Care homes and COVID19

1st May 2022

[Lessons must be learned]

I love the phrase ‘lessons need to be learned’. It always makes me laugh when I hear it. Usually intoned with a voice of great seriousness by the leaders of an organisation found to have made disastrous errors. It is right up there with ‘safety is our number one priority.’ About the only group I have yet to hear say this are arms manufacturers. Although I wouldn’t put it past them. Maybe … ‘You could take someone’s eye out with that.

As I have occasionally remarked about airlines … when they tell us that safety is their number one priority. Well, in that case don’t take off. Everything is perfectly safe when your plane is on the ground. It’s that hurling yourself into the air, dashing about in the skies, then landing, where all the accidents take place.

Getting back to lessons learned. The only lesson I have ever learned, about lessons being learned, is that lessons are never learned. The same disasters occur again, and again, for all the same reasons. The reasons being institutional inertia and the overwhelming desire of those at the top to protect themselves from any criticism.

What I have also learned is that the primary function of any enquiry is to make sure that no-one who actually made those terrible decisions can be blamed for anything. A few scapegoats further down the pecking order will be dragged out and punished. Then all goes quiet again.

Mistakes were made.’ This is another one I enjoy. Mistakes were made – but who made them? The use of the passive voice is all you ever need to pay attention to Here. You never hear. ‘I made this mistake. Or, that person made this mistake.’ Even more rarely will you hear ‘I, alone, made this mistake.

Yes, once the dreaded passive voice comes into play, you know that no-one is going to be singled out, no lessons are going to be learned by anyone. Instead, some vague unidentifiable entity will have to learn from the mistakes that some other vague and unidentifiable entity may, or may not, have made.

Mistakes were certainly made in the COVID19 pandemic, and I have found myself bombarded by the ‘lessons have been learned’ claptrap.

The man in charge of healthcare in the UK, when COVID19 crashed upon the world, was Matt Hancock. This was also the time when patients were being flung out of hospitals into care homes, thousands of whom then went on to die.

He chose to hide behind an excuse. ‘No-one told me, so it wasn’t my fault.’ Is that what the Captain of the Titanic thought to himself as his ship slipped beneath the waves?

Here is one article about what went on during that terrible time. I cannot reference it for everyone, because it came to me through, which is for doctors in the UK only. Here it is anyway, although, unless you are a doctor you will have no access. ‘Poor planning behind the illegal pandemic care home discharges’1. By the way, you are not missing anything. It mirrors many other articles that said exactly the same thing:

Bed shortages led to the illegal discharge policies that led to the deaths of hundreds of patients in care homes, the British Medical Association has alleged.

A court yesterday delivered a ground-breaking ruling that the government acted unlawfully in the advice it issued to the NHS on hospital discharge during the early stages of the pandemic.

The advice stated that there was not a risk from patients who had no symptoms of COVID infection. It led to the virus running amok in the care sector and a judicial review by two bereaved relatives gained the support of the courts yesterday.

I would disagree with the statement that hundreds of deaths occurred. It was in the region of twenty to thirty thousand, maybe more. What was Matt Hancock’s response?

Yesterday he (Matt Hancock) claimed the court ruling had not found him culpable, blaming Public Health England for failing to advise that the asymptomatic patients could transmit the virus.

So, what lesson do we think Matt Hancock has learned? ‘A big boy (public health England) made me do it’, seems an adequate summary. Yes, we know there was a lot going on at the time. A great deal of pressure, and panic, and suchlike.

Using pressure in a rapid changing situation as an excuse, as this Government has repeatedly done … This makes me think of a General explaining that all the mistakes he made during a battle were due to people rushing about firing guns and yelling. No-one can possibly concentrate, and get things right, with all that bloody racket going on.

The reason why you had a position of such power and responsibility, Mr Hancock, is that you needed to be the big grown-up boy. You were required to think quickly, and clearly. If people didn’t tell you things, such as the fact that an airborne virus can spread though asymptomatic people – as they all do, then, quite frankly, you bloody well needed to ask.

Of course, it seems he was told, he just doesn’t want to admit that he was … and someone has told him he can probably get away with that pathetic excuse, of an excuse:

Here is what, I think, he should have said. ‘Whilst the situation was difficult, I should have ensured that I looked at this issue in more detail. I needed to find out more about the impact of discharging elderly people back into care homes. The risk of transmission with asymptomatic patients. The difficulty in isolating elderly and often demented patients in that environment. I did not do any of these things adequately. I was the man in charge, I am deeply sorry … please hand me a gun.’

It is not as if this impending disaster was beyond the understanding of us mere mortals. On the 17th April 2020 I wrote a blog about it:

‘The government’s disregard of care home residents – old, sick people, acutely vulnerable to COVID19 – has been scandalous. As a GP, I regularly visit care homes. At one I visit, they recently had eight residents who died in a week, probably from coronavirus. But there’s no testing, so who could possibly know …

When COVID struck, many things were not known, and could not have been accurately predicted. The transmission rate, the case fatality rate, the best way to treat those infected

However, it was very clear, very early on, that COVID was killing the elderly in far greater numbers than anyone else. In Italy, the early figures released revealed that the average age of death was seventy-nine. The figures were slightly higher in Germany, and around eighty years old in pretty much every other country.

Equally, it was known that amongst the elderly who were dying, almost all of them had other serious medical conditions. Heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic pulmonary disease and suchlike. This is often known in my line of work as “multimorbidity.”

In a world of uncertainty, one thing stood out. Which is that the unwell elderly were the ones who were most likely to die. Equally, they were the ones most likely to end up in hospital, potentially overwhelming the health services. As happened in Italy and Spain.

Ergo, you would think that someone, somewhere in the UK government, would have asked the obvious question. Where do we have the greatest concentrations of elderly, frail, people with multimorbidity? Could it possibly be that they are being looked after in care homes around the country?

Nursing homes, residential homes, care homes. They are all pretty much the same thing nowadays. Nursing homes tend to look after those with greater health needs, and they must have registered nurses looking after patients, but the distinctions have become blurred.

Many care homes are also specialised in looking after the elderly with dementia. In the UK, they are called EMI units [elderly mentally infirm]. These represent a particular problem in that residents tend to wander about from room to room.

So, in care homes we potentially had the perfect storm for the pandemic. They are full of elderly and infirm and highly vulnerable people. Environments where it is often impossible to isolate residents, and staff who have never been adequately trained in isolation measures. Equally, whilst relatives cannot visit hospitals, care homes have been continuing to allow them in.

It is not as if the warning signs were not there, flashing red.

What was the government’s strategy for dealing with nursing homes?  It has been, up until the last couple of days, to make things even worse. The instructions from the Dept of Health have been to send patients diagnosed with COVID out of hospital, and back into care homes, with further instructions to “barrier nurse” them, a term for a set of stringent infection control techniques.  Care homes were informed that they could not refuse to take the residents back …’ 2

It was after this that Dr Kathy Gardner (PhD, not medical doctor) contacted me, as her father had died of COVID19 in a care home. I wrote various lengthy replies to her lawyers about the situation, and my experience thereof. They may, or may not, have used my missives in the court case. The case that she battled so long and hard to get heard. She is quoted in the article:

At the time the Health Secretary Matt Hancock had claimed he was throwing a “protective ring” around care homes.

Yesterday he claimed the court ruling had not found him culpable, blaming Public Health England for failing to advise that the asymptomatic patients could transmit the virus.

One of the claimants, Dr Cathy Gardner, said the “protective ring” had proved to be a “despicable lie.”

Dr Gardner said: “I believed all along that my father and other residents of care homes were neglected and let down by the government. The high court has now vindicated that belief, and our campaign to expose the truth.’

Within the NHS I was also fighting my own lonely battles. Here is an e-mail (identifiers redacted) that I send to my manager in April 2020

‘I had a short chat with A yesterday about nursing homes X and Y.

Although things seem to be getting sorted out at Intermediate Care facility B there do not seem to have been any changes at nursing homes X and Y Both homes have several patients with Covid (proven positive swabs). It seems that the Hub is still sending Covid negative patients into both homes – putting these patients at immense risk. We have had staff to patient transmission at Intermediate Care facility B.

Equally patients are being discharged home without having swabs. So, they are arriving home and potentially infecting any partner living there – usually elderly and vulnerable. Equally, if community staff are going in to visit, they can also get infected – then pass the infection on to other clients in the community. The only patients being swabbed on discharge from nursing home X are those going to other care homes – at that care homes request.

Two out of three swabbed patients in nursing home X have come back positive. Which means we are clearly sending Covid positive patients back home – without a swab. I spoke to H, who said that this was still policy? I am not quite sure who’s policy?

I believe we must stop the hub sending Covid negative patients into our nursing homes. – until they are clear of infection. I also believe we cannot discharge anyone from our nursing homes without a clear swab.

I think if anyone were to be made aware that their relatives were being transferring into a Covid positive care home, where they will be at high risk of getting Covid, they would rightly be up in arms. They would rightly be up in arms because it is unsafe, it is putting staff and patients at risk. We already know that nursing homes are becoming the focus of Covid deaths, we should not be making this situation worse in nursing home X and Y.’

I am no genius. I was not the only one who could see that this was a stupid and deadly policy. I wrote about it, and complained about it, at the time. We have now had a court case saying what was done was illegal. But [squeaky voice] ‘no-one knew…’ The care home managers were all up in arms at the time. They bloody knew. But no-one chose to listen to their inconvenient truth.

So now what happens. It it almost impossible to see that anything of any value will occur as a result of this judicial health review. What lessons we be learned? None by the Department of Health and Social Care. Their comment:

‘A spokesperson for the Department of Health and Social Care, said: “We specifically sought to safeguard care home residents based on the best information at the time.’ Yup, safety was their number one priority.

Well, God only knows what would have been the result if they hadn’t decided to ‘specifically safeguard care home residents, based on the best information at the time.’ It is difficult to think of anything they could have done to make things worse.

The best information?’ Who gave them this information? The same vague unidentifiable entity who made the mistakes and will now be learning the lessons I suppose. Maybe it was the exact same god-like entity that was spoken of, in hushed tones, during the pandemic …The Science. Yes, The Mighty Science that works in mysterious ways, its wonders to perform.



308 thoughts on “Care homes and COVID19

  1. Robert Dyson

    I guess Matt Hancock put the information into the Babylon App, which reported that all would be well. Anyway, with this plan and mass mRNA vaccination of those who did not need it we are on the way to solving the problem of over population.

      1. AhNotepad

        It’s the North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation that’s the problem, not Russia. Look up Scott Ritter on Odysee (or even youtube until he gets censored.

        1. AhNotepad

          To the down-voters, it was Frank c who introduced the Russian perceived link, it is belief, and just s factual as the “facts” from the government regarding care homes. Perhaps you would like to view this interview with Eva Bartlett, then you can come back to down vote this comment too.

        2. Frank c

          You try telling the Ukrainians that. If Putin’s “Special Operation” fails, it won’t be NATO threatening / starting nuclear war.
          I concede that NATO was wrong to expand right up to Russia’s borders, and the posturing of Bozo and some of his ministers is cringe-making, but Uncle Vlad doesn’t just want to defend Russia’s borders, he wants to shift them west. He hankers after the good old USSR, but of course under another name.
          If Ukraine falls then any where with a Russian-speaking minority is next- Moldova, the Baltic states etc

          1. AhNotepad

            How do you know what Putin wants? I have an idea, and it is not to expand Russia westwards. I suggest you listen to Scott Ritter, Patrick Lancaster and Eva Bartlett. And don’t just use ad hominem attacks that they are Russian propagandists.

            Dr. K found that RT was about the only station prepared to publish his work, because the west were, and still are, wedded to their own propaganda.

        3. Oliver Wilkinson

          While I would accept there are problems on both sides, I think it would be less realistic to claim Russia has not taken the majority actions that caused the unnecessary deaths and suffering in Ukraine, regardless of the background geopolitics.

          1. AhNotepad

            Oliver, it is also worth listening to the ukcolumn broadcasts for the past month or two, also Patrick Lancaster’s videos (on several platforms) and bearing in mind the Ukraine forces have been attacking civilians in the Donbas daily since 2014. Also this video of about 2015, explaining what would happen, and it did.

  2. Neil Upton

    “Lessons will be learnt” the response of the corrupt!
    What happened to Clinical Governance. How many non medics were disciplined.

