          1. Gary Ogden

            Mr. Chris: It is the malate form of citrulline, a combination of citrulline and malic acid (apples, Malus sylvertris, have this). I chose it because body-builders swear by it. I’m an exceedingly minor body-builder, but it sure works for me!
            I think you’re correct that no flu vaccine has Al adjuvants, although I’m not certain. There are so many different ones, and they have lots of nasty stuff in them. Here is a link to the Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary, so you can see for yourself. These are vaccines licensed in the U.S., but I suspect many, if not most of them are licensed in the UK, as well:

            Click to access excipient-table-2.pdf

      2. Jessie

        robertL, like me you have managed to get past the 70+ mark, in my case the 75+ mark. Keeping healthy, active and alert at this age seems an uphill battle, or so we are told. I firmly believe that scientist are mostly dishonest, mainly to protect their own theories and Big Pharma has no interest in good health, only money. The human body is smart and we all need to listen to it, when you get symptoms, its telling you something – but there’s the rub. When we get symptoms, where do we go, our doctors, who prescribe drugs to relieve the symptoms but its never a cure and somewhere down the line you will need another prescription drug to control the ill-effects of the first and so it goes on ad infinitum. Over half of over 65’s in the UK take at least 5 drugs a day (Cambridge University study).

      1. JamesDownUnder

        I have just recovered from what I believe may have been Influenza. No idea which version, but my son – living in our house – was medically diagnosed with ‘Flu and successfully treated with Tamiflu.
        My ‘flu never even reached a ”man-flu” severity, and I’m convinced that increasing my vitamin C intake from 3 to 5 GRAMS per day up to 15 GRAMS…. kept the worst at bay.
        And my residual angina is so much better now… so I’m guessing some ‘cardiac’ beneficial side-effects from this therapy. !!!

  4. Adam

    Great blog Dr Kendrick. I am avid follower and proponent of your views on CVD and it’s interesting to see you (bravely) take on such a divisive subject. For what it’s worth, I completely agree with everything you have written and find it incredibly frustrating that a balanced, evidence-based conversation is just not possible when it comes to vaccines. It is simply not good science.

    1. robertL

      There are a number of subjects / Sciences that are being corrupted by bad science or even perhaps fraudulent science. Any attempt at rational reasoned discussion degrades into a one-sided screaming diatribe and vilification and even violence sometimes. Sad really; what happened to reason, rationality, first principles? etc.

      Health Science (good health is normal (evolution ensures that); so why are there so many unhealthy people? Probably because the first step of maintaining good health is not mandatory – followed by disease treatment as and when required. Therefore All ill-health is incorrectly treated as disease; not at first a potential health problem).

      Climate Science: ’nuff said b4

      Political Science: stay away!

      Vaccinations: scary stuff

  5. Lucie

    On that subject, cf. too the excellent book by Dr. Michel de Lorgeril: “Introduction générale à la médecine des vaccins” (unfortunately available in French only, I am afraid).

    1. Kevin O'Connell

      De Lorgeril has produced another 3 books in the series (more to come I think). 3rd & 4th are basically about vaccines for young children. Of more general interest is #2 ‘Analyse Scientifique de la Toxicité des Vaccins’. I only received them yesterday but the most superficial look shows they are important works by a ‘respected’ researcher (respected in quotes because he is surely in the queue* for the ‘bûcher’!).
      *Actually, he is near the head of the queue given his other writings about statins, cholesterol, etc. (sound familiar?) and there are efforts to ‘disappear’ him from Wikipédia.

    2. Ekondig G

      Michel de Lorgeril has now published 4 small books in a mini series. I’ve read the first 2 so far.
      I have always had my vaccinations, along with our children, along with a nagging doubt about the use of aluminium as an adjuvant.
      But with all the fuss about vaccination, I decided to have a look — and found that the safety record of the industry has been extremely poor. Literally millions of people have been unnecessarily exposed to dangerous substances in past vaccines. Here are just 2 links, but there are plenty of other cases in the history of vaccinations:
      It seems to me that the most important thing to do first is to establish a proper system of checks for safety first, just like a new drug that a company wants to bring to the market, before other discussions.
      As an anecdote, I have a friend with Guillain-Barré. After reading about the safety record of vaccinations, I noticed that Guillain-Barré is a known (but rare, according to the company) possibility after a flu vaccination. I asked if he remembered having a flu shot previously. He said he did. It’s just an anecdote. But I don’t think I’ll be having a flu shot for this Winter.

      1. anglosvizzera

        I also have a friend (now deceased, unfortunately) who developed Guillain-Barré also after a flu vaccination…

        1. Gary Ogden

          anglosvizzera: For several years now the number one vaccine for which compensation has been paid in the Court of Special Masters (vaccine court in the U.S., but not a legal proceeding at all; merely an administrative procedure) has been the flu shot, and the number one injury? You got it, Guillan Barré.

      2. mmec7

        Ekondig G – Flue vaccine / Guillain-Barre. Yes, Guillain-Barre is a known reaction to the flue vaccine. My nephew was vigouresly pursuaded to have the flue vaccine 2017 / 18 season. He developed Guillain-Barre, was hospitalised, paralised, fed by a tube, unable to speak nor to swallow. Could only move one hand. He was paralised for two months. Hospitalised for some four months. He responded to physio and rehab. He is left with some slight paralysis down one side including arm and hand. He continues to receive physio. I saw him September 2018.
        For myself, following the one and only time I received a flue shot I developed flue ! I now refuse the shot, have never had flue again and very rarely have a cold, when I do, three day max. I do get bronchitis from time to time.
        We know that the virus mutates, so the vaccine is pretty pointless, last year’s stats were, 10% efficacious ? No way would I accept that vaccine, no way. In fact, in the measure of things, I refuse vaccines.

      3. Harry de Boer

        An interesting quote from an aluminium-alzheimer’s-brain researcher, Christopher Exley, is:
        “Without Aluminium no Alzheimer’s.”
        And he states that Aluminium can be removed through drinking silica-rich water, such as Fiji Water.

      4. Madge Hirsch

        Try a combo of getting your vit d level up to 50-60ng/l (125-150nmol/l in uk measurements) and n acetyl cysteine 600mg . The latter needs to be started now 5/6 months before flu season starts.

  6. Joanne Dobson

    Andy is a hero in my eyes and has more integrity in his little toe than all the conventional medicine doctors put together.
    Their complete arrogance in the matter shows how they have never actually researched the subject independently

  7. Iman

    The problem is the conflation of a number of subjects into the vaccine debate. One cannot put forth Wakefield and the autism link and discuss the issue of vaccine failures in one conversation because they are very different issues. One of fraud in science and the other a legitimate and researched subject. I am sure if you raised the second as an important health issue it would be be ok.

    1. anglosvizzera

      As far as I’m aware, the Lancet study wasn’t ‘fraudulent’. It was the parents or their child’s doctor who made a link with the MMR vaccine in 8 of the 12 cases:

      “We did not prove an association between measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and the syndrome described. Virological studies are underway that may help to resolve this issue.

      “If there is a causal link between measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and this syndrome, a rising incidence might be anticipated after the introduction of this vaccine in the UK in 1988. Published evidence is inadequate to show whether there is a change in incidence or a link with measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine.”

      There were originally 12 cases studied, but more later:

      Up to Jan 28, a further 40 patients have been assessed; 39 with the syndrome.”

      Here is the actual study:

      1. Gary Ogden

        anglosvizzera: Correct. The only fraud in this sordid affair was the accusation of fraud made by a journalist with no scientific training, Brian Deer, who was working for interests in support of the UK vaccine program, and thus GSK, the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer, and re-iterated in an editorial by the editor of BMJ in the greatest breach of professional ethics in her life. Dr. Wakefield did sue her and BMJ in a Texas court for libel. It was thrown out on a technicality, so the merits of his suit were never brought to light. There were no charges of fraud in the GMC actions against the three members of the Royal Free team of thirteen. All the GMC charges were quashed subsequently (2012) in the case of Professor Walker-Smith; Dr. Simon Murch was let off the hook for publicly endorsing MMR; only Dr. Wakefield was hung out to dry. The findings in this study have indeed been replicated numerous times, something that doesn’t often happen in science these days, and are of crucial clinical significance in the treatment of ASD. The good news is that Dr. Wakefield is doing good work here in the U.S. to this day; Britain’s loss, but a gain for good science, and for the health of children.

          1. Gary Ogden

            Sasha: Yes. He has said that, while Professor Walker-Smith’s insurance covered the costs of an appeal, his insurance did not. Apparently the cost of litigation in the UK is high. An enormous miscarriage of justice for him, and especially for the children. The other ten members of the Royal Free team were let off the hook after issuing a partial retraction of interpretation, the speculation of possible a link between MMR and regressive autism, and the call for further research. That research had been done, and completed, before Brian Deer made his secret complaint to the GMC. Thanks to Dr. William S. Thompson of the CDC, the statistician on that study, we know that they did, indeed, find a strong signal that had to do with the timing of the shot, in African-American boys (OR 3.46), and a weaker, but still significant signal in all boys with what they called “isolated autism,” that is, autism without co-morbidities. This is significant because of the way neurodevelopment disorders are classified. Thus the trashcan party at the CDC. Dr. Thompson revealed this fraud through his whistleblower attorney in August of 2014 (ten years after it had occurred), and has been awaiting a subpoena ever since. Nearly five years later, Congress knows about it, but is too cowardly to do anything. Rep. Darrel Issa, when he was chair of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, the proper venue to investigate this, called a hearing, but cancelled it a few days before it was to occur. Nor did he run for re-election. They got to him. Since then we have had Rep. Jason Chaffetz, and Rep. Trey Gowdy, all three Republicans, chairing the committee. All have sat on their hands. Currently the Chair is a Democrat whose name I don’t know, but it isn’t likely he or she will do anything, either. They know who butters their bread. To hell with the children.

      2. Jerome Savage

        Some of the criticism directed to A Wakefield is that he hasn’t sued. I wasn’t aware that he did, with the case “thrown out on a technicality”. Restoration of the good names of his compatriots should surely provide incentive to go again. Seems clear cut and would certainly remove any doubt, assuming likelihood of a successful outcome.

  8. Tom Welsh

    “Whenever any story about vaccination emerges, the vitriol, anger and naked rage is quite scary to observe”.

    It’s interesting (although deeply repressing) to observe that even doctors – supposedly among the most intelligent, well-educated, scientifically objective humans – react to such challenges in a religious rather than scientific manner. Indeed, behind the violent intolerance of so much organised religion lies something even more primitive: the group instincts of angry apes.

    For a group of apes to survive, it needs a strong leader. Not a good, or kind, or compassionate, or even clever leader – just a strong one, capable of hurting or destroying challengers. There Can Be Only One.

    Moroever, the group must exhibit solidarity; all members must support one another, and the group – as symbolised by the leader. Support for the group can most unmistakably be demonstrated by hatred of everyone not in the group. In terms of “1984”, Eastasia (with which we have always been at war) or Emmanuel Goldstein, the cause of all the trouble in the world.

    “Vitriol, anger and naked rage…” Just imagine, for a moment, a group of chimps whose territory has been trespassed upon by another group. Can you see them leaping up and down with rage, shrieking threats, throwing stones, sticks, feces…

    And if they ever manage to get hold of a lone member of the other troop, at odds of eight to one or better, they will get him down, bite him, hit him, and attack him until he is dead (or wishes he were).

    We won’t make much progress as a species until we learn to react in ways clearly different from those of chimps.

    1. Tom Welsh

      “Depressing”, not “repressing”. Alas and dammit, we also need to invent some better means of transcription than the keyboard.

      1. mmec7

        Yes – one could try the dictation transcription app. Know several doctors use it, and it does work, but do have to check it as can ‘mishear’ the dictaphone. Had to smile, as my own post (here, above) starts with a barrage of SPs… The input programme here does not have a correction app. Heigh-Ho !

  9. Frieda Paton

    Thank you for this very interesting piece. Quite a few facts I was unaware of and triggered a number of thoughts. For example, being a South African, I wondered whether the high incidence of HIV in the Black population, compared to the White population, is in any way linked to the CCR5 Delta 32 mutation – rather than the higher incidence of risky behaviour as generally stated. Or is the occurrence of the gene mutation too rare in the European population?

    Although I don’t see myself as an anti-vaxer I am a bit concerned about the rapid proliferation of vaccines and what seems denial of severe side-effects.

    1. Gray Bull

      “Although I don’t see myself as an anti-vaxer I am a bit concerned about the rapid proliferation of vaccines and what seems denial of severe side-effects.”

      The sad truth, in today’s climate, merely saying this statement gets you labeled “anti-vaxxer.” I can assure you, most who are labeled as such, do not consider them selves to be anti-vaxxers. That is a term really a slur. It is used to label, belittle, and dismiss anyone who mentions even the slightest concerns about the current vaccine schedule.

      1. rosross

        The sad truth is most parents who are called anti-vaxxers were once pro-vaxxers, doing what they were told until a child was dead or injured. Then they became vaccine-questioners looking to limit or reject. Very sensible parents really.

      2. Socratic Dog

        I think this is key to the state of the “debate”. It seems obvious to me the primary role of a parent is to protect his child from harm. Questioning vaccines, in any way, is, in their minds, suggesting that the vast majority of parents are too stupid to even get that right. It doesn’t go down well. It mightn’t be what I intend them to hear, but it’s what they hear: “you are killing or injuring your own children, and are too stupid to realize it”.

        How does one get round that?

        A friend at work had a daughter paralyzed, temporarily, but requiring a protracted period in the ICU, from Transverse Myelitis. It’s a side effect of vaccination, like Guillian Barre. I thought long and hard about whether to bring up the likely cause with him. In the end I didn’t. I’d talked to him about vaccines previously, he’d had the opportunity to wake up, and didn’t take it. If I told him now that he had likely almost killed his daughter through vaccination, somehow he would twist that in his mind to it being my fault. I really couldn’t be bothered arguing with him.

  10. Tom Welsh

    “One thing I do know is that anyone who states that the science is settled, and inarguable, and all the experts agree, and must therefore be right – clearly does not understand anything about science. At all”.

    Excellent! If only all children could be taught that before the age of six, and believe it for life.

    Unfortunately, because of the way our society is organised at present, what matters to the overwhelming majority is NOT what they believe, but whom they agree with. It’s vital to agree with the right set, and vilify all outsiders, mavericks and troublemakers.

    Yet Galileo was right, and the entire Church was wrong. And Semmelweiss was right, while the entire medical “profession” was wrong. They could disgrace him, stop him practising medicine, and lock him up in a lunatic asylum where he was killed… but they were wrong and he was right.

    We need to gain a vastly greater respect for truth and intellectual integrity. ‘”What is truth?” asked jesting Pilate…; but it really is no laughing matter.

    1. chris c

      “Education teaches you what questions NOT to ask. The failures become scientists”


    2. Bill

      I’ve spent fair bit of time in my college years studying the contrasts between science and religion and it is clear to me the science of yesterday has become the dogma of today.

      In every possible way, today’s CDC, AMA and AAP are the de facto, self-appointed high priests at the Temple of Medicine who speak with the Oracle in a secret language of peer-reviewed papers whereas all the ragged, incoherent “anti-vaxxer” parents crying over the lost futures of their brain-damaged children are blasphemous heretics who must be silenced quickly, with the use of force if need be. The similarities to the struggle between the Vatican and the likes of Galileo, Bruno, and Copernicus are stark. Those who refuse to conform and bend to power because they have made real observations that contradict the dogma must be silenced at all costs. The very existence of the power structure and the empire depends on it.

      1. AhNotepad

        Bill, here is an example of the priests employing the witchfinder-general to silence those who would speak about facts.

      2. Gary Ogden

        Bill: Vaccine policy has indeed become a religion, and an immensely profitable one at that. Next up are DNA vaccines, which will alter the DNA of the victim. Warms the heart.

  11. Jean Humphreys

    Thank you – and that is before I have actually read it. Been looking forward to some calm and sensible thoughts on this subject.

  12. Mr Chris

    Dr Kendrick
    Pleased you are back.
    I notice that vaccination is a very emotive subject. Occasionally I have commented here that I get the flu vaccination, and I usually don’t get flu, so I am happy. This to some people is not politically correct. I have two aims in life, being around for along time, and not getting a debilitating illness if I can help it.
    Seems to be working so far.

    1. Data Driven

      Weirdly, the only time I got the flu in the last 40 years was the one time I did get a flu jab. Not statistically relevant, I know.

      Re the flu though, I live in a sunny place and am outdoors often, so don’t suffer from the vitamin D depletion that is common in less sunny climes. Perhaps that why I don’t get flu or colds.

      1. andy

        Hi Data D: re flu vaccines and why some don’t get sick

        Hyperglycaemia is probably a root cause of many health problems.
        “Acute, short-term hyperglycemia affects all major components of innate immunity and impairs the ability of the host to combat infection, even though certain distinctive proinflammatory alterations of the immune response can be observed under these conditions.”

        1. Gary Ogden

          andy: Thanks! This also stands out as a giant red flag: “Furthermore, a reduction of nitric oxide formation takes place. . . .” I say, avoid acute hyperglycemia like the plague (both the Black Death and bubonic plague).

      2. Me Chris

        Data driven
        Fair enough, I supplement for vitamin D, am outside a fair amount, and rarely get colds, but I still will do the flu jab. At my age I consider risk reward is weighted in its favour

      3. Danny Evatt

        Though not reported in the U.S. press, I located this little jewel on an “inside” medical blog. It was dated June 28, 2019:

        “This past season’s flu vaccine was only about 30% effective overall, and ineffective against a late-surging strain, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) stated in its 2-day meeting on June 27 and 28.”

      4. chris c

        Full text (which I will read later)

        Yes i Lack Phase 1 insulin so my glucose would spike after any appreciable quantity of carbs. As a result I was a martyr to minor but chronic skin, eye, sinus, gum and fungal infections and caught pretty much every cold and flu going for over fifty years.

        In the last fourteen low carb years where I’ve controlled my BG into a mostly normal range I haven’t had flu at all and have had about two actual colds. Sometimes I feel like I’m going to get a cold for a few days, then that I’ve had a cold for a few days without actually having the cold in between. Probably eating a lot of nutrition and sun exposure has also helped make my immune system work properly.

        A fw months ago I cut my thumb badly. In my previous life it would probably have needed stitches and definitely antibiotics, or at least ointment. It healed up spectacularly quickly and I noticed recently it is all but impossible to see which thumb was injured.

        One big negative about the flu vaccination – where we used to live they would call in all the old folks at the same time. After you had run the gauntlet of reversing Nissan Micras in the car park you would sit for up to an hour with al the other old folks. Even if the flu jab worked, which it didn’t always, you got the opportunity to catch all sorts of other things instead.

    2. rosross

      @Mr Chris,

      I have never had the Flu and never had a Flu vaccine. Not sure what either of our tales tell. All I do know is that I spent two decades living in India and various African countries without being vaccinated and without falling ill. Sensible living, good sleep, good nutrition and Homeopathy work for me. But, to each their own. The placebo effect for injections is massive – more than for Pills.

    3. K J E

      I’ve never had a flu jab and never had flu. When I was a child at school we were tested for allergies to the vaccination and I was always positive, so I never had one. Never bothered as an adult as, to the best of my knowledge, I was allergic to it.

  13. peter lawton (@petermushroom99)

    At last–You are back–I was beginning to think “the haters” had really got you.—There is much bravery in being prepared to examine the vaccine topic–It’s unreal the heat that it causes– Thanks for saying what you honestly think.

  14. Sylvia Brooke

    Fantastic post Dr. Kendrick, despite it containing much ‘food for thought’ you also managed to bring a touch of humour to a miserable Tuesday morning. You have obviously beaten your Writer’s Block, and thank goodness for that.

  15. Melody Godfrey

    I’ve ride to have this very conversation with colleagues and friends. I’ve been in the medical field since 1991 as a lab tech and then emergency medicine. I feel I understand the science, I am an intelligent person. My children, grandchildren and I are vaccinated, except for the flu shot and hpv which I have repeatedly declined. There are places where I cannot work (UsA) unless I prove I have had the flu shot.
    Thank you for this intelligent, thoughtful and articulate blog. If only more health professionals would step back and view the subject in this manner, we could begin to have an understanding of all opinions on the matter, instead of caustic argument.

  16. Steve

    Excellent post. I have a history background and It took me years to figure out that the primary sources of the history of vaccines do not match the story being told.

  17. Marjorie Daw

    An elephant in the room is vaccine failure from waning immunity. FDA reports on it but plays down the importance of secondary vaccine failure. In an FDA article on mumps and whooping cough FDA reports…

    “Our research indicates that by college age levels of anti mumps antibodies had declined substantially..
    “This suggests that an additional dose of vaccine is unlikely to provide a long term solution.”…

    Whooping cough is a similar story with rates rising over the last 20 years. Vaccinated people may be asymptomatic and still become infected and then infect others.

    Recently a US naval warship was quarantined at sea for over 5 months due to an outbreak of mumps in a fully vaccinated population. Mumps and whooping cough outbreaks are common in schools and on college campuses with high vaccination rates.
    So much for herd immunity.

  18. Laura Matthews

    This is a real minefield.
    In the early 1980s there was a scare about Whooping cough vaccine. I was totally torn as to whether to have my eldest son vaccinated so discussed it with the doctor at the baby clinic. I asked him whether he would have his own children vaccinated and he refused to answer. Upshot is that I declined the vaccination. Five years later, the scare was no more so my second son received the jab but at aged 7 years my eldest caught Whooping cough. Huge guilt.

    Age 3 years my youngest son had measles, despite being vaccinated. The was the old vaccine before MMR. My GP told my then that around 10% receive little or no protection from the measles vaccination.

    Doing the best you can as a parent, with the information you are given is not easy.

    1. Gary Ogden

      Laura Matthews: Yes, according to Dr. Gregory Poland at the Mayo clinic, a prominent vaccine researcher and promoter, 10% of recipients of MMR are non-responders, that is, they produce no increase in antibodies in response.

      1. Harry de Boer

        This implies that herd immunity through 95-98% vaccination rate can never be achieved, unless the non-responders in the group have acquired natural immunity through getting the disease.

        1. Gary Ogden

          Harry de Boer: Yes. Herd immunity is a term used during an outbreak of infectious disease, and it basically means that they are self-limiting; once 60-80% of a given population has been infected, the outbreak will be over; no new cases will occur. It is a complete misuse of the term to use it for a vaccinated population. It simply does not apply. Vaccines often produce a mild form of the disease, with no clinical indications. Some recent vaccinees become asymptomatic carriers, and can cause outbreaks. This is certainly true of the acellular pertussis vaccine. In some hospitals, recent vaccinees are prohibited from visiting patients for this very reason.

    2. Frederica Huxley

      All 3 of my sons were vaccinated for whooping cough in 1975; the following year all three were very ill for nearly 6 weeks with the disease. I complained to a friend who was a senior research medico, who had sons of my children’s ages, and who also were vaccinated and subsequently had whooping cough. Oh, he said, as the boys were all vaccinated, they didn’t have pertussis, they had para-pertussis!

    1. anglosvizzera

      I’ve watched that video – it is definitely worth watching. Wakefield is not at all dangerous idiot and has been used as a scapegoat, which has had the desired effect of stopping any medical professional stating their feelings publicly…

      1. Aileen

        Frederica, I had a very bad cough at the age of 10 in the summer of 1974. My best friend’s little sister was officially diagnosed with whooping cough just before I became ill. My GP said my version wasn’t whooping cough, although I clearly remember demonstrating my very whoopy, long-drawn-out cough for him. It lasted for the whole six weeks of the summer holiday, and if it wasn’t whooping cough then I’d love to know what else it could have been. I couldn’t keep anything solid down and lived on tinned soup and became very thin. The one plus point for me was that I was excused weekly attendance at Sunday mass for the first time in my life, which made it all worthwhile!

        I have since wondered whether I had in fact previously received the pertussis vaccination, leading my GP to deny that I could have contracted it. I suppose I’ll never know.

    2. anglosvizzera

      Aileen – your penultimate sentence is most likely correct. When people have been vaccinated against pertussis, doctors often assume that they’re immune and pertussis doesn’t even cross their minds. This happens more than is realised, I’ve discovered, because there are lots of cases where people with chronic coughs (without the characteristic ‘whoop’) turn out to have pertussis.

  19. Debbie Moon

    Well written and interesting. The vitriol on both sides of the vaccine debate is incredible, with MailChimp shutting down anti-vaxxers as the latest bit of craziness. I’m off to read more on the possible link between the CCR5 delta 32 mutation being selected for in Europeans due to Ebola instead of the plague.

  20. David Nockels

    Whilst it would be nice if things were black and/or white, it is my experience and suggestion that in general they are grey. I suspect this is true of this topic, much to the exasperation of those who would wish otherwise. Grey is more difficult to make decisions over…….

  21. Marjorie Daw

    I don’t understand how your fellow doctors can be so sure that the industry that gave us statin drugs is beyond reproach when it comes to vaccines. Bobby Kennedy fought and won hundreds of cases against corporate polluters as an environmental lawyer. When he took on vaccines and Merck he was attacked and called a lunatic just as doctor’s who question statin drugs are attacked. As he points out, Why would anyone think that Big Pharma has suddenly come to Jesus when they have paid out hundreds of millions of dollars in criminal fines. It’s well worth taking the time to watch this presentation by Bobby Kennedy on Merck’s Gardasil vaccine

  22. Göran Sjöberg

    I wonder about my own “idol” Suzanne Humphries in this vaccine context. She must be “hanging from a tree “by now?

    BTW, how many ways are there to kill medical heretics?

    1. James DownUnder

      “…BTW, how many ways are there to kill medical heretics?…
      Goran, – ‘ Let me count the ways…’

  23. Dave

    Putting the unvaccinated cat among the vaccinated pigeons – well done…………a reasoned debate on the issue, leaving emotion aside, is well overdue

  24. Danny Evatt

    Why is there no more open and honest discussion of vaccinations, climate change or other matters of science? Because the idea of yes/no, right/wrong and absolutes has now moved into the realm of science.

    The correct belief in life (and science) is that there are only two things for certain in this world; death and taxes. All is is maybe, perhaps, sometimes and often – but never always!

    1. Martin Back

      The reason we can’t have a reasoned discussion based on the scientific merits of a case is because motive and morality is brought into the issue, and we react to the emotional content rather than the factual content of any subject.

      You defend vaccines — you’re a shill for Big Pharma!
      You believe in global warming — you’re trying to scare us for your own nefarious purposes!
      You eat carbs — you’re an imbecile who’s been brainwashed by Big Food!

      1. Gary Ogden

        Martin Back: That’s why it is such a breath of fresh air, Dr. Kendrick’s blog (and many others, for that matter). It is in the mainstream media, which is basically a propaganda operation to please their advertisers, that ridicule and vitriol pass for discussion. But here we behave like adults. Hooray for that.

  25. Sue Richardson

    There’s a children’s chorus that starts: ‘Dare to be a Daniel, dare to stand alone’. Thank you Dr K for being a Daniel. You are a brave man, and my hero.