  3. Tim

    Dr K, have you read the book Dissolving Illusions by Dr Suzzane Humphries or Viral Mania by
    Torsten Engelbrech?
    Both books provide a great deal of insight into just how wrong orthodox medicine is regarding viruses and vaccines.
    Here Dr Humphries explains how the evidence shows that smallpox was not errdicated by vaccine but by improvements in sanitation and nutrition.

    1. Fran

      I saw one of the last smallpox epidemics in India. If you think it ok to go unvaccinated if smallpox returned because you have an indoor toilet and eat “organic” food, go right ahead. There is at least 30% chance that you will be removed from the gene pool, probably a good thing.

      1. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

        I accept the challenge, I don’t have a smallpox vaccination, my conditions are: you provide an infected person, a female between 25 and 50 years old, good looking and well proportioned, I’m willing to sacrifice myself for the Science spending a few nights together in close contact, exchanging body fluids and breath.

        30% you say? Nah…

      2. Andy

        How was the sanitation and nutrition in India when you saw this?
        Do some research many vaccines have been sold on a false premiss, Tim is correct.

  4. AhNotepad

    Other wording is “what we learn from history, is we don’t learn from history “.

    The one main thing missing for most people is nutrition. Especially in institutional settings. The next was the isolation. This was criminal, and everyone involved in SAGE, and the government departments taking the decisions were complicit.

    1. Prudence Kitten

      Over the years I have collected a few pertinent quotations along these lines. Perhaps others will find them interesting or amusing:

      We learn from history that we do not learn from history.
      – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

      That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach.
      – Aldous Huxley, “A Case of Voluntary Ignorance” in Collected Essays (1959).

      It is not worth while to try to keep history from repeating itself, for man’s character will always make the preventing of the repetitions impossible.
      – Mark Twain

      The past does not repeat itself, but it rhymes.
      – Attributed to Mark Twain, but unsourced. (Maybe he said it in an untranscribed speech?)

      Men learn from their mistakes how to make new ones.
      – A.J.P. Taylor (The Struggle for Mastery in Europe, 1848-1918)

      Once men imagine a danger they soon turn it into a reality.
      – A.J.P. Taylor (The Struggle for Mastery in Europe, 1848-1918)

      1. Prudence Kitten

        Alas and dammit, I left out the most pungent and by far the most relevant to present circumstances:

        Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.
        – Karl Marx, “The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte”, 1852.

  5. JohnC

    This was an appalling state of affairs.
    The problem wasn’t asymptomatic transmission necessarily, but the discharge of untested infected patients who then developed symptomatic disease and were then contagious.
    It isn’t as if this was a new phenomenon, norovirus and clostridium difficile both become rampant in such settings if they get in.
    Lessons are never learned and no one senior takes responsibility, it’s always the lower ranks’ fault.
    The Secretary of State for Health may not be responsible but he is certainly accountable.

    1. alexei

      Dr Peter McCullough and others do not agree with the “asymptomatic transmission” theory. Given the differences of opinions permeating the entire Covid saga, it’s extremely difficult to be sure where the truth lies.

      1. Steve

        Yes, there are a number of people who’s opinions I respect who have differing opinions on the whole asymptomatic thing. Who to believe ?
        What does it mean to be asymptomatic or symptomatic ? If you are totally asymptomatic can you possibly have enough of a viral load to be infectious ? What does the science say ?

      2. anglosvizzera

        I think he means the difference between “asymptomatic” and “presymptomatic”. I “caught” chicken pox from one night’s babysitting when my niece and nephew were in the incubation stage of developing chicken pox, with no external symptoms – but within a few days they had got the usual itchy spots.

        So if someone is incubating an illness and therefore “presymptomatic” they are able to spread it due to an increasing viral load, whereas those who never develop symptoms have a good enough immune system despite being “infected” that they knock it on the head before symptoms appear.

    2. thecovidpilot

      “The problem wasn’t asymptomatic transmission necessarily, but the discharge of untested infected patients”

      Relying on PCR testing for infection control is extremely problematic.

        1. thecovidpilot

          What would you call it when people use PCR to diagnose?

          I would call it a very dodgy diagnostic test with loads of false positives and false negatives and used in a role not originally intended and is not fit for diagnosing illnesses.

          1. Prudence Kitten

            Dr Kary Mullis, the distinguished scientist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for his invention of PCR, stated in terms that it is not a diagnostic test for any disease.

            Is that good enough for you?

            The fact that many people have been saying that it is a diagnostic test and trying to use it as such goes to show their ignorance, or alternatively their wickedness.

          2. thecovidpilot

            I know about Mullins. The fact that he said that it’s not good for use for diagnostic testing doesn’t mean that it isn’t being used for that purpose.

          3. Prudence Kitten

            The name is “Mullis”, not “Mullins”. If you can’t be bothered to spell a person’s name right, we can perhaps infer that you haven’t studied his arguments very closely.

            I can use a cream puff to diagnose Covid. It won’t work, but I can say I am “using it” for that purpose.

            The plain fact is that PCR is not a diagnostic tool. You can easily see that if you understand how it works and what it does do. The fact that lamebrained or devious politicians, businessmen, and apparatchiks say they are using PCR for diagnosis does not make it a diagnostic method.

          4. David

            Do you have a link to Mullis’s statement about the use of PCR as a diagnostic test?

          5. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

            I would say quite a bit, since he invented it and repeatedly stated that it can’t be used to detect an infection.

          6. anglosvizzera

            In this video, Mullis explains that PCR can be misinterpreted as you can find a molecule of almost anything in a person’s body, but it doesn’t mean they are sick from it…

          7. AhNotepad

            Mullis invented the PCR test, and got a Nobel prize for it. He said that anything over 24 amplification cycles wouldgive unreliable results.

            In 2020 the WHO tried toget a declarationof a health emergency of international concern. For that they need cases, and they needed the declaration so they could get started on the jabbing with an untested drug under an emergency use authorisation. Drosten gave the excuse with loads of cases generated by 45 amplification cycles. Mike Yeadon said that anything over 35 cycles would give 90% false positives. So that’s why people should muck around with things they are using for devious purposes.

            For much more listen to this 1 hour interview

          8. David

            I don’t know, ask Kitten and An Australian. They seem to think that Mullis said PCR cannot be used to identify infections, and that this should tell us to ignore PCR results.

          9. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

            You can read his excellent book “Dancing naked in the mind field”, it’s really a good reading, the guy was a riot.

            He also talks extensively about the DNA tests used by the police, explaining how they are worthless and even worse (since they are performed by police labs).

            The book is available on Libgen, sice Mullis suddenly died of pneumonia in South California in August, just a few months before the start of the pandemic created with his test. I don’t think he would mind about the missing copyright fees…

          10. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

            I probably wrote this before, but his book “Walking naked in the mind fields” is highly recommended, it’s incredibly entertaining and makes you mad that such a beautiful mind had the terrible misfortune of dying of pneumonia in the middle of Summer in South California, just before the pandemic that wouldn’t exist without his invention, which he always said it won’t be able to diagnose an infection.

    3. JP Sand

      Regarding the question of “asymptomatic transmission” of respiratory viruses…It is my understanding that, prior to COVID, there was an established and longstanding consensus that infected people who have NO SYMPTOMS do not transmit to other people because the viral load of respiratory infection is spread by ACTIVE SYMPTOMS OF SICKNESS, such as: coughing, sneezing, nose-dripping, nose-blowing, spitting, heavy breathing, forceful vocalizing while sick, etc. In other words, the viral load of an infected person does not easily spread in the absence of symptoms. Thus, as Anthony Fauci has even publicly stated in the early stages of COVID: infected people without any symptoms (asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic) are not a significant source of transmission.

  6. David Bailey

    Thanks for rubbing their noses in this awful fiasco. I noticed this excuse:

    “Bed shortages led to the illegal discharge policies that led to the deaths of hundreds of patients in care homes, the British Medical Association has alleged.”

    So why were none of those newly built and equipped Nightingale Hospitals used to house these patients?

    1. Prudence Kitten

      More to the point, why did successive governments slash the number of NHS beds in the past 30 years, while the population was steadily growing?

    2. 186no

      Because they did not and still do not have – quite possibly now even more so as I am told – the staff to man them; it is not just Nightingale Hospitals scandal ; “tents” have been erected all over the country in certain Hospital locations as extra “Covid” facilities – I know of only one that has had any patients ( straight from the contractor’s mouth who has built all of them) and the “tent” built in a Hospital near to where I live was finished, left idle for a very short period and then dismantled. Hospital did not want it but it was apparently a decision taken in Whitehall ( or should the first letter be replaced by “S”); cost runs into many millions but it ha snot got a mention as far as I know in the MSM; doubtless lessons have been learned or these world class idiots have clocked that “cases” are going south very rapidly and the Danes are abandoning the jabs.

      1. David Bailey

        I would still argue that if those patients were not severely affected by the virus, they could probably have looked after themselves pretty much with food brought in and a panic button. It would not have been ideal, but it would have been better than dumping them in the care homes, I suspect.

  7. 186no

    Dr K, I think you know very well that the principal actor in this is a “here today , gone tomorrow” politician so accurately described by the late Sir Robin Day. Their leitmotif , seared via hardwiring into their tiny brains, is “it’s the election, stupid”. Undertaker John O’Looney has described in the most chilling detail how and most importantly when he learned of the impending SARS COV 2 mortality events; that timeline is extremely embarrassing for Civil Servants, their advisors and Government Ministers – I do not believe for a micro-nanosecond thyT Hancock was not made aware of the genocidal consequences of HIS policy decision – HE ALONE!!!
    The fact of a politician blame shape shifting – my God how can that be allowed/have happened???? – and thereby throwing the CS under the Bus???
    It is a bit trite and cheap to suggest that we are dealing with (career) politicians who have little relevant experience …but it is true; the sort of decision making you imho rightly describe you only get experience in the high management of the public sector (dubious quality), military ex/military, very bug private sector business.
    Have no evidence for this but would be stunned and amazed if there was not an over preponderance of recent ex public sector representation in those episodes resulting in “lessons being learned”. Just been listening to Dame (WTF?????) Margaret Hodge pontificating about probity in public life as a reference to a Tory MP’s private grief; how the hell do we have to listen to this paragon of world class decision making from her earlier public sector incarnation as a key figure in Social Services in London? Is she not a prime example of being guilty of “Inadequacy in Public Office”?

    1. Prudence Kitten

      Never attribute to stupidity that which can be adequately explained by malice.
      – Nolnah’s Rozar (My personal inversion of Hanlon’s Razor to apply to modern Western politics)

  8. Jude

    If I were being particularly cynical, I would say that decisions which ultimately ended up killing thousands of heavily state dependant, elderly and infirm people was a convenient by-product. One has to wonder, as it seems every one with an ounce of sense knew what would happen and yet those in authority seemed blind to the trauma they were causing.

    1. jill4535

      I am following the debate about poisons. If everyone assumes the cause was a virus, nobody will look for other possible causes.

      1. Prudence Kitten

        “Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment”
        Dr Stephanie Seneff

        Dr Seneff, a brilliant distinguished scientist, believes that much – if not all – of the harm attributed to “Covid” is actually due to glyphosate. There is a good deal of compelling evidence, such as geographical distribution.

        Glyphosate is sold as a weedkiller, but is actually poisonous to all forms of life. Keep well away from it – if you can.

        1. Robert Dyson

          I am sure she is right about the indirect effects of glyphosate that was originally produced as an antibiotic. It kills both plants and some bacteria, in particular those in our gut that are important for our immune system. When in the soil it will bind to some metal ions such as Mg++ that means less of these essential nutrients in plants we eat.

          1. Prudence Kitten

            Among a dozen or more distinct biochemical effects that Dr Seneff documents, glyphosate replaces glycine in proteins with most harmful results.

          2. AhNotepad

            Farmers in the UK still justify it for killing weeds, or any other plant they don’t want, but worse, use it to crops just before harvest. I wonder why Denmark manages to live without it.

          3. Sasha

            Based on what I read, I don’t think that’s the correct mechanism for glyphosate’s mode of action

          4. AhNotepad

            It’s a chelator, its original purpose was a pipe cleaner. In 1974 it was patented as an antibiotic. That should have told people to leave it alone, but Bernays’s henchmen stepped up and sold the world an insidious poison, which is now killing almost everything. Climate change? Who cares? With glyphosate it will be game over sooner or later.

          5. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

            Nah, glyphosate is safe and effective, exactly like DDT.

          1. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

            What are cases? Healthy people who result positive to a test that is not meant to diagnose a disease?

  9. John Duffy

    Dr. K. Thank you for another trenchant analysis of the so called “mistakes” made at high levels in respect of the elderly being shunted rapidly from hospital settings to care homes. The policy was utterly iniquitous and evil, furthermore the explicit threat to withdraw funding from those care facilities who refused to follow this despicable wrong headed policy was simply a doubling down on the policy. Do what you are told or you are out of business! You called it out Dr. K at the time and even now as you say, no one will lose his/her job, no lasting shame will linger, and God forbid no charges of criminal negligence will be issued. Just pass the buck along the line, nothing to see here. The feeble attempt to cite “we were following the science” as a legimate excuse is disingenous, a GCSE Biology student could have informed them it was a misguided policy. The only conclusion one might come to is that they actually knew the likely outcomes of this insane course of action but just didn’t care enough. Hancock and his advisors should be in court charged at least with criminal negligence and wilful misleading of Parliament if not genocide.. People are in despair at the lack of accountability of those in power. The media get hung up on a silly idiot of an MP watching porn on the job, not nice, but surely of little significance in comparison to the mismanagement of a range of things during the pandemic which led to the untimely deaths of so many. At least he was ashamed enough to resign.
    Ordinary people are tired of politicians who hold the public who vote for them in utter contempt. They pi** on us and we say its raining- some of us are tired of being permanently wet. Thanks for all your great work Dr. Kendrick. Keep going we need your sanity to reinforce us.

    1. Prudence Kitten

      “But we didn’t know anything about viruses or epidemiology, so we followed the best scientific advice”.

      “I see. If you don’t know anything about those topics, how did you decide what was the ‘best’ advice?”

      “Well, we asked the highest-paid scientists and those who have the most prestigious posts”.

      “I see…”

      1. sticky

        It seems that most prominent politicians are unable to define what a woman is, so how could we expect them to know the first thing about viruses or epidemiology?

  10. George RO

    I very much enjoy reading your emails and heartily agree with most of what you have to say. I also appreciated your analysis of cholesterol and its irrelevance in cardiovascular disease. Watching confirmed by decision to cease taking statins and adopt a keto influenced diet in my late 60s.

    However, while I would agree that symptomatic patients should NEVER have been discharged to nursing or care home facilities, I am curious to know why you suggest “swabbing” would have made any difference given the unreliability (to be kind) of the rtPCT test, particularly given the assays were based on “in slico” models, and performed with a ct rate of 40-45?
    I very much doubt the end result would have differed.

      1. David

        What steps do you think could have been taken (besides more/better testing)?
        It does seem that better identification would have help prevent spread in homes, but as mass testing was not an option during the first part of 2020 (lack of testing, problems with test quality etc.), due to technical issues, was there anything else that could have been done?

        Analysis of deaths in facilities ( has indicating that the CFR was not significantly higher in homes than surrounding areas, and that the high number of deaths was related to the age and frailty of the residents.

        1. AhNotepad

          The interventions by most governments were pointless, and had been ruled out for every expected flu outbreak in previous years and decades. Testing the healthy is pointless, and the method of getting the sample to test (swab up nose to back of throat) is equally unnecessary, but worse, is hazardous in the extreme.

          1. David

            So, according to your logic, governments did every thing they could (mainly because nothing could be done) and their only mistake was actually doing anything at all. You can’t blame someone for bot being able to achieve their goals, when the goals are unachievable.
            If that is true, we can’t really blame the government, and the response that ‘lessons need to be learned’ is only correct if the lesson is ‘do nothing’. Or maybe another lesson is that governments have to better communicate how powerless they are.

            But I do take issue with your conclusion that an intervention ruled out for a previous pandemic should be ruled out for this pandemic as well. That seems a very pessimistic outlook that ignores so many of the advances made in the last few decades. We have a lot more tools at our disposal than the pandemics of the past.

          2. AhNotepad.

            David, the logic you are claiming is something you are proposing. I said what I said.

            Yes, doing nothing is better than the tyrannical measures brought in to control people, not to deal with a supposed disease. The one thing that would be worth doing is to improve nutrition. This has always been the effective treatment. Properly nourished people rarely get sick.

            Event 201 practised the ridiculous actions (with Bill Gates interfering with things he has no elected authority in) in October 2019. Look it up. You will possibly be interested in his book, “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic” which is a litany of ill informed rubbish from the man who foisted the computer virus on the world.

          3. AhNotepad

            You may not be able to blame them when they failed to achieve the unachievable, but you can blame them for not considering the immense harm they inflicted while running around like headless chickens.

          4. Martin Back

            We have had this discussion before. Nearly two years ago Dr Kendrick proposed what I believe in the light of subsequent events would have been a better course of action for the elderly and for society as a whole, namely, shield the elderly and vulnerable and encourage everyone else to get on with their lives and mingle freely with the objective of rapidly getting to herd immunity.

            “If we open up society there will be a cost, there will be deaths, that is inarguable. However, I believe that we will save far more lives by letting this disease spread in the younger, healthy population. We will save both children and adults, and we can return to normal life.

            Therefore, the proposal is simple. Work out who is most at risk, work out how to keep them shielded, then encourage everyone else to get out there and live their lives as before. [General Practitioners have already been asked to create lists of their patients who are most vulnerable, so most of this work has been done]. Once we have the infection rates sufficiently high to block viral spread, the entire population, including the elderly and vulnerable, can be released to live their lives as before.

            The alternative is to wait, in hope, for a vaccine. One that is almost certainly not going to get here before winter arrives in the Northern Hemisphere. By which time further irreparable harm will have been done, and thousands more lives will have been lost, unnecessarily”

            The whole article is well worth a read. Using the facts about the virus known at the time, Dr Kendrick showed how we could have been finished with the pandemic in a few months without the death toll and economic disruption that we ended up with.

            Another person worth reading on pandemic preparedness is Lt.-Col. David Redman who argues that a pandemic is a problem for the whole of society, it is not just a medical problem. Therefore, consult widely in dealing with it, don’t leave planning solely to medical personnel. “To a man with a hammer, every problem is a nail” could be updated as “To a man with a syringe, every problem needs a vaccine”.

          5. AhNotepad

            Covid was never a pandemic, unless the revised definition by the Tedros/Gates cabal was valid. I am not trying to be contradictory here, just add another view. The vulnerable should be nourished. Most of the problems will go away then. “Shielding” won’t stop progression of a respiratory virus, but in the case of covid, removal of Gates, Fauci, Tedros, Drosten, and many other scheming players who actively contributed to developing engineered viruses would mean the problem never existed. Meanwhile the villains are starting the next scare so they can inflict social destruction.

          6. Eggs ‘n beer

            It’s not being contradictory. The contradictory view is that it is a pandemic. It isn’t and never was. Just because you call a mouse a camel, doesn’t make it a camel. But the evidence was there from the earliest days. Around 80% of people have cross reactive T cell immunity to the virus, which explains who such a small percentage of the population caught it. One well known issue with that is that D is required by the T cells to mount the defence, and many people, ESPECIALLY old people, are deficient in vitamin D; it’s part of the aging process. This is real science, not Tony “I am the science” Fauci’s made up stuff. He and his ilk and acolytes are directly responsible for most of the care home deaths with/from Covid, and all of the deaths and damage from the so-called vaccines which would never have reached human trials, definitely not phase II trials, if they had been properly tested on animals.

  11. KJH

    Hancock knew and said so. 2020.

  12. Andrew Makin

    Well said.

    It was evident to me at the time, having come from that sector, that a perfect storm was brewing, and that whilst health professionals exhort the clinical approach of barrier nursing, social services and CQC have exhorted the homely, non-clinical approach. Damned if you do …

    The passive voice is everywhere. My particular bete noire is “to’ally unacceptable”. Not that it is my personal judgement, you understand. No emotion here. It’s just what anyone rational would say, so you can see I’m on your side.


    Andrew Makin, quondam Nursing Director, Registered Nursing Home Association.

  13. Question Everything

    Which is worse for an elderly frail patient, perhaps suffering from dementia, to catch Covid and die or to be deprived of their only contacts with family and the outside world, thus potentially worsening their dementia (or setting it off)? Give me Covid every time. If I am in that situation I am probably nearing the end of my life anyway, so I (and many others) would choose quality of a shortened life over a few more months of increasing isolation and misery.
    Also, how different are the effects of a major flu epidemic from those of Covid?

    1. sticky

      Also, how different are the effects of a major flu epidemic from those of Covid?

      Well, considering that the total deaths from ‘C-19’, with no other co-morbidities, was just 17,300 and something for 2020 and 2021 combined, that is a very important question to ask.

        1. sticky

          ‘17,300 and something’, the ‘something’ meaning a number less than 100, which makes up the exact figure (which I had forgotten, and couldn’t be bothered looking up!)

  14. Mr Chris

    Reading your blog and the judgement makes me so angry. In theory we are governed by capable people, but just to say the name Hancock makes me spit. Why was he left in that position in view of his manifest incompetence and only sacked at the end for an affair of a kiss and a cuddle

    1. AhNotepad

      Hancock was selected precisely because of his incompetence. He was got rid of when he had served his purpose, the affair was concocted to suit getting rid of him.

      1. Steve

        But, honestly name me one single person in the government that could be accused of being competent ?
        They are a complete shower, every one of them.
        Incompetent, corrupt, liars.

        1. Prudence Kitten

          Competence is not a qualification for the job of cabinet minister. Those people are “elected” through a convoluted and humiliating process. First they must adopt politically correct attitudes and abjure expressing any sensible thoughts. Then they must win the approval of party selection committees before they are even allowed to stand for election. Whether they win or not depends largely on how much money their party provides, and how effective its propaganda is.

          Once elected, they sit in the cabinet and in Parliament saying what they are told to say, and voting as they are told to vote, by their parties – which in turn do what thei financial sponsors tell them to do.

          The ability to think, let alone to have original ideas and act on them, would be a huge disadvantage at every stage.

        1. sticky

          I think most of this shower probably were. When Johnson was appointed, his cabinet was suddenly full of names I had never even heard before.

    2. alexei

      I suspect he was a protégé of the WEF, like so many in positions of leadership in the West, especially those leaders who have proposed the most draconian measures throughout Covid. Think Trudeau, Macron, Ardern etc.

  15. HerIndoors

    Maybe the arms manufacturers can now help out Mr Hancock? Or maybe all stocks have been diverted to Ukraine to keep everyone safe?

  16. wordwatcherblog

    I believe the Italians, bless them, released covid sufferers not into care homes but into hotels (which were empty anyway) where they were placed under observation until it was safe to send them on to care homes, where they did not present a risk to the residents already there.

    1. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

      I’m afraid not, Italy management of this “pandemic” was probably the worst in the world, with thousands killed by being put on respirators even with very mild symptoms, elderly people left to die alone and in miserable conditions in nursing homes without medical supervision and in some cased neglected to the point of not having food. A medical director of one of the main hospitals is even currently in jail because he murdered several patients.

      Question: are we sure it was a virus which killed all those people and not medical procedures (intentional or not)?

  17. alisonfletch

    I actually think it is even worse than the scenario that you have described. Hancock is a bit of a computer nerd who was probably Health Sec. in order to roll out the privatisation and digitalisation of the NHS. He was a central plank in the pandemic strategy. Shutting down the NHS and the hospitals was a key part of that strategy, as was pushing the “vaccines”. He proudly boasted of ordering a supply of the “vax” in January 2020. He was inspired by the film “Contagion” apparently and didn’t want the UK not to be front of the queue.

    The fact is that he already knew about Covid 19 then. He must have had a “heads up”. From his friend, Bill Gates? And no remedies were to be allowed. Obviously. The plans were already set for the novel jabs to be rolled out across the globe.

    That led to many deaths, as did discharging elderly hospital patients too early and not allowing them to then receive medical care other than Midazolam, which he orderered in vast supplies. He kindly arranged for them to receive a “good death”.

    I am not sure asympomatic transmission of Cv19 is a thing at all, let alone a major factor.* But it is the one thing he has leapt on which makes me think even more that it is a fallacy.

    Many were already immune to CV19 and those with no symptoms seem unlikely to have been spreaders.

    *A news article in the journal Nature, published on November 18, 2020, said ‘evidence suggests that one in five infected people will not experience symptoms, and they transmit the virus to fewer people than someone with symptoms. However, there needs to be more research done on whether asymptomatic infections are driving the pandemic’. It seems transmission of corona viruses and other influenza illnesses occur primarily only when symptoms are present and not from healthy, asymptomatic people.