  26. Alison Morton

    As an erstwhile health visitor turned medical herbalist (yes, for the nay-sayers, ‘medical’ herbalist with over 6 years training and an MSc) – I have followed the vaccination debate over several decades with some interest. I could contribute many anecdotes (mostly of a sceptical variety) but won’t. I will say that I have attended very interesting seminars on the subject, most notably one in 2002 given by Michel Odent (yes, the water-birth man) who was of the opinion that only the tetanus vaccine is worth having and that the scientific ‘evidence’ doesn’t actually support any others. Thank you for tackling this, Malcolm – good to see you back! Are you still in Macclesfield? I’m in Buxton.

    1. anglosvizzera

      Talking of Michel Odent and vaccines, years ago I used to know a woman who did a research project with him looking at asthma and vaccines – they studied unvaccinated children from a local Steiner school and compared with those with asthma, and concluded that it was the pertussis vaccine that looked like the most likely culprit!

  27. Gary Ogden

    Dr. Kendrick: Bravo for this! And bravo that writer’s block is gone, crumpled, and tossed! Love the final two sentences.

  28. Fergus Glencross

    Ok. A few straw men in my opinion. As a previous poster said the main debate was missed in your article ie does vaccination cause autism. This is the main fear and the reason parents decide not to vaccinate their children.

    1. Dunno

      Whether or not the MMR vaccine can cause autism, there is a simple solution. Give the three vaccines separately. In Britain, the NHS does not allow this. Why?

      1. anglosvizzera

        They used to, and then after Wakefield the license for separate vaccines was withdrawn. And Merck stopped producing the single mumps vaccine (even though they make the separate vaccines to incorporate into the MMR…)

      2. Sue Richardson

        It’s probably cheaper to give them all at once. Everything is down to £s and the NHS is, as it so often tells us, strapped for cash. Just seen the comment from anglovizzera, she’s probably right too. I’m very sceptical and just think everything is down to money these days.

      3. Gary Ogden

        Dunno: They were available separately at the time Dr. Wakefield recommended they be given separately at the infamous press conference. The measles vaccine by itself was also available in the U.S. at the time. Both were soon discontinued. Why? The whole purpose of the lynching of Dr. Wakefield was to protect the MMR program. Not the children. The program. More money to be made by combination vaccines. We now have quadra-, penta-, and hexa-valent vaccines. The immune system, of course, is well-evolved to handle six separate intruders at once. Don’t try this at home in such a case, unless you have six weapons-trained people with weapons.

      4. Gray Bull

        Japan does not give the MMR. They found too many adverse events. They give an MR vaccine. (And, they are all voluntary – vaccination isn’t required for school.) They also typically bed-share with their infants. Take a look at their infant mortality rate compared to ours! There is ZERO excuse for the U.S. to REFUSE to consider adjusting the schedule or splitting up the MMR except that they can’t let the truth come out.

        Lastly, fear of autism is NOT the only (or even the main) reason people avoid vaccines. Those who follow the topic have hundreds of concerns.

    2. Gary Ogden

      Fergus Glencross: That debate is a minefield. I would question the sanity of anyone without expertise in the field stepping into it. Dr. Kendrick has clearly stated that he does not have expertise in this field. Like any good scientist he gives information based upon knowledge, on good science, and should be commended for his fidelity to both science and ethics. The link between MMR (the only vaccine so tested) and autism has been confirmed by the U.S. CDC, but the data was subsequently mangled every way possible to remove the signal before publication (DeStefano, et al., Pediatrics, 2004). Clear scientific fraud. This is what the film “Vaxxex” is about. And it is a true story. There will never be another taxpayer-funded study examining the link between vaccines and autism, nor any study comparing the health outcomes of unvaccinated vs. those who have received all 72 (half of them before age 2 in the U.S). The U.S. government owns 20 vaccine patents. They have no intention of cooking their own goose.

    3. anglosvizzera

      I disagree that most parents are afraid of autism as a result of vaccination. This is what the health authorities/governments seem to think and in my communications with them regarding vaccine safety, even when I mention other potential harms and leave autism out of the conversation entirely, they invariably reply saying there is ‘no link with autism’!

      There are many other issues that may be linked with vaccines; autoimmune diseases, chronic eczema, asthma, cancer and other things a parent doesn’t wish for their child to have. But since Andrew Wakefield and the MMR debacle, this has overridden any other concerns about vaccines. Yes, it would seem that regressive autism is increasing and compared with the past, more cases where a child will never become independent which will create a huge burden on society once their parents have gone. But it is not the main concern of many parents, other than those to whom it has happened.

      1. Frederica Huxley

        There also seems to be a dearth of research on the effects of multiple vaccinations on the developing immune systems of babies and young children. Indeed, nearly all childhood vaccinations were developed at a time when all bacteria and viruses were deemed toxic.

        1. Gary Ogden

          Frederica Huxley: Nor will there be any research. Meanwhile, services for the intellectually disabled, for children and especially for adults in both the U.S. and UK are completely inadequate and the needs growing rapidly, as the increasing numbers of cases are aging out of the school systems. It is an existential crisis in the offing, swept, as usual., under the rug.

    4. Old fogey

      Exactly. Why would anyone risk autism to prevent measles, whooping-cough, or another usually non-threatening childhood disease? I cannot imagine why there was such a rush to produce vaccines against such innocuous diseases.

      1. anglosvizzera

        Did you not notice that these diseases suddenly became “deadly”, as soon as there was a vaccine available? Of course, there was some mortality associated with measles and whooping cough, but now it’s worse, as vaccine-induced immunity from measles isn’t passed on as robustly as it was from having the disease, so infants too young for the vaccine are getting measles. As for pertussis, it’s becoming evident that the vaccine protection wanes quite quickly and that those vaccinated become asymptomatic carriers of pertussis, capable of infecting others. So now they try vaccinating pregnant women against pertussis (and diphtheria and tetanus at the same time, as they use a combination vaccine) to try and deal with that problem…guinea pigs again.

      2. Stephen Rhodes

        If the matter of whether vaccines should be produced against pathogen infections was in the hands of statisticians, then we would be trying to work out why they kill at the 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 100,000 level before we wasted time ‘protecting’ the other 9,999 to 99,999 – mainly infants – who will not die, or even suffer any permanent impairment. For some reasons a very small number of children succumb fatally to e.g. measles, why do we not find out what it is that is different about these rare children and just fix them?

        Vaccines are clearly a bit of a cash cow that, in the US, is in danger of becoming a whole herd, as the reducing efficacy, and short term immunity conferred, is now driving a move towards annual ‘boosters’.

        And, has anyone mentioned that when he signed the Bill that gave vaccine manufacturers immunity from legal redress for damages caused, President Reagan did so on the understanding the US licensing authorities would review vaccine safety biennially -but in the following 30ish years this review has never taken place, not even once.

        1. Gary Ogden

          Stephen Rhodes: That’s right. Not. Even. Once. Mandated by law to conduct vaccine safety studies, HHS has done nothing in the intervening 32 years. And by a neat trick, that bill (The NCVIA of 1986) shifted liability from the manufacturers to the taxpayers; nevertheless, only about 1 in 150 injuries ever receive compensation. Were they all to have been compensated the bill would have been somewhere in the neighborhood of $600 billion, rather than the $4 billion which has been paid out. Couldn’t have had so many wars. As I understand it, no compensation for vaccine injury has been paid in the UK for several years. Different system, of course.

        2. Sasha

          It is possible to suggest that childhood infections served a function of “culling the herd”, so to speak, either killing or sufficiently maiming the weakest members of the species and preventing them from reproducing. At the same time, this process conferred benefits on those who survived it intact, thus strengthening the genetic makeup of the whole “herd”. Once we developed vaccines to interrupt this process, we improved the quality of life for some at the expense of others.

          1. AhNotepad

            Destruction may not be the only function of a disease. Stephanie Seneff suggested that flu is allowed in to correct a sulphate deficiency in the blood. It gets into the musles and liberates sulphate to correct the blood deficiency. This adds credibalityas to why good nutrition is the key to avoiding disease, rather than inflicting the system with toxic substances.

          2. Sasha

            I remember getting a flu a couple of times when I was around 10-13 years old and I distinctly remember feeling better when it was over than how I felt before I got sick. Some also report that their children have a growth spurt after or during a fever. It’s possible that fevers have beneficial effects on those strong enough to survive them intact. Interfering with that process may be foolish.

          3. Gary Ogden

            AhNotepad: Dr. Seneff also has some interesting ideas about sulfate deficiency and MI.

      3. Gary Ogden

        Old fogey: The measles vaccine was developed once it became technologically feasible, not because there was a need. Mumps is a trivial disease in childhood; the vaccine has changed the demographic to the dangerous age: post-adolescence, most commonly college age, so this one is complete stupidity. Rubella is a milder disease than rubeola (measles), only dangerous to the fetus when the mother contracts it, and then, terrible are the consequences. The only reason we have Gardasil is that the technology (adsorption of the antigens(s) to aluminum salt nano-particles) was developed, and Merck needed to recoup the financial hit from the Vioxx payouts. The U.S. government is the actual patent-holder for this technology You might say that Medicine is both profit- and technologically-driven, and you wouldn’t be far wrong. Add in Stalinist control of the population, and welcome to our modern world.

    5. The Wizard

      Fergus, with respect, this is the debate “they” ( the pHARMa boys & girls) want everyone to concentrate on. Wakefield is a “fraud” , the Lancet study was “fraudulent” ergo vaccines do not cause autism.
      Now ask a different question; can vaccines cause neurological damage?
      The Hannah Polling case is ALL you need to look into. YES, YES and YES.

  29. Robert Dyson

    This is a very measured view of vaccines. I am sure you thought long before publishing this. It follows my own starting point on any intervention, that there will always be side effects and different people will respond in different ways. Probably the worry is that we are usually a bit lazy and worry a lot about rare bad effects while ignoring common benefits, leading to people easily tipping to anti-vaccination. It’s like people worry a lot about nuclear power but not about coal power that produces more environmental waste and radiation.

    1. anglosvizzera

      Vaccines should be considered individually on a ‘risk versus benefit’ basis. Just being ‘pro-vaccine’ or ‘anti-vaccine’ is too simplistic. The agenda seems to be to promote this dichotomy, probably in order to get everyone to be ‘controlled’ and just accept whatever future vaccines may be rolled out. There are currently hundreds in development which stand to make even more millions for the pharmaceutical companies – it’s a ‘win-win’ situation for them, particularly in the US where they’re exempt from liability.

      The picture is far bigger than people realise but for now, parents who have concerns should have the right to know what the real risks are versus the benefits for each illness/vaccine because, for example, in the case of mumps, it would seem that for such a mild illness in children it would be better for it to be circulating rather than the current scenario whereby young adults, mostly males, are getting mumps when it’s potentially more harmful.

      1. Sue Richardson

        When we were children, in the 1950s, our parents used to hold mumps and measles parties. I suppose it seems horrifying now to modern parents, but the idea was to get these childhood illnesses over and done with when the kids were young.

    2. Benjamin David Steele

      “It’s like people worry a lot about nuclear power but not about coal power that produces more environmental waste and radiation.”

      Most people worried about nuclear power are also worried about coal power. But it’s about prioritizing one’s worry. Nuclear power is far more costly and dangerous than any other form of power.

      We began building nuclear plants before we had any plan of how to dispose with the nuclear waste. And all this time later, we still don’t know what to do about it. We simply buried in hoping that we could ignore the problem and now the nuclear waste is beginning to leak. In a sane and rational society, we wouldn’t be messing around with nuclear power.

      That is even more true at a time when money countries are investing in alternative energy. Anyway, such lack of foresight and precautionary principle also applies to vaccinations. We do mass experiments on the population and just hope it will somehow work out well. It is a psychotic disconnection from reality.

      1. chris c

        Nuclear electricity was going to be “too cheap to meter” or so they told us. Total failure to consider the construction costs, the storage costs and the decommissioning costs. One idiot decided to store magnesium-clad fuel rods under water, completely forgetting his schoolboy chemistry. The resulting hydrogen pressure blew out the side of the building and caused a major radiation leak.

  30. Joanne McCormack

    I love your article! Can I ask these questions without hate mail?
    Why is vaccination so precious as to be beyond debate? Why do some doctors not vaccinate their children? Does vaccine damage happen? Can you ask these questions in public without feeling you are at risk of ridicule, when you just want answers?
    Is it because of the emotion around (supposedly vaccine damaged) children, where parents feel guilty? Is it the emotion around harm to children from infectious diseases? Why don’t people feel such hatred about sugar or alcohol, which damage many more children as they grow up?

    1. Gary Ogden

      Joanne McCormack: While I generally hold doctors in high esteem, and rightfully so, Medicine is broken. It is a business; it is a revenue stream. Vaccines were once a minor part of the pharmaceutical industry, but today they are the future of industry, accounting for 20% of revenue, somewhere north of U.S. $30 billion, and growing rapidly. So the answer is: the love of money. The wealthy will protect their money with nearly the same ferocity that ordinary mortals and mother bears protect their children.

    2. Janet Love

      … and I asked both the Doctors at the practice I attend.. if they had taken the ‘flu vaccination.

      One produced a single malt whisky, and the other showed me a near-empty bottle of Vitamin C.
      – Neither has had the ‘flu.
      And “here” is West Australia where the ‘flu season has started months early, and the toll is double the mortality (attributed to flu) of last year.

  31. anglosvizzera

    Anyone who tries to debate vaccine safety, and really one must consider individual vaccines separately not as a single concept, is either debunked, silenced or ignored.

    I follow the research of UK-based world aluminium-toxicity expert Professor Chris Exley, who has recently started looking into aluminium adjuvants and their role in chronic conditions and adverse reactions. He has stated several times that as far as he was concerned, in the past, he had no thoughts about vaccination one way or the other, assuming they were the amazing success that we are all told. However he, and other scientists around the world (Dr Roman Gherardi in France, Dr Christopher Shaw in Canada, for example) are starting to piece together a lot of evidence that injected aluminium is actually harmful – not always immediately, although it can be, but that the body (and brain) tissues accumulate it over time, from all environmental sources. In his undoubtedly expert opinion, the body load of aluminium can reach a tipping point in the brain leading to conditions such as Alzheimer’s Disease, MS, epilepsy, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome (eg following the HPV vaccine) and probably many more. This is just one ingredient, used in many vaccines, that has never been tested against an inert placebo for safety, yet is found in increasing quantities in more recent vaccination combinations and schedules. It is not present in the MMR, but Exley postulates that, from his findings of the location of aluminium found in the brains of those who died with a diagnosis of autism, (ie in macrophages that were ‘loaded up’ with aluminium), the inflammatory response from the MMR could well be the point when the aluminium is taken up by these cells. In his case, after publishing his paper about autism and aluminium in vaccines, he writes about “The Din of Silence”…

    I have just finished reading an excellent book by a woman who has only recently found out that her many health issues can now be put down to ‘autism’. She is not the kind of autistic individual that we are seeing more of these days (the ones that are never going to be independent) but is highly intelligent. She doesn’t ‘blame’ her condition on vaccines or similar, although she does feel that the ‘modern’ form of autism may well be linked. She has had horrendous (but not unusual) treatment by the medical establishment in the US, having been diagnosed with various psychiatric conditions and ‘treated’ with innumerable drugs that have given her permanent problems as a result. Relatively recently, after a DNA test, she found she has certain gene mutations that means some kinds of drugs can’t be metabolised and hence build up in her system, which led to her manifesting ‘rare’ side effects, denied by the medical establishment because they were ‘rare’! She has also found a serious problem with Polysorbate 80, which is another ingredient in many vaccines and which can (and does, deliberately, in its use for certain psychotropic drugs etc) bind to and transport certain substances through the blood brain barrier, some of which should not be there.

    As you quite rightly state, measles was becoming a very benign illness in the developed world, so much so that doctors were writing letters and articles saying they thought it should no longer be a ‘notifiable illness’. In any case, when I had measles at the age of 6, my mother didn’t bother to tell the doctor and I have no doubt that my friends’ parents didn’t either, as it was ‘one of those things’. We attended measles parties to get it out of the way. I looked at my medical records a few years ago, which included those from when I had a chest infection as a baby, and there is no mention of my having had measles.

    There are many who question vaccine safety – an article in the BMJ from May this year points out the problems in adverse events being recorded (I can’t read the whole article as I’m not a subscriber, but you can get the gist):

    There are mixed responses, mostly on the side of ineffectual vigilance interspersed with those who are seriously ‘pro-vaccine’ –

    The most recent one (9 July) is on the side of the wonderful HPV vaccine and that the reported adverse reactions are just ‘coincidental’. However, Professor Exley has suggested his high-silicon mineral water protocol (which he has found safely eliminates stored aluminium even from the brain) to parents of girls affected by this and is getting more and more reports, a few months later, that the girls are recovering. If aluminium, potentially from the HPV vaccine which contains a large amount and may be the ‘tipping point’ for these girls, is not the cause of the problem, then how can they be recovering by using methods to remove it?

    Clearly, as he says, more independent research is needed. His own problem is that since he made a connection between vaccines and autism etc, his funding sources have dried up! And the problem needs to be acknowledged, which seems a long way off, the way things are going…

    1. Gary Ogden

      anglosvizzera: Thank you. Professor Exley is a good scientist who has indeed done important work. Greeted by silence. Even his own university did not publicize his findings. Wakefield-lite?We should all be concerned about our aluminum exposure, given its toxicity and ubiquity in the modern world. The silica-rich water protocol is indeed a good way to address this.

    2. Fergus Glencross

      I wouldn’t down play the effect of measles too much. My sister had a really bad infection and my Dad (a GP) was very worried. He couldn’t place an old sixpence in between her spots all over her body face and mouth, horrible.

      1. anglosvizzera

        As far as I’m aware, a measles rash is typically one that merges together rather than shows individual ‘spots’ as in chicken pox, so I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying. Also, the only ‘spots’ inside the mouth are white Koplik’s spots, which are a confirmation of measles and may appear a few days before the other symptoms and then disappear. Are you sure it was measles? Chicken pox can produce spots in the mouth, which are not pleasant.

  32. Bill in Oz

    Dear Malcolm,
    Thank you for this excellent post. I know I advised against getting involved in the medical debate so that you could avoid yet more argy bargey. But I have changed my mind. The facts you have presented in your post are important. And clearly there is a need for sensible and unemotional discussion of this issue.
    The one type of vaccination you did not mention is the annual pneumonia or flu dose so many of us older folk get every Autumn. My lady also gets it as it is a condition of her employment in caring for older folk in a nursing home. I imagine it is a condition for your continued work helping the elderly in your area to stay healthy. So do you have any thoughts on this form of vaccination ?

    1. JillM

      A receptionist at a large government department said that half of the staff were away sick. Recently, medical people vaccinated everyone on the same day, for flu. She thought it would be better if small groups were vaccinated at different times. I have had only one flu shot. I was very sick soon afterwards. Never again. I have worked out that I have a one in 24,000 chance of death from flu, in a bad year.

    2. Benjamin David Steele

      I’m getting into my mid-40s and I’ve never gotten a flue shot in adulthood. I rarely get sick, maybe once or twice every decade, and most of the time it’s minor.

      I appear to have a strong immune system, unlike my brothers and their families who get sick multiple times a year. One big difference is that I played a lot in dirty creeks and got lots of cuts as a child that rarely got cleaned out, also unlike my brothers. I also played with animals a lot.

      Some have proposed that developing a strong immune system in childhood is key to having a strong immune system in adulthood. It makes sense to me. That requires heavy exposure to microbes when the immune system is developing.

  33. JDPatten

    There is quite a difference between lack of effectiveness and causing actual harm. You’ve addressed only the former so far.

    I wonder how immunity fares after the actual disease as opposed to after the vaccine for it. Are there statistics for this on the high school outbreak you cite? Are there statistics for how effective the mumps and rubella aspects of the MMR were/are in these measles-failed high schoolers? When was this particular outbreak? It is now standard practice to vaccinate after one year of age.

    It’s quite accepted that certain vaccines are not as effective as others. The degree of failure determines whether the vaccine will be dropped. I had a vaccination against epidemic typhus in the U S Navy in 1966. It’s since been withdrawn. In 1997 I contracted typhus. (Damn flying squirrels!) The 2 week 104º fever broke before the doctors could diagnose or treat. Statistics all say that between 16% and 60% of typhus patients die, depending on strain virulence and individual immune response.
    Or, maybe, depending on whether or not one had an iffy vaccine 30 years earlier??
    In any case, my titer was so high afterwards that the CDC offered me $250 for a pint of my gold-standard typhus-proof blood.

    For full disclosure of possible shadings of personal bias: Penicillin saved me from death but not from semi-deafness by an opportunistic infection during measles in 1952. Measles drastically lowers immune resistance to such infections. (Only one reason not to have measles parties.)
    I am told that, having had the disease, I have lifetime proof against it. True?
    Consider that I got typhus again 12 years after. THAT high titer did not last.

    1. Gary Ogden

      JDPatten: Having wild measles is said to confer lifetime immunity, and the same is said for chicken pox. I’ve never heard anything to the contrary. As for any other infectious diseases, I don’t know. Waning immunity (often in less than ten years), though, is a well-known fact in vaccines, so your typhus vaccine may indeed have worn off after 13 years.

      1. JDPatten

        Yes, so I’ve been told, but I’d like very much to see actual statistics.

        The typhus vaccine’s effect was modest and seemed to wane quickly, so was abandoned.
        I got typhus 31 years later, not 13. I’m just thinking that there may have been just enough effect left to make a life’s difference. Lord knows, I thought I was dying!

        Typhus is a bacterial infection of the ENDOTHELIAL cells – hence my interest in bringing it up here.
        The bacteria hide as spores in subcutaneous tissue in the face of a strong immune response . . . until that weakens and they hatch out, as with me 12 years after the first bout. This time I and the doctors knew what was happening and obliterated the bacteria (hopefully!) with doxycycline.
        Stay away from flying squirrels, the only outstanding typhus vector!

        I know, working up vaccines against bacteria is a whole different ball of wax, but interesting.

        1. Gary Ogden

          JDPatten: Thanks. You always give us interesting and useful information. I spend a lot of time in the woods, but I’m not sure we have flying squirrels on the Left Coast; they all seem to walk. I know Montana has them, though.

      2. JDPatten

        Typhus is a rare thing. The annual number of cases U S A-wide you could count on one hand, if at all – all from flying squirrels.
        Vaccination was strictly a military thing.

        I’d like to know what lasting effects my two infections might have had on my coronary and other arteries. It’s rare enough, though, that no one seems to know. No one that might be able to has the interest or wherewithal to find out. The CDC experts are all veterinarians. Pff.

      3. Socratic Dog

        I can’t give a reference, but I’ve read several places that chicken pox infection no longer confers life-long immunity, courtesy of lack of periodic boosting from exposure to kids with chicken pox. Shingles is the result of this, it occurs largely in old folk, it’s caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox, and it’s reflective of waning immunity. The solution: shingles vaccination (of course).

        1. John Stone

          The problem with the chicken pox is not that it not that it’s effects are weakening – in fact the view in the U.K. for once is that it was never indicated and likely to cause shingles to proliferate. This is apparently under review at the moment and I am sure Prof Pollard would love to add it to the schedule. In fact, there are a few chickenpox deaths every year but so far British health officials have not chosen to hype the fact.

    2. anglosvizzera

      There may be permanent symptoms following complications of measles, some more common as a result of a vitamin A deficiency, but deafness seems to be due to nerve damage caused by encephalitis in measles. However, one of the adverse reactions of the MMR (and other vaccines) can also be encephalitis, so who knows which is going to happen to whom?

      1. JDPatten

        Keep in mind what I said above, that “wild” measles depletes the immune system leaving the sufferer wide open to opportunism. The range of bad outcomes from measles probably has more to do with that than with measles itself. Again, I’d like to see specific statistics on this.
        Opportunism may also explain problems with the vaccine, but I doubt that the immune system is nearly as challenged with the vaccine as with a full-on case. Again, statistics!?

        1. Gary Ogden

          JDPatten: That is correct, as I understand it, i.e., the immune system is not nearly as challenged by the vaccine as by the wild measles.

      2. anglosvizzera

        JDPatten – the immune system suppression from wild measles is apparently only temporary. However, when I was young, surviving measles (which everyone I knew did) was seen as a good thing as it appeared to strengthen the immune system overall. My mother was one of 8 children, born in 1920 to a County Durham mining family, had no vaccines and all the childhood illnesses, however that was before she started school. She was awarded with 2 framed watercolour paintings for never missing school in 2 five-year periods. I guess she and her family were lucky.

      3. Gary Ogden

        anglosvizzera: Yes, and febrile seizures are five times as common from MMR than from a wild measles infection.

      4. JDPatten

        The temporary suppression of the immune system during measles is enough to allow any nearby mayhem causing microbe in to do its dirty work.
        Anecdotes are fascinating. I have some too. But the best they can do is point up possibilities.

      5. Jerome Savage

        JD Patton
        Am confused. I acquired measles as a child as did many others and the only condition I developed was CVD some 35 years later followed by AIS.
        ( can’t rule out link between AIS & statins BTW)

      6. anglosvizzera

        JDPatten – yes I’m half English, half Swiss. I have read about the immunosuppression of measles and the recent study, yet in my personal experience I have no recollection of any of my peers being victim to opportunistic diseases following measles. That generation of parents always said that measles appeared to be beneficial to health and were glad when their children had it – hence the ‘measles parties’ that we attended.

        However, perhaps there is also a link with vitamin A? Measles itself can lead to a deficiency:

        “Recent studies show that vitamin A levels decrease during measles and that vitamin A therapy can improve measles outcome in children in the developing world.”

        Vitamin A has a role in immunity:

        “Vitamin A is also required for adaptive immunity and plays a role in the development of T both-helper (Th) cells and B-cells. In particular, vitamin A deficiency diminishes antibody-mediated responses directed by Th2 cells, although some aspects of Th1-mediated immunity are also diminished.”

        Also, in the particular case of measles, a vitamin A deficiency can be responsible for some of the complications of measles, which would explain how it’s more severe in certain groups or countries.

        1. JDPatten

          My own Case History (Thanks for the improved perspective-jargon for these stories, Malcolm):

          Measles, when I was seven years old, kept me in bed for the better part of a month. I could not walk; could not even change position in bed. My right ear became infected, destroying my eardrum, dislodging the “hammer”, and injuring the eustachian tube that would later scar, becoming semi-functional. My subsequent nerve loss may well be due to limited encephalitis, as you suggest. Dunno.
          The visiting doctor’s large chrome and glass syringe-fulls of daily penicillin shots seem to have saved the rest of my hearing, if not my life.
          Today, this looks very much like a severe opportunistic infection that was there – hanging around, ready to take advantage of an overwhelmed immune system. If so, there would have been no complication if that sneaky (bacterial?) microbe hadn’t been there.

          But, it’s only one story. All it can indicate is possibility. Similar such stories, taken en mass, might suggest the direction RCTs should then take to corroborate, or at least to clarify.

          Have these particular RCTs been done? Dunno that either. Anybody?

          1. Gary Ogden

            JDPatten: Every case history has value. Thank you for sharing yours. As you know, the planning and implementing of RCT’s in medicine are today driven by the need to enhance the revenue stream, so don’t hold your breath about medical science coming to the rescue.