  18. John

    Lessons were learned: cover your tracks and find someone else to blame! But I thought hat the Chinese study of around 10m people showed that asymptomatic transfer didn’t happen. But elderly people with poor immunity, rubbish diets and sad lifestyle would be very vulnerable to catching any airborne infection – especially if helped along with a few “end of life” drugs

  19. Prudence Kitten

    “Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts”

    by Carol Tavris and Elliott Aronson

  20. Nursenomore

    I don’t try to understand the mentality behind the decisions that were made anymore. I did try to as it went along, but I now see it as orchestrated chaos – intentional..and they already knew how to be prepared to cover their backs.
    It’s fundamentally wrong to have a person in charge of the most major healthcare decisions, who has absolutely no qualifications or experience to make them..and can therefore blame it on others.
    It’s a stinking set up.

      1. AhNotepad

        This podcast delves into a lot of the flockers who wielded power, including Dr June Raine, CEO of the MRHA. She has so many jobs she can’t possibly do any of them properly. She gets lots of money though.

        1. Eggs ‘n beer

          Our chief health officer is paid over $700,000 p.a, and only had one job, at which she, and her successor (after, in the best tradition of rewarding incompetent bureaucrats, she was appointed Governor of Queensland) have failed miserably.

  21. dearieme

    This is the sort of thing that makes me long for a Massacre of the Guilty. And not just the politicians but the many scientists, doctors, and “Public Health Experts” who misadvised and misinformed them. If there is capacity in the courts they could be given a fair trial. if there isn’t then some sort of kangaroo court, à la Nuremberg, could be set up.

    There will be no adequate incentive for future “experts” and politicians to get it right unless these failures are severely punished.

    But where to stop? Lockdown was a fiasco. School closures were a crime against children, so punish the teachers union leaders too. And what about the vaccines? How much harm will they prove to have done, looking back a decade from now? How much more harm will they do by putting people off conventional vaccines?

    In some ways the care homes were the least of it.

  22. Steve

    No excuse for what happened. The Great Barrington declaration identified, early on, what needed to be done – protect the vulnerable !
    There has been such a demonisation of the elderly since Brexit. Blaming the elderly for everything and robbing them blind. One has to assume that the care home fiasco was actually a deliberate decision – an opportunity to cull the elderly and sick. This was not accidental and they will get away with it.

      1. anglosvizzera

        Lack of vitamin D is rife in the elderly (and no doubt many other essential micronutrients for the immune system to function well), but on the other hand those elderly residents that were taking Hydroxychloroquine for rheumatoid arthritis were found to be “immune” to Covid…yet that particular medicine was banned from the public as a prophylactic treatment in the UK and many other places…other than parts of India and a few other countries where they handed out kits to the public.

        1. AhNotepad

          That would be because if it worked, there was no longer an excuse to authorise an experimental gene therapy jab.

    1. David

      And as this Dr. K showed – ‘protect the vulnerable’ is practically impossible to do. It seems that The Great Barrington is based on wishful thinking at best, delusion at worst.

        1. David

          True, the logic behind the Great Barrington declaration (protect the vulnerable) is not clear, and it would not have worked.

  23. thecovidpilot

    Care homes are where people are sent to die. If anyone in authority cared about the people in care homes, those people would be given adequate vitamin D supplements.

    1. Ruth Baills

      thecovifpilot. I live in Australia and Queensland. I know of one 91 year old lady is given Vitamin D supplement in a nursing home. She is the mother of one of my sister-in-law’s.

      1. anglosvizzera

        Here in the UK the NHS “recommends” a measly 400iu of vitamin D for the elderly and others who may be susceptible of a deficiency (eg those ethnicities with dark skin). 400iu is too little to correct a deficiency which undoubtedly many, if not all, care home residents have so the NHS is “seen” to be caring for these people but actually not being helpful at all!

      2. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

        It’s probably the recommended 400IU dose, probably better than nothing but barely.

          1. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

            In my experience, it might not.

            Even the usually ridiculously low RDA from various institution are usually between 800 and 2000IU per day for elderly people, and personally I haven’t seen any patient improving their levels with 1000IU per day, I’m 55 and I need at least 6-7000IU per day (no supplementation, I sunbathe all year round) to keep my level at above 85 nmol/l, plus the vitamin D I get from food.

          2. anglosvizzera

            I used to follow Dr John Briffa’s blog which was as informative and entertaining as Dr K’s – sadly he seems to have stopped posting for many years. However, he kept banging on, back in 2009, about the fact that low level supplementation does diddly squat to correct a deficiency:


            If you search his blog for “vitamin D” there are a lot of very interesting articles available.

          3. An Italian Australian at the tropics

            Careful with unit of measure: the usual definition of severe deficiency for vitamin D that I’m aware of is 15 ng/ml, that equals to 37.44 nmol/l. 15 nmol/l would be about 6 ng/ml.

          4. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

            I’m a big fan of standardized units of measure. The famous rumour about the shuttle exploding because the engineers messed up between inches and centimetres seems plausible, standards (lacks of) kill.

  24. John Forsyth

    I recently spent a week in my local hospital as a cardiac patient. I was placed on a medical ward, and they spent the whole week intending to have a meeting with a cardiologist. They discovered half way through that one of the patients tested positive for covid, and treated the ward accordingly. On discharge I was given a pcr test and told to go home, where I am my wife’s carer, and she is listed as extremely vulnerable as she is on immunosuppressant medication. I asked if I could wait for the result of the test before leaving as I did not want to bring covid home. No I had to go, but they would phone me with the result when they got it. On my return home I immediately took a lateral flow test which was negative, and decided that it would have to to do. I got a call to say my test was negative at about 9 pm that evening, but my wife could have been at risk with no help forthcoming.

  25. Alan Richards

    It’s convenient for Mr Hancock to pass the buck on to PHE because that body doesn’t exist anymore. However the inconvenient truth is that the majority of excess deaths in care homes in April 2020 were not Covid. Take a look at John Dee’s substack

    Here’s a quote from his article

    “Second up, it tells us that the pandemic only really got into its stride during weeks 14 to 21 of 2020; a period during which old and frail folk were being shunted out of hospital beds into nursing and care homes to be greeted with end of life care pathways incorporating nil by mouth, DNR and Midazolam cocktails. I did a little work on this debacle back in Aug ‘21 and confess to boiling over when I produced this slide:“

  26. Ruth Baills

    Mistakes were made.’ This is another one I enjoy. Mistakes were made – but who made them? The use of the passive voice is all you ever need to pay attention to Here. You never hear. ‘I made this mistake. Or, that person made this mistake.’ Even more rarely will you hear ‘I, alone, made this mistake.’

    So true even in Australia. Thank you once again for your thoughts on COVID-19 and the awful treatment of our senior members of our society. Doesn’t say much for our societies, does it.

    1. AhNotepad

      Mistakes were made by all those who didn’t follow the rules (except where the people also made the rules). If everyone had followed the rules it would have worked fine. It’s all your fault.

      1. Roland Ayers

        Of course the biggest mistakes are really made when following bad rules. Why do people with minds of their own do this? Why didn’t hospital managers read the nonsensical edicts from Hancock & PHE, tear them up, and do something more sensible instead? You don’t do stupid things just because some self-important buffoon perched atop his greasy pole tells you to.

  27. Eggs ‘n beer

    I had a manager who worked for me. He made mistakes. That’s OK, because as my grandfather used to say, “the man who never made a mistake, never made anything”. The manager’s attitude to his mistakes was “if you’re going to be wrong, you may as well be wrong AT THE TOP OF YOUR VOICE. I’M SORRY. I STUFFED UP, I CERTAINLY DIDN’T MEAN TO, SOMETHING WENT WRONG AND I’LL DO MY BEST TO MAKE SURE IT NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN”.

    Naturally with such an attitude there was never any attempt to cover up any errors.

    With Covid so many mistakes were made, and continue to be made, through nobody being prepared to take responsibility. They still pretend that nothing is going wrong with vaccines, for example.

    People are continuing to die in their tens of thousands because of responsibility avoiding people like the aptly named Yvette De’Ath.

  28. Mark Heneghan

    The passive voice, so popular in medical discharge letters. This, combined with the beloved polysyllabic medical ‘style’ topped off with misused reflexive pronouns.

    ‘Mr X

    The above patient underwent the above procedure on the above date, performed by myself.’
    Was no by else there when you did, sorry ‘performed’ the operation?

  29. Anthony Oliver

    “Yesterday he (Matt Hancock) claimed the court ruling had not found him culpable, blaming Public Health England for failing to advise that the asymptomatic patients could transmit the virus.”

    At the beginning of the ‘pandemic’ Anthony Fauci was actually truthful about a) masks being ineffective against respiratory diseases and b) the fact that epidemics have never been caused by asymptomatic spreading. I am not aware of any evidence that shows him to have been wrong. The fact that he did a volte face had nothing to do with any new evidence being presented. Of course if a previously asymptomatic person develops symptoms that’s something else entirely.

  30. anglosvizzera

    I recall that around the world in early 2020 care homes were suffering more than anywhere else. Did they all have the same policy? If so, where did the directive come from that would affect many countries at the same time? Was it all orchestrated???

    In the US, it seems that questions were being asked in Feb 2021:

    And as for the rest of the world, here’s an article from May 2020:

  31. Brian Ellis

    Another reason why the virus spread throughout care homes , was the rediculous hours exercise allowed in the UK. We live in Spain and were not allowed this. We saw on sky, youngsters mixing together and carrying the virus into their elderly relatives. That is why the UK death figures far exceeded Spain and Italy. I hope if this happens again, this is stopped.

    1. jeresavo1

      “Youngsters mixing together” is the foundation of society. Check out Sweden which has done ok despite no mandates or dictats. The 34% jab rate in Ukraine should surely herald a disaster for granny et al as they are assimilated in to our own society & homes.

    2. AlanE

      ‘That is why the UK death figures far exceeded Spain and Italy. ‘ Really?

      Latest stats from Worldometer*: Deaths per million of population over what is now a c2year period: Italy 2718; UK 2558; Spain 2237. Not so very different one from the other.

      *Yes we know Worldometer is flawed and depends on how countries count their Covid figures. So maybe we should look at Excess deaths from all causes over a similar period. Try this cross country comparison: Excess deaths per million people: Italy 3350; Spain 2660; UK 2210.

    3. John

      But why blame the hour’s exercise in the fresh air when hundreds of thousands of people were still going to work? Not just medical personal and carers, but car mechanics, infrastructure engineers, shop assistants, plumbers, sparkies, IT engineers, etc. All mixing with far more people for far longer than the lone walkers and joggers.

  32. thecovidpilot

    I think that we may have lived through an apocalypse of sorts–an apocalypse of fear, lies, confusion, panic-mongering, disease, and iatrogenesis. This was presaged by Jim Butcher’s character, Ethniu, in his book, “Battleground”–“Apocalypse is a state of mind.”

  33. Mike C

    Thank you Dr Kendrick.

    While I agree that the policy of clearing the hospitals ‘at any cost’ was stupid and carried though with no proper individual or collective care for the vulnerable, I don’t believe it significantly affected the outcome in terms of death count.

    A plot of daily deaths attributed to Covid-19 from the beginning of March to end of August 2020 for England and Wales (source: ONS follows an almost perfect Gompertz (epidemic) curve with no perturbations that can be attributed to either the lockdown or the hospital clearance policies. In other words, our policies were powerless in the face of the epidemic.

    If instead of using Covid-19 diagnosed death we look at relative increase in all-cause mortality for the sexes and various age groups compared with the previous ten-year trend (trend, not average) we see exactly the same fit to natural epidemic curves (bearing in mind the weird way our ONS stats use date of death registration rather than date of death). The excess in deaths is almost exclusively among the over 65s – just as the seasonal fluctuation in death rate also mostly affects the over 65s.

    If we look at annual age-adjusted death rates to get a long term picture (we can get data from the Human Mortality Database ( we find that for the UK, 2020 was the worst death rate since 2008. 2008 was not a terrible year – it was the lowest rate since 1922.

    Ruthlessly clearing the hospitals was wrong. So was lockdown. Neither had much effect on death rate but caused misery for many.

    In terms of financial cost: my grandchildren will be paying for this when they start earning and paying their taxes in about 15 years time.

    1. Mike C

      “2008 was not a terrible year – it was the lowest rate since 1922.” implies that 1922 was a very low year.

      I should have written:

      “2008 was not a terrible year – it was the lowest rate since these records begin in 1922.”

  34. Jeremy May

    I’ve looked back at a few of Dr. Kendrick’s blogs, back to early 2020. Gutsy stuff really, early in the narrative when the establishment PR machine was in top gear. To weather that storm and be proved right is notable indeed. I was called all sorts of things (including a c***) just for sharing the blogs or quoting snippets. But to pen the blogs, stand up and be counted, front and centre, when a career is on the line is a great effort.

    Some of the pieces first appeared in Russia Today. Ironically, thanks to today’s Russia, Russia Today probably has more pressing matters to cover than UK Care Homes.

    In June 2020 you wrote a blog entitled ‘COVID – will lockdown lead to a major health disaster?’ It appeared in RT because, as you stated, “However, I would like to point out that I tried to contact the BBC with regard to many of the issues I have been highlighting e.g. the COVID care home disaster in the UK – no interest. I tried to contact UK newspapers – no interest. And I have a good relationship with a lot of journalists.”

    This to me is the rub of the whole mess. The withholding of information, the shutting down of debate, the denial of science and the ignoring of first-hand experience. There are whispers in MSM now, 2 years on from that article, but the narrative has cooled and other worldly distractions mute the message. Decision makers have had time to pull up the drawbridge and leave the saps outside to shoulder the blame.

    If there’s a lesson to learn, it must be, ‘we must listen to the people who actually know what they’re talking about.’

    The care home situation was an abomination, the like of which must never be allowed to happen again.

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      My only regret is that Russia Today wanted me to write regularly for them. I said, can I be critical of Russia? if not, I ain’t writing for you. End of conversation. I would have liked to have been able stop writing for then in a dramatic fashion when Russia invaded Ukraine. But, not to be.

        1. Prudence Kitten

          Much of RT’s actual content is highly critical of Russia. The comments are full of extreme and sometimes very bitter criticism.

          1. AhNotepad

            Prudence, please stop stating facts, they do not support the UK narrative. 🙂

          2. Sasha

            Prudence: I speak Russian and lived in Moscow recently. I admit, I haven’t watched any RT because I would just watch Russian television. But I am curious, what sort of criticism of Russia did you see on RT?

            And I am very interested what sort of response Dr Kendrick got since his criticism can’t be managed but I know you can’t answer that question.

          3. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

            I agree, I don’t see much difference between RT and any German media, for example, mostly it’s the usual globalist’s propaganda.

          4. Sasha

            Yes. Precisely. And that’s why there was a Soviet joke:

            A Russian and an American are arguing whose country is more democratic.
            The American says: Our country is very democratic. Any American citizen can go in front of the White House and yell that Reagan is an idiot.
            And the Russian says: So what? Soviet Union is just as democratic. Any Russian citizen can go in front of the Kremlin and yell that Reagan is an idiot.

            With your logic you guys would fit well in Soviet Union. How long you would last, that’s another question… Of course once you are inside Soviet Union, you gotta suck it up. You have no other choice, they take your passport away.

          5. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

            You assume a lot from my assertion that RT seems not any different from Western media, I cited German media because in other countries it seems even less free.

            In the last decades, the number of journalists and media speaking out against their own government seems as high as the number of doctors speaking out against health officers guidelines: there are a few, but they tend to quiet and are always afraid to be sacked.

            RT has the usual globalist propaganda, from LGBT/trannies values to global warming, monetary policirs and so on. No pieces against Putin? I don’t see many articles against Dementor in Chief on the WaPo, either.

            As for Soviet Union, I recall when I spent three months there, no risks of losing my passport because I entered with a Russian one, and I really enjoyed my visit riding my bike in URSS. It was a much better place than Bulgaria, for example, even if I tolerate Bulgarian wine much better than Russian vodka, and on par with the DDR.

          6. Prudence Kitten

            Sasha, I have never watched RT on TV – I just occasionally read its Web site. After seeing your comment I went to RT to see if anything turned up, but I must admit that today I see nothing anti-Russian or critical of Russia. It’s possible they have modified their editorial policies since the Ukraine war began – no one wants to be unpatriotic at such a time, and besides I think the Russian government may have passed laws forbidding certain kinds of criticism.

            In the past I remember seeing some articles (and of course many comments) that seemed quite anti-Russian, and generally like what you would see in the British media. Of course one notices such things more on a site that is supposed to be a “Kremlin mouthpiece”.

          7. thecovidpilot

            “With your logic you guys would fit well in Soviet Union”

            The Soviet Union was an idealistic, expansionist threat. I can remember crawling under my desk in elementary school as we simulated a nuclear event. The Soviet Union eventually fell apart, in large part due to Reagan’s policies.

            Today, Russia is left of what was the Soviet Union. Russia is hardly idealistic or expansionist, except in a limited sense. More pragmatic like the Germans. Of course Russia still wants a warm water seaport. And the Davos crowd wanted Russia to attack Ukraine. So we have the action in Ukraine. Russia is sending ethnic Russians into areas in Ukraine so that it has an excuse to gain a corridor to Sevastopol, which is in the Crimea.

            Of course, the oil in Crimea is an added incentive, but Russia really, really desires a warm water seaport for security reasons. Eventually Russia may just build one the hard way. One warm water seaport is good, but vulnerable. Two would be better.

            Even with Sevastopol, Russia would still have a problem with the Bosporus.

            The US, by comparison, has more seaports than anyone. Plenty of security as regards shipping and ports for its navy.

            The big threat today to the western populace isn’t Russia nor even China. The big threat is from the Davos crowd. Right now the Davos crowd has an understanding with China and are trying to dominate Russia as well as the western populace.

      1. thecovidpilot

        Can you be critical of the US and NATO for stoking Russia’s fears by offering NATO membership to Ukraine, Sweden, and Finland? What if, hypothetically, Holland, Belgium, France, and Scotland offered safe haven to IRA terrorists?

        In the Russia/Ukraine/NATO war, there are no good guys. Our western governments really suck!

        1. Gary Ogden

          thecovidpilot: Right you are. There are no good guys here. War is good for defense contractors and hell for everyone else. Our leaders have given us a gawdawful mess.

          1. thecovidpilot

            Right. Defense contractors likely wanted a battlefield test of their new weapons systems against Russian equipment.

            There are plenty of bad guys around to keep our military busy without baiting the Bear.

          2. Sasha

            I read some of the comments on here and it just makes me laugh… For those who want to understand what’s happening, I am posting a link to a youtube video. It’s among the best analyses of the situation I had seen since the beginning of “the special operation” in Ukraine. And, unlike most other good videos, it’s subtitled so non-Russian speakers can follow. Grigoriy Yudin is a political philosopher and a very brave man. He’s risking a lot by speaking out:

          3. Gary Ogden

            Sasha: It would interesting to hear your perspective on this, but no link appeared in your comment.

        2. Prudence Kitten

          “What if, hypothetically, Holland, Belgium, France, and Scotland offered safe haven to IRA terrorists?”

          Who might hypothetically be armed with missiles and, possibly, nuclear weapons? Incidentally, it’s less than 160 km (100 miles) from the nearest part of Finland to St Petersburg. Whereas the nearest part of Ukraine is less than 500 km (300 miles) from Moscow. The nearest part of Estonia is less than 150 km (90 miles) from St Petersburg.

          The other part of the security equation is how serious is the military threat. From Finland, until now, it has been very low. From Ukraine and Estonia pretty high, both being in NATO or virtually so, and therefore being part of a comprehensive plan to defeat Russia.

          To compare the level of that threat, imagine that a hostile power with access to nuclear weapons is installing missile batteries in Philadelphia, PA or Richmond, VA. They are both about as far from Washington DC as Finland and Estonia are from St Petersburg.

          Charlotte, NC is about as far from Washington DC as the nearest part of Ukraine is to Moscow.

          1. Sasha

            Prudence: in Soviet times Finland had an agreement with the Soviet Union – any Soviet citizen who tried to escape and crossed the border into Finland, would be extradited back to the USSR if caught by Finnish border guards,. Once back home they usually would be put into psychiatric institution since, as Khrushev once said: “Only a mad person can hate socialism”. Teaching a person to love socialism meant a lot of things. For example: underfeeding someone for days and then giving them an insulin injection in the morning.

            So, while Finns themselves enjoyed free travel all over the world, they were obliged to indirectly participate in torture and murder of Soviet dissidents. Having friendly relationships with totalitarian regimes comes at a price.

            By the way, Americans and Swedes just announced an extension of American security guarantees to Sweden for the period of its application to NATO, if and when that happens. I won’t be surprised if Finland isn’t far behind.

            It looks to me like Americans are finally pissed off enough by what they see in Ukraine: public statements of US defense officials, outing of Putin’s daughters names and photos and so forth. I think this is just the beginning, unfortunately.

          1. Frank c

            Maybe not in so many words but probably you. I think i remember you telling us how wonderful RT is. Same thing really,

          2. AhNotepad

            Frank c wrote: ”Maybe not in so many words but probably you. I think i remember you telling us how wonderful RT is. Same thing really,

            So we have:
            Maybe not in so many words”
            probably you”
            “I think I remember
            “Same thing really”

            If you were in court you would lose your case on all counts. With an outlook like that, and such wooly perception it would be easy get a job as a fact checker. The previous blog had a frequently used, (and often misused by institutions) “evidence based”, worth applying sometime.

          3. Frank c

            The previous blog had a frequently used ( and often misused by institutions) “evidence based” worth applying sometime
            What on earth does all that mean ?

  35. jsampson45

    “The reason why you had a position of such power and responsibility, Mr Hancock, is that you needed to be the big grown-up boy. ” But democracy does not favour big grown-up boys. It lacks a big grown-up electorate.

      1. Prudence Kitten

        To be exact, perhaps not the mere existence and persistence of lobbyists alone, but the willingness of politicians to give in to their blandishments (and perhaps bribes or worse).

  36. Marcia Davis

    I got as far in the comments to this post as the one where someone linked to a TikTok web – which is fine, but beyond that I had to scroll a huge distance to get to the next comment and for the rest of them (quite a few) my screen would not stop scrolling back up. Very very annoying. Hope someone can help with it. Love the video – but not the result!! Thanks, Marcia Thompson

    1. AhNotepad

      This is annoying, but happens sometimes. It might be worth rebooting your machine. Sometimes it takes more than one attempt.

  37. nestorseven

    Another wonderful article. Thanks. If you ever expect anyone in government to take responsibility for any of their actions, you will have a long, long, impossible wait. These are people whose only concern is protecting their arrogance and egos and flimsy perceptions about how wonderful they are towards helping the citizen.

    As in the US and even in my own state of Michigan, were saw horrendous misadventures by those medical experts presumed to be in charge where nursing homes were concerned. There is no acceptable excuse in my view…none whatsoever. These people have acted as criminals and should be punished as such…period.

    Furthermore, I do not believe there is any distinct covid-19 virus. I no longer believe in germ theory, but rather terrain theory as being much more plausible. No virus has ever been proven to exist outside the human body provided that real, non-predetermined results using pure scientific methods have been employed…an extremely rare instance in today’s medical world.

    No virus transmission has ever been proven either from person to person. Recall that way back during the 1918 Spanish flu, researchers tried numerous times to directly infect people with the virus and failed every time. After that, during the the next 30 years or so, many experiments were attempted at they tried to pass on viruses from one person to the next…again all failed.

    Accepting no truth before it’s time, I question most current medical dogma. The good doctor Kendrick has helped in that belief.

  38. LJ-20

    It’s blindingly obvious that elderly people needed/need to be kept safe and also that isolating elderly people with dementia is extraordinarily difficult. My elderly parent has survived so far but been absolutely traumatised and their dementia worsened – I don’t see any medical care available to help with this either. They now scream and kick if it appears to them they are going to be shut into a room and not allowed out (I discovered after moving them to a different place). They seem to think they won’t be allowed to go and eat. How could people with continence issues be kept clean, hygenic and free from UTIs isolated in a small bedroom with only a tiny loo and washbasin and no longer bathing regularly? How could they understand why nobody was visiting them, why there were no activities, why they couldn’t sit in their favourite chair in the lounge, why there was no hairdressing etc? Or why they were ill and/or dying alone, presumably unmedicated. People in care homes needed to be kept safe, and some care homes managed it, some of the residents were kept safe albeit at a cost. But what is happening now? Now it’s “over” and there’s a new fake “normal”? Is there antiviral medication available for residents who catch the disease? Is there proper ventilation being fitted in care homes? How do we keep residents safe now the disease is rife in the population including their carers and visitors? This situation has highlighted society’s grim attitudes towards the elderly population and those who care for them. What about CEV care staff? Care staff who have had to isolate from family and friends and continue to do so to keep themselves and residents safe? What if it all happens again? Are we prepared? So many unanswered questions.