          2. JDPatten

            Sure, but the value is generally specific and limited. The story is gold to the individual concerned. It points up what’s possible – in that individual. It might reveal a black swan. The thing about RCTs is that, properly done, the information gotten is applicable to the Mr/Ms Average of the group examined. But no one is Average, and the info MIGHT not apply to any one given individual. You can’t EXPECT a 100% win either way.

            Further personal Case History revelation. This is my case, the ONLY KNOWN case:

            The bacterium concerned had its genus named for Mr Ricketts, who died of the disease.
            The species name was given in honor of Mr Prowazek, who had died of the disease.

            Keep in mind that typhus causes the mayhem it does by destroying endothelial cells, thereby shutting down blood flow to vital and not-so-vital organs alike.

            I need not remind anyone of the central roll the endothelium plays here –– when we’re discussing CVD.

          3. Gary Ogden

            JDPatten: Removing them from the attic?? I shall avoid doing that. What I meant about every case study being important is that they enlarge our knowledge base. The way I think of my brain is that it contains a multitude of compartments one for each field or type of knowledge, unlimited in storage capacity, and all connected with one another. When a new bit of knowledge enters one of those compartments, it connects with everything else already there, sometimes modifying it, but not really displacing anything. That’s why I must read important books (and other printed matter) three times, so all that information can become part of the big picture. I’ve read all three of Dr. Kendrick’s books three times, and I finally feel I have a good working knowledge of all therein. Frothing at the mouth waiting for the fourth.

          4. JDPatten

            Yeah, attic. And inside the walls trashing the insulation and actually getting into our living spaces. In their numbers. Beautiful creatures that they are, they are the worst pests if they get the idea your home is theirs. I trapped them. I stopped counting them at fifty-some-odd when I got ill. Afterwards, I got rid of them all with a vengeance, considering the well-being of the rest of my family and how dangerous the squirrels can be. Our mid 19th century home (admittedly an intrusion into their habitat) looked ideal to all the extended relations of that squirrel clan. I still feel bad that it had to be them or us.

            I wonder how many deaths or severe illnesses of “unknown causes” are actually due to people taking on these cute critters as pets. People do! Maybe my putting out this case history will prevent one or two.

            Fourth frothing. Euphonious!

          5. Gary Ogden

            JDPatten: Yes, they are amazing creatures. The May “Natural History” has an article on the different structures they have evolved to fly even better than airplanes, and stop abruptly. Structures which have only in recent decades been developed and adopted for aircraft. Here is a link to information excerpted for the article:

      7. JDPatten

        Oh, and…
        Remember cod liver oil? It was the bane of my grade school friends. Health conscious parents of the ’50s insisted.
        I loved the stuff, however. (Weird?? I also liked olives. Whatever.)
        So I had plenty of vitamin A as you can see.

        1. Jean Humphreys

          Dear JDPatten,
          Nice to hear that I wasn’t the only weirdo. I loved Cod liver oil so much that my Mother would give me half the dose, and then “give in” to my pleadings for some more- she was good at using psychology!
          What’s not to like about it. Though I have tried often with olives, but no thanks.

        2. Gary Ogden

          JDPatten: I would be suspicious of any cod liver oil which has not been tested (some of is it made from fish other than cod). No way to know the quality of what you had in the ’50’s. I don’t recall having it much in childhood, but probably had some from time to time. Today I get my vitamin A from beef liver, yum!

      8. chris c

        I know a small but significant number of Type 1 (autoimmune) diabetics who developed it after measles. More develop it – and other autoimmune conditions – after flu. That’s what made me assume my diabetes (or prediabetes or not diabetes depending how you measure it) was caused by the measles. Mine is a lack of Phase 1 insulin response but in my sixties I can still produce a lot of Phase 2 insulin, just at a low rate over time.

        In retrospect the diabetes is probably genetic- it runs in one line of my family, and others I know with the same syndrome have the same familial incidence (one had so many diabetics in her family that as a child she believed old people shed their limbs the same way trees lose their leaves in autumn). This makes me ponder whether the diabetes was already starting and caused the measles to be bad rather than the other way round.

        Now I’ve read a theory, and don’t know if it has been further explored, that the culprit in autoimmune diseases is an adventive virus which can only effect people who are already ill from some other infection, and is responsible for turning the immune system up to 11. None of it is simple though, coeliac is also associated with autoimmune diseases: maybe the gluten damages the gut walls and allows the infectious agent into the bloodstream.

        Now I don’t recall anyone in my childhood (1950s) dying of measles or the other childhood infectious diseases like they do today. A couple of deaths from leukemia and other cancers but more than that died from road traffic accidents. Also not many kids with asthma or allergies, unlike today. I can see the point of vaccinating against actually dangerous diseases but for much of what is done today I suspect the vaccines damage more children that the diseases ever would.

      9. chris c

        Oh yes I liked the cod liver oil too! We also had orange juice from the Clinic and I was fond of rose hip syrup, neither of these too useful with the diabetes though. I have a couple of slices of lamb’s liver (with bacon, mushrooms and seasonal greens) every other week, That works.

  34. Steve Naylor

    You’re a brave man to raise this topic, Malcolm. As with statins, there’s a huge wall of money behind (and dependant upon) the public acceptance of vaccination, mainly for our children’s ‘benefit’.
    The news today that the controversial Gardasil (HPV) vaccine is going to be routinely ‘offered’ to 12/13-year-old boys in UK schools (thus doubling the number of recipients) is of great concern given the vaccine’s somewhat contrived safety record.
    Also, nobody has yet raised the matter of the ‘Spanish Flu’ epidemic of 1918 which is thought to have accounted for more deaths than the entire World War which immediately preceded it. It’s now realised that it wasn’t Spanish and that it most probably wasn’t the Flu either! Most people actually died from Bacterial Pneumonia and the infection is strongly suspected to have arisen from an experimental vaccine administered to US troops at an army camp in Kansas. If ever there was a reason to be cautious about new vaccines, then this is the instance to quote.
    Of course, with the thorough testing (cough, cough!) that precedes a modern vaccine’s rollout, something like the above would never happen nowadays, would it?

    1. Gary Ogden

      Steve Naylor: They don’t realize boys don’t have a cervix? Something fundamentally wrong with the educational system in the UK, I’d say!

      1. anglosvizzera

        It’s supposed to prevent genital warts, but also to stop the spread of HPV generally. However, as with meningitis, the HPV vaccine is only ‘against’ certain strains, and if the meningitis scenario is anything to go by, those strains that aren’t in the vaccine will no doubt proliferate.

      2. Gray Bull

        Not only that, but this vaccine is likely to lead to more dangerous strains of HPV. When they wipe out the common strains, it leaves a vacuum for more dangerous ones to develop. Much like what has happened with the Prevnar vaccine and with anti-biotics causing “super bugs.”

  35. Chris Morriss

    What a very interesting article!
    Of course, it raises more questions than it answers, which is to be expected. I hope that knowledgeable people will present some possible answers.

    Certainly there are many things in it that I was utterly unaware of, such as the unusual links between Ebola, the Black Death and (possibly) HIV.

    To me this looks like an ideal field for a group of bold young researchers to really study this. There may be seriously useful discoveries to be made.

  36. Michael Babcock

    Be prepared. On Twitter i recently asked for studies about the safety of thimerosal and was provided with 8 studies of which 3 questioned the safety. When I pointed that out I was told “There’s blood on your hands.” “Out, Out, Damned Spot!!!”

    Something I’ve not seen addressed is the presence of animal proteins in vaccines. Vaccines are designed to stimulate an immune response so what unintended consequences might there be to the presence of those proteins? Just a question, not an anti-vaccination statement. (I know it’s not allowed.)

    1. Gary Ogden

      Michael Babcock: This is indeed a great concern, as the immune system responds to foreign proteins by attacking them. Human and animal DNA fragments are also a great concern. Drugs are tested for purity, but biologicals are not.

  37. Jean Humphreys

    Captain Cook took measles to the South Sea Islands, where it caused havoc. I have just looked up the incubation period in my ancient Balliere’s – he must have been sailing faster than we thought. Presumably he must have had some a-symptomatic carriers of the disease, since the voyage itself should have provided a quarantine period.
    The South Sea Islanders must have had absolutely no immunity. Time was when most people in the Western World will have had an immunity, both from having the .disease, and before that, from their Mother’s immunity, passed over at birth and with breastfeeding. Since vaccination does not last for life, we are now creating a generation who have no immunity to pass on. Are their offspring going to be more vulnerable? Is this why measles used to be a less scary disease?
    It is all so much more complicated that it makes my brain hurt. The scientists who say it is simple have not really thought about it carefully enough.

  38. Elliot Feldman

    That was a very reasoned approach! Gutsy in today’s world. I don’t get the problem also, it seems rather simple to me. There are at least 2 ingredients, mercury in the flu vaccine, and most of the rest have aluminum, which are both strong neurotoxins. Seems like a problem to me. When I was growing up I was given 3-5 vaccines, not sure how many doses. But today there are 16 vaccines with 72 total doses. Seems like a possible problem to me. The mercury and aluminum might not be THE cause of autism but it seems possible that it’s might just be the thing that puts the infant over the top. Is that so difficult to grasp?

    1. Gary Ogden

      Elliot Feldman: In my view, there is no simple answer, but it seems likely that multiple assaults in a short period on the developing brain overwhelm the inborn protective systems. In infancy the brain is actively pruning the excessive numbers of neurons we are born with, and chronic microglial activation from biological and/or chemical insults derails this process. It is the glial cells which engage in this pruning. We give 36 vaccines in the first two years of life, beginning on the day of birth. Additionally, the immune system cannot develop properly, as nature intended, by fighting off the normal infectious diseases humans have evolved with. Infants should be protected by immune the factors in breast milk, but that is no longer the case for the diseases we vaccinate against. The only solution is to take the safety certification and licensing of vaccines completely out of government hands, and give it to an independent, accountable group of scientists, physicians, and citizens, train medical students in the recognition of vaccine injury, and establish a robust, active system of post-marketing surveillance, with real penalties for failure to comply. All governments are completely and utterly compromised by financial interests, and simply can’t be trusted. And all mandates should end. In the UK, the public rose up, and with the help of some powerful people, such as Alfred Russell Wallace, got Parliament to partially overturn the mandate in 1898, and fully overturn it in 1907, because the smallpox vaccine, as often as not, made the problem worse. In the U.S. we are rapidly approaching medical Stalinism, or fascism, if you wish, with now five states with essentially no exemptions from this onslaught. The doctors trial at Nuremburg established the principle of free, voluntary, informed consent for all medical procedures. This principal, in the U.S., has gone the way of the gooney bird, or Great Auk, or passenger pigeon, or mastodon, or triceratops, whatever you wish. Madness.

      1. ellifeld

        Yes, Gary, thanks for the reply. I’m basically just trying to simplify it a bit. And most people don’t realize chemicals like mercury and aluminum are very toxic and are in vaccines. And that the amount of toxicity has grown greatly over the years, something that is also most people are unaware of today. Of course there’s other information but as a simple starting point I think those areas are good and give people something to think about esp for the uninformed, which most people are, esp the pro-vaxxers.

        Sure, the gov’t and the pharmaceutical industry cannot be trusted for vaccines at this point. The question is whether a separate uncorruptable group can be found. You would think with all the information available at this point that shows there are problems with vaccines that something would’ve changed. But as Dr. Kendricks has pointed out, even within his community, which is supposed to be science based, he cannot question vaccines without hysteria.

      2. ellifeld

        * incorruptible, I saw that it was misspelled but couldn’t think of the right word, spellcheck didn’t help either. As I was scrolling down reading other comments not even thinking of it, suddenly I remembered!

      3. Somatoform

        Vaccinations start prebirth! Whooping cough which is 4 in 1 (DTaP) and flu vaccine! Aluminium passing through the placenta?

  39. Soul

    Yeah, I’ve found it odd and humorous how many blindly unquestion the medical field. Other professions are not as well believed. Trust your doctor is something I’ve heard many times. You’re not likely to hear someway say, trust your attorney. Lawyers know all the answers. Your attorney will not lie to you. People would likely laugh if told that in person. It would be nice if people were more skeptical of the medical field as they are with their lawyers, accountants, politicians, etc. but for what ever reasons that isn’t the case.

    Absolutely agree, diseases and vaccination effectiveness is a highly volatile topic. I’m personally not a believer in the HIV theory of AIDS. Don’t care for the hepatitis C theory. Have come to believe there is more to the polio story. Wonder what the heck happened during the Spanish Flu. Don’t know much about Ebola but somehow got trapped into that one at one point. Believe vaccines can have side effects, something many know but want to ignore. Wish that work would be done to make vaccines safer. Realize that if one wants to upset someone with money, tell him/her that I don’t believe there will be a vaccine that cures the common cold.

    It’s easy for me to be an odd one with the medical fields practices. I’m sick and hospitals didn’t have answers for me. So I read health books and have found it easy for me to be skeptical, basically buy new stories. Regardless of my personal beliefs, realize there are laws to be followed and not wanting to sued, do so, if such an issue arose.

    1. JillM

      Regarding the 1918 flu, the treatments then were morphine, atropine, aspirin (overdoses), strychnine, belladonna, chloroform, turpentine and kerosene. What was the real cause of the deaths?

      1. Soul

        I think you are onto something. Was it the treatments at the time? How did the disease spread? They didn’t seem to know what happened 100 years ago. I doubt there will ever be answers but it is interesting to speculate.

        1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

          I had heard that the newly promoted aspirin was very widely used in the ‘Spanish’ flu epidemic. Used in such high doses that it may well have killed people. It may have been a factor.

        2. Gary Ogden

          Soul: Yes, as much as 20g of aspirin, 85 times what is today considered a standard dose. This was a new, experimental drug from that warm and fuzzy company, Bayer. Although salicylates in willow bark had been a useful traditional medicine, the pharmaceutical version was, and is, not so benign. By the way most of those who died in the later stages of the Great War and for a few months after, succumbed to bacterial pneumonia. The beginning of this disaster was Ft. Riley Kansas. President Wilson (yes another in a long line of idiots to inhabit the White House) decided the U.S. should enter the Great War. Problem was, we had a tiny army. Crowded, unhygienic barracks were hastily thrown together, young men were hastily mustered at Ft. Riley from all over the land. The military really loves vaccines, so they were given several, all experimental. They hurriedly trained them, loaded them into crowded rail cars, then on crowded ships to the theater of operations. Many were sick by the time they arrived, or shortly thereafter. Of note, also: The electron microscope wasn’t invented for another decade or so, so ascribing this great dying to an influenza virus is akin to pissing up a rope. Fake news.

        1. Gary Ogden

          Somatoform: Even today, all human vaccines should be considered “experimental,” since not one of them have ever been subject to a randomized controlled trial, and post-marketing surveillance is almost non-existant. A hundred tears ago, they were likely more dangerous than they are today. I do not know about veterinary vaccines.

      2. Martin Back

        Gary, the 1918 flu virus has been identified and sequenced.

        When the complete sequence of the 1918 virus was published in 2005, it represented a watershed event for influenza researchers worldwide.

        In an article in the journal Antiviral Therapy, scientists at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, narrate the story of how scientists discovered samples of the 1918 strain in fixed autopsy tissues and in the body of a woman buried in the Alaskan permafrost.

    2. Stephen Rhodes

      The HIV progressively depletes the body of the selenium it requires to produce the selenoproteins the immune system requires to function properly. Apparently.

      1. Soul

        Over the years, what caught my attention about HIV and AIDS was when reading health books about products or services there would be mentions about how the product was great at treating AIDS. Then sometimes in the books there would be a paragraph or a page or two saying essentially, just to let you know there is this entirely different theory for the cause of AIDS. As one book put it, if you are diagnosed with having HIV don’t commit suicide.

        I never knew what to make of the mentions about the alternate theory for AIDS. There is a lot of questionable practices in medicine. It was another idea out there for a disease I’m not likely to get. I’m a male and in the west 90% of AIDS patients are male reportedly, but I’m not gay nor am I a drug user the two largest groups that develop the immune weakening condition.

        it wasn’t till I watched a movie put together about the alternative theory of AIDS, interviewing the main players, that it had me thinking that makes better sense than the official version.

        Regardless if the official version is correct, or if instead AIDS is the modern version of pellagra, I doubt there will ever be a serious investigation of the alternative theory for the cause of AIDS in the west.

  40. Jennifer

    Thank you, once again, Dr K. I do not have anything further to contribute to the vaccination discussion, but your logic about scientific analysis is so wonderful. It can be transposed to many aspects of life on this earth, as well as our questioning of what lies beyond. Your musings make me wonder about everything I come across these days. I wish I had had such insight earlier on in my life, rather than accepting facts at face value. I am embarrassed to say that was frequently the case during my professional working life.

  41. Jane Jewell

    Thanks for a very interesting and thought provoking article. Education is the key!
    I am currently studying immunology, and the more I learn, the more I realise how little we know and how much more there is yet to be discovered.
    One day all the answers to your questions will be known, but right now the quest for knowledge is being tragically impeded by emotion.

    Thanks for boldly asking questions, and planting seeds in our heads; may you live long enough to enjoy the answers!

    1. Gary Ogden

      Jane Jewell: Fascinating study, the immune system. I know only a little, but am certain it is incredibly complex, and that we tinker with it at our peril. What also strikes me is the incredible resilience of the human biological system, that we can assault it with all sorts of quackery, and, most of the time it, largely recovers.

  42. Derek

    As you allude with the phrase “burn the unbeliever”, the problem is that this has become a faith system.

    People can get very angry when one challenges their faith, and especially when one can use rational, fact based scientific arguments.

    Sadly, this is not the only area in modern life suffering from a excess of faith, and a lack of reason.

    1. Fergus Glencross

      Derek. Vaccines are not perfect but do a lot of good IMO. Dr Kendrick has said he is pro vaccine with caveats. Not faith believe me.

    2. Gary Ogden

      Derek: Thanks. One of my pet peeves: when belief replaces or stands in for evidence, then becomes common practice, then becomes the law. Right now, the authorities in California are taking away the granting of medical exemptions (the only exemption left to the 72 doses) from a child’s doctor, and giving it to a state bureaucrat who doesn’t know the child from Adam, and only for the narrowest reasons. The author of this draconian legislation, a state senator, calls himself a doctor because he has an MD, but he functions mainly as a pharmaceutical rep. Tyranny has a way of creeping up on us until it is too late. Next, he will go after the home-schoolers, then the adults.

  43. Mike Smith

    Burn the non Believer!

    Thats pretty much to anyone who dare go against modern convention (aka whatever big pharm says). Another interesting read Dr K. as always, just read a cracking book which is right up your street called Dumping Iron by PD Mangan – There are some interesting thought in there but again probably overlooked as the solution is quick, cheap and easy and not really anything in it for Big Pharma. Take care and don’t leave it so long next time 😉

  44. sundancer55

    I am sooooo angry. I had a whole big long important comment to place here all typed up and read to go and your site would not recognize my name and password, so it lost the whole damned thing.

    The gist of it was that I’m going to share this article with Barbara Loe Fisher for her NVIC column. I’m sure she’ll appreciate your views on vaccinations.

    BTW, please put the settings on this site such that we don’t have to “sign up” every time we visit here. THanks.

    1. Adriaan Keij

      To avoid loosing your comments, first SELECT ALL when finished, copy and paste your text in an email to yourself. Then log in. If things go wrong you’ve got your message in the mailbox to try and post again. Been there, done that.

    2. Gary Ogden

      sundancer55: Used to happen to me, too, so now, if I have a long comment to make, I do it in a Pages document, copy and paste. One website I frequently comment on has a time limit, so I always make my comments on Pages, unless they are very short.

      1. chris c

        ctrl-A ctrl-C selects all the text and copies it to the clipboard (Windows) from where it can be repasted. I also have a gadget that pastes the contents of the clipboard into a text document.

        I had one go south earlier, it hadn’t happened for so long that I didn’t bother to copy it and had to retype it.

  45. James Cook

    Someone above mentioned that yours is a measured response to the vaccine debate. Kudos for questioning medical orthodoxy, but I think your essay is a little too measured and not historically accurate. There is only one honest and scholarly study of the history of vaccination in modern times. That is Suzanne Humphries’ and Roman Bystrianyk’s “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History,” readily available on Amazon. It’s the primer, and no one should talk as if they know the history of vaccination who has not read that book. Of course, critics have engaged in the usual nitpicking, innuendo and character assassination, but I’ve yet to find any serious calling into question of its historical data and statistics. Smallpox epidemics periodically raged throughout the world for over two centuries after the introduction of the smallpox vaccine, and regularly hit hardest the most heavily vaccinated populations. It was finally conquered by quarantining and improvement in sanitation, hygiene and nutrition, not by the vaccine. That vaccines do great harm is well established historically, epidemiologically and clinically for anyone willing to look at the evidence. That they do any good has never been established. For example, there is no evidence of any sort that shows a high titer count indicates immunity to any infectious disease. At most, it shows to what pathogens one may have been exposed. Antibodies alone do not an immune system make, and the body has plenty of ways of warding off disease apart from them. On the other hand, numerous studies have linked high antibody counts to autoimmune disease and other disorders. with over-stimulation by vaccines being an obvious culprit. What’s maddening to me is how so-called experts refuse to see what’s staring them in the face and keep calling for more studies. We don’t need more studies. We need to stop poisoning our children. You may think this extreme, but I consider mass vaccination slow-motion genocide. The puppet-masters with economic and political muscle pull the strings and everyone joins in a bizarre collective St. Vitus’ Dance. Allopathy has become a religious orthodoxy, and vaccination is its Holy Eucharist. Orthodoxies always serve the power structure.

  46. Bill

    “Well, it seems inarguable that vaccination has created enormous health benefits. Polio and smallpox – gone.”

    Well, it has been argued, in great detail and with enormous primary historical evidence. Anyone interested in vaccines should, I think, start with the actual history, which could not be more different from the fairy tales we’ve all been told. Much of this history is actually quite horrifying:

  47. Penny Parker

    Have you read Professor Chris Exley’s articles on aluminium in vaccines? We need more doctors and scientists prepared to stand up and say “what cannot be said”.

  48. AhNotes

    Interesting you mention how many doses were needed to show “adequate” antibodies. My understanding is it is possible for people with plenty of antibodies to catch a disease, and it is also possible for people with no antibodies to avoid catching the disease even when exposed to it.
    Half way through there is an explanation of the Th1 (cellular immunity) and Th2 (antibody immunity). Vaccines are designed to promote a Th2 response, which is not all that is required to have immunity.

  49. Marjorie Daw

    The first thing that anyone who questions vaccines hears is, “What about polio?”
    The book, “The Moth In The Iron Lung” is a thought provoking look back at the history of polio that is at odds with the official story. Polio is for the most part, a benign virus that exists in the gut. What made it suddenly become so virulent and was it the virus alone that was actually responsible for the horrible epidemic of paralysis? Is the polio vaccine the miracle that saved the world and proof that vaccines are miraculous or is there another explanation for the disappearance of “polio.”

    1. Harry de Boer

      There’s (or actually: there was) a Dr Robert F Klenner who claimed to have cured more than 60 out of as much cases of polio by using high doses of Vitamine C I.V.
      When he presented his findings at a conference he was met with mere silence…

    2. alassche1

      I wouldn’t argue that one shouldn’t ask questions and that all science on polio is settled. Because science is never for ever settled. Having said that: in my native Netherlands there are sometimes outbreaks of polio, always in regions where people, for religion reasons, refuse to be vaccinated. Seems to me the polio vaccine works.

      1. AhNotepad

        Is it the vaccine that works? Or is it the reporting, and is the reporting misleading? Look up the situation in India, where some would have it there is no polio remaining, all the tens of thousands of cases are now just called flaccid paralysis, with no mention of polio

      2. Marjorie Daw

        Polio still exists only it’s been renamed “acute flaccid paralysis,” because it was caused by something other than the polio virus. Before the vaccine, an illness with these symptoms would have been called polio.

  50. Adriaan Keij

    🔝🔝🔝‼️ Science (“the scientific method”) consists of questioning everything. 👍 Anyone who states that the science is settled, inarguable and that all experts agree, and must therefore be right – clearly does NOT understand anything about science at all.

    So amazing to see how stupid doctors really can be. Are they indDOCtrinated by Big Pharma? It’s like religion: don’t think, just “believe” and never question the existence – you might find out you’ve been fooled.

    In Holland the non-profit organization VaccinVrij (VaccinFree) questions the evidence regarding vaccine safety and asked the Health Council (the Dutch RIVM) and others to present the evidence on which they based the statement that it’s safe. They couldn’t present the evidence, they’ll try to find it on PubMed they said… The RIVM, a governmental institution (!), just “believes” it’s safe. So sad…

    The RIVM clearly does NOT understand anything about science.

    1. Adriaan Keij

      One more thing regarding anti-vaxxers:

      The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people (like Malcolm Kendrick ;-)) so full of doubts.

      (Bertrand Russell)

      1. AhNotepad

        Something to bear in mind regarding sayings from famous people. They may have some element of truth, but they are not necessarily scientific fact. Bertrand Russell has a reference on wikipaedia, a position no longer afforded to Malcolm Kendrick. I’ll leave you to ponder.

      2. Jerome Savage

        WB Yeats “The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity”
        Luckily some of the best do not lack all conviction.

        1. Gary Ogden

          Jerome Savage: “The Second Coming.” (1920, 1921) One of his darkest and most brilliant. In my Norton Anthology, the editor says, “This poem expresses Yeats’s sense of the dissolution of the civilization of his time. . . .” Nearly a century later, are we perhaps witnessing something similar?

      3. Jerome Savage

        WB was very much a member of the Anglo Irish establishment. His sense of displacement by the new order, “All changed, changed uttetly” was palpable when he referred to the birth of
        a “terrible beauty”. His sense of foreboding may have been influenced by
        local developments rather than on the international stage. But he didnt appear to fear the revolutionaries but
        “passed with a nod of the head
        Or polite meaningless words,
        Or have lingered awhile and said
        Polite meaningless words”
        Meanwhile, back in his establishment comfort zone;
        “And thought before I had done
        Of a mocking tale or a gibe
        To please a companion
        Around the fire at the club”
        His world was certainly rocked & those of his buddies.
        Let’s hope Dr Kendrick doesn’t head in to poetry section. Lol.

      4. chris c

        “I would rather have questions that cannot be answered than answers that cannot be questioned” Richard Feynman (the physicist, though I suspect Richard Feinman the professor of cell biology would also agree)

  51. Herb Dreyer

    Most issues can be resolved. But when disagreement becomes a substitute for discovering the truth, and truth does not admit of multiplicity—it is one—then the issue is stuck and resolution impossible. I’ve always thought the very definition of this issue to be key to its resolution. As it is it’s an us vrs them, period. However, if you define the issue as it relates to the enormous surge in the number of vaccines being promoted as necessary and needing to be brought to account, as opposed to the few of the past, then you have a path to go on—including the science and the fear. Otherwise the two sides are stuck in intransigent disagreement just like any two divisions of most any insolvable problem—that’s a prime source of death, destruction and, of course, war.