    1. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

      It’s not “blindingly obvious” to me.

      I’ve seen plenty of healthy elderly people enjoing the company of others, including family and grandchildren, while others segregated in nursing homes died miserably and alone.

      Maybe it wasn’t the virus brought to them by their grandchildren to kill them, but rather to be abandoned like dogs (worse than dogs, they get better care nowadays), overmedicated and abused.

      1. LJ-20

        I think you should read other people’s comments more carefully before you respond. And know more about people’s circumstances before you condemn. If you are wealthy enough and have enough time, accommodation and resources to give 24 hour care seven days a week and watch over a very sick relative in your own home – then you and they are very lucky.

        1. An Italian Australian at the tropics

          English is not my first language, actually it’s not even the second, but it seems to me quite clear that you imply that the people in elderly homes need to be kept isolated, away from the people “rife with disease” (carers and relatives), and given more antivirals.

          Medically, I object to all of it.

          Ethically, I object even more strongly. Even if there were a higher risk, I’d rather die in the comfort of being with my family around me (at home or in a nursing home) than being left to die alone and miserable “to keep me safe”.

          I understand that you are in a difficult situation with your parents afflicted by dementia, I wasn’t addressing your specific issue, but the more general idea that isolation is better for people in homes.

          1. thecovidpilot

            Protecting the elderly in a humane way was potentially easily accomplished.

            In care homes, covid patients should have been quarantined in a separate wing, while allowing brief visits from family.

            Residents of care homes should have been given adequate supplementation with vitamin D and zinc.

            Indoor group events in care homes ought to have been cancelled unless adequate new ventilation was installed. Family should have been allowed to visit in residents’ rooms. Outdoor group events should have been allowed.

            Staff who was symptomatic ought to have been kept away from residents somehow. There are ways to defeat thermometers and ways to prevent the defeat of thermometers.

            PCR testing for communicability was worthless.

          2. LJ-20

            I didn’t say or imply anything of the sort. I said it was difficult to keep vulnerable people with dementia safe from harm from a highly infectious and often deadly disease without adversely affecting them and worsening their dementia in the process. Which is, as I said at the start, blindingly obvious (or it would be if you had any experience of dealing with dementia). I also asked what measures are being taken now, given the experience we’ve all had, to make the situation better in terms of prevention and treatment. Most people would rather be cared for by family, yes, but it isn’t always possible, so how can care be improved in general?
            I’m sorry that you can’t really understand what I’ve written.

          3. Frank c

            You don’t understand LJ-20 At all. A lot of us can’t look after our parents at home

          4. Eggs ‘n beer

            Aye, and there’s the rub. If you really can’t care for them in your own home, they are committed to institutional care, where you have little control. There is little point at yelling at the people working in the care homes to “do something” when they themselves are constrained by ignorance, finances, regulations and staffing shortages created in part by those regulations. There is absolutely no point, and it is really quite rude, to attack people on this blog about it.

          5. AhNotepad

            The reasons are valid to some extent, but I was speaking to a doctor (medical) yesterday, who had worked in a care home. The doctor actually fed some of the patients who were unable to do it themselves, this was because of a caring attitude, however, most of the “carers” were just outright lazy (or possibly bullied by management. They put the food on the cabinet next to the bed, and came along later, mentioned words of the form “not interested in food today then”, and took the food away. The patients died of starvation and/or dehydration.

          6. Ruth Baills

            eggs & beer. Yes true, so sad. Brother-in-law had dementia. His food was often left and he had no way of feeding himself, so when we were allowed to visit before lock downs my husband would feed him. He was always hungry. One blessing his wife did volunteer work in the home so that offered some protection of sorts. He has passed now.

          7. anglosvizzera

            My late father was in and out of the local “cottage hospital” before he died in 2005. He had lost his sight and was extremely hard of hearing, and bedridden at the time. The staff used to put his food on the table that was across his bed but nobody seemed to know that he couldn’t see or hear that it was there…so they just took it all away again uneaten at the end of the mealtime. Shocking behaviour!

          8. AhNotepad

            PS I didn’t see LJ-20 as attacking people, just trying to emphasise a point, and a long way from being rude.

        2. Eggs ‘n beer

          LJ, you keep moving the goalposts.

          It wasn’t highly infectious and often deadly. The current versions are more (but still not highly) infectious and even less deadly than the earlier ones. The answers to one of your earlier questions is that a daily dose of hydroxychloroquine, with vitamin D, works well in preventing infection. This didn’t need any trialling for safety as millions of people worldwide take this already and it was confirmed very early on as an effective antiviral for covid. Or ivermectin and zinc instead, if infection is detected. Then none of your other questions are relevant as life can continue as normal.

    2. Jeremy May

      I wrote the following couple of paragraphs for my previous post above but didn’t include them. As they are relevant to your post, here they are. There seemed to be a sort of shunting-aside of the ‘elderly’ question, whether by design or incidental.

      Thing is, many of us were perhaps rather selfish. We wanted to get through the period of establishment-induced panic; and let’s be honest, many of us got wrapped up in looking after ourselves. As a consequence, in early 2020, wider issues were nudged aside, at least by those not directly involved. While we were putting our shopping in the garage to detoxify for 3 days, poorly old people were being shoe-horned back into their nursing homes. They must have been terrified, as must their carers and the doctors and nurses. It’s the human side that is all too often overlooked.
      We’re left with some disturbing images. Locked-down people staring out of windows at empty streets. Kids missing their mates, older folk desperate for social interaction and information. People desperate to go to work. Supermarket delivery vans zipping in and out, driven by people who were presumably expendable. There is just so much to be angry about. Just yesterday in fact, Dr Mercola’s piece seems to confirm the assertion that vaccines were insufficiently tested and rushed out, causing more damage than good in many cases.

      1. AhNotepad

        “ While we were putting our shopping in the garage to detoxify for 3 days”

        Let’s hope there were no rodents in there to scupper your plan. 😁

  39. Brian Ellis

    With regard to my previous comment , the whole point of the lockdown was to prevent the virus spreading. Having an hour’s daily exercise, and subsequently eliminating social distancing , encouraged the spread of the virus, not the curtailment of it. The Countries that forgoe this luxury, because of the emergency , had a much lower death rate.

    1. AhNotepad

      Really? Please explain the situation for Sweden, and Florida, and Wyoming and others with few of any restrictions, where the death rates were lower than for places with more restrictions.

      1. Brian Ellis

        Sweden and the US States mentioned do not have dense populations . Total deaths in the UK 174000 ,Total deaths in Spain 104000. My opinion is that the exercise allowance was brought in because the Prime Minister liked to go lumbering round the streets. Perhaps 70000 cases of manslaughter should be placed in his in tray. That would concentrate his mind.

        1. Steve

          Everyone is entitled to an opinion but honestly, in this instance, you are totally wrong. National population density, per se, is irrelevant, flu like infections spread where populations are densest, ie. Cities. And in that respect there is no real difference between western cities they all have similar densities. However, lockdowns disrupt the natural spread of virus’s and the acquiring of natural immunity by the population and the ability to adequately protect the vulnerable, as in care homes. Prior to covid everyone agreed lockdowns were counter productive, covid has demonstrated that is still the case, although the nazis don’t agree.

        2. AhNotepad

          Ok, next look at the US states that had lots of restrictions, (some were next door to states that had no restrictions), and tell me if you can see the difference . That will get rid of the population density confounder. BTW, Spain has a tad more sun than the UK.

          However, as you say it’s your opinion, not evidenced fact.

          1. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

            This is against know science, logic, common sense and direct observation.

          2. Eggs ‘n beer

            No, sun exposure can have a significant impact. T cells need vitamin D to fight viruses, so people who have T cells with a memory of a virus will not produce an immune response if their D levels are low. If you’re not getting enough D from supplements or food, sun exposure could be critical to your response.

        3. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

          Miami’s density is 4900 per square km, London is 5100, Liverpool is 3700.

          If you try to adapt the facts to your narrative, at least choose facts thar aren’t that easy to verify.

        4. thecovidpilot

          Densely-populated cities typically have mass transit, which means people cooped up in enclosed spaces for upwards of an hour, with poor ventilation. The viral aerosols become quite concentrated in buses and the like. Essential workers would become the spreaders.

          How did Madrid do compared with London and New York? I don’t know–maybe you do.

    2. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

      I’m honestly quite confused by your comments, are you saying that lockdowns worked and saved lives?

      1. Brian Ellis

        I am looking for reasons why the UK death rate surged past other countries and became the worst in Western Spain we didn’t have the execise hour .I would regularly phone my Brother in England, and he would say we have just been out for a walk along the seashore, and spoke to our friends. Everybody was mixing together. Yes , I am saying strict lockdowns save lives. I take the point about the sun though. One last point about Sweden . Most people there voluntarily had a very strict lockdown. In any data though there are always outliers.

        1. thecovidpilot

          Strict lockdowns cost the lives of younger people. Suicides. Fentanyl overdoses. Without any evidence of benefit.

          Saying that it’s unsafe to mix together outdoors is ludicrous.

          Covid was especially deadly among people of color, who tend to be concentrated in urban areas and deficient in vitamin D.

          I think that there were less intrusive ways to promote public health than lockdowns. Not to mention that lockdowns cost freedom and our pursuit of happiness.

          My county of over 500k population had a high rate of covid deaths during mandates and has a substantial population of color–15%. My county is fairly wealthy as well with a large professional class. Most people followed the mandates without question.

          Once the mandates were lifted, covid deaths decreased. Delta had little impact on my county.

        2. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

          Well, judging from the official numbers, it didn’t.

          Anyway, all those videos of football stadiums full to the brim with unmasked and mostly unvaccinated floridians or texans make me believe that isolation has nothing to do with covid.

          Here in Oz, only freedom protests were deemed dangerous by the government, so much that it felt necessary to shoot with rubber bullets to peaceful protestors. LGBT, global warming or BLM protests were considered safe, no risk of virus transmission.

          Curiously (well, not so much if you don’t believe that a virus is responsible) neither of those protests increased the spread of the disease.

        3. Prudence Kitten

          On the face of it, one would think that the most “developed” countries had the worst outcomes. That could be due to artificial, stressful life styles; horrible artificial “food”; automated health systems that instead act to kill people who fall into their hands; or high levels of pollutants and poisons. In contrast, the most “backward” and “primitive” countries have been almost untouched.

          Dr Seneff has an alternative: maybe the richest countries have the highest levels of glyphosate and other such poisons. The vague “symptoms” of Covid seem very similar to those of glyphosate poisoning.

    3. AlanE

      And with regards to my previous reply to your previous comment, check out the figures. It is not so obvious at all that UK did better rather than worse compared with (your examples), Italy and Spain.
      I will not reply again to this; it is not a rather morbid competition. I would much rather focus on the human aspects, and our UK government’s failure to take account of these, as demonstrated by their inhuman treatment of care home residents, but not by any means limited to that.

      1. Brian Ellis

        I agree. Care homes were treated badly all over Europe , as Dr Kendrick explained . None more so than in Spain , where the Army had to break in , and found that the home had been deserted and everyone left inside were dead. Don’t get bogged down with technical stuff. As Sherlock Holmes said , when the impossible has been deleted, what is left , however improbable, is the truth. The only thing left was people spreading the virus during the exercise hour , which of course was abused. I am 76 and have read all of Dr Kendrick’s books including his latest “The Clot Thickens “. In future I hope people in the UK will bite the bullet and do the right thing, as they did in two world wars. Of course the over 70’s will have to do what they are told, for their own protection, whether they like it or not ,and I am one of them. Then the people of working age can get back to work. God Bless

          1. Jim Sks

            Not really. They’ve been incredibly heavy handed with protocols in Spain and doctors are terrified to deviate from them. Don’t know about Italy.

        1. Prudence Kitten

          “None more so than in Spain , where the Army had to break in , and found that the home had been deserted and everyone left inside were dead”.

          When were the trials and executions? I must have missed that bit.

          1. Brian Ellis

            They had all died of the COVID. The staff had left because they were scared and frightened , having had no back up from the Government , similar to the UK. Dr Kendrick has more experience of these things than anybody. I am talking about being in an emergency such as in wartime, where everybody has to do as they are told, or face the consequences. Executions , I don’t know what police state you have been living in Prudence. Who is Prudence Kitten anyway. I thought we had to put our real names.

          2. AhNotepad

            You have no idea what they died of. The figures for the UK were as near to fiction as they could fiddle them. Dr. K. has written that certifying the cause of death is not that simple.

            You are also wrong about names.Where did you get your idea from?

        2. jeresavo1

          The notion we can hide out against every & any infinitely small viral thingy is not practical.

        3. thecovidpilot

          So did covid kill the care home residents, or was it neglect because the staff was panicked about covid? Bear in mind that all of the nudging contributed to the irrational fear of covid.

          1. Mike C

            Of the 2020/21 excess deaths among care home residents I do not doubt that the majority were due to Covid-19. There will have been a few tragic cases due to neglect and some due to despair among the inmates being isolated – but these are so unusual they are headline news. I believe Covid-19 is/was real and deadly. The whole population UK excess all-cause mortality (excess over trend) is broadly in line with ONS reports of Covid-19 as the proximate cause. The death count from the UK Government dashboard (death within so many days of a positive test) was distinctly higher and therefore less reliable.

            What I don’t believe is that lockdown (with or without allowing people to exercise for an hour a day) had any significant effect on death count or even timing of those deaths. People caught the bug and if they were sufficiently vulnerable (or just ‘unlucky’) they died. We don’t manage to keep seasonal ‘flu out of care homes so how did anyone think we would keep the Coronavirus out? (That said, if you think you’re unwell you don’t go and see your elderly relative at the care home.) The bug was widespread – pandemic.

            I don’t think clearing the hospitals so ruthlessly had any impact on the numbers who caught the damn bug. What it did do was increase the number of extremely vulnerable people in the care homes and leave it to the staff in those homes to deal with the inevitable deaths. This is shown in the skewing of the proportion of deaths that occur in different locations; in the UK deaths in hospitals decreased as a *proportion* of all deaths – though the number of deaths in hospital increased slightly. What are our hospitals for? If an elderly person is in hospital they’re probably there because they need more care than can be supplied in a care home. Dumping them out into care homes where staff are not necessarily trained nurses is what was so wrong.

      1. Brian Ellis

        Have just read the “Bazant and Bush “, very interesting. I hadn’t read it before. Thank you for that. More than two years ago I wrote to Dr. Kendrick , before anybody knew anything about what was coming , and I said 1) Have a complete short sharp lockdown, followed by 2) protect the elderly and 3) let younger people get back to normality and return to work , on the premise that if they were infected , they had a good chance of recovery. You can check this with Doctor Kendrick if you wish. I am not talking about years and years of strict lockdown. Just 8-12 weeks. I still think this is the best approach , even though with so much more knowledge now it is easy to shoot me down in flames. Your article was very interesting though.

        1. AhNotepad

          Lockdown yourself for any period you wish, but don’t inflict the tyranny on others. The best thing for everybody is adequate nutrition (sadly lacking from most people’s diets) and adequate social contact. Restricting either of these causes damage to the immune system.

          This is the stupidity follow-on from the last two years of stupidity:, generated by people who have the answer, instead of being humble enough to realise nature has done a pretty good job for ever, and does not need arrogant intervention from the “solution providers”. Nature doesn’t do lockdowns!!

        2. AhNotepad

          Two years ago there were no world lockdown examples which demonstrated any benefit, so why did you think your authoritative solution would work. The last two years have shown any attempts have been an unmitigated disaster.

          1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

            Fear is what drove lockdowns. When people are frightened they will do almost anything to reduce the fear to manageble levels. Lockdowns offered a ‘solution’. Fear not, we shall protect you. There was no logic, there was no need for evidence. Then, after trillions and trillions was spent around the world, lives ruined, economies shattered, the great task of justification took over. ‘We were right to do what we did.’

          2. AhNotepad

            I think more precisely, fear was used as a tool to implement lockdowns. The UK government’s “behavioural pseudo-scientists” stated that people were not complying because they did not feel sufficiently personally threatened, and so they increased the fear level.

            People may feel virtuous because they are following (ridiculous) instructions, but they are very dangerous people. They will obey any level of instruction from “authority” to abuse others:
            Hancock “Isolate your granny or you will kill her”. (Many grannies died as a result of this inhumane, and criminal, policy).
            Cressida Dick (had to use her first name incase I got accused of abusive language) “Report on neighbours who did not comply”.
            Police forces setting up hotlines for snitches.
            Police in London beating people about the head with batons.
            All sorts of organisations are now legally permitted to break the law.
            Government ministers calling anyone who does not want to get jabbed with an emergency use authorisation concoction “antivaxxers”. No matter that more jabbed ones are now being admitted to hospitals with non-covid related problems than the unjabbed, and these figures are from the UKHSA (once was NHS). No matter that the jabs are now shown as being known to cause problems (Pfizer documents they wanted to be kept secret for 75 years).
            The list goes on.

            We’re just thankful that you run this blog, it’s one of the few places where the discussions can occur with relatively little conflict.

        3. thecovidpilot

          I had a plan to expose health care workers to covid in four stages and quarantine those in care homes for about six weeks. Now that I know about vitamin D, I’d have to add public announcements about adequate vitamin D supplementation that to my plan, along with recommendations for care homes.

          1. AhNotepad

            Was your “plan” just a thought experiment, or was it a mandate on which you were elected?

        4. Eggs ‘n beer

          Why 8 weeks? Or 12 weeks? Why do you still think it’s a good idea with all the evidence we now have that they were ineffectual, damaging financially and socially and against the prevailing opinion that lockdowns and isolation were not going to be effective in combating ‘flu like pandemics?

  40. Steve

    It’s very depressing with no solutions on the horizon and people and families despairing at their helplessness. The current crop of political scum: Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Purple don’t care and are not going to put money into taking apart a corrupt system that they helped create.
    Remember, 30 odd years ago, we had lots of mental hospitals and facilities ? Then they were all closed down and sold to private developers. Where did all those mentally ill people go ? Who cares ?
    Get dementia and the burden falls on the family for care and finances. Private care homes, with government collusion, strips residents of their pensions, savings and family homes all to boost their personal profits. Even though the aged worked all their lives, paid their taxes, did the right thing. Now they are reduced to a being an income stream for the uncaring already rich.
    The treatment of old people in care homes is disgusting but nothing will change, no-one will be held accountable, bank balances will increase.

  41. Sasha

    I am looking for a link to good papers showing that tight blood sugar control doesn’t lead to improved morbidity/mortality outcomes. Any information is much appreciated. Thanks

    1. Prudence Kitten

      Curious, Although a layman, I would have thought that in principle low blood sugar and hence low blood insulin would almost always favour better health and longer life.

      1. Prudence Kitten

        The logic being that humans evolved to live mostly on meat, i.e. fat and protein. Carbohydrates would have been available in small quantities, hard to get, and thus treated as like a temporary supercharger or afterburner. Trying to run the machine on afterburner all the time would of course result in damage and shorter lifetime.

      2. David Bailey

        I think Dr K has talked about an experiment in which people who didn’t respond to standard drug treatment for hyperglycemia were given intensive treatment to get the value back into the normal range. It was a double-blind trial, and the control group were simply given the standard treatment.

        Those treated iintensively did considerably worse than those in the control group.

    1. Steve

      The local elections currently being processed in the UK show that the establishment (Blue, Red, Yellow, Green) can do what ever they like and the lemming like public masses will still vote for them.
      Place your X in the box:
      [ ] Murder pensioners.
      [ ] Murder kids and destroy their education.
      [ ] Destroy the Economy.
      [ ] Channel Tax Payer money to your mates and Big Pharma.
      [ ] Renege on manifesto commitments to build new Hospitals
      [ ] Renege on manifesto commitments to fund UK Nursing.
      [ ] Sell Off the NHS to the private sector.
      [ ] Engage in a War that has nothing to do with the UK.
      [ ] Take the UK out of the EU and then do nothing to protect the country.
      [ ] Destroy peoples democratic rights.

      1. David Bailey

        I’d tick all of those. We didn’t bother to vote this time – basically because we don’t want to add our quantum of agreement with what they are doing. I know a lot of people here will object, but I think I won’t vote again unless/until Nigel Farage returns to politics.

        1. tonyp

          David Bailey, I am reminded of a very old saying – “Whatever the colour of the government, I’m against it!”

          Anarchy on the one hand and Nigel Farage on the other. No wonder we are in such a mess.

          Can’t anyone be constructive for a change?

  42. Sasha

    Regarding “The Clot Thickens”, Ch. 7 and chimps with high TC, LDL who don’t develop CVD; Does anyone know if chimps ever been studied for hypertension?


    1. jeresavo1

      Also, at 4mins on attached review of of international CV19 associated deaths a comparison between various countries is presented around 4 minutes with peru well ahead of everyone else – Peru being notable for an extraordinary level of military style lockdown far in excess of other countries. Sweden appears near the bottom.

  43. Steve

    FYI: Please sign this petition.
    “The WHO is currently preparing an international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. We want the Government to commit to not signing any international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness established by the World Health Organization (WHO), unless this is approved through a public referendum.”
    This agreement will give the WHO the power to override national governments and laws. It will allow the government, in the event of a WHO manufactured pandemic, lockdown and vaccination programme, to shrug its shoulders and say, “we have to do this, the WHO told us, its out of our control”. It should also be noted that Bill Gates has a big input to the actions of WHO.

    1. AhNotepad

      Better is to send a polite letter to your MP, who will probably write back in dismissive tone, but if enough letters are sent they will understand there is opposition to the power-grab proposal to allow the WHO (funded by know-nothing Gates) to enforce unlawful restrictions on everybody.

        1. AhNotepad

          Becarefiul with templates too. As soon as they detect a template, they may well dismiss it as part of an orchestrated campaign. Funny they don’t seem to see it that way if some large corporation organises something similar in the way of lobbying.

  44. thecovidpilot

    I undertook a pilot exploration of the science behind elderberry concentrate (EC). Elderberry’s latin name is Sambucus nigra. EC is used all over the word, from China to slavic nations to America.

    There are lectins in elderberries that agglutinate viruses and some other compounds that stimulate immune activity. And, of course, quercetin, with it’s zinc-ionophorism.

    Is there any science behind elderberry concentrate?

    I’m curious whether Dr. Kendrick has ever looked at EC.

    1. mairelenagh

      From a press release in January 2006…
      “Laboratory trials held in a leading research institute, Retroscreen Virology Ltd, associated with the University of London found Sambucol® to be at least 99% effective against the Avian Flu virus H5N1. Sambucol® was effective at significantly neutralising the infectivity of the virus in cell cultures. These results will also be presented during the International Conference on Bird Flu: “The First Pandemic of the 21st Century. A Central Role for anti-virals”, to be held at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital on January 19th-20th 2006. “
      “In an earlier study (1995) Sambucol® was found to be effective against a wide range of influenza strains. Laboratory studies conducted at the Hebrew
      University – Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem demonstrated the activity of Sambucol® against human, swine, and avian influenza strains.
      Sambucol®’s efficacy was also demonstrated in two double blind, placebo controlled clinical studies. Sambucol® was shown to cut the duration and severity of the common flu by up to half.”

      Was this trumpeted in the msm? Er, that would be NO. Instead we were all exhorted to stock up on Tamiflu (neutral advice from people with no vested interests I’m sure).

  45. Tish

    Do you think my crystal ball is right? It says

    * Big business believes it can run the world better than politicians.
    * For years it has been using its money and influence to put puppet politicians in power, and less than capable but malleable, greedy and egotistical people in important positions.
    *Through these puppets it is deliberately bankrupting not only the UK but the world.
    *Democracy has already gone and freedom is being eroded by psychological interventions and manipulation, including fear of pandemics and climate change, etc.
    *Cash will go and all will be transparent in the masses.
    *Even juries will be replaced by algorithms. Control will be increased.
    * There will be more equality among the masses who will be relatively poor. Most wealth will be held by the world’s Central Banks and the mega-rich business people or self-dubbed social entrepreneurs.
    *The masses will welcome a Universal Basic Income. They will have to please or fit in with the elite to gain more wealth and status.
    *More homes will become owned by the banks who will obtain houses when mortgages cannot be repaid.
    * The ‘defence’ of the entire world will be in the hands of NATO after it has finished acquiring the remaining countries.
    * The NHS will embrace the ‘Information Revolution’

    And what exactly will the NHS become? Here’s its longterm plan

    What are other people’s predictions? How daft are mine?