  52. Jil

    “Thank you” seems so inadequate, Dr Kendrick. Very, very interesting article. I wonder why people can’t debate calmly and respectfully. I recently read The Gene by Siddhartha Mukherjee. The chapter about transformation is alarming. Keep well.

  53. Tom Morgan

    Andrew Wakefield has a youtube series (20 episodes +) called ‘Vaccines: Their safety, Effectiveness and Risks’. It’s very informative. My only criticism is that there aren’t references that can be downloaded.
    Also the website has a very detailed description of what happened to Wakefield after the Lancet paper. Very interesting, too.
    This site too also has pretty much the same story by a former prosecutor:
    In addition Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a web site that covers vaccine s and vaccine injury (and many other topics.
    In addition to Dr. Kendrick’s site, I frequent the above sites. Too much info to absorb, sometiimes.

  54. johnplatinumgoss

    It is refreshing to read enlightened questioning of accepted norms. Jenner was not an originator of the idea of giving a cowpox vaccination against smallpox any more than William Withering was the discoverer of digitalis as a treatment for heart disease. They presented papers, important in itself, and rightly took the credit for their contributions to science. When Jenner presented his paper it was against mainstream medical practice. In the eighteenth century all educated people were allowed to question – much more so than today.

    There is little doubt in my mind that vaccination has been a force for good on the whole. But the treatment of Andrew Wakefield by his own peer group of medical practitioners for daring to raise questions about the possible side-effects of the MRM vaccination is unbelievable. Recently I questioned a heart specialist at a Birmingham hospital and put it to him that he had to abide by certain protocols, his off-the-record comments were not totally against my questioning. He accepted that the benefits of prescribed drugs in the treatment of heart disease were marginal. He further told me he probably had more leeway in questioning accepted medical practice than my GP would have. So it proved because my GP remains immutable in his insistence on my need to be taking statins, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors and aspirin.

    So the fact that people who question, like Andrew Wakefield and yourself, are pilloried by those not allowed to diverge from anything other than what the computer tells them is accepted medical practice is blind science. You can take credit as exemplars of George Bernard Shaw’s definition of the “unreasonable man” upon whom all progress depends.

    Thank you for this brave blog-post.

    1. AhNotepad

      There is much doubt in my mind that vaccinations have been a force for good on the whole. Most diseases frequency of cases had plummeted to a low level from their peak before the introduction of vaccines. The incidence of cases of diseases for which there is still no vaccine have also plummeted from their peak in around the late 1800s. Does this not suggest that it might have been something other than vaccines that caused the drop? Perhaps stopping drinking sewage contaminated water?

      1. johnplatinumgoss

        When I was a boy a friend of mine’s sister was diagnosed with poliomyelitis. It was just about the time vaccination was being introduced in schools. It left her quite weakened in one leg which was a visible symptom and there may have been other symptoms of which others would not be aware. I think on the whole vaccinations have been a force for good.

        1. AhNotepad

          Unless you have more cases to relate, to draw such a conclusion from only one case is a tad tenuous.

      2. ellifeld

        I’ve also read that most diseases were plummeting before the introduction of those vaccines. And the greatest advances in lowering our mortality have always been public health ones. Cleaning the water (like you mentioned), stopping smoking, better and more available nutrition, cleaner air.

      3. Frederica Huxley

        True – just look at the drastic drop in Cholera once Bazalgette completed his London sewer system.

      4. Gary Ogden

        AhNotepad: Yes, scarlet fever is the poster boy for this. Highly contagious, in the 19th Century it killed far more than smallpox, whooping cough, measles, or diphtheria. A vaccine was developed in the 20th Century, but proved too dangerous to be used. Scarlet fever must have disappeared because of the vaccine!

      5. johnplatinumgoss

        AhNotepad, as regards my friend’s sister, she was the only child with polio I knew though there were others in the village. Most people, especially younger people will not have encountered a single instance of polio. My comment was not to be taken as a case study. Nor am I saying that vaccines brought polio to an end. We are talking about a period shortly after food-rationing came to an end. A better diet may have been a contributory factor towards the eradication of infantile paralysis in the UK in a similar way to the virtual eradication of rickets, though I realise rickets is not a virus, and new cases are starting to appear again in deprived areas.

      6. chris c

        Oh yes scarlet fever is interesting. Streptococcus if I’m not mistaken, it appears to have evolved into a much milder infection that people don’t bother to attack with antibiotics. Meanwhile staphylococcus has gone the opposite way and morphed into MRSA.

    2. Mr Chris

      John platinum
      So it proved because my GP remains immutable in his insistence on my need to be taking statins, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors and aspirin.
      So do you take the cocktail?

  55. Göran Sjöberg

    +++ As everyone I was a believer in “medicin” when fundamentally trained as a researcher into the natural sciences (metallurgy) where I thought that medicine also belonged as an integral part. But being hit by a serious disease (CVD) myself 20 years ago I got interested in the discipline of medicine and very rapidly turned into a CVD sceptic. It didn’t take much of study (half a year roughly) to have the medical veils ripped apart here and which made me refuse all pharmaceuticals and the comprehensive by-pass offered.

    With the CVD dogmas evaporated it was quite natural also to turn into a disbeliever in other medical fields. However, the belief in vaccination was a hard one to break but getting acquainted with sceptic thoughts about this issue not much of my childhood belief in this field still remains today.

    Basically it was Suzanne Humphries (MD) who here swept away most of the dogmas I had swallowed. Especially her book “Dissolving Illusions; Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History” was the “great killer” of the dogmas. She wrote this book together with a long time researcher of the history of diseases, Roman Bystrianyk. He has also one leg in engineering (a BS) which doesn’t hurt in my mind.

    Anyone who is seriously interested in the subject of vaccines should read their serious book with its 800 references – great shocking reading to my opinion.

    1. Janet Love

      Suzanne dissolved my illusions, – with only one inoculation…
      ‘Plague’ by Judy Mikovits is a worthwhile complement to the above. Her ‘treatment’ by the powers that be is…. sobering.

  56. Brian Griffin

    Hi Malcolm. I am sure that you and anyone reading your piece would find this snippet fascinating.

  57. Dr Dave Morris

    Here is an interesting piece of fake news – every time measles is discussed the figure 2/1000 children died is bandied around- born in 1971 I had measles as did most of my contemporaries and yet I have NEVER come across anyone who’s relative died of measles.. so if we look up measles notifications 1960-69 and death from measles we find the average mortality for that decade was 0.021997927 i.e 2/10,000 – and it was probably less as we can be pretty sure all measles deaths were notified but not all cases of measles.
    Somehow the death rate (for the UK at least) has been conveniently conflated by a factor of ten….

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      When it comes to emotive area of medicine, the best approach is usually to question everything. The only problem this creates is an inability to ever believe anything at face value, ever again. The blue pill or the red pill.

      1. David Bailey

        “an inability to ever believe anything at face value” – yes I know this feeling well – in science, politics, and medicine. Gradually I have got used to it, and even enjoy it!

    2. anglosvizzera

      Dr Dave Morris – I’m also convinced that measles notifications have been very low in relatively recent years, as you state. As I’ve said elsewhere, I had measles in 1963 and I’m pretty sure my mother didn’t bother to mention it to the GP, as there is no record of it in my medical notes which go back to when I had pneumonia as a baby. It was just one of those annoying childhood illnesses that we all had, no big deal. I imagine only those with complications would have actually seen a doctor.

    3. Tom Morgan

      Dr Dave Morris,

      Andrew Wakefield in his video series has an interesting reason as to why measles
      is now more dangerous that before the vaccine was introduced. Pre-vaccine everyone got measles,
      mostly as children when the disease was reasonably mild (think the 1950’s).
      However after the vaccine was introduced and most people were immunized,
      measles cases almost disappeared. But the immunity from the vaccine declines
      with age and now many measles cases are in older age groups when it is more dangerous.
      Also vaccinated mothers do not give their babies immunity in utero or via breast milk,
      so babies are more susceptible at a time when measles is more dangerous for them, too.


  58. The Wizard

    Soul, you may be interested to learn that HIV is in fact a man made virus, euphemistically called a “synthetic biological agent”. Essentially a bio weapon engineered by the US and unleashed on an unsuspecting world. There is an abundance of evidence in support of this, the most compelling of which is the House of Representatives Bill 15090. You can download it on Scribd.
    I did have a direct link, but surprise surprise it has been censored. But have a background read at

  59. Eggs ‘n beer

    A few comments about Jenner.

    It took several applications until he was finally admitted to the FRS. The successful attempt was based on almost certainly fraudulent observations on how baby cuckoos got rid of the other eggs in the nest – the strong possibility of fraud is because the anatomical features he described have never been observed by anyone else.

    He was not a doctor. He purchased a doctorate in medicine from Edinburgh University for £15. There are no records of him ever going to Scotland.

    He was a third rate country surgeon. Opening an arm to admit cowpox was probably the limit of his abilities.

    There are several recorded cases in Gloucestershire (his county) of smallpox sufferers having previously had cowpox, including one death.

    He was, however, adept at marketing his idea to the government and Londoners, obtaining multiple grants of £10,000 to propagate his business and suppress opposition. After all, he was a medical doctor and a FRS, impeccable qualifications.

    Click to access b21357067.pdf

    An interesting read,

    1. James DownUnder

      More than “interesting”, I’d call it ‘essential’ for any T2 Diabetic, especially those who are mis-guided enough to accept the notion that it’s best treated with ‘Modern Medicine’ and not low-carb eating.

  60. Bill Meyer

    Regarding MMR, I think the most obvious case against it is how Japan banned the MMR vaccine due to a considerably higher rate of damage to children receiving it. Bring that up in the U.S., and as Dr. Kendrick says, “burn the unbeliever”.

  61. billmeyertalks

    One of the most compelling actions re MMR is that Japan banned this vaccine due to a much higher incidence of damage to children. Of course, as the good Dr. says, mention this and “burn the unbeliever”.

    1. Gary Ogden

      billmeyertalks: Yes, it was the Urabe strain of the mumps vaccine, developed in Japan, which caused them to stop vaccinating for mumps. It causes meningitis. To this day, in Japan, they don’t vaccinate for mumps. The UK authorities knew the risk of meningitis from the Canadian authorities, who had de-licensed the vaccine for this reason, when they licensed the GSK version of the Urabe-containing MMR, but they indemnified GSK, changed the name, and licensed it anyway, only to de-license it some years later. Dr. Wakefield discusses this at length in his book, “Callous Disregard,” an excellent read I urge everyone to get hold of. A great scandal that few know about.

  62. aletheablack

    I don’t think we understand pathogenesis very well. Allegedly Pasteur himself made a deathbed comment asserting ‘le germe n’est rien; le terrain c’est tout’ (the germ is nothing; the terrain is everything).

    When I was studying the infectious vectors of Blastocystis Hominis, I came across some interesting statistics. The “pathogen” exists in four different states, however only one of them results in illness. In some parts of the world, infection rates with the ‘benign’ form of Blasto are said to be as high as 100% (source: Wikipedia). The mere existence of the phrase “infection rates of 100% with a benign form of the pathogen” should make us all smack ourselves upside the head in unison and say: Hm. Maybe we do not understand the very nature of infectious disease.

    I’ve been looking at human health as a function of a single variable: time. Time is gauged by the pineal gland. When the pineal gland is calcified, which can be caused by fluoride (or fluorine, which is found in many prescription drugs, as well as vaccines) it no longer reads time correctly. Pineal calcification has been linked to many illnesses. Here is one study that is particularly fascinating:

    I believe pineal calcification is central to Autism Spectrum Disorder. And cancer. And Alzheimer’s. Indeed, in saying I believe human illness is related to time, I am de facto saying I believe all illness links back to the pineal gland (and the SCN, the body’s “master clock”).

    How do we decalcify the pineal gland? Well, one great way is vitamin K2 — I particularly like K2-7 — which is central to bone health, arterial health, brain health, dental health, and cancer prevention. But you never hear about it — perhaps because it’s unpatentable and you can buy a bottle for $8 on Amazon?

    I write about human health as it relates to time in an article called “Is All Illness Quantum?” which can be found on my blog, Welcome to Heaven dot com. The New York Times links to and quotes from it in its recent review of my illness memoir. Health as it relates to time is also the subject of an article I have forthcoming in The Los Angeles Review of Books, “Could the Answer to Cancer Be Found in E=mc^2?”

    My father’s Nobel Prize-winning formula, the Black-Scholes pricing model, draws upon physics (Brownian motion) for part of its central structure. This hypothetical model for human health also draws upon physics—specifically, the dynamics of time. It sees time as a measure of density, where excess density precipitates myriad illness states, including pathogenesis.

    1. anglosvizzera

      When I trained and worked as a diagnostic radiographer back in the late 70s, I remember that we used to see calcified pineal glands quite often on skull x-rays. At that time, we were told that there was no known function of the pineal gland and so we didn’t really take much notice of what kinds of patients had this phenomenon or what conditions they had. Now, we not only understand about melatonin, but also the essential function of vitamin K2 and that vitamin K1 may not be converted to K2 in some people for whatever reason. I am aware of the role of fluoride in pineal calcification, but my dentist son-in-law doesn’t yet seem to have heard about this, nor about the potential effects on the thyroid and iodine uptake. We learn all the time…but as has been stated elsewhere, it takes an average of 17 years for new discoveries to make their way into public health recommendations.

    2. ellifeld

      I’ve read differently, that is that there are actually ‘clocks’ in our eyes and the rest of our cells also, that are dependent on light (sunlight) for our circadian rhythm. We no longer live according to the sun since the light bulb was invented. This has caused numerous problems and might be the basis for many of our current diseases. I’ve gotten this information from a Dr. Jack Kruse,

  63. foodnstuff

    I’ve never had the flu or been vaccinated against it. I was told recently (by a new GP) that I shouldn’t have it because I am immune-compromised by way of being on Methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis. Who knew? Not particularly worried. Thanks for another great post Dr. K.


    Revised email

    Hello Dr. Kendrick,

    Greetings from the west coast of Canada.

    As I was reading your post this morning when a cardiologist who was being interviewed on the morning televised news about the cause of the rising incidence of cardiovascular disease in the younger generation stated that while the cause is not completely known what is known for certain is that genes play a role as does………..wait for it…….cholesterol. How ironic!

    I share your view that it is exceedingly difficult to prove anything with any certainty. Therefor it is imperative that one never stops questioning. As Mark Twain quipped, “It ain’t what we know that gets us into trouble, it’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so!” How true.

    Have you read Andrew Wakefielld’s retracted paper? I have a copy. Nowhere did he say the MMR vaccine causes autism. He said there might be an ‘association’ with GI conditions.

    Here’s links to 2 papers by Poland that are pure heresy. Poland is a vaccine scientist who cited a vaccine paradox in the form of vaccine failure wherein measles vaccination increases the incidence of measles infection. Surely the man must be hanged or at least incarcerated in the Tower of London for the remainder of his pathetic life.

    Poland GA, Jacobson RM. Failure to reach the goal of measles elimination. Apparent paradox of measles infections in immunized persons. Arch Intern Med. 1994;154:1815–1820. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

    Keep up the good fight.

    Best wishes, David MacPhail


    1. Gary Ogden

      DAVID: Yes, while both Dr. Poland and Dr. Jacobson are ardent vaccine proponents, they sometimes follow the evidence, at least once upon a time. . . .

  65. Judy Robinson

    I especially hope, more than anything, you will be encouraged by the magnitude of responses here. We all wait with baited breath for your next blog post. It is nothing short of egregious that in this our supposedly most “modern” times, suppression of speech and especially questioning, in the area of medicine is so prevalent. Thank you for being brave and speaking out–we all stand behind you!

    1. Gary Ogden

      Judy Robinson: Yes, we most certainly do! The amount of censorship now taking place in the U.S. concerning factual information about vaccines is horrifying. But it amounts to shooting themselves in the foot. The genie is out of the bottle, and can’t be stuffed back in. Too many people are now aware that the government is lying when all it has to say about vaccines is “safe and effective.” The CDC knows perfectly well what they are doing. It’s not that they are evil people. Dr. Thompson (the MMR whistleblower) said they were “paralyzed.” Yes, they do have a conscience, but they have families to feed; additionally, as employees of the federal government, they can be fired, their pensions threatened. As a federal employee Dr. Thompson is silenced, unless Congress issues a subpoena. I blame the leadership, particularly Frank DeStefano, Colleen Boyle, and Anne Schuchat, dissemblers and frauds, all of them. And I blame our president, for whom I voted. He knows. He has done nothing. Meanwhile 71% of American youth in the prime military recruiting age (18-24) are unfit for service. According to the CDC, 54% of American children have a chronic health condition, an unheard-of level of ill-health. Frightening. Because of mandatory quackery. They certainly are well fed; they have clean air. They should be the healthiest in the world, but they are the sickest generation in the post-war period.

  66. Frances

    I find the latest blog of Dr Brownstein supportive. Here is a quote and a link if appropriate:
    Unbelievable! An article in the June 2019 edition of JAMA Cardiology was titled, “Fear-Based Medical Misinformation & Disease Prevention: From Vaccines to Statins”, indicating ‘fake medical news” as the reason why patients are hesitant about statins and vaccines. Questioning the wisdom, safety and efficacy of any therapy is not fake news. It is what ALL physicians should be doing. Read my latest blog to understand what “fake medical news” is really about!

  67. JanB

    Well, judging by the flood of replies to your truly excellent post (my inbox is groaning under the weight) you’ve been truly missed and everyone is delighted to have you back again. Your writer’s block is evidently behind you and your creative juices are flowing once again. Thank you for this thoughtful post.

  68. sciencereader

    A point about vaccination failures and varying immune responses to vaccines: University of California Berkeley sleep scientist Matthew Walker writes in his book Why We Sleep (published in 2017) that a person’s immune response to a vaccine is affected by the amount of sleep the person has been getting. Your body will generate a stronger immune response if you are well-slept when you are vaccinated than if you are short of sleep. Also pointed out in numerous places in the book is that sleep surveys show that people are getting substantially less sleep these days than they were not that many years ago.

    1. AhNotepad

      How is the immune response defined? If it is merely antibody response then that is not good if not assiciated with a similar cellular response. Hence the usual claims about antibody generation is misleading, and may be doing more harm than good.

  69. Jim Publick

    The most shocking thing of this post is that Malcolm has not touched anything even remotely political. Politics abducted all of Science more than forty years ago. And many scientists seem to be very happy about it. They want to be like the Bankers: high profits perfectly segregated from the risks, which are promptly distributed among the defenseless public. Shame!

    One thing I would like to know is how many deadly infections can possibly threaten human life and what is the maximum number of inoculations a baby can get. A very crass estimation could be to simply divide the total surface of the skin of the baby over the area of the hole left by the needle. Obviously, you need to leave unperforated a little bit of skin around the hole, so this estimation is not very simplistic and needs some refinement.

    Is there a limit to the number of “tricks” one can teach to the human immune system? What about dogs, cats and cattle?

    1. AhNotepad

      According to Dr Paul Offit (for profit) a baby can safely have tens of thousands of vaccines without any ill effects.

  70. David Bailey

    Thank goodness you are back Malcolm, I was close to giving up on your blog!

    I was a teenager at the time of the Aberdeen typhoid outbreak, and when subsequently, air tourism expanded, I was sure we would get similar outbreaks of any number of deadly diseases – particularly with the spread of takeaway food shops. I expected air tourism to be rapidly curtailed by law.

    Nowadays, I’ll bet most people never even think of being vaccinated for anything before they go on holiday, and fly almost anywhere. Incredibly (and touching wood) there have been no repeat outbreaks of anything except TB.

    Is it possible that well nourished people are considerably more immune to infectious disease – sufficiently that diseases don’t spread easily?

    Of course, it was another infectious disease – polio – that indirectly lead to my discovering this site.

    Malcolm, do you put any credence behind Suzanne Humphries theory – that much of the paralysis attributed to polio was caused by pesticide poisoning? I must say, I am a bit suspicious of this idea – for one thing, why would a poison selectively act on particular areas of the body – my right leg is the only limb affected (very fortunately). It is easier to imagine a virus spreading somewhat haphazardly and infecting one set of nerves but not another.

    1. Gary Ogden

      David Bailey: What seems likely to me is that there is more than one factor involved in paralysis. There is a great deal of evidence for this. If you look at the data from the Michigan polio epidemic ,antibody changes blood tests in 191 patients, 64% showed no antibody change, 25% showed elevated poliovirus antibodies, 7% showed elevated ECHO virus antibodies, and 3% showed showed elevated Coxsackie virus antibodies. So blaming paralysis on poliovirus, as those of us who lived through the polio scare in the ’50’s recall only too well, is not science. There is also a wealth of epidemiological evidence linking outbreaks of paralysis with the concurrent use of paralytic pesticides, such as arsenicals and DDT. India is “polio-free,” but paralysis is on the rise. They still manufacture and use DDT.

  71. tcsuperv8

    “I feel that I do understand ‘science’, whatever that means exactly. Or at least I understand the scientific method. Which primarily consists of questioning everything – and feeling free do to do. One thing I do know is that anyone who states that the science is settled, and inarguable, and all the experts agree, and must therefore be right – clearly does not understand anything about science. At all.”

    This exactly applies to “man made climate science”
    Science is settled, & inarguable, and experts agree…!

  72. 103agency

    Thanks Malcolm

    Brilliant, brave and stimulating as ever. The last line sums it up: Anyone who thinks the science is settled does not understand anything about science. We live in times when scientists are considered gods, infallible beings with perfect knowledge always acting in the best interests of humanity. We see it with the climate change debate. It is heresy to challenge the consensus. David Attenborough (despite his privilege and substantial carbon footprint) is, like Great Thalberg, unchallengeable. A kindly old man, a confident young multi-lingual girl. They must be right. And the taboos in medicine are all pervasive. Proponents of homeopathy, like Prince Charles, are ridiculed as dangerous fools. You are made an outcast of the medical community, simply for having a different viewpoint, for having a questioning mind. If we think we’ve discovered truth, we haven’t studied history; if we think we know best, we are demonstrating that typical human failing of enormous hubris. To progress as human beings, as a species, we need to question everything and sometimes, like Jenner, back a hunch. Instinct should not be underestimated. What we must not do is accept the word of ‘experts’ as gospel. Like all humans, scientists are subject to greed, jealousy, vanity, insecurity and all the weaknesses that can result in skewed judgements which may have significant consequences. The answer, of course, is more science. Teaching it better in schools so that young people grow up to question consensus rather than accept the knowledge they are ill equipped to appraise.




    Great post Malcolm. Sensible, rational, informed. Who would have thought such qualities could be so easily dismissed. Like to add my totally irrelevant contribution to the pile. It’s an extract from a HealthInsightUK post I did a few months ago which you may have missed

    UK measles deaths running at 1 to 2 a year for 20 years

    What we do know is that concerns about a link between MMR and autism raised in 1998 by Andrew Wakefield lead to a drop in the percentage of children being vaccinated. Then it was 92% in the UK, subsequently, it dropped to below 80%. But what was the effect of this? The official Gov.UK website has a page entitled: ‘ Measles notifications and deaths in England and Wales: 1940 to 2016.’, which puts it in context.

    This shows that while hundreds of thousands of cases and hundreds of deaths were recorded in the 1940’s and 50’s, by 1989 yearly deaths had dropped to single figures and never rose any higher.

    In 1945, for instance, there were nearly 450,000 cases and 729 deaths. By 1971 however, cases were down to 135,000 with 28 deaths. The MMR jab was not introduced until1988 when the rates were 86,000 and 16. It had a dramatic and consistent effect; afterwards, the death rate was never higher than 4 and rarely more than one. A couple of the deaths involved people with immune disorders or who were on immune-suppressing drugs, others had serious infections.

    In 1998 when Wakefield’s paper came out there were around 3.700 cases and 3 deaths, but the number of cases continued dropping until 2009 when they went up to 5000 and see-sawed till 2013, after which they dropped again and by 2016 were just over 1600. What is striking though, is that whether the number of cases was 6,000 or 1600, the number of deaths was either 1 or 0. There was only a tenuous link between the number of cases and the number of deaths.

    The website suggests a serious disconnect between the inflammatory language of the Guardian and the numbers involved, certainly in the UK. And there are other reasons why concern about vaccines need not involve the rise of populism. They include compensation payments for vaccine damage and evidence that the research done by the vaccine manufacturers may not be very reliable.


    1. David Bailey


      You wrote:

      “And there are other reasons why concern about vaccines need not involve the rise of populism.”

      I wonder how exactly you would define populism, because I didn’t think UKIP or BREXIT were involved in the vaccines or statins debates, although they are involved in the ‘Climate Change’ debate.

      Recently you placed an excellent piece on your HealthInsight blog, bemoaning the spread of words like ‘denier’ from the political domain into medical topics. I hope you will come to realise that it is only corrupted areas of science – which include ‘Climate Science’ – which rely on ad Hominems of this sort. They use this language to try to suppress rational scientific debate on certain subjects. If you view this video, made by a physics Nobel Laureate, I think you will immediately see the exact parallel between corrupt medical science and ‘Climate Change’ science.

      Unfortunately The Guardian has pioneered a style of journalism in which certain topics are not discussed, but one side is vilified, while the other is just assumed to be telling the truth. I guess part of ‘Populism’ is about turning over that sort of journalism and returning to the rational debate championed by the Guardian Newspaper of my youth.

      1. chris c

        Yes I’m glad you wrote that as I also seemed to remember the Guardian as containing excellent and thoughtful journalism. Now it,s just an agenda-driven rag. Interestingly Jimmy Wales is (or was) on the board. Is Wikipedia emulating the Guardian’s agenda – pro-vegan, pro-statins, anti-low carb) or is it the other way round?

    2. shirley3349

      Note that, in the UK, the measles only jab was available many years before the MMR jab. The first dose was given, if I remember rightly, at about 18 months old. So my two sons probably had this in 1974 and 1975 respectively. Neither had any ill effects from the injections.

      However, the eldest did catch measles when aged five. He was feverish and miserable for a couple of days but recovered quickly once the rash was fully developed. His younger brother was fine throughout.

      I myself had measles severely as a teenager so was determined to do what I could to protect my children. But as mumps and rubella are usually very mild in small children, I do not see why jabs for these cannot be delayed until the teenage years, and only given to those who still have no immunity to the specific disease, until the reasons why some children are severely damaged by these injections are more fully known.

      That said, I was twice diagnosed with rubella as a child. My blood test when I started nursing indicated I was immune, so I must have had it at least once but I’m not sure on which occasion.

    3. David Bailey


      You have previously championed the concept that sugar increases people’s risk of cancer because cancer cells are often dependant on glucose for energy, which they need in abundance because they extract the energy very inefficiently, by glycolysis rather than oxidation. Here is a fascinating report of a major study in France that seems to confirm the idea that consuming a lot of sugar causes cancer:

      We are used to so many medical studies which bend their statistics, so I am waiting for either you or Malcolm to pick this apart. I suppose the study was inevitably observational, so the result might just reflect an association between consuming sweetened drinks and other lifestyle choices.

      The word glycolysis doesn’t appear anywhere in the BMJ article!

  74. Bill in Oz

    Malcolm I wrote quite a lengthy comment this morning. And now i has completely vanished; lost !
    And I read that someone else had the same issue. Has you changed settings for the blog? Or is it WordPress stuffing us around.

  75. Bill in Oz

    @Gary: Gary I wrote a lengthy reply to your comment but it has vanished. I am annoyed. I will try and remember and rite it all again..But Winter here has been long wet & cold. Vaccines here are made here by Oz rules.So US vaccine ‘evidence’ links have limited relevance.

  76. Bill in Oz

    I suspect that WordPress does not like my brouser. I am using Disssenter and avoiding Chrome and Firefox. So WordPress refuses to remember my log in details. Why Dissenter ? Because I refuse to support the big bastards and their methodologies.

    1. Harry de Boer

      Write you replies in a text editor and save them. You can then repost as many times as you like.

    2. Janet Love

      Apologies Bill in Oz, my browser is “Epic” ‘Privacy Browser’ , it keeps cookie-planters at bay and doesn’t offer to Remember (and on-sell to others…) my passwords.

  77. elizabethhart

    It’s useful to make comparisons between human vaccination and companion animal vaccination. Consider for example the vaccination guidelines issued by the World Small Animal Veterinary Association[1], which were originally formulated to address the problem of over-use of vaccine products in companion animals. For example it was, and often still is, common practice to vaccinate dogs every year with modified live virus (MLV) vaccines for parvovirus, distemper virus and adenovirus (the equivalent would be people having a live MMR every year). Other vaccines were/are also given every year, e.g. aluminium-adjuvanted vaccines for bordetella bronchiseptica (often called ‘kennel cough’).

    The current WSAVA guidelines state “we should aim to reduce the ‘vaccine load’ on individual animals in order to minimise the potential for adverse reactions to vaccine products and reduce the time and financial burden on clients and veterinarians of unjustified veterinary medical procedures”.

    It’s interesting that while vaccination guidelines for dogs and cats are recommending “we should aim to reduce the ‘vaccine load’ on individual animals in order to minimise the potential for adverse reactions to vaccine products…”, vaccination of humans is going through the roof, with an ever-increasing ‘vaccine load’ being imposed. A startling number of vaccine products and revaccinations are given to children now, see for example:
    – NHS vaccination schedule:
    – Australian National Immunisation Program Schedule:

    Who exactly is influencing the ever-increasing vaccination schedules, i.e. the increasing ‘vaccine load? As Allan Cunningham suggests in his recent BMJ rapid response, is the “Vaccine Industrial Complex” in charge?[2]

    Do we have any objective and independent specialists in the area of infectious diseases and immunology considering the current and long-term impact of this increasing vaccine load?

    Returning to the WSAVA dog and cat vaccination guidelines again, the authors of these guidelines also recognise “there is gross under-reporting of vaccine-associated adverse events, because of the passive nature of reporting schemes, which impedes knowledge of the ongoing safety of these products”. The situation is the same in human vaccination. For example, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, the regulator of medical products in Australia, acknowledges that “adverse event reports from consumers and health professionals to the TGA are voluntary, so there is under-reporting by these groups of adverse events related to therapeutic goods in Australia. This is the same around the world”.[3]

    There is much that is unknown about vaccination and immunisation, this is a global experiment underway.

    Currently we are awash with an army of shrill ‘experts’ in the medical establishment and the media who appear to be determined to defend ‘vaccination’ at all costs, and stifle dissent. This is wrong. Serious problems are emerging with the use of vaccine products, e.g. early waning of maternally derived measles antibodies in babies born to vaccinated mothers, as I have tried to raise previously in BMJ rapid responses, see for example: ‘Vaccination, the medical establishment, and immunity from accountability’:

    The early waning of measles MDA is a huge red flag, is anybody in ‘authority’ thinking about the implications, including for other vaccine products?

    *Caveat: The WSAVA dog and cat vaccination guidelines are sponsored by a vaccine manufacturer (originally Intervet Schering Plough, more recently MSD Animal Health aka Merck). Guidelines sponsored by industry are compromised, and in my opinion the WSAVA guidelines still contain ambiguous information in regards to dog and cat vaccination. However, they remain useful for this discussion.

    1. Guidelines for the Vaccination of Dogs and Cats, compiled by the Vaccination Guidelines Group (VGG) of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA). Journal of Small Animal Practice. Vol. 57. January 2016:… These guidelines were first published in 2007. The Journal of Small Animal Practice is the journal of the British Small Animal Veterinary Association and also the scientific journal of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association.
    2. Standard media outlets are dominated by vaccine officialdom:
    3. About the DAEN – Medicines:

    1. elizabethhart

      Apologies, two of the links in my comment above were curtailed, these should work now:

      – Australian National Immunisation Program Schedule:

      – Guidelines for the Vaccination of Dogs and Cats, compiled by the Vaccination Guidelines Group (VGG) of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA). Journal of Small Animal Practice. Vol. 57. January 2016:

      1. Gary Ogden

        elizabethhart: Thank you very much for your comment and links. I’ve had oodles and gobs of dogs and cats in my life. Never had any of them vaccinated, not once. Myself only four times. Never again!

  78. Jane Jewell

    What an interesting comment.
    I am studying the immune system at the moment, and it is more active at night; so having a good night’s rest after a vaccination makes a lot of sense. Give it time to update its memory bank!

    1. rosross

      Having no science or medical qualifications, but having read broadly and deeply on the topic of the human organism and health for decades, I have come to believe that good sleep is even more important than good nutrition. In the age of constant artificial light and electronic equipment, most do not get good sleep, including babies with their unnecessary monitors forever turned on.

      1. andy

        rosross: re sleep and food
        I suspect that digestion has an inflammatory component, and most people would be consuming food constantly (every 2 hours) during their waking hours. If they sleep 8 hours then food is consumed for 16 hours. Sleep (rest) less = eat more often.
        Presently for me breakfast is at noon with last food intake at 5 or 6pm. This I believe will give the digestion process ample time get back to homeostasis. My diet is mostly fat and protein resulting in more VLDL and LDL particles full of TG. The TG rather than glucose will fuel the mitochondria in this case. My GP does not understand this and recommends statins for my high LDL-C.

  79. John Stone


    This has been going on a long time but for the last five years we have had something called the Global Health Security Agenda which started in the White House under Obama:

    It has actually become a way to exert global power. Recently, the WHO identifying the “vaccine hesitant” as a global enemy has escalated the situation. Frankly, measles has become the new WMD in global politics.

    1. AhNotepad

      The linked spanish paper has a glaring statement which calls into question its credibility. It describes “Andrew Wakefield’s” study published in the Lancet as “discredited”.

      1. Somatoform

        I disagree, vaccine safety infrastructure/surveillance needs urgent attention (see below) It is long overdue and requires modernising to respond to public concerns. Adverse events are poorly understood. Design and reporting of safety outcomes are inadequate (Cochrane)
        The public received false, inaccurate medical ‘misinformation’ about thalidomide, primodos, sodium valproate, pandemrix, vaginal mesh, viox, now gadolinium. What stringent independent regulation is there to assess medical devices, drugs and vaccines for their safety and efficacy when manufacturers ‘aggressively hustle’ products? In recent history medical devices and drugs have been approved on the flimsiest of evidence. What then can be said about vaccines? It is irresponsible not to question and re-evaluate safety.

        1. AhNotepad

          Somatoform, There are several comments above yours and it is not clear with whch comment(s) you disagree. Can you clarify?

  80. G. Belanger

    Excellent! In fact, what I would like to see is you moving on from heart disease, which I think you’ve studied to death, and start investigating this questions of vaccinations. That would be great.

    1. Jerome Savage

      There is a consensus building through these articles that there can be no closure on anything so complicated as the circumstances surrounding CVD (or immunisation for that matter). I dont believe that CVD can b studied to death. The attempts by the corporate world to maintain its income stream at the cost of human health is particularly worthy of study.

      1. G. Belanger

        I don’t disagree. I just think it would be very useful if Malcolm spent some time studying the question of vaccines with the objective and impartial approach he uses for studying cvd.

  81. johnplatinumgoss

    Some years ago I read Arthur Koestler’s “The roots of coincidence” from which I remember little except how you can be sat on a bus thinking about somebody you haven’t seen for ages and they get on the same bus, and other such examples. I preferred his history of astronomy “The Sleepwalkers”. However this just turned up.

  82. Alejandra Blanco Calderon

    Thanks for being a doctor that questions these things It´s very hard to find a doctor that does it and that actually has the guts to say it and to write about it, people don´t stop and question anything that their doctors tell them is a constant battle with my clients and if I dare to be the one to say something about it I get cruxified by so many , so thanks for giving hope to all of those like me that want a better world with less medications and true health

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      I am built to head towards the sound of intellectual gunfire. I am sure a pharmaceutical company will produce a drug from my condition of ‘chronic, psychotic, behavioural cognitive dissonance.’

  83. Dr. John H

    What a pleasure it has been to read so many knowledgeable comments!

    I have a burning question I hope can get answered here. I have studied vaccines enough to know that childhood vaccines are a nightmare and should be avoided. I still wonder if other vaccines do any good at all. Specifically vaccines for:

    ●Overcrowded refugee camps

    As of yet I have not found a good discussion on these. Any thoughts?

    1. rosross

      There is growing evidence, some posted here, of the harm done to animals through vaccination.

      There appears to be some evidence that some vaccination programmes for livestock have been beneficial but given the lack of independent research on vaccines it is hard to say. If animals, and the push is coming from pet owners and vets are having problems then one presumes livestock would also have problems.

      I lived in India and four African countries for more than two decades without being vaccinated. I had no problems at all.

      1. JillM

        I read somewhere that vets are recommending vaccination in the tail so that it is easier to amputate if a cancer develops.

    2. AhNotepad

      Dr. John H, I am not knowledgable, you might have already guessed that from my posts, ho hum. Now, I can give a view on travel vaccines which make the claims rather weak.

      You are going abroad where all those foreign diseases could harm you. So you get vaccinated. This puts you in a protective bubble so you won’t catch the disease. However, you come home, now you are in real danger because you are living in a land where a percentage of the population is not vaccinated, and all those people do not have a protective bubble, so their diseases could escape and infect anyone in the vicinity. That could be you. Hang on, “I have been vaccinated”. Yes, but unless everybody has been vaccinated there is no herd immunity, so you could catch it.

      Sounds like rubbish to me, but it makes big bucks.

  84. elizabethhart

    Dr Kendrick, I was alarmed to read that you have had seven hepatitis B vaccinations, and that your friend who worked as a surgeon had twenty-two hepatitis B vaccinations “and never managed to raise an antibody”.

    By way of background to my interest in this matter, I’m an independent citizen investigating the over-use of vaccine products in both humans and companion animals, and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy. I make no claims to having any expertise in vaccination practice, but as a taxpaying citizen I’m seeking transparency and accountability for the ever-increasing number of lucrative vaccine products and revaccinations being pressed upon the community.

    I live in Australia which operates under the coercive ‘No Jab, No Pay’ law[1], which essentially demands that young children be vaccinated without question according to the taxpayer-funded National Immunisation Program Schedule[2]. I suggest mandated vaccination infringes on the right to ‘informed consent’ before the medical intervention of vaccination, both for adults and parents of children, and there is a serious conflict here in regards to doctors’ obligation to act in the best interests of their individual patients/clients. In this regard, see for example the Australian Medical Association’s Code of Ethics:

    Returning to the subject of hepatitis B vaccination, what do you think about children receiving hepatitis B vaccination?

    According to the NHS, “the risk of hepatitis B is low in the UK”.[3] However, hepatitis B vaccination is “routinely available as part of the NHS vaccination schedule. It’s offered to all babies at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age” and the NHS recommends “All infants should be vaccinated to protect against hepatitis B infection”.[3]

    So in the UK children receive three doses of hepatitis B vaccine via the GlaxoSmithKline Infanrix hexa ‘6-in-1’ vaccine product which also contains diphtheria, Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b), polio, tetanus and whooping cough (pertussis). This is an aluminium-adjuvanted vaccine product:

    Dr Kendrick, what do you think about all children in the UK being ‘recommended’ to have three doses of hepatitis b vaccine, via the aluminium-adjuvanted ‘6-in-1’ GSK Infanrix hexa combination vaccine product, to allegedly protect against low risk hepatitis B infection?

    1. No Jab, No Pay new requirements fact sheet:
    2. Australian National Immunisation Program Schedule:
    3. Hepatitis B vaccine:

    1. elizabethhart

      Correction Dr Kendrick, I should have asked ‘what do you think about all babies in the UK being ‘recommended’ to have three doses of hepatitis v vaccine..?’ But who knows, perhaps hepatitis b vaccination of all children and possibly others might be on the cards in future?

      1. elizabethhart

        Doctors, e.g. GPs, are in the frontline of vaccine product promotion. But just how much do they know about immunology and the ever-increasing number of vaccine products and revaccinations on the schedule? Recently I asked a GP in Australia about their experience in this area, and this was the response: (I asked permission to quote this, anonymously of course…)

        GP’s response:

        I did immunology as a subject in my undergraduate degree course
        I asked an immunologist why new born baby needs a Hep B vaccination
        He said, “I don’t know. Captive audience?” With a shrug
        My education relating to vaccinations was sparse
        I was thrown into it as a GP registrar asked to vaccinate babies by the practice nurse
        I didn’t know anything about it
        Just followed along
        But true

      2. elizabethhart

        Returning to hepatitis B vaccination, in Australia, parents are coerced to have their babies vaccinated with four doses of hepatitis B vaccine under the No Jab, No Pay law.

        However, an NHMRC report ‘Recommendations on hepatitis B immunisation’, published in 1996 (and now rescinded), states under 6. Advantages and disadvantages of universal childhood immunisation and universal pre-adolescent vaccination:

        – The overall incidence of disease is extremely low in young children and many infants will be vaccinated against a disease which they are at low risk of contracting.
        – Booster doses may be needed when the cohort reaches adolescence and/or adulthood when risks related to lifestyle become a factor.
        – The complexity of the immunisation schedule is likely to increase. . The number of injections required may reduce parental and immunisation provider acceptance of the immunisation schedule.
        – The primary impact of the program (the reduction of long-term sequelae) will not be felt for a decade or more, which may affect acceptance by parents, health care professionals and health authorities.
        – The program will be more costly than the current selective program.
        – If all infants are immunised at birth, antenatal screening may be seen as less important and there could be a decrease in the proportion of infants born to carrier mothers who receive hepatitis B immunoglobulin at birth.

        So back in 1996 they admitted “The overall incidence of disease is extremely low in young children and many infants will be vaccinated against a disease which they are at low risk of contracting.”

        How can it be legitimate to coerce parents to have their children vaccinated against hepatitis B – a disease that, overall, “they are at low risk of contracting” – under Australia’s No Jab, No Pay law?

        1. AhNotepad

          elizabethhart, I suspect the reason of the Australian madness is because they, like almost every country, has huge international debts. These can be supportd by the international financiers (*ankers), IMF for example, and have requirements inflicted upon them so the corporate interests will be paid handsomley. What they do is say, “ok we’ll fix your problem, just set up this vaccination policy so we have an excuse to charge the government loads of dosh, which the people will pay for in the end, so who cares?” Medical matters have nothing to do with it.

    2. rosross

      The point needs to be made that Australia’s no-jab, no-play applies only to those who need their rightful Government benefits to survive. The rich can do what they like. And for the moment anyway, Australian schools do not require vaccination and I doubt constitutionally that it could be legislated.

      The stupidity of it all is that Australia only had 8% unvaccinated, of which, now, another 3% are vaccinated and the remaining 5%, who can clearly afford not to vaccinate, remain as they were.

      It is all an abuse of human rights and the moment any medical treatment becomes mandatory, we open the door to any medical treatment being made mandatory, including euthanasia should it be legalised.

      1. elizabethhart

        rosross, Australia’s No Jab, No Pay law is a bullying law which is coercing parents to be compliant to an ever-increasing childhood vaccination schedule, ‘informed consent’ has effectively been trashed.

        The Guardian reports “The number of fully immunised Australian children has hit a record level, with close to 95% vaccinated against deadly diseases”.[1]

        There is so much to unpack in that single sentence…

        First the use of the word ‘immunised’, which is often incorrectly used interchangeably with the word ‘vaccinated’, even by so-called ‘experts’. How often is ‘immunisation’ ever verified?

        And the reference to ‘deadly diseases’ – for example, is it appropriate to consider chickenpox a ‘deadly disease’? Chickenpox/varicella vaccination is mandated in Australia to access benefits under the No Jab, No Pay law, and varicella is combined with the second dose of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, i.e. the MMRV, which is given at 18 months, with the first MMR given at 12 months.[2] Consider the inconsistency in international vaccination schedules – for instance chickenpox vaccination is not part of the routine childhood schedule in the UK (yet…) And the second dose of of MMR vaccine is given around 3 years and 4 months in the UK.[3] Again, why the inconsistency?

        1. Immunisation rates for Australian children reaches record 95%, The Guardian, 7 July 2019:
        2. Australian National Immunisation Program Schedule:
        3. NHS Vaccinations:

    3. Jennifer

      Elizabethhart. Yet more disgraceful information to add to the catalogue of infringements to our personal freedoms…quite scandalous. So, have we been sleep-walking through what we presumed to be a blanket of protection by the state? Ought we to take some blame for allowing the powers that be ( being pressurised by Big Pharma), to pass rules and regulations, because we failed to question?

        1. Gary Ogden

          Sasha: The conclusion Seymour Hersh draws as to who was responsible for the Mi Lai massacre: all of us. On the other hand, the late Col. David Hackworth, whom I met at a book signing, wrote in his book that there no bad soldiers, only bad leadership. He was at the time America’s most decorated living soldier, rising from enlistment at age 15 in 1946, to full Colonel headed for a star with battlefield commissions. Until he resigned his commission in disgust, at the daily lies from commanders, and left Viet Nam for Australia. Both have a point, and I think it is really the same point.

          1. Sasha

            Gary, yes, this story gets repeated across ages and disciplines, like medicine, for example.

      1. elizabethhart

        Jennifer and Sasha, believe me, there are people questioning the status quo!

        Problem is we’re being ignored and even shut down, the situation is beyond sinister…

        The community is being bombarded by ‘voices from authority’ hectoring and dictating to us about vaccination, and impeding scrutiny of vaccination policy.

        Consider for example a recent example on The BMJ, by regular columnist David Oliver, who is a specialist in geriatrics and general internal medicine and, at the time, was Clinical Vice President of the Royal College of Physicians.

        It seems merely by dint of his professional status, The BMJ provided David Oliver with a soapbox to promote his opinions on vaccination, i.e. ‘Vaccination sceptics are immune to debate’: (22 May 2019.)

        But what does David Oliver know about vaccination? I called him out in the rapid responses on his BMJ article, see ‘David Oliver is not qualified to answer questions on vaccination’: (26 May 2019), and he had to admit in his response that he “is not qualified to answer detailed questions about vaccination”: (27 May 2019).

        And yet independent citizens such as myself and others commenting here, who have been investigating problems surrounding vaccination for years, are continually given the brush-off and patronised by a medical establishment which is over-run with arrogant ‘know-all doctors’ who aren’t qualified to respond to our concerns.

        I and others endeavoured to raise serious matters on David Oliver’s article on The BMJ, check our the rapid responses via this link:

        See for example my rapid response ‘Vaccination, the medical establishment, and immunity from accountability’: (23 May 2019) in which I raised matters such as the reported early waning of passive immunity of babies born to vaccinated mothers, and questioned why parents and others are not offered the option of antibody titre testing after the first dose of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, given that most individuals should be immune after the first dose of these live vaccines…shouldn’t they?

        These are serious matters I’m trying to raise, that demand consideration by independent and objective specialists in the area, but The BMJ always fails to follow through, and such matters lie buried in BMJ rapid responses…

        I subsequently contacted David Oliver personally via email, copying in The BMJ editor in chief Fiona Godlee, including some detailed information about conflicts of interest in vaccination policy in Australia, and he responded saying my email had come with a phishing/malware warning, and that he was going to block me.

        So that’s what we’re up against. Citizens trying to raise serious questions about vaccination policy and practice are being stonewalled by the medical establishment, and basically censored.

        How do you deal with that?

        1. Sasha

          Elizabeth, I greatly respect what you and others like you are doing. It’s more than what I can say about myself… When people ask me my opinion on medical matters, I refer them to blogs like this one and to books I have read on the subject. But I don’t participate in online debates… I think you are doing a great public service to those who listen to your opinions.

  85. rosross

    You are a voice of reason. Those of us who question vaccination live in hope that eventually, enough scientists and doctors will find the courage and integrity to ask questions as do you.

    The irrational responses of those ‘defending’ vaccination are the result of science becoming a religion and medicine, equally a religion with vaccination taking cult status.

    There is no perfect answer. Vaccination remains untested. My understanding was that it takes two generations to fully understand possible outcomes of anything. The first generation subjected must live a reasonably healthy life and let’s take 70 as a goal, and give birth to children who do the same. That means 140 years to test the vaccine experiment. Sanity and integrity would dictate erring on the side of caution until then, but no, we have gone from 2-3 vaccinations, at older ages, in the early Seventies to more than 50 in the first five years of life, beginning within hours of birth, for a disease common in prostitutes and drug addicts, if not in utero. How on earth can that be a good idea?

    However, beyond the massive levels of vaccination my issues are:

    1. vaccines are designed to trick and confuse the immune system, an immature immune system in children, to reacting to a non-threat. How can a constantly confused immune system every function optimally?

    2. Vaccine theory and methodology were invented before it was known, indeed, even imagined, that the brain and immune system were physically connected via lymphatics. When this discovery was made about two years ago it was said, ‘textbooks would need to be rewritten,’ but not, it seems, vaccine textbooks.

  86. rosross

    I would be amused if it were not so dangerous, at the number of scientific and medical experts who claim – ‘ the science is settled.’

    Good science is never settled. Good science knows an answer lasts until the next question and the next answer. Good science never stops asking questions and learning.

    The science would not be settled even in 140 years if there were absolutely no negative outcomes from current vaccination practices. Because we already have negative outcomes – they are simply ignored.

  87. rosross

    Needless to say the Scots have often led the way in terms of enlightened and courageous thinking in science, medicine, society and politics.

  88. Nigella P

    I wonder whether the “burn the unbeliever” approach has arisen within the medical profession about vaccination (and so many other things, including thyroid disease and treatment – my own particular bugbear) because of the way medicine is taught?

    I have a sibling who is a GP and from what I understand through both the teaching of their degree and subsequent training thereafter – a questioning mind is not welcome! If that is how medicine is being taught, then no wonder it feels dangerous to suggest that the established way, may not be the best way or even the only way. Add to that with financial constraints and an increasingly litigious society and you have a recipe for arse covering caution, which effectively shuts down creative thinking and debate.

    1. anglosvizzera

      From my experience, I agree that medical students are not encouraged to question anything they’re taught. From my observations over the years, I have generally found that most of the doctors I know weren’t the ‘brightest’ in the class, but they were the ones who were good at absorbing, digesting and regurgitating what they were taught. They were ones who did their revision dutifully and plodded onwards to their desired destinations. Seems like they were the ideal candidates.

      It would appear that the education system before university level is generally like that these days. You ‘have’ to learn what you’re taught without comment so that you can answer the questions ‘properly’ that come up in the exams. Even at A-level stage, while you might have a little more leeway to discuss things in class, you still need to make the expected points in your exam answers in order to get the grades. So really the whole system is designed to spoon-feed students and train them accordingly.

      But thank goodness for doctors like Dr Kendrick, Dr Malhotra, Dr Chatterjee etc who are willing to challenge the status quo and have enquiring minds!! I would have hated to have trained as a doctor as I always ask a lot of questions! I don’t suppose I would’ve lasted long… 🙂

      1. fairweather

        Indeed, anglosvizzera. My main interest as a patient is in autoimmune disease, but at present I focus on Hashimoto’s (autoimmune thyroiditis) and other forms of hypothyroidism. To try to deal with mainstream thyroid endocrinology is to become aware, I’m sorry to say, of intellectual deficit within medicine. I won’t go into the details here. Added to that, I sometimes encounter doctors in social settings, and a pair of married medics lives next door to me. They are, emphatically, very far from being the brighest lamps on our diverse street. Medics like our good host, Sarah Myhill, Barry Durrant-Peatfield, plus a restricted selection of notable others, are the independent-thinking exceptions that prove the sheepish rule.

      2. ellifeld

        Yes, the medical education seems to be about overwhelming the students and putting them in great debt, so that they’ll think about nothing but getting thru their education. I have a nephew starting his 4th yr and the sheer amount of hours he puts in are astounding. Starting at 6AM and finishing around 5, eating and then homework. Crazy. How much can be actually learned this way? Who would question something like vaccines? No one, that’s who.

  89. fairweather

    You’re a very brave man to step into this particular fray!

    A series of unusual travel vaccinations in my teens triggered the rapid development of several autoimmune diseases, to which I have a genetic predispostion. I have had a lifetime of severe ill-health, so I am now, naturally, very wary about the prospect of flu vaccinations and the like.

    My main point, though, concerns the CCR5 delta 32 SNP. I’ve just checked my 23andme raw data, which describes the company’s private ID of this mutation as i3003626, and it seems I am homozygous for this SNP. (Strictly speaking, this is not an SNP, but a deletion of 32 nucleotides.) My maternal grandmother’s family came from the Calver-Bubnell-Eyam area of Derbyshire, and was resident there for several centuries until my grandmother died. Thank goodness, it seems I will never contract Ebola! 😉

  90. Soul

    Thinking about, the most ornery chat forum I ever frequented was one visited by many doctors. It was the first one I went to. It was a Porsche forum, one were only paying members could write in. The sight had a misc. section where health, politics, or other topics were discussed. The misc. section had many members many of which were doctors, drug sales reps, lawyers, business owners, accountants, and other professionals. Those guys, all type A personalities, really went after each. The owner of the forum would have to shut down the misc from time to time due to members threatening to sue each other and the chat board owner to boot.

    If you disagreed over topics, sometimes they not only were ornery on the forum, they could look you up personally and begin harassing you. They would post personal embarrassing information, such as court records, family information, etc. It seemed they wanted to ruin people personally. Kind of laughing about thinking of that forum, when writing an opinion I’d be so careful, doing my homework, being vague, posting lots of quotes. Even with that I didn’t last long on the Porsche forum. I eventually was run off it.

    I don’t remember any vaccine discussions on that chat Porsche forum. I can only imagine how they would have gone. I’ve seen some vaccine discussions on other forums though and they can be most divisive discussions. Most of those concerned about current vaccination laws and safety are typically run off.

  91. Chad S

    I am ambivalent about vaccines. Typically when I struggle with ideas, I try to imagine the ends of the spectrum.

    One could argue that we are at one end of the spectrum presently given the number of vaccines that children in developed countries receive.

    In this case, what if we stopped giving vaccines? Would there be widespread outbreaks given the density of the human population? Would the massively larger population of the underlying microorganisms combined with the larger human population increase the risk for emergence of more virulent strains?

    People will develop immunity one way or another. Given our population density and the amount that people move around the planet, we could have to endure a lot more illness than we did in the past when populations were smaller and more isolated.

    Historical cases of the devastation of native peoples when exposed to new diseases could give us a gauge of the risk.