    1. thecovidpilot

      In the US, communities of color will continue to be controlled by drug gangs and drug violence will be blamed on guns, despite few shootings outside of the communities of color and drug gangs will continue to support politicians who give drugs free pass into the US.

      In the US, there are democrats and RINOs–the Uniparty. Basically, economic fascism. The Uniparty favors illegal immigration, drugs, human trafficking, crony capitalism, and outsourcing high-paying American jobs.

  46. Irene Wood

    Answer to David,May 9, 2022 at 8:19 “Do you have a link to Mullis’s statement about the use of PCR as a diagnostic test?”.

    Discussion is at time of AIDS and use of PCR to find HIV. At start he states “it does not tell you you are ill, it does not tell you that the “thing” they find would cause you any problem …. or words to that effect.

    1. David

      Except that’s not what he said, and you have to look at the word he used, ‘Diagnosis’. PCR can ‘detect’, not ‘diagnose’ (but it can be a part of the diagnosis process). I’m sure a doctor can explain the difference between the two concepts.
      What he said is that you could find (almost) anything (if it’s there, etc.) in any person. But we know that most (if not the significant majority) of the people tested for SARS-COV-2 by PCR come back negative (sometimes even >99%). So you’re not finding the virus in everyone, and therefore that not every person has this particular viral RNA. So some, if not all, of the people test positive and have this particular viral RNA (are or were infected). We also know that (almost all) people who test positive will (after a period of time) stop testing positive (or test negative). So the SARS-COV-2 RNA does not stay in (almost all) people. This would show you that PCR can detect viral infection.
      As for this insistence at only looking at CT, this would also depend on the testing method as a whole (the primers used, the method of sampling, sample preparation etc.), so only looking at CT is problematic and misleading.

      You should pay attention to the date: PCR technology has improved a lot in the almost 25 years since this talk was recorded.

      1. thecovidpilot

        “So you’re not finding the virus in everyone, and therefore that not every person has this particular viral RNA.”

        Except you don’t know this, because the false negative rate reaches a _low_ of 20% on the 3rd day of symptoms.

        PCR technology has improved, but it’s still not fit for diagnostic purpose because of all of its serious problems.

        1. David

          Can you show me where you got that data from?
          Once gain – we’re talking about detection, not diagnosis.

  47. Steve

    What will the NHS become ?
    I suggest it will be like Amazon: you want something, you have to pay; Want a ‘better’ service then pay extra for Amazon Prime.
    Far fetched ? Consider the rip off that is ‘NHS’ dentistry, just a tad cheaper than private dentistry.
    Corbyn said the tories would sell off the NHS, and they are, with labour’s help.

  48. Tish

    It may be that some of the things that are going on are quite justifiable or desirable. But I do object to the horrible way they are being done. We are being treated like fools and not consulted in any matter. Still, most people are behaving very foolishly and so it’s working well for the social entrepreneurs.

    There is, however, nothing justifiable about the treatment of care homes and their residents. It is this sort of thing that makes you doubt that the instigators have the good intentions that we’d like them to have.

    1. Steve

      Excuse me while I have a rant.
      All the ‘things’ happening at the moment are happening through explicit government choice. They did NOT have to happen. The government chose this path.
      Covid response – did not have to happen the way it did but the madness still continues.
      Brexit – based entirely on Cameron’s attempt to hold onto power for the Tories.
      Brexit Preparations – none existent – irrespective of whether leaving the EU was good or bad ‘they’ did FA to prepare for the obvious problems of exiting.
      Climate change – No gradual phasing in of ‘tried and tested’ technology, just straight over the edge, like lemmings, with expensive and inefficient technologies. Oh, and exclusions for polluters and the rich.
      Ukraine – none of our business, did we push for peace ? No, we spend massive amounts of tax payer funds in military support to extend the misery and continue the killing.
      Russian and Chinese sanctions – Oil, Gas, Electricity, Food, etc. all costing us more and having no impact on Russia or China – just so we can support USA hegemony.
      Austerity – we didn’t cause the economic problems but we are going to have to pay for them. Meanwhile the rich get richer and multinationals clean up whilst paying no taxes.

        1. Eggs ‘n beer

          They certainly are! Oil revenues doubled, record gas sales, strong Ruble keeping a lid on inflation, new markets opening up in India and China; well done Joe, Boris and Ursula.

          1. Sasha

            I wish I could refer you to YouTube videos where Natalia Zubarevitch is interviewed. She’s a well respected Russian economist and a professor of economics at a major university, (MGU, I think). But as far as I know those videos aren’t subtitled. Too bad, it would put things into perspective for you.

          2. An Italian Australian at the Tropics

            Sasha, you have a Russian nickname and you always negatively comment about Russia, you could be one of the many expat who denigrate his own country (I admit I am one of those), or maybe an Ukrainian.

            Fact is, it’s not hard to see that sanctions are not having any negative effect on Russian economy, parallel imports are a way for Western companies to continue to do business with Russia evading sanctions, oil and gas exports are more profitable now that they ever have been, Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf countries are now openly defying US and EU sanctions, and people started to understand that the so called West is in reality just a fraction of the world, and increasingly not the most productive fraction.

            Just to point out a blatant piece of propaganda, Coca Cola is still on the shelves of any supermarket in Moscow and St. Petersburg, weeks after they supposedly stopped doing business in Russia. I know it’s stupid to talk about Coke, but for some reasons all European and American media are spinning the lack of Coke and Maccas in Russia as a win for the West: take this Putin, no more diabetes for Russians!

            Sadly, Russians will continue to eat and drink that shit…

          3. Eggs ‘n beer

            Well, you could have given the YouTube links, but for some reason you didn’t want to … but looking at her work on excess mortality, for example, it seems that Russia took the deaths FROM Covid route rather than deaths WITH Covid, which is treating it more or less the same way the UK records influenza deaths in pre-Covid times, resulting in disease mortality rates of around a twentieth of the total mortality.

          4. Gary Ogden

            Sasha: It would be interesting to know more. Tom Luongo has written some posts about how Putin has protected the Russian consumer by tying the ruble to gold for domestic use. Any thoughts?

  49. Stuart

    Sorry Dr Kendrick I cannot accept that asymptomatic transmission is enough to explain the spike in deaths.

    Look at this study of over 10,000,000 in Wuhan China

    Please look into the prescribing of Midazolam in Care Homes.

    Midazolam can cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems such as shallow, slowed, or temporarily stopped breathing that may lead to permanent brain injury or death.

    UK regulators state that you should only receive midazolam in a hospital or doctor’s office that has the equipment that is needed to monitor your heart and lungs and to provide life-saving medical treatment quickly if your breathing slows or stops.

    You certainly should not be giving this to the elderly to combat Covid in care homes. But they did.

    Here’s Matt Hancock confirming the use of Midazolam:

    This NHS document confirms Midazolam is given as part of “end of life” care:

    Click to access End%20of%20Life%20Care%20for%20Patients%20with%20COVID-19.pdf

    Two years worth of Midazolam was purchased in March 2020, however at the same time operations were cancelled for a minimum of three months, therefore, Midazolam was not required for use in sedation prior to operations.

    Check out the prescription data and you’ll see who got the drug.

    According to official data in April 2019 up to 21,977 prescriptions for Midazolam were issued, containing 171,952 items, the vast majority being Midazolam Hydrochloride. However in April 2020 45,033 prescriptions for Midazolam were issued, containing 333,229 items, the vast majority being Midazolam Hydrochloride. That is a 104.91% increase in the number of prescriptions issued for Midazolam and a 93.85% increase in the number of items they contained. But these weren’t issued in hospitals, they were issued by GP practices which I believe can only mean one thing, they were issued for end of life care.

    There is a lot of information out there that appears to back this up.

    However, as someone I trust to be straight on this I would love to hear your thoughts?

  50. Steve

    At the risk of being accused of being a conspiracy nut, I still contend that there is an agenda, albeit not formally documented, to ‘purge’ the elderly.
    – GPs and NHS Nazis spraying out DNRs like confetti – without informing relatives;
    – Government herding the elderly into care homes with no protections for residents;
    – Restrictions still in force in care homes and Hospitals preventing family visitations;
    – Government initiated waiting lists of many years for many minor but life extending treatments;
    – Raids on pensions, the worse in Europe, and cancelling the triple lock;
    – The MSM blame game that puts most of the ills of society at the door of pensioners.
    Is there any other group that receives so much hate (apart from poor and asians) ?

    1. AhNotepad

      Accusations of being a conspiracy come from people who have no case to put. (Ad hominem attack). I now point this out immediately to anyone who calls me a conspiracy nut/theorist/etc. Seems to take the wind out of their sails.

      Keep on thinking. Fight the lies.

    2. Tish

      Excellent. Thank you.

      ‘Is there any other group that receives so much hate?’
      Yes, those speaking out. We should write a book entitled ‘How to make enemies and fail to influence people.’ Perhaps not a best seller though.

  51. Steve

    Apologies, slightly off track but health related.
    Now that we have left the EU the Government is abandoning all the controls that the EU put in place. One of these is Gene editing of animals and food crops.
    “Ministers will today introduce new legislation to Parliament that is aimed at speeding up the development and marketing of DNA-altered crops and livestock,
    Environment Secretary George Eustice insisted that gene-edited products would NOT need to be advertised as such because they are ‘fundamentally natural’.
    However, critics have called for greater transparency for shoppers, who won’t be able to identify which foods are gene-edited as products will be sold without being labelled.” [1]
    IMO, this technology has parallels with the Covid Vaccine in that scientists do not fully understand the impacts this could have on people, animals and the environment. The way this is intended to be introduced is also underhand as it removes the element of choice from the public – you wont know what you are eating !
    There is also a possible issue in that it could put the supply of genetically altered seed stocks in the hands of giant multinationals, like Monsanto. Issues with altered seeds have been experienced by farmers in Africa and India, to name two, where farmers have to buy expensive patented seeds each time they sow a crop. Farmers can only avail themselves of better seeds available in the market if they pay every time. [2]
    Please sign the petition [3]. Note, whilst the government has a history of ignoring these petitions it at least puts our dissent on the record.

    1. AhNotepad

      Yes, they are not trying to improve the food supply, they are trying to make more money. There is no need for these gene-edited whatnots, But then George Eustace would know, as he’s a minister, and we have seen over the last two years how knowledgable they are. The gene-edited whatnots will probably benefit from a diet of glyphosate and neonicotineoids

  52. thecovidpilot

    My vascular surgeon buddy is seeing lots of strange vasculature now. Weak in places and strong in places. Slime and steel. Makes it difficult to sew a stitch in a vessel. Probably iatrogenic from vaccines.

  53. Steve

    The NHS Conundrum.
    Although, I believe, there are still a number of good doctors, nurses, administrators, managers, etc. in the NHS, It is without doubt a failing, broken and not-fit-for-purpose organisation. This is not entirely its fault but is the direct result of years of attack by its enemies on the left, right and internally. Underfunding, division into autonomous, competing bodies and the infiltration of a controlling, politically motivated, indifferent bureaucracy have all contributed to its failures. The appointment of senior heads from the private sector who are blatant privateers have acted as the ‘coup de grace’ on this inevitable path to the sell-out to the private corporations.
    What to do ?
    Personally, I would like to see a return to a centralised NHS for the UK, controlling and managing: service provision, budget management, drug purchasing and pricing, staff training and possibly national pay grades. I would like the NHS to be run by Medical Professionals NOT by non medical executives – a medical service run by Doctors and Nurses with patient welfare a priority. However, in reality, this is now an impossibility because only a socialist leaning government could implement such a scheme and we are now in a world where capitalism rules and profit reigns supreme over public service provision. There would also be serious pushback from all the little fiefdoms who would not countenance losing their power and riches.
    Consider: The NHS “has closed beds every single year since 1948 (Pop. 49.4M), reducing from 480,000 then to 141,000 in 2020 (Pop. 67.2M)”. Many minor procedures carried out directly by the NHS until recently are now farmed out to the private sector, paid from the NHS budget. Facilities management, cleaning, feeding now provided by the private sector sharks. Voluntary (free) café services pushed out to make way for Costa’s.
    Money is not the solution because the NHS Organisation can never improve in its current incarnation. What’s needed is a total root and branch reorganisation – or we have to accept that ‘the powers that be’ have won and we now have an American style privatised healthcare system where only the rich can afford real care. We were robbed whilst we slept.


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