    1. JillM

      Chad, I recently started looking at vaccines. Are they safe? Are they effective? I am disturbed by what I have discovered.

      1. rosross

        The problems with vaccines are as follows:

        1. Too soon
        2. Too many
        3. Too often
        4. Too experimental
        5. Too multiple
        6. Too unnecessary
        7. Too poorly researched
        8. Too largely unproven – the Titers theory does not hold up. The vaccinated do get the diseases against which they have been vaccinated, vaccines wear off, whatever they might do, in 2-10 years and vaccines neither immunise or create herd immunity.

        If vaccines had not become a fad, sold like ice-cream flavours, and had risen from 2-3 at older ages in the early Seventies to more than 50 in the first five years of life, and on one count, 75 by the age of eighteen, then we would not be having this conversation.

        But they are now a fad, if not a cult and our babies are the labrats. Less is more and err on the side of caution should be a given when it is our children who are involved. It will be too late if we have generations with early-onset Alzheimer’s thanks to an Aluminium overload. Who will pay for their care? Indeed, who will care for them given the small numbers still of unvaccinated human beings?

        Science-medicine is dangerous in hubristic form.

        1. Somatoform

          Well said Rosross, I despair! Today in the BMJ latest, questioning about what can be done to ‘persuade’ parents to vaccinate their preschool kids. In real terms the talk is really about enforcing vaccination regardless of medical or religious exemption coupled with enforcement of conditional admissions for non vaccinated children. Medical fascism at its finest and as you say, this has become a cult.

      2. LA_Bob


        Apparently the “upvote / downvote” option has been removed, so I can’t upvote your comment.

        I have stayed out of the vaccine discussions and avoided researching the controversy. It seems like it’s a more toxic and contentious area than saturated fat, the lipid hypothesis, and CVD! I had rather hoped Dr Kendrick would sidestep the issue, at least for the time being. There is still too much of interest to be said about CVD.

        But, if I were to research the subject, I would follow exactly the framework in your 1-8 numbered points. Because I suspect the problems may arise from just those items. Good list.

        In this field as in so many others, doctors may be committing the typical layman fallacy: if some is good, more must be better. So much for, “first, do no harm”.

    2. rosross

      The greatest disease threat is likely to come from two fronts:

      1. mutated forms of disease from vaccines, including unknown mutations from the use of animal, human and bird material in the manufacture of vaccines. There is also some suggestion that vaccines can be cultured using cancerous cells as it saves money because the cells do not die so readily. Quite what that might create is a question never asked.

      2. the fact that all of those massively vaccinated from birth, including now in utero exposure, have compromised immune function, i.e. the immune system is confused as to what is a threat and what is not a threat and is unable to function optimally, thereby creating more susceptibility to any illness and higher mortality rates.

      Either of these outcomes would of course be blamed on the non-vaccinated although I hold to the fact that all humans have degrees of integrity and scientists and doctors are no different, and eventually, more will find the courage to speak out and ask questions.

      1. Gary Ogden

        rosross: There is indeed an immortal cell line (HeLa), in use in Medicine since 1951, which came from a cervical tumor from Henrietta Lacks. Read “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,” by Rebecca Skloot, for the full details. From the back cover: “Her name was Henrietta Lacks, but scientists know her as HeLa. She was a poor black tobacco farmer whose cells-taken without her knowledge in 1951-became one of the most important tools in medicine, vital for developing the polio vaccine, cloning, gene mapping and more. Henrietta’s cells have been bought and sold by the billions, yet she remains virtually unknown, and her family can’t afford health insurance.”

        1. rosross

          You said: Doubtful. The peak of heart disease was around 1970. All of those people would have been exposed to the usual childhood illnesses in around 1910-1930, when vaccination was far less prevalent than today. CVD these days is about half what it was, amongst people with many more vaccine shots.

          So in the case of strokes and heart disease, I think the protective effect of getting sick in childhood is greatly exaggerated.

          For what research is worth, there are indicators of protective aspects when these minor childhood diseases occur in childhood.

          Measles and mumps, especially in case of both infections, were associated with lower risks of mortality from atherosclerotic CVD.

        2. rosross

          And this:

          Cardiovascular disease
          Association of measles and mumps with cardiovascular disease: The Japan Collaborative Cohort (JACC) study
          “Measles and mumps, especially in case of both infections, were associated with lower risks of mortality from atherosclerotic CVD.”

      1. Gary Ogden

        Justin: Not completely harmless, but the risk of permanent disability from the disease is less than that from the vaccine. This has become abundantly clear in the U. S. Today, according to the CDC, 54% of American children have a chronic health condition. In 1990 that figure was 12%. Some are indeed harmed by measles (in 1977 the mortality rate for measles in the U.S. was 1 in 3,823-15 deaths in 57,345 reported cases), and it serves no purpose in the pursuit of truth to deny or ignore this fact. I personally think vaccination is quackery, like statins and a host of the other profit centers which have captured Medicine. No proper safety studies have ever been conducted for any vaccine currently licensed, as all drugs must be (with rare exceptions, such as AZT). HHS (Health and Human Services) was mandated by the same law which made vaccines liability-free to conduct safety studies and report to Congress every two years. They have done nothing in those 32 years and produced not a single report.

      2. AhNotepad

        Justin, to say they are harmless, is not accurate. They can be harmful to under-nourished, or to immuno-compromised victims. To those who are well nourished and who have a properly functioning immune system (that would be those whose immune systems have not been hyperstimulated by vaccines of course) then, probably harmless.

      3. chris c

        Er . . . mostly harmless. A small number of people are permanently harmed, especially by measles. Would be interesting to know what is the difference between them and the unharmed majority.

  92. Dvorah

    Spot on as always Dr. Kendrick. Your books are some of my favorite. They’re worth reading, whether you’re interested in heart disease or not, if only to laugh out loud as you poke fun at the religion of modern medicine.

  93. Caroline

    In support of this very balanced article and out of high respect for how you presented the issue I posted the following on my fb page, along with a link to read the article. Much respect for you!

    “The last thing on the subject I will probably likely ever post but this is a very balanced article – no one should be afraid to consider that there is a balance to the trust we offer vaccines. All healthy views require balance of the two sides. Worth the read for whether your experiences with vaccines are positive or anything in between. When did knowledge on a subject become so taboo? – they are injections into the bloodstream after all…and the same one is used for an infant as is for an adult. Wanting an uncompromised immune system should not be a crime….faith in the body, in God’s design should not be over-ridden by the expectation that we are to have this same faith in a serum (sorry if that is not the correct term) … I am not trying to impose my views, truly, i am trying to encourage others to be okay with whatever their choice is and the reasons behind making that choice. I will not become a lobbyist on the subject but respect those who fight to keep this a choice to despite the mass criticism.”

  94. Nat

    In addition to ‘Dissolving Illusions’ by Suzanne Humphries, there is another excellent starting point book “for everyone who wishes to learn more about vaccination and looks for scientific proof.”

    The book is called ‘Ideological constructs of vaccination’ by Metea Cernic. Available on Amazon.

    “Above all, it is intended for those who, up to this point, have not dedicated special attention to vaccination, but have accepted it as a self-evident and non-problematic medical measure.”

  95. Jerome Savage

    Dr Kendrick back to CVD.
    On 17th March you stated “how does a negative external stressor, lead to the internal physiological strain, that causes CVD? For that we need to turn to Sapolski, Bjortorp and Marmot.” I found myself looking up Sapolski, very easy to listen to and entertaining knowledgeable man and much less so Marmot. I was looking very much forward to your deliberations on this. I assume U wer side tracked by the Daily Mail headline. Thanks again for your valued inputs. My interest for obvious reasons remains with CVD.

    1. Jerome Savage

      That should read, I have spent much less time looking up Marmot than Sapolski simply due to time constraints.

    2. LA_Bob

      Thank you for this. I remember the post, and I, too, expected the “coming attractions.”

      I hope Dr Kendrick accepts the suggestion!

    3. andy

      Jerome Savage: There is a connection between vaccination and CVD, and many other diseases. WBC (immune cells) and endothelial cells have mitochondria. Injecting aluminum or mercury will poison the mitochondria of any cell. Also high levels of glucose and insulin is pathogenic to all cells.

  96. languagelearner2017

    So refreshing…as someone who dared to ask a question about a blanket vaccine in the 1980’s, I’ve been shocked by the increasing zeal of the establishment and overwhelming aggression directed at any mild misgivings.

  97. Emma

    I regularly comment in the Daily Mail online section on the vaccine debate to give some balance to the fearmongering stories and normalisation of mandatory vaccination and I am shocked at the ( ironically ) rabid pro vaccine commenters who fail to engage in debate on the subject, so your experience is repeated outside the medical community. I have 2 generations of unvaccinated children in the UK who are exceeding bright and healthy.

  98. Ricky Barnes

    Thank you for the article! Many of the points you discussed I brought up in a film that will soon be stripped from the Internet. This highlights exactly what you’re talking about. Troubling but predictable times we live in. thanks for taking a look at my film. PS I had both German measles and mumps as a kid. No big deal.

  99. Joe

    This video should shock you., Even if you’re pro-vaccine. If you’re thinking of having your child (or yourself) get the HPV vaccine (Gardasil), you should watch this video first It will also give you an idea of what goes on at Merck, at the FDA and CDC, too. This vaccine will go down as the most dangerous vaccine ever developed.

    Think about this. A female is 37 times more likely to die from the Gardasil. vaccine than from cervical cancer. That’s according to Merck’s own data.,

  100. galegaultsbcglobalnet

    Great read, you are right, people are crazy. Its amazing to me to see these drs act so insane over something that is not proven to be right. They act like idiots! I didnt know drs could be so stupid. I applaud you for your candor and great mind to continue the scientific method. You are one in a million, just like Dr Andrew Wakefield, a man persecuted for no reason except the hystertical belief that the “science is settled” when we all know that’s not true. I hate that phrase! Keep up the good work for humanity.

  101. Rachel L

    THANK YOU for being willing to state facts about vaccination. I too am amazed at how often it is said “the science is settled.” Isn’t there always something more to learn?
    The hatred spewed against myself and others who question the safety of vaccines and the astronomical 69 dose recommended vaccine schedule in the US seriously makes me question the goodness of humanity. I would think advocating for safer vaccines would be applauded instead of persecuted.
    Thanks for adding your voice to the debate, your knowledge and insights are welcomed and valued!!

    1. Gary Ogden

      Rachel L: The reason for the vitriol and the censorship is that they are in panic mode. Vaccines are today not only a major profit center, they are the future of Pharma. Blockbuster drugs are few and far between these days. And they know they have lost control of the narrative. They are rapidly losing the public trust, what little they had to begin with.

  102. anglosvizzera

    Here is a shocking example of how parents of children harmed by vaccines are treated. Recently I saw a tweet by Dr Christian (Jessen) answering a mother whose daughter has been severely damaged by the HPV vaccine since she had it in 2014. She asked,

    “Have you read the insert patient info on the HPV vaccine? The medical profession don’t always get it right! Things change…”

    to which Dr (oxymoronically-named) Christian replied,

    “You complete Dick Head. If it’s in the insert sheet then we obviously Do know about it. Jesus H…[eyeroll emoticon]”

    The mother has made this video in response – and asks how can we move forward in this debate unless vaccine-damage is acknowledged?

    Do we really have to wait until the numbers are so great that it’s beyond obvious? Even if vaccine-damage isn’t immediately evident which, in the case of autoimmune disease it usually isn’t, the smoking gun of the aluminium adjuvant (and other aluminium exposure) is likely to impact adult health in years to come in the form of even more Alzheimer’s Disease, just when we don’t want any more!

    1. Gary Ogden

      anglosvizzera: You are right. The vaccine program today represents an existential threat. Governments today cannot even begin to keep up with costs of educating special needs children, and the first wave of the enormous increase in the neurologically-injured, those born since 1989, and especially those born since 1991, when the Hep B, containing both 12.5 mcg of mercury and aluminum adjuvants, the combination of which multiplies toxicity, are aging out of school programs; many of them are unable to live independently, and in most places there are meager or no services at all. In the UK longevity figures recently linked here, the 30-34 age group showed the largest decline in longevity. I shudder to think what another decade will bring in this mass experiment on the world’s population. John Stone recently posted a link to the perpetrator (or should I say perpetraitor?) of the worldwide push to poison all children. Thanks, President Obama, slick talker that you are.

        1. Gary Ogden

          elliifield: I was simply referring to the executive order of November 4th, 2016, and the secret meeting in the White House in 2014, which John Stone linked to. I wasn’t suggesting that Obama was responsible for this horror, just that he gave it a big push. I also remember his, “the science is settled” remark. I voted for him twice, and we all had high hopes, but he turned out to work, not for the public, but for his Wall Street and other industrial backers. In any case, I’ll never again vote for anyone for President. It matters little. Our government is entirely captured by industrial interests. What Washington, D.C. gives us is one dog-and-pony show after another.

          1. AhNotepad

            You think any high level politician works for the public? Nope, at that level they are all corporate whores. Look at The lower level politicians seem to have genuine concerns. Then up gets the minister and waffles a total load of rubbish, like what she’s been told to.

          2. Gary Ogden

            AhNotepad: A few do, but they have a difficult time of it. While I don’t agree with Bernie Sanders’ economic positions, I gave him my vote in 2016. The elites trashed him, even though he was wildly popular. Trump is also not one of the elites, thus the constant attacks by them. But you’re right, it is the permanent bureaucracy, called the “Deep State” here, who are in charge, and the intelligence establishment who are the enforcers. I don’t understand British politics very well, but I suspect the success of the Brexit vote was in large measure a revulsion at the massive bureaucracy in Brussels and its control of people’s lives, and the stalling/blocking the elites’ response to the threat to their gravy train. Works the same pretty well everywhere.

      1. John Stone

        Obviously, WMD didn’t come out of nowhere either – there was a deep state lobby. Now we have the GHSA and the measles panic which is another power grab, but completely documentable by anyone who follows the links. The lobby has done too much damage, has too much invested in the future not to play for the highest stakes.

        1. Gary Ogden

          John Stone: And thus the extraordinary wave of censorship of factual information concerning vaccines in the U.S. But it is too late. They have lost control of the narrative. Because they know the truth, and that truth, of the damage they are doing, is an existential threat to the entire public health establishment, to their careers, they remain silent. In the U.S., only the President can make a difference, but they’ve had their knives out for him since it was clear he would be the nominee. But I don’t think he’s forgotten us. They’ve put enormous pressure on him, lied to him, and distracted him with phony investigations. I still have hope.

      1. anglosvizzera

        LA_Bob – I think anyone reading Dr Jessen’s tweets and patronising, belittling and offensive language he uses would cause him to lose ‘Twitter’ fans, nothing to do with his sexuality!

        My nephew, who is a doctor, said that in his opinion Dr J is a “complete d**k”…

    2. James DownUnder

      … but we DO want more Alzheimers….and other chronic diseases. What other reasons could there be for generating such a captive cohort of (Medicine) Consumer$ ???

    1. Dr. John H

      My local newspaper website shadow banned me (without notice) when I posted a number of vaccine critical comments. All comments were well thought out, with solid scientific references. If I was logged in to facebook, my comments would show to me, giving me the impression that all could see what I wrote. If I logged out of facebook, my comments would disappear, and only vaccine positive comments remained. No one else but me can see my comments. They do this to make posters like me think their comments are viewable to all, while in fact they are viewable to no one (except me).

    1. AhNotepad

      Roanoak is censoring publication in Europe because of the data “protection” tyranny. Can you post it another way?

      1. rosross

        The article:

        Recent outbreaks of measles have brought widespread unrestrained criticism of parents who have avoided vaccinating their children under the presumed influence of misguided ideological “anti-vaxxers.” But at least some of the anger and blame should be directed at official sources for refusing to admit that some vaccines occasionally do bring sometimes very serious harm to some individuals. By not admitting that, officialdom provides unwarranted credibility to allegations of official cover- ups, allegations then expanded to blanket warnings against vaccinating in general.

        There are three main ways in which vaccines can sometimes cause harm to some individuals.

        One is the presence in some vaccines of preservatives to protect against contamination by bacteria. Being toxic to bacteria, they can also be toxic to higher forms of life. A commonly used preservative, thimerosal, is a mercury-containing organic substance, and organic-mercury compounds are indeed often toxic to human beings.

        A second possible source of harm in some vaccines is the use of so-called adjuvants. These cause a non-specific stimulation of the immune system, in the belief that when the immune system is already aroused it will respond better to the specific components in the vaccine. Adjuvants work through being recognized by the immune system as foreign and undesirable, in other words as being potentially harmful to the person receiving the vaccine. Commonly used adjuvants include organic aluminum compounds, which are known to be harmful if they accumulate in the nervous system, particularly the brain; some people of my age may recall the long-ago warnings against aluminum cookware because of that possible harm.

        A third possible danger lies in the inherent specific action of the particular vaccine. Some vaccines sometimes, though quite rarely, actually bring about the very disease against which they are intended to act. More generally, since vaccines are intended to cause the immune system to do certain things, it is far from implausible that the immune system may sometimes react in a different fashion than desired, for example by setting in process an autoimmune reaction. Our present understanding of immune-system functioning does not warrant dogmatic, supposedly authoritative pronouncements alleging that all vaccines are safe for everyone.

        The known sources of possible harm from vaccination makes it not unreasonable, for instance, to recommend that babies be vaccinated against mumps, measles, and rubella separately, at intervals, rather than with a single dose of a multiple (MMR) vaccine. The known nervous-system toxicity of organic aluminum and mercury compounds makes it unreasonable to dismiss out-of-hand that these additives in some vaccines may produce such neural damage as symptoms of autism; reports and claims need to be investigated, not ignored or pooh-poohed. Moreover, wherever possible we should be offered the option of vaccines free of adjuvants and preservatives.

        The public would be better served than we are now if official proclamations were to distinguish among different vaccines. The benefit-to-risk ratio of measles vaccine, for instance, or of polio vaccine, seems well established through long experience of efficacy and relative safety (“relative” because there is never 100.000…% certainty). By contrast, vaccines against HPV (human papillomavirus) have accumulated quite a substantial record of serious adverse events: the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program of the Department of Health and Human Services had by 2013 awarded about $6 million to 49 victims in claims against HPV vaccines, with barely half of 200 claims adjudicated at that time; by May 2019, 130 of 480 claims against HPV vaccines had been compensated. Here the benefit-to-risk ratio is not known to be favorable because it cannot yet be known whether the vaccines actually prevent cervical or other cancers, it is only known that they act against viruses sometimes associated with cancer but never yet proven to actually cause cancer.

        It is dangerous and without reasonable basis for ideological anti-vaxxers to raise alarm over all vaccinations because of instances like the HPV vaccines. But the conspiratorial and ideological anti-vaxxers are lent unwarranted public credibility and plausibility because officialdom refuses to admit the harm done by, for example, the HPV vaccines, while emphasizing the desirability of maintaining herd immunity against, say, measles, as though the same logic and practical experience applied to all vaccines including new, recently-devised ones. “Since they are lying to us about HPV vaccines, why should we trust them about measles vaccine?”

        1. AhNotepad

          Thanks for posting. I think the Roanoak article somewhat patronising. Regardless of the lies and witholding of information by the manufacturers and governments, the necessity for vaccines is flawed for most of them. Certainly for vaccines for the common childhood diseases.

          1. Gary Ogden

            AhNotepad: The forthcoming Highwire will feature “George,” a Merck insider. Worth a watch.

    2. anglosvizzera

      rosross, unfortunately those of us in the EU are unable access the article by Henry Bauer due to Data Protection Regulation 😦

    3. mmec7

      Link not available in the EU :-
      451: Unavailable due to legal reasons
      We recognize you are attempting to access this website from a country belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA) including the EU which enforces the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and therefore access cannot be granted at this time. For any issues, contact or call 800-346-1234.
      Like and agree with the title of thearticle.

  103. rosross


    You raise another good point and one which is ignored. Supposedly studies are done to establish ‘safe’ levels of the many different chemicals which vaccines contain, but, as so many parents say, it is not uncommon for a baby to receive two, three, four, five, six, and some parents reporting as many as twelve vaccines in one session.

    Quite how the human organism with its immature immune function, reacts to receiving countless diseases at the one time, since this is the message delivered, in a way impossible in nature and for which no human as ever evolved, is another question which does not get asked.

    Which expert scientist or doctor can claim a thorough understanding of the physiological impact of a child’s body being ‘told’ it has Measles, Mumps, Rubella at the one time? Who came up with that ridiculous idea?

    1. AhNotepad

      Who came up with such a ridiculous idea? I think we know the answer, the likes of Pan, Hotez and Offit (for profit), Gerberdine etc. There are no doubt many other insane psychopaths, but they all must have either a similar ignorance, or a similar evil intent.

      1. rosross

        I am not sure conspiracy theories are necessary. I find humans greedy, stupid, arrogant, ignorant and self-serving enough to create any kind of chaos without the slightest plan and even more so when driven by good intentions.

        1. AhNotepad

          I didn’t suggest a conspiracy theory. The list I wrote was examples of individuals who as you say are self serving and greedy.

    2. anglosvizzera

      rosross – According to world aluminium toxicity expert, Professor Chris Exley, there have never been any safety studies for aluminium adjuvants comparing them with an inert placebo and any vaccine safety study is not designed to find longer-term damage that may be caused by a neurotoxin such as aluminium. Aluminium has been ‘grandfathered in’ to the system based on its historical use in vaccines, and therefore ‘assumed’ to be safe. However, it is cumulative and dose-dependant and is always neurotoxic to some degree.

      Aluminium adjuvants are, in his expert opinion, one of the main causes of adverse events from vaccines and to keep adding more and more of it to the schedule with no safety information is madness. Each new ‘multiple’ aluminium-containing vaccine, such as the 6-in-1 Infanrix Hexa or Gardasil 9, has multiple amounts of aluminium as each active component of the vaccine is produced separately and then just ‘lumped together’ in one vial. Exley has said that the amount of aluminium injected in one go at a baby’s first vaccine appointment at 8 weeks (in the UK) is equivalent to the amount of aluminium ingested from breast milk in 120 days – and that injected aluminium behaves completely differently from ingested aluminium.

      He also has great concerns regarding the novel aluminium adjuvant patented by Merck and used in Gardasil – he asked for some to use in his research, but his request was denied. I suppose the reason they gave would be to protect their commercial interests, but I expect they aren’t keen for anyone to do any kind of ‘testing’ of this adjuvant in case it shows harm.

      This recent interview with Exley is very good –

      1. rosross

        I also read recently his funding at Keele University has been removed. Science, medicine, academia, all pretty much debased in this day and age.

      2. rosross

        This is a good one to keep.

        Q: So you’re an “anti-vaxxer”?

        A: No, I’m pro-informed consent.

        Q: Don’t you worry about your child getting sick from vaccine preventable diseases?

        A: No, not really. I actually have less fear of many of those illnesses now that I’ve done my research.

        Q: But what about polio?

        A: Polio is asymptomatic in over 90% of cases. When symptoms do present, they’re usually mild and flu-like.

        Q: But we don’t see iron lungs anymore because of vaccines.

        A: We don’t see iron lungs anymore for the same reason we don’t see computers that are large enough to take up an entire room. Technology has come a long way.

        Q: But even if the risk of getting something serious is small, don’t you want to protect your child with vaccines just in case?

        A: I do want to protect my child, and that is one reason I say no to vaccines. Because in my cost-benefit analysis, the chances of my child being harmed from vaccines is greater than the chances of my child being harmed from one of those illnesses.

        Q: But it’s not just about your child. It is your responsibility to vaccinate your child to protect immune compromised people through herd immunity.

        A: First and foremost, my responsibility is to my child. I will not set my child on fire to keep someone else warm. What parent would knowingly risk their child’s life for the sake of the herd? Would you? My child is not a human shield. Secondly, herd immunity is a myth. We do not have vaccine induced herd immunity and never have.

        Q: But don’t you think vaccines are a victim of their own success? They eradicated polio and other diseases, so you probably haven’t seen them thanks to vaccines.

        A: Correlation does not equal causation. The history of vaccines is more complex than that, and I no longer believe that vaccines can take the credit for eradicating any diseases. We have never had widespread vaccination for scarlet fever or typhoid, yet, they are no longer a threat. Amazing what sanitation can do. Polio has also not been eradicated. I may not have lived through the “polio” era, but I am living in a time with a different kind of epidemic. My child’s generation is the first to have a life expectancy that is less than that of their parents. People are sicker than ever with autoimmune diseases, deadly allergies, neurological problems, and cancer. We can not cling to a controversial problem of the past to make crucial decisions for today. We have to do something about the problems we are currently faced with, and giving more vaccines is not an acceptable solution.

        Q: Do the ingredients in vaccines concern you?

        A: Yes

        Q: You know there’s formaldehyde in pears, right? And mercury in tuna?

        A: When’s the last time you puréed a pear and some tuna, then injected it intramuscularly? We have a digestive system for a reason, and the mucosal tissue is one of the most important components of the human immune system. I don’t think bypassing those functions is without consequence. Ingestion and injection are not the same thing. It’s the same reason you can drink snake venom, but being bitten in the leg with the same venom can kill you.

        Q: But the science is settled and doctors and scientists agree that vaccines are necessary.

        A: Science is never settled. As history has shown, science can be dangerously wrong. It can also be heavily influenced by financial interests. And doctors and scientists do not all agree about vaccines.

        There are many doctors, nurses, immunologists, and researchers who are aware of the shortcomings of vaccines. And if we want to really discuss vaccine science, we need to demand that there be more of it, because vaccine science is severely lacking. It is the tobacco science of our time.

        The current vaccine schedule (which has more than tripled since vaccine manufacturers became protected from liability) has never been tested for safety. There hasn’t been a randomized double blind placebo controlled study comparing the outcomes of the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated. Vaccines are the epitome of quackery.

      3. ellifeld

        James Weiler-Lyons, should be mentioned also. He has an extensive scientific background, believes aluminum plays a big part in this. He’s written a couple of books, one is “The Environmental and Genetic Causes of Autism”.

  104. Don

    I am late to the party, with little to add, except that my respect for you, Dr. Kendrick, continues to grow.

    1. David Bailey

      I think we all feel that debt of gratitude to Malcolm. In my case I went for a pleasant bike ride today, whereas without Malcolm, I might easily have ended up being drawn back into accepting statins, which had already demonstrated how they could mess up my polio leg. – I’d have probably ended up in a wheel chair courtesy of this ‘life saveing’ medicine!

      1. JillM

        In the 1940s some doctors were saying that children should not be vaccinated for other than polio, during the summer, polio season. Paralysis was developing in the punctured limb.

  105. Martin Back

    Another non-vaccine cause of autism suggested by a science journalist:

    Brad Lemley‏ @BradCLemley (science journalist) 11:14 AM – 12 Jul 2019

    Biggest dietary change in the last 60 years has been avoidance of animal fat. Coincides with a huge uptick in autism incidence. The human brain is 60 percent fat by weight. Much more investigation needed on correspondence between autism and prenatal/child ingestion of dietary fat

    “The link between dietary fat and autism is also strong, and low levels of both DHA and ARA have been found in children on the autistic spectrum. In a study published in 2015 in International Journal of Molecular Sciences, the fatty acid profile of 121 autistic children, aged 3-7, was analysed and compared with children without the condition. The autistic children were found to have levels of ARA and DHA that were “particularly decreased”, compared to the non-autistic controls.”

    1. Gary Ogden

      Martin Back: The dietary advice we’ve been given over the last 40 years or so has indeed been disastrous. The developing fetus requires a large amount of DHA for proper brain development, taking it from the mother’s stores, yet doctors advise pregnant women to avoid fish! But get your flu shot (most of the flu vaccines produced still contain thimerosal). Madness.

    2. David Bailey

      That is a fascinating possibility – has anyone studied the incidence in other cultures – e.g. Iceland – or indeed France – where consumption of saturated fat is presumably still greater than most Western countries?

      1. AhNotepad

        Better study France. They have mandatory vaccines (ref general info) and eat a lot of saturated fats (ref Dr Malcolm Kendrick) who he?

  106. Gary Ogden

    Back to CVD. I saw a close relative yesterday I don’t often see. Had an MI 15 or 20 years ago, sometime in his 50’s I would guess (I don’t know for certain). Been taking statins ever since. He told me he would be dead if not for them. I did explain about the mistaking of L(p)a in plaques for LDL, about the importance of vitamin C in the repair process, and about the recent paper from Finland in the European Heart Journal, finding no association between LDL and CVD, but at that point I realized there was no point in further discussion. He didn’t look like he felt good. They play on fears to promote those damn things.

      1. Gary Ogden

        JDPatten: I don’t have a link. Saw the Finnish study on GreenMedInfo, and didn’t bother to pursue it deeper because it merely confirmed the science as we know it. I think Dr. Kendrick is correct that LDL in plaques is mis-identified L(p)a, a stand-in for vitamin C in the healing process in its deficiency. Thanks for the link. Another nail in the statin coffin.

    1. Jerome Savage

      Healthy outdoor active lifestyle and lack of processed foods, plenty of fresh food may be a factor.
      Would lack of crop pesticide treatments/chemicals, and no statins or other dodgy prescriptive pharmaceuticals also feature?

      1. Gary Ogden

        Jerome Savage: I think you’re on to something. Surely the accumulated toxic exposures amplify the toxicity, and greatly so, for some.

        1. Mr Chris

          Gary, Jerome
          Jérôme prescription for a healthy life, fresh food, outdoors active etc sounds like one I could buy into

          1. Gary Ogden

            Mr Chris: Yes! Also, letting the cares of the world roll off the back like water off a duck. Don’t worry, be happy. And take citrulline malate, a miracle drug (I take 2g, dissolved in about 2 oz of water, 3-4 times per day-seems the most effective dose is the one before bed).

      1. chris c

        Excellent! Reminds me of the relative lack of health problems back when I was young, and they are still doing it.

  107. Jean Humphreys

    Sigh! Article in today’s Sunday Times colour magazine by one Adam Kay, Doctor/Media Tart/Pocket Dictator. Using the best emotive language, he is totally patronising and sarcastic, not to mention downright rude, that some people might dare to question whether the new, soon-to-be-compulsory vaccination programme is actually a good thing for every chld.
    Whatever happened to intelligent questioning? Not to mention joined-up thinking.
    He obviously hasn’t thought through the current drift towards getting patients to take responsibility for their own health – or rather, he means, “Only when you do exactly what I tell you”

    1. AhNotepad.

      Jean, Adam can eff off, complete with the program. Perhaps he can demonstrate committment by having all the jabs, and all the catchup jabs so he is immunised according to the schedule, bearing in mind his age, which is either very young, and so infantile, or very old and so demented. He needn’t be subjected to all the pathogens, just the adjuvants would do.

    2. Frederica Huxley

      How very sad – last night I finished reading Adam’ Kay’s “This is going to hurt”. I was very impressed with the book, and didn’t sense any vestige of the extreme vaccination attitude that was in the magazine.

    3. David

      In his efforts to write a ‘newsworthy’ article he seems to have forgotten his experiences as a doctor as reported in his book. I can only guess that being patronising and sarcastic, and adding bucketloads of emotion, pays better than admitting uncertainty. So few journalistic outlets would want an article qualified with lots of words like ‘probably’, ‘may’ and ‘is likely’. Sorry to be so cynical …

      I prefer the accounts of medical life and how the NHS could be improved by MD of Private Eye, aka Dr Phil Hammond.

  108. Gary Ogden

    Fascinating interview today by Dr. Mercola with ophthalmologist Dr. Chris Knobbe, ostensibly about macular degeneration, but touching on CVD and other degenerative diseases. He’s done a great deal of research, beginning with the Work of Dr. Weston A. Price, and shows how the move away from ancestral diets has given rise to these maladies of modern life. He particularly singles out vegetable seed oils as causative. Absolutely worth a read or listen.

      1. Gary Ogden

        Göran: Go to At the top right of the page click “Newsletter archive.” Choose 2019, then July. Scroll down to 14. It is there under Macular Degeneration.

  109. andy

    What is worse; the disease or the cure?
    “Shingles Vaccine causes necrotizing retinitis
    In February 2016 the FDA warned that Zostavax® can cause acute necrotizing retinitis (ARN), a condition that if not treated immediately can lead to permanent loss of vision. A warning about this potential side effect now appears on the medicine insert that comes with the vaccine. Patients with ARN typically present with acute onset of vision loss in one eye, which may be associated with redness, photophobia, pain, floaters, and flashes.”

    1. Sylvia Brooke

      This is my first visit to Dr Kendrick’s blog for some days due to an attack of shingles, on my face, which is just horrendous. When the shingles first hit me three days ago I had absolutely no idea what was the matter apart from the fact that I could barely see out of my swollen left eye and was suddenly profoundly deaf in my left ear. The pain was pretty severe too, and had been for some considerable time but, with no obvious symptoms at that time, I had no idea just what was the matter and had simply taken pain killers, until the rash appeared, making it pretty obvious that something was radically wrong. I actually spoke to a Chemist first to ask his advice – his advice was to go and see a doctor immediately. I went to our surgery and asked if someone could help me but the Receptionist said everyone was busy with patients and as they were closing in 30 minutes she advised me to go to a small injuries clinic some miles away. She asked no questions, and simply must have assumed that I had damaged my eye in some way. I was unable to go to A&E `as my vision was steadily getting worse and I didn’t trust myself to drive all that way in the rush hour, therefore, I went home, went to bed and called the surgery for a visit next morning (yesterday). Absolutely the wrong thing to do. I finally ended up as an emergency in the Casualty Eye Department and was in real danger of losing the sight in my left eye if I didn’t receive treatment immediately, new spots appearing all the time.

      I sincerely hope that I have been extremely lucky and escaped any long term damage to my eye, I have another appointment for next Monday to check, but the reason for this post is to stress just how important it is to act quickly if you get a sudden rash on your face.

      Incidentally I have never had the shingles vaccination, being something of a sceptic regarding vaccinations.

      1. chris c

        Sympathies! I recall a number of people who had shingles in the past and it was deeply unpleasant.

        I just had a thought, has anyone plotted the incidence of shingles against vaccination for chickenpox?

        1. Gary Ogden

          chris c: Dr. Gary Goldman was one of those tasked with surveillance after the rollout of the varicella vaccine. Worth reading what he has to say. Yes, the vaccine has increased the burden of shingles, and expanded the demographic to include children. Part of this seems to be due to the lack of circulating varicella virus in the population, naturally boosting immunity. The CDC tried to prevent him publishing his findings, sending a cease and desist letter, but he hired a lawyer and got them published. I haven’t a link, but you can easily find the paper on DuckDuckGo by typing his name and varicella.

  110. TS

    Has Giant Cell Arteritis and the unfortunately all too believable treatment of it with long-term high dose glucocorticoids been discussed yet? I wonder if there is a fair amount of undiagnosis and it so often affects the aorta.

    1. AhNotepad

      John Bergman would be in BIG trouble then. Though he backs up his criticisims with data from the CDC website. That rather scuppers them. I must post the link to The High Wire, they may be able to give the bigots in “the authorities” something to be ashamed about, though once again they have probably been bought by big pharma.

      1. Gary Ogden

        AhNotepad: The most recent Highwire episode has an interview with Dr. Dena Churchill, the Nova Scotia Chiropractor who has been treated very badly by her medical board for giving her views of vaccine risks in her capacity as a private citizen, not in her capacity as a licensed physician. She was forced to sell her house to pay her legal costs and the medical board’s costs. It has reached the point that the authorities will not tolerate any questioning of their dictates. Medical fascism in full flower throughout the continent of North America.

  111. James DownUnder

    Now THAT sends a message… way more effective than any amount of facts or arguments could ever manage !

  112. chris c

    Malcolm bangs his biscuit on the desk but strangely no weevils crawl out (yet)

    What an incredibly interesting and civilised discussion. Now I must go back and read it all again.

  113. Martin Back

    Getting back to heart disease, here is an extract from a very interesting video, Matthew Walker_ _Why We Sleep_ The New Science of Sleep and Dreams_ _ Talks at Google

    24:40 “I could tell you about sleep loss and the cardiovascular system. That all it takes is one hour. Because there is a global experiment that is performed on 1.6 billion people across 70 countries twice a year. And it’s called Daylight Savings Time. Now in the spring, when we lose one hour of sleep, we see a subsequent 24 percent increase in heart attacks. In the fall, when we gain an hour of sleep, we see a 21 percent decrease in heart attacks. That is how fragile your body is to even just the smallest perturbations of sleep.”

  114. Gary Ogden

    Bill in Oz: Elizabeth Hart kindly posted a link to the Australian vaccination schedule, and there are a surprising number of vaccines used both in Australia and the U.S. They are: 1. Hep A: Vaqta; 2. Hep B: Engerix; 3. Pneumonococcal: Prevnar 13 and Pneumovax 23; 4. Rotavirus: Rotarix; 5. MMRII or Priorix (a GSK product, used in Canada and soon to be licensed in the U.S); 6. Hib: ActHIB; 7. DTap: Infanrix; 8. HPV: Gardasil 9; and 9. Shingles: Zostavax
    Eleven in all. If you want to know what is in these, the list is here:

    Click to access excipient-table-2.pdf

  115. Gary Ogden

    Just finished reading “Robert the Bruce, King of Scots.” What an extraordinary history, of which I was only dimly aware. Men of Robert Bruce’s caliber are rare indeed. Lived in the right place at the right time. William Wallace, too. How inept, and bloodthirsty, the English Kings.

  116. David Bailey

    Sorry this is off-topic, but it certainly relates to CVD.

    In a casual conversation, someone told me that Q10 helped to significantly lower blood pressure. Since I measure my BP at home, this is easy to test, and so far it seems quite effective. I know that as we get older many people produce less Q10, and that this means that the energy from oxidising food is less efficiently transferred to ATP, but I am wondering if anyone knows why it lowers BP.

    Looking it up with GOOGLE I find articles saying it is reported to work but isn’t proven (we all know what that means) but I can’t seem to find an explanation of how it works.

    1. ellifeld

      CoQ10 comes in 2 forms, ubiquinol and ubiquinone. Ubiquinol is much preferred for those over 40?. More importantly, at least to me, are potassium and magnesium, which were both covered by Dr. Kendricks in previous posts. If you want to protect against stroke, which is the problem from high BP, then make sure you have a good intake of those minerals.

    2. andy

      David Bailey: re: Q10 supplements, ATP and BP connection
      An important question for someone approaching average expiry date.

      A simple explanation could be that a healthy cell is one that produces adequate quantity of energy to function properly. The importance of mitochondria for all cell types. For an endothelial cell the result of low ATP could be reduced capacity to produce NO thereby affecting BP.
      For immune cells low ATP could be reason for compromised immunity and more infections.

  117. David Bailey

    Has anyone seen this remarkable article in New Scientist
    (it is in the issue covering the 50th anniversary of the moon landings)

    The URL says it all really, and the author, Clare Wilson quotes Ioannidis as suggesting that all the data from nutritional studies on populations with enough to eat, may amount to meaningless noise!

    Above all she points out that nutritional studies either have to be observational, or track biomarkers, rather than actual illness/death.

    She singles out salt studies as being potentially valid, but I don’t know why.

    I’d have thought sugar would have got an exception, but I didn’t see one – but I only read NS at the news-stand because I dislike that magazine’s stance on other subjects.

    I am amazed that such a frank debunking of a whole scientific field appeared in NS!

  118. Barbara

    Anyone who includes smallpox and polio in any discussion about vaccination, has clearly not done enough research.

    Neither were successful so not good examples to cite. Smallpox vaccinations had to be legally prevented in Britain after continued protests from affected families (mainly from Leicester) who claimed the vaccinations were killing their otherwise healthy children.

    Polio vaccines have and continue to inflict suffering and death on many who receive the vaccine and the irradication of polio in Britain and the US has nothing to do with the vaccines but Dr Suzanne Humphries can explain what happened much better than I can.

    Do more research before citing smallpox and polio vaccines as successes!

    1. Martin Back

      Given that measles has returned now that more people are refusing the vaccination, I think that Suzanne Humphries is wrong when she says that good public health (clean water and sanitation etc) are all that is necessary. Clearly vaccination does make a difference.

      1. Martin Back

        Where does measles come from? Don’t know. Same place flu comes from, I guess. It just sorts of hangs around, then strikes. Alternatively, there’s always someone carrying the bug. A series of unfortunate events allows it to escape into the wider population.

      2. Stephen Rhodes

        Since roughly half of these ‘measles’ infections, when lab tested, prove to be the vaccine strain rather than one of the eight (now nine due to the evolutionary pressure of vaccination) wild type strains, the situation is not clear cut by any means.
        It is also the case that those vaccinated fail to produce immunoglobulin in the same quantities as those naturally infected, making it increasingly likely that those who are immune-compromised will not be able to get the life saving blood product they need.
        On the other hand it makes oldies like me who had a good whack of measles in my early teens, more valuable alive than dead, as a source of ig.

      3. anglosvizzera

        Dr Kendrick – according to what the US tells everyone, it would appear that all outbreaks of measles are imported from abroad into the US. Whether that’s true or not is debatable, being as it’s also been established that many recent cases of measles in the US are ‘vaccine-strain’. The media stories are spun to create fear of foreigners or foreign travel, it seems…as for the UK, nobody seems to ask that question (other then yourself)!

      4. Sasha

        Wouldn’t you want to look at harms vs benefits in vaccinating for measles a population with access to proper nutrition and sanitation? Because I don’t think it’s being done.

      5. AhNotepad

        Martin, “clearly” would need a RCT to gather the data before such a laim could be made. The measles virus can now be identified as to whether it is the wild measles or vaccine strains. It appears to often be he vaccine strain. Measles has a cyclical reoccurance so we would expect “outbreaks” every few years. Along with better hygene and nutrition, we no nolger live in close proximity to animals which were the probable source of diseases in the past.

      6. JillM

        Martin, we need to know if it is wild measles or vaccine strain measles. I had measles when I was a young child, giving me long term immunity. Thank goodness.

      7. Martin Back

        If you get the measles, do you worry whether it’s a wild or cultivated strain? I think not.

        The question is important to administrators. If there was no measles vaccine, there wouldn’t be 90% of the population walking around with a potentially infectious cultivated strain of measles in them. On the other hand you’ll be getting many more wild measles infections. What to do? The option which will create least criticism of administrators is to vaccinate everyone and say they’ve done all they could do to avoid people getting measles, which is a preventable (almost) disease.

        Another point. It is accepted that measles is far less lethal in a population which is well-nourished. But can you guarantee this will always be the case? What if there’s another Great Depression? It’s entirely possible if you read the doomier commentators. Then you’ll be glad of the vaccinations as you scratch in the dustbins, Venezuela-style.

        1. AhNotepad

          Martin Back, “The question is important to administrators. If there was no measles vaccine, there wouldn’t be 90% of the population walking around with a potentially infectious cultivated strain of measles in them. On the other hand you’ll be getting many more wild measles infections. What to do? The option which will create least criticism of administrators is to vaccinate everyone and say they’ve done all they could do to avoid people getting measles, which is a preventable (almost) disease.

          I would be interested to see the data which support the statement about many more infections.

      8. Martin Back

        A question: Are vaccines updated to reflect genetic drift in the wild organisms, like the flu vaccine is? Also, is measles in e.g.India sufficiently different from American measles as to require a different strain of vaccine?

        1. Stephen Rhodes

          Wakefield, in a recent YouTube notes that there are eight strains of the wild type measles virus around the globe but that a vaccine, when immunity is achieved against one strain, prevents the virus developing illness in all eight.
          However, he also notes that a ninth strain has recently been detected in Europe where high rates of vaccination have resulted in the appearance of measles virus that is not controlled by the current vaccine, something that was highly predictable but worrying in a family of viruses that had been stable and hence amenable to vaccine induced immunity for decades.

        2. Gary Ogden

          Martin Back: Vaccines are not “updated.” That would cost money. Part of the reason the mumps component of MMR is no longer effective is that it is more than forty years old. Maurice Hilleman, the then-CEO of Merck, took a swab from the throat of his daughter Jeryl Lyn, who had mumps, and took it to the lab to create the vaccine. That it is why it is called the “Jeryl Lyn” strain.

      9. Martin Back

        “I would be interested to see the data which support the statement about many more infections.”

        More than two million Israelis are either unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated for the measles, according to a Channel 13 report.

        An outbreak of the measles has been worrying Israelis for months as it spread throughout the country, as well as in the rest of the world. But Israeli media reports on Tuesday night exposed the severity of the situation and the difficulty in solving the crisis.

        The ministry released a statements in the past warning the general public about the dangers of measles, including that one out of every ten patients requires hospitalization after contracting the virus.

        Nearly three percent of hospitalized patients also have encountered issues with pneumonia. According to data presented at that time, three have contracted meningitis and two measles cases resulted in fatalities.

        The ministry has been facing intense criticism for its “ineffective” efforts in containing the outbreak.

        The measles surfaced due to the failure of thousands of parents to vaccinate themselves or their children, particularly among the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) communities in Jerusalem, according to Health Ministry officials.

        Measles cases more than tripled across Europe in 2018, and one country drove much of the surge: Ukraine. Nearly 83,000 cases of measles were reported in the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) European Region in 2018, compared with some 25,500 in 2017, WHO, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, announced last week. Ukraine had more than 54,000 cases in 2018, its government says. Last year, 16 Ukrainians died of the extremely contagious viral disease, which is easily prevented with a vaccine.

        “The current epidemic is the most massive in the entire postvaccine period,” says Nataliya Vynnyk, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Children’s Clinical Hospital in Kyiv. With more than 15,000 cases and seven deaths between 28 December 2018 and 1 February, according to the country’s Ministry of Health (MOH), the epidemic continues to worsen.

        Ukraine’s government is taking action. “It’s egregious to have people have measles in the 21st century in a European country,” says Ulana Suprun, a physician who has been Ukraine’s acting minister of health since August 2016. She blames a decade of corruption, war, a lack of political commitment to vaccination, and antivaccine sentiment.

  119. Justin

    I suppose I should thank you for daring to put your head above the parapet, for showing you are actually capable of thinking for yourself

    But really I am forced to ask how it could possibly have taken you this long to become aware of an incredibly obvious truth – that injecting proven neurotoxins into babies and children many dozens of times will have disastrous consequences

    It’s been known for decades that vaccination can cause encephalitis and severe brain damage – how can doctors not know or even appear to care about this? Can they possibly fail to see the link with the recent massive increase in the rate of autism and many other kinds of neurological problems?

    As for SIDS – it should really be called VIDS

    A few years ago I was astounded to learn how little my family doctor knew about vaccination – does anyone here have nay ideas as to how intelligent people can be so terribly stupid for for so long?

  120. Afifah

    Reblogged this on Rosemary Cottage Clinic Blog and commented:
    Practicing doctors are at risk when facing the pros and cons of vaccination. Most simply will not touch it, as they are intimidated by those who have much invested in this area, so I say “Hats off to this man” for pointing out two glaring, yet overlooked matters that deserve attention. Many more will be found once the first step is taken. Be bold. Read on. It won’t hurt.

  121. Stephen Rhodes

    Just finished chapter 5, ‘The Whistleblower’ in Wakefield’s ‘Callous Disregard (aside: at the top of the copyright page in bold it says “Note To All Customer: Not For Sale In The United Kingdom”) and this chapter explains why it must not be sold in the UK.
    Unbeknownst to Wakefield at the time, the GSK version of the MMR containing the Urabe mumps vaccine, already withdrawn from sale in Canada due to increased cases of post-vaccination meningitis, was rushed through ‘testing’ (against the advice of GSK and the whistleblower who knew that it had been withdrawn in Canada) in order that it could be used as a bargaining ploy against Merck to obtain a better price for their non-Urabe MMR.
    So children were knowingly sacrificed to the ‘market’ by civil servants and their political masters.
    And the action against Wakefield’s Royal Free team was partly to protect these individuals (and members of the JCVI) against prosecution.
    GSK had already been ‘immunised’ against prosecutions by HMG at the time to get their acquiescence in bringing their meningitis inducing vaccine to the UK market, so the action against Wakefield’s team was also to prevent HMG having to pay compensation for vaccine damage proven to be caused by the Urabe containing vaccine in Canada.

    1. Gary Ogden

      Stephen Rhodes: And after it was withdrawn in the UK, the remaining stocks were shipped off to Brazil. Couldn’t let them go to waste, after all.

  122. elizabethhart

    The huge growth of the international vaccine market in recent times is the epitome of demonstrating Big Pharma’s hijacking of ‘science’.

    But instead of science we have dogma, with the creation of the Church of Vaccination and the mantra “Mass vaccination has achieved some of the greatest advances in human health.”[1] This is the motherhood statement that often prefaces so many articles on vaccination, and goes hand in hand with ‘the science is settled'[2], another cliche that fails to acknowledge emerging problems with the ever-increasing vaccine load.

    Vaccination of mass populations of symptomless individuals is a dream come true for Big Pharma. In their book ‘Selling Sickness’, Ray Moynihan and Alan Cassels say: “Thirty years ago the head of one of the world’s best-known drug companies made some very candid comments. Close to retirement at the time, Merck’s aggressive chief executive Henry Gadsden told Fortune magazine of his distress that the company’s potential markets had been limited to sick people. Suggesting he’d rather Merck to be more like the chewing gum maker Wrigley’s, Gadsden said it had long been his dream to make drugs for healthy people. Because then, Merck would be able to “sell to everyone”. Three decades on, the late Henry Gadsden’s dream has come true.”

    And hasn’t it come true in spades… Why be limited to sick people when you can sell vaccine products ‘to everyone’?! Not only are more and more vaccine products being added to vaccine schedules around the world, when the vaccines fail, e.g. the pertussis/whooping cough vaccine, revaccinations are ‘recommended’, throughout life, i.e. repeated diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis shots – starting in utero with the calls for women to be vaccinated with these products in every pregnancy, then six times throughout childhood[3], and again as adults, more so-called ‘boosters’. That’s a dream scenario for industry isn’t it, instead of being castigated for a failing product, they get to sell it again and again.

    But that’s not all. In the mid-1980s the US government essentially provided protection from liability for vaccine manufacturers, which also had the effect of reducing pressure on manufacturers to ensure their products were safe. And to top it off, the Federal government in the US made ‘recommendations’ for mass vaccination of symptomless children, recommendations which were subsequently mandated by US State governments. And now other countries around the world are following suit with vaccine mandates, e.g. Australia, Italy, France, Germany etc. How long until there are vaccine mandates for adults to keep their jobs, access government pensions, travel overseas etc?

    Mandated medical interventions…really… And we’re expected to accept this without question? Apparently…yes… To ensure compliance for these government-mandated medical products, including who knows how many novel vaccine products and revaccinations in the pipeline, anyone who questions the imposition of these vaccine products is labelled an ‘anti-vaxxer’ and marginalised, including calls to censor ‘unauthorised’ discussion of vaccination on social media.

    And the frontline sales and police force for these mandated vaccine products is the doctors, many of whom appear willing to go along with the imposition of the ever-increasing vaccine load. But just how much knowledge do doctors have about these medical products they press upon their clients/patients? And it seems many of them also support suppression of dissent about vaccination policy… For example, delegates at the recent British Medical Association annual meeting backed a call for government standards to force social media companies to “prevent the dispersal of false or misleading information on the effects of vaccinations”.[4] But who decides what is “false or misleading information on the effects of vaccinations”? From where I’m standing, there’s some very questionable information on vaccination emanating from ‘the authorities’ and they must be held accountable, but this is very difficult to achieve in the current hostile and intimidating climate.

    Then there’s the multi-million dollar journal industry, making a motza out of publishing umpteen articles, papers and ‘reviews’ promoting vaccine industry-associated data to support the lucrative business of vaccine products. The ‘peer-reviewed literature’ is the bible of the Church of Vaccination, jealously guarded by those ‘of the cloth’, the peasants are discouraged from questioning holy writ…

    And the mainstream (aka corporate) media are in on the act too, including taxpayer-funded broadcasters such as the UK’s BBC and Australia’s ABC, which assist in fear-mongering about disease and uncritical promotion of vaccine products in their news programs and webpages. A recent example of this is a segment on the ABC’s World Today radio program, titled ‘Experts concerned about Australia’s vaccine program lagging behind'[5], in which Professor Robert Booy and Professor Terry Nolan use their academic affiliations to ‘argue from authority’ in their promotion of vaccine products, without disclosing their conflicts of interest via their association with vaccine industry funding, i.e. Robert Booy is Chair of the Immunisation Coalition which is funded by GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Seqirus (a CSL company), Sanofi and MSD (aka Merck[6]); and Terry Nolan is associated with the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, which is involved in vaccine development and receives funding from GlaxoSmithKline, SanofiPasteur and Novartis Vaccines, as well as the Murdoch-run News Corp and Foxtel.[7]

    For an example of a citizen seeking accountability for Australia’s deeply conflicted vaccination policy, see my recent email to Professor Andrew Wilson, Chair of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee, the group which decides which vaccine products will be added to the taxpayer-funded vaccination schedule:

    Citizens wanting to question vaccination policy are increasingly ignored and shut down by the extensive network protecting the vaccine industry – is any other medical product so fiercely promoted and protected?

    1. Fiona Godlee. What should we do about vaccine hesitancy? 6 June 2019.
    2. For example, as used by UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock, i.e.: “…Those people who campaign against vaccination are campaigning against science. The science is settled”. It seems that anyone questioning vaccination is regarded as ‘campaigning against vaccination, campaigning against science’. The ‘science is settled’ is a facile statement that ignores the possibility of emerging problems with vaccine products. Matt Hancock was quoted in The Guardian article: Matt Hancock ‘won’t rule out’ compulsory vaccinations, 4 May 2019:
    3. In Australia:
    4. Social media: suicide promotion and anti-vaccine content must be banned, says BMA. BMJ 2019;365:l4425
    6. Immunisation Coalition – About us:
    7. Murdoch Children’s Research Institute – Terry Nolan:

    1. Gary Ogden

      Elizabeth Hart: Bravo! The fierceness of their defense of this quackery is equal to the weakness and paucity of their arguments. They can’t win on science (though I expect those two clowns haven’t a clue about the nature of science), so they resort to bullying.

    2. chris c

      Thanks for your excellent posts!

      I see a Pareto curve. Back in the day, we were only vaccinated against relatively harmful diseases, like polio, diptheria and smallpox, where the harm caused by the vaccines was less than the harm caused by the diseases.

      Then the camel got its nose into the tent and now we are vaccinating against relatively rare (Hep B in children) and comparatively benign diseases – mumps was unpleasant but we all survived developing it in childhood, not the case in adults as occurs in vaccinated populations. I suspect vaccine damage outweighs damage from the diseases in many cases. Better vaccines would be good but where’s the incentive to develop them?

  123. Charles Gale

    David Bailey – CoQ10 and blood pressure (BP)

    CoQ10 sure seems to work in lowering high blood pressure, but trying to find an explanation for the mechanism is hard to find.

    In matters of CoQ10 (and it’s importance in heart function and ejection fractions), I always turn to the CoQ10 guy: cardiologist Dr Peter Langsjoen.

    Here’s an article on the THINCS website dated Jan 03 called “Short about hypertension”:

    Dr Langsjoen states: “Since CoQ10 has not been shown to have any direct vasodilating effect, one can postulate that the normalisation of BP…can be explained by the normalisation of their diastolic function. It would appear that this early heart muscle dysfunction…is related to the deficiency of a simple, but very essential nutrient, CoQ10…in other words, it’s myocardial disease causing an elevation of BP”.

    There’s plenty more in the article of course. Can’t find anything more recent though.

    1. Gary Ogden

      Charles Gale: Very interesting! This, then, may be one of those underlying conditions which causes “essential hypertension.” Perhaps it would make sense as a supplement for this reason, although I rely on getting sufficient amounts from organ meats.

    2. David Bailey

      Thanks Charles, that is an interesting link, though rather hard to follow without a medical background. From the paper I read:
      “The vast majority of patients presenting with essential HTN have diastolic dysfunction regardless of whether or not the BP is treated or untreated, BP controlled or uncontrolled.”
      I have no idea if I have this problem, but having it would seem to imply reduced cardiovascular fitness. While there are plenty of people fitter than me, I can walk up hills and cycle uphill – both without stopping – so I rather doubt that I come into that category.

      Someone else suggested that Q10 simply makes more energy available to the heart. However naively one might think that would increase BP even higher because if the body ‘wants’ to push the blood out harder, the heart would become more efficient at doing this!

  124. Jimmy Christian

    Can someone explain why there is all this fuss about measles vaccinations when the vaccine itself, whether given as part of MMR or as a monovalent vaccine (can one actually still get that?) seems not to be that effective to begin with? Now there is talk about needing not two, but three shots to provide “best protection” — isn’t it time for someone to come up with a BETTER VACCINE? At least some of us of a certain age have superior lifetime immunity thanks to having “survived” all of these diseases in our childhoods, and therefore do not require vaccine-based immunization.

    If I had already had the mumps and rubella but not measles, and was told that I had to have the MMR shot to protect against measles, and refused unless I were given a monovalent measles vaccine, would I be labeled by that offensive term anti-vaxxer? Surely the introduction of a vaccine against a person’s will amounts to criminal assault or battery, depending on the jurisdiction. No doubt the adminstrator of the MMR would say that the other components would be harmless, but why add a left hook and a right upper cut to a jab when the latter is all that is necessary?

    I can see the day when free-roaming citizens will have to carry papers with them “proving” their vaccination status in order to travel, enter public places, etc. Possibly even be microchipped. Perhaps said microchip will be the dreaded 666….

  125. Bill in Oz

    Hi Malcom, nearly 500 emails of this subject in 2 weeks ! Feels like doing this post on vaccines has stirred up a huge influx of comments form folk who are keen to turn your blog into an anti vaxer site.
    I decline to comment on the merits or flaws of vaccines. I have no need or wish to do so.

    But you established the blog to discuss the causes Cardio vascular disease. That is it’s purpose. As such it has been very successful and useful. And we owe you big debt of thanks.

    But it would be very unfortunate if it becomes an anti vaxer site.

    There are such sites already. Any web search will show this. So having your own blog become one among those many other anti vaxers sites would be a betrayal of your own purpose : to help folks with cardio vascular disease.

    Bill In Oz

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Bill. I established the blog to look at issues of concern in medicine. CV disease has been the main topic. I have another ten or twenty topics of considerable concern which I have not really mentioned. This, I hope, is not an anti-vaxxer site (I hate the term anyway). It is a pro-science site where people who are concerned about areas of medicine where the science is being sidelined/distorted can discuss things in a civil manner. I am not anti-vaccinations. The evidence in support of vaccinations appears to stack up in favour of benefit vs. harm, although the evidence base is far from robust. I would like to see some more robust safety studies. I would certainly like to see more robust studies on outcomes. Vaccines, as I see it presently, seem to have been given a ‘free pass’. They work, they all work, they are all safe. Why bother with RCTs? Or any other form of controlled study. If someone can show me that type of evidence, then I will shut up about vaccines.

      1. Mr Chris

        I agree to a certain extent with Bill
        I note that you prône civilised discussion, but I also note in the comments the opinions are grouped very much to one side, and a certain tendency to sout down the other side.
        Same as in politics…. hey hang on a minute

      2. David Bailey


        There is obviously a balance between admitting no discussion of topics outside of CVD and letting the discussion diffuse into a blog that examines all the areas where there is clearly dodgy science to be exposed. If you lean too much in the first direction, readers may come away with the idea that you are claiming that science is going along just fine except in this one area – which would be hard to accept. If you lean too far the other way, you play into the hands of your enemies who want to dismiss what you say without reasoned argument.

        I think you get that balance exactly right.

        I’d love to see the list of 10-20 other topics that give you considerable concern. There is no way you can reasonably tell us, but this would be my (layman’s) list in relation to medicine:

        I am concerned about the policy of giving people drugs to lower blood pressure if there is no evidence that this treatment prevents CVD events – but that is within CVD.

        I suspect there is too ready use of scans of various sorts that delay treatment for common conditions and are expensive and often ambiguous.

        I am concerned that excessive screening of people for disease may do more harm than good.

        I am very dubious about dosing children with puberty blockers because they fancy they might prefer to be the other sex. This may be dangerous, and anyway how can anyone tell before they reach puberty?

        Vaccines should indeed by safety checked and tested for efficacy. When I am told that a vaccine is 77% effective, I’d like to know exactly what that means, I suspect it doesn’t mean what it sounds as though it means!

        I think there is a strong case to answer that HIV does not cause AIDS, which would mean that large numbers of people are being dosed for life with some very toxic drugs just because they turn up positive in a routine test.

        I have had one very successful treatment (for sciatica) with an alternative practitioner, and know others who have been helped, so I’d love to know just how much useful knowledge and expertise these people have.

        There seems to be a horrible problem with testing men for prostate cancer. The PSA test seems to have problems and needle biopsies can find ‘cancers’ that are so slow growing that they would never cause a problem.

      3. Joyce

        Malcolm, sadly I am with Bill on this one. Not that I objected in any way when obscure references to other conditions crept into the conversation. After all a change is as good as a rest, so they say. But, to be honest I can’t now “get into” your blog as I used to. Simply it’s because I came upon it at a time when I had suffered a cardiac arrest, had surgery and was on a myriad of pills as a consequence. Within a short time I was hospitalised with severe liver problems(Atorvastin) although of course this was strenuously denied with a request(more a demand) I resume taking them as soon as my results were acceptable! Suffice to say I told them where to go, and to take their statins with them. That was over three years ago, and I am still here! I spend too much of my life online trying to filter truth from lies, just to find simple answers. It’s so difficult and I am constantly disillusioned (well perhaps not constantly). Your blog was a breathe of fresh air to me(and obviously thousands of others!), and my gratitude for your tenacity and stubbornness(in a nice way lol), has answered a lot of questions, and helped me make decisions about my health, not to mention re-educate friends/family! Rightly or wrongly(as some of your opponents would have us believe) I made my own choice, which is all you can do really. Before you fall asleep from terminal boredom, I’ll just add that is why I am disappointed in this almost total hi-jack(right or wrong description, that’s how I personally feel). If I want to know in-depth information regarding cancer, Lymphoedema, heart disease, etc.(you can see I am a train wreck lol) , I seek out something individually relevant, not a general health discussion(I save that for my 10 minute G.P. Appointment!) I can’t thank you enough for the help you have given me via this blog, and the great respect I have for your tenacity. I wish you health, happiness and …wealth? Go on then, we can all do with a few bob. 😀 x

        1. AhNotepad

          Joyce, health in respect of one condition can never be considered in isolation from many other aspects of health. I detect a yearning from those with CVD histories to have the blog concerned with only those aspects that relate directly to CVD, but there are many other things to take into account. We all learn a lot from these blogs, indicating we don’t know everything.

        2. janetgrovesart

          Joyce, I agree with you and I’m hoping that this excursion into vaccine pros and cons is a one off. I appreciate our Dr. K’s attention to this issue since it seems to crop up all the time on the site but, as you say, this is a blog chiefly concerned with CVD and all its varied complications and add-ons, so I’m really hoping that having addressed the issue of vaccines we can return to Dr. K’s speciality which he tackles so superbly and with such professional courage. Let the vaccine issue belong to a different blog, I say.

          1. Stephen Rhodes

            It is simplistic to consider that the issues of vaccines has been addressed, while there is an almighty battle going on to hammer the lid back on a huge can of worms.

            If you are unconvinced then you really should read Wakefield’s book ‘Callous Disregard’ – don’t worry you won’t catch anything by doing so – where you will find a fabricated case designed to stop people like me and you from questioning any and all of the science around vaccines.

            You should also try to understand what has happened in the USA under the Reagan Administration in the 1980s when liability for any damage caused by vaccines was removed from the manufacturers, and what the result has been for the health of the US population.

          2. Gary Ogden

            janetgrovesart: The issue of vaccination is every bit as important as that of CVD. It is important especially to parents, grandparents, and parents-to-be. We know that Medicine can go horribly wrong. We can be certain that when governments hide things, they have something to hide. Today in the U.S. information which contradicts the official narrative on vaccines is being actively censored by print, broadcast, social media, and online platforms. Factual information is not allowed. Meanwhile, as the vaccination schedule has tripled since 1987, the rate of children with chronic health conditions has more than quadrupled, from 12% in 1990, to 54% today (this information comes from CDC). The only way to stop this madness is for more honorable scientists, doctors, and political leaders to put their heads above the parapet, as Dr. Kendrick has bravely done. He should be commended rather than criticized.

          3. janetgrovesart

            Gary- Ouch! I have just reread my reply to Joyce and fail to understand how you can construe what I have written as a criticism of Dr. K whom I hold in the highest esteem. I simply stated, or thought I did, my own personal opinion that a topic so different from the original CVD on should perhaps have its own blog site. C’est tout. I’m as horrified as the next person on this site by the horror stories regarding vaccines which keep cropping up but I often sense comments becoming rather narky around this topic so I’m off because I wilt at the first evidence of anger. Ta ta.

          4. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

            Wilt not please. Be like me, the science fiction monster from the 1950s. Whatever they use to attack me, it just makes me stronger. Unless, of course, they use facts…. something that has never happened up to now. [I suspect they don’t have any].

          5. Gary Ogden

            janetgrovesart: My apologies. I didn’t mean to imply that you were being critical of Dr. Kendrick. The world is simply facing a horror show of vaccine injury, and that knowledge is being actively suppressed and censored by virtually the entire media in the U.S., in service to pharmaceutical- company profits. Courageous, indeed, are those who speak up and have everything to lose. Such as Dr. Kendrick, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Dr Wakefield, Dr. Dena Churchill, who has already lost everything, and many more. But pharma owns the levers of power, and until the people revolt, they will continue to consolidate that power.

          6. janetgrovesart

            Thank you, Gary. That is very gracious of you. I absolutely share your feelings about this matter. Nuff said.
            JanB (my alter ego)

      4. LA_Bob

        Dr Kendrick,

        I completely agree with Bill. Your readers are very fortunate for all your efforts. I know I am, and I’m very grateful.

        I should note there is a problem with this post and with your response to Bill. You are too damned reasonable! Great way to annoy people.

        Ten or twenty more topics! Wow, just wow! I certainly look forward to such a treasure trove.

      5. JDPatten

        Dr Malcolm,
        The blog, in its current form: , began in January of 2016 with the title “What Causes Heart Disease?” and proceeded to Roman Numeral II of that title – and onward.
        Previous blogs may appear elsewhere.
        How difficult would it be to avert distraction from what has clearly been the subject of interest here from the beginning by forming other blogs? Perhaps only five or so blogs. Blogs with titles such as “Vaccines: A Medical ‘Free Pass’ Or Rigorous Science?” or “Diabetes: Is It Really Insulin Resistance?”. Blogs you can address as you’re inspired. Surely, with subjects kept mostly discrete, things would be easier to manage than the current situation allows for?

      6. Dr. John H


        (I accidentally did a thumbs down on your post, it was unintentional
        and I can’t undo it.)

        I have been studying vaccines for years, and I have been unable to find any independent evidence of a vaccine that provides more good than harm – though i’m still looking! As a true scientist, I always try to invalidate my assumptions and yet I continue to find far more evidence of harm than benefit when it comes to vaccines.

        I was looking at travel vaccines recently, and came across this article about the yellow fever vaccine showing that the death rate from the vaccine is higher than the death rate from catching the actual disease.

        Also, in the vaccine discussion it is always vaccines vs. nothing. We should always be looking at safe methods that are equal or more effective in prevention and treatment. Things like homeoprophylaxis, high dose vitamin C, colloidal silver, chlorine dioxide (MMS), Chinese herbs and traditional diets. I’m sure there are other things to add to the list.

        If not for greed and arrogance, I believe we would be a much healthier populace, without the perceived need for unsafe vaccinations.

        1. Gary Ogden

          Jerome: I’m almost laughing out loud at “eligible for statins.” My dictionary defines “eligible” thusly : fit to be chosen; worthy of choice; legally or morally qualified; suitable; desirable. Nothing I can see here about “medically qualified.” But chosen, yes. We should be ever grateful.

      7. Jerome Savage

        Yes Gary I want back over the exact wording to make sure I was quoting correctly. If it had said anyone taking statins, I wud have dismissed it ie because I don’t take statins tho I have been prescribed statins, therefore eligible & in turn eligible for BP tabs. Won’t go in to details here but my AI specialist has ok’d my statin refusal. Lot of damage done. My problem is the constant onslaught of of what I C as misinformation, that does cause & encourage the non medical professional like me to revert back to my original notes. Coming from so called “credible” news sources adds to the doubt.

        1. Gary Ogden

          Jerome Savage: Yes, there are almost no credible news sources any longer, if ever there were. I do read Sharyl Attkisson. She is reliable, one of the few investigative journalists left, but doesn’t often write about medical issues.

    2. AhNotepad

      Bill in Oz, Only this blog page is a vaccine discussion. The people who post on it are probably merely trying to correct the years of lies and deceipt on the part of the corporatocracy who have a marked vested interest in producing vaccines. To label thos posters of “turning the blog into anti-vax” blog/site/discussion I think is disingenuous.

      There are still many pages of this blog which are used for CVD discussions. There is nothing stopping anyone whishing to continue the CVD discussion posting there, until the next page/blog comes out. Most people probably post their current opinion on the current page, despite thre being other more suitable pages.

      1. David Bailey


        As I understand it, Malcolm isn’t announcing a policy change – everyone will be free to continue to bring up other subjects within reason, but Malcolm isn’t going to nail his colours to the mast outside of his chosen areas.

        1. AhNotepad

          David Bailey, I have not suggested a policy change. There have been several comments from people, suggesting the blog pages are straying from the subject of CVD. CVD pages are available, but there is nothing to be gained by the implied suggestions that all pages should be only about CVD.

    3. Gary Ogden

      Bill in Oz: What should concern us all is mandatory medical procedures. A very slippery slope. Despite what the experts tell us, the immune system and its interaction with the microbial world, like global climate, is an incredibly complex system which, even in our “modern” day and age, is poorly understood. With pharmaceutical drugs there is a reasonably robust system of post-marketing surveillance, and full manufacturer liability, along with literally thousands of ambulance-chasing attorneys to call upon in case of perceived harm. They are all, with rare exceptions, put through a three- or four-stage process of investigation for toxicity and efficacy, the final two stages being randomized controlled trials. With biologicals, such as vaccines, neither of these exist. Manufacturers (and providers) are fully indemnified from economic compensation for the harm their products can cause; there are no controlled trials; and the surveillance system weak. There is an enormous body of data, called the Vaccine Safety Datalink, but, like Professor Rory Collins statin data, it is completely hidden from the public. We should all be alarmed when governments both mandate things and hide data relevant to making an informed decision about actual;y following those mandates. The principle of informed consent, which should be a bedrock principle in all of medicine, is rapidly being taken away from us.

    1. AhNotepad

      Hi Bill, to ease your frustration that people should be discussing vaccines in a blog titled “……..vaccine debate”, pick one of Dr. K’s other blogs, probably not the sugar one, but there are plenty of CVD related to choose from. Saves all the potentiol stress that could be linked to a CVD event.

      1. Joyce

        AhNotepad, I think you’re being a tad unfair to Bill regarding his frustration over Malcolm’s blog seemingly being “highjacked” by a flood of vaccine debates. When you consider that this blog, (which goes back to 2012 at least) consists almost entirely of CVD, or closely associated subjects. This is Dr. Kendrick’s Only blog to my knowledge, and the “plenty of CVD related pages to choose from”, you quote, are in-fact basically defunct discussions which followers of this blog rarely go back to(except for reference or such). Certainly it would be of little use to start a thread regarding CVD on a redundant string of a blog no one reads! It would of course free up this current page for the vaccine discussion, if that happens to be your interest. Unfortunately, it has little relevance to the subjects I am interested in, and to be honest I find it very frustrating having to constantly separate the wheat from the chaff! Which is precisely why there are so many blogs on so many subjects each usually with it’s own following. I have found that multiple choice usually means dilution. This is of course, purely my opinion.

        1. AhNotepad

          Joyce, I refer only to the blog pages on These “pages” might be referred to as “blogs” . I do not refer to any other websites except where if I do I would name them. The previous “blogs”/“pages” or whatever they might be called are not “redundant”. By and large the information on those pages/blogs is just as valid now as when they were written, mistakes excepted of course. So rather than trying to make the newest discussion conform to each persons requirements, just pick the most apt page. Unfortunately some new subscribers may not be subscribed to those pages, but that could be remedied by just going to the page and ticking the “follow” box. I have done this successfully on ocasions. Bill was complaining that a page with “Vaccines” in the title was discussing something other than CVD, though I woud not be surprised at that, given the title.

  126. chris c

    Good to see you back! When this blog went dark I feared the guy who encouraged you write on vaccines was setting you up for The Anointed to close you down like Pippa Leenstra with Tim Noakes (allegedly).

    I actually dreamed about you – you made a video explaining how to drink Lagavulin. It started with you “befriending” it and cradling your glass close to your shoulder, then passing it beneath your nose a few times. It took about ten minutes before you actually got to drink it. This is my brain NOT on drugs . . .

  127. Göran Sjöberg

    With great interest I am just now reading a very serious scientific book about the 200 (or so) most common medical herbs which are often well known since “eternal” times. Some seem to have positive effects that can not be disputed. One of those is hawthorn for CVD-people like myself and now and then I am frequenting my own large hedge and gather berries. (My guess is that I have enough of berries to support every participant on Malcolm’s blog 🙂 )

    Here I was again encouraged by Dr. Mercola:

    1. Sasha

      Yes, hawthorn has centuries long history of use in Russia. It does a lot of good for cardiovascular system.

  128. Gary Ogden

    Jerome Burne has an excellent post today. Cuckoos and unicorns, cuckoos being those in charge, and unicorns those who trust them.

  129. Karl

    My concern about vaccines is the possibility that we may be causing auto-immune disorders as a side effect? What happens if you take a vaccine with an activator while infected with some odd bug at the time? For the record I take vaccines anyway (including flu) – fairly sure they do much more good than harm – but worry that they don’t do enough safety research.

    1. Gary Ogden

      Karl: Watch the most recent Highwire, in which Del Bigtree interviews Jorge, a Merck scientist. He is very articulate, and contrasts the robust protocols used in the production of pharmaceuticals (he calls them “bulletproof’) with the sloppy ones used in the production of vaccines. He also gives the most lucid description I have heard of the response the body makes to an infectious virus, and how important that is for the development of the immune system. None of his four children are vaccinated.

      1. chris c

        I just remembered something interesting. I had a positive TB test without ever having TB (proved with a chest X-ray), I was told I had “natural immunity” from which I suspect I was exposed but not infected. Same happened to a few other children. If we were cows we’d have been slaughtered.

        So this is the exact opposite of what happened to Malcolm and his colleague with the Hep B vaccination not producing antibodies, and the people who developed measles after being vaccinated. Makes the whole vaccine thing look like the theory has a few holes.

        Coming shortly, a vaccine for “cholesterol” . . .

      2. anglosvizzera

        chris c – we all used to be tested for TB at school in the UK because some people had been exposed to the bacteria probably through unpasteurised milk consumption. So the test (either the HEAF daisy-prick test or Mantoux test) was meant to show evidence, or not, of prior exposure. If the test proved ‘negative’ we were given the BCG vaccine. However, there were many ‘false positives’ and ‘false negatives’ so it wasn’t foolproof. I remember lots of discussion about the grade of the test result when it was ‘borderline’ – if it was seriously positive then I think the child would have a chest x-ray to check. But just having been exposed to the TB bacteria didn’t meant you ‘had TB’.

        1. AhNotepad

          I was fortunate in that I missed out on the TB/BCG treatment, so avoided possible slaughter house comittal. I drink only unpasteurised milk, I eat several pots of unpasteurised cream each week, from the same dairy, I eat about 2lb to 3lb of unpasteurised cheese a week. I seem to be functioning reasonably well.

  130. Charles Gale

    Topics for this website thread continued

    Further to JD Patten’s comment that this “blog, in its current form…appeared in January of 2016” and “previous blogs may appear elsewhere”…

    …indeed they do.

    The 1st blog specifically referring to heart disease in the title was dated 23 May 2013 and was entitled “What does cause heart disease?”. It generated 28 replies!

    Here’s the link:

    What does cause heart disease?

    With reference to this thread on the content of this website, Dr Kendrick’s 1st comment was “part one of an occasional series”.

    FYI – the 1st blog by Dr Kendrick was dated 14 March 2012 and titled “To preventative medicine and beyond!”

      1. Joe

        You’re welcome, Janet. And truly shocking is a good way to put it.

        Think about them the next time people tell you that vaccines are “safe and effective.”

    1. andy

      JDPatten, study designed to support the cholesterol hypothesis. Unfortunately not much effect of treatment by statins on all cause mortality.
      Younger group smoked more and had fewer interventions (CABG, stents?)

  131. Gary Ogden

    JDPatten: Thanks. We can have a bit of fun with this one. Dr. Kendrick discussed Improve-it in at least one of the books. This one I think we can safely crumple and bin. They use the term “primary endpoint,” yet they use no fewer than five primary endpoints, one of which, revascularization, is subject to too many biases to claim any sort of specific change in risk (including to one decimal place!).

  132. elizabethhart

    In Australia, the Australian Medical Association is calling for “free catch-up vaccinations for adults”, see:

    From the article: “The AMA is advocating that all Australian adults should be eligible for free catch-up vaccinations, under the National Immunisation Program (NIP), to protect as many people as possible from preventable diseases.”

    I wonder if adults will become a little bit more circumspect when they’re asked to roll up their sleeves for more vaccine products and revaccinations? Perhaps in time these vaccines will be mandated to access benefits too, just like the ever-increasing list of children’s vaccine products and revaccinations…?

    By the way, the President of the AMA, Tony Bartone, is a member of the vaccine industry-funded Immunisation Coalition, which is funded by GlaxoSmithKline, MSD (aka Merck), Pfizer, Sanofi, and Seqirus (a CSL company)…

    And the AMA is listed as an ‘Associated Organisation’ on the Immunisation Coalition’s About us page:

    This relevant conflict of interest information is not disclosed in the article…

    Isn’t it lovely for the vaccine industry to have the doctors’ trade union, aka the AMA, to help develop lucrative vaccine markets?

  133. Jessica

    When I was in medical school, I had to be revacinated for MMR. Then years later I found out I had no titer for my three Hep B vaccines. I was offered a fourth….Which I refused. I was told I was an outlier.

    BTW, I had to get the MMR due to an outbreak at my college. But, being a medical professional made the Hep B mandatory.

    American children are now subject to between 30 and 50 shots or they cannot enter public school!

    As someone trained in medicine, none of this seems right.

  134. garywgaryw

    Attend your nieces funeral 18 months old, 10days after MMR Vaccine and witness her sister, 2 years earlier near death experience 10 days after MMR Vaccine 35 years ago and you don’t have to be a “Doctor” or scientist to know the harm of vaccines. Thank you for staying in the debate.

    1. AhNotepad

      garywgaryw, agreed, same for flu vaccine for mother-to-be, and then attend funeral of grandson and granddaughter twins born at 21 weeks. It is known flu vaccines are associated with spontaneous abortions, yet the manufacturers, and those who believe in the oxymoronic “settled science”, refuse to address. Never mind, vaccines are safe and effective. Have they all got brain-fog as a result of statin ingestion? Just asking.

    1. janetgrovesart

      Jennifer – I have just scrolled back to July 25 to look for a possible answer (as you probably have too) and believe it’s a response to comments about the origins of measles outbreaks.
      I felt affronted by the rudeness of Mr. Hickie and couldn’t keep my trap shut – or rather, fingers off keyboard. Overwhelmingly this blog site is pleasant and respectful in tone. This comment was far from that.
      Smiles, everyone. 😊

      1. Jennifer

        You are quite correct, Janet! I have spent the last 2 hours stuck in traffic (as passenger) wasting my time looking back over July 25 for some sort of explanation, but without result. I love this blog, and wish I had overlooked the rudeness, because he does not deserve our precious time. Maybe he might respond to us?

      2. anglosvizzera

        I also got the email that a “Christopher Hickie” had made a rather impolite comment, but wasn’t able to see it on here – I suppose it was never published. However, having ‘googled’ Christopher Hickie, I see that there is a paediatrician in the US of that name – based in Arizona. Maybe it was him? If so, what a rude man he is! Anyway, thankfully his comment was not published and I guess the email we got was in error.

          1. Mr Chris

            I read the comment, I thought it was cretinously stupid. I don’t understand why people post such stuff, they could, if they tried, realise it is pointless.

  135. TheWizard

    For all readers of this blog who have a serious interest in the vaccine debate, I would thoroughly recommend downloading the fantastic ebook The Truth Will Prevail by Dr Alan Palmer.

    A comprehensive tome, which is fully interactive and brings together a truly voluminous body of scientific evidence that obliterates the “safe and effective” , “science is settled”, “herd immunity” etc etc mantras espoused by pHARMa , MSM and public health agencies.

    Dr Palmer has made this a free download and positively encourages everybody to share the download link far and wide.


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