The enduring mystery of heart disease – The Clot Thickens

4th November 2021

And so, after only thirty short years of research, my book on heart disease is finally finished, and is published today. Up to now my books, and blogs, have mainly consisted of telling people what does not cause heart disease. Or to be slightly more accurate, cardiovascular disease.

Hint, it is not cholesterol, or LDL, or LDL/cholesterol, or the good cholesterol/bad cholesterol ratio – or whichever term is in favour today.

So, what does cause cardiovascular disease? Those few, those happy few, who have read this blog over the years may already know a great deal of what is in the book. For others this will be a new and, hopefully, fascinating foray into a completely different way of thinking.

The first point I want to make, then emphasize, then re-emphasize, is that there is no ‘the’ cause of cardiovascular disease. By which I mean that there is not, and never has been, any one single factor that can be considered to be ‘the’ cause. Instead, there are many. They can work by themselves or combine with others.

So you can say that, for example, diabetes is ‘a’ cause of cardiovascular disease. But you cannot say that it is ‘the’ cause. Yes ‘a’ cause but not ‘the’ cause. This is not purely semantics. Whilst the difference may seem subtle, it is critical. A table, or the table. A man, or the man. An answer, or the answer.

If there is no ‘the’ cause, what does this mean in practice? It means that many different things, or factors, or whatever term you use to describe them, can lead to exactly the same disease. You may then ask; can they all be described as causes? Boy, oh boy, it all gets very complicated. I have found that the language used here has become perhaps the greatest barrier to understanding.

Laying that admittedly complex issue to one side for the moment, and trying to keep things concrete, rather than abstract, the inescapable fact is that many, many, different factors can increase the risk of/cause cardiovascular disease. So, how can they all be fitted together into a unified theory?  

It has been tricky, very tricky.

Mainstream medicine has effectively stuck its fingers in its ears, yelled ‘la, la, la, I’m not listening,’ and run away from this entire issue. The current position is simply to state that cardiovascular disease is multifactorial. No need to think beyond that. Just find the important risk factors, then deal with each one separately. This works up to a point. Stop smoking, keep the blood pressure down, control diabetes and the risks will fall. I can’t argue with any of these actions, but they only get you so far.

In the end, you cannot just bring a whole bunch of wildly different factors together, declare that cardiovascular disease is ‘multifactorial’, and everything is now, officially, sorted. No need to look further. Move on, nothing to see here.

Many years ago, the French mathematician and science philosopher Henri Poincaré stated the following, which I find describes the situation almost perfectly. ‘Science is built of facts, as a house is with stone. But a collection of facts is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house.’

In the same way, calling cardiovascular disease “multifactorial” is just a clever sounding way of describing a pile of stones. There is no structure, no understanding, no hypothesis.

Below, for example, is a list of factors that are closely associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. It comes from the latest UK cardiovascular risk factor calculator, called Qrisk3, which you can see here

You input your personal data e.g., age, sex, diabetes, blood pressure and suchlike, it then purports to calculate your risk of a cardiovascular event in the next ten years. In truth, not that accurately.

I deconstructed the Qrisk3 factors and put them into a list:

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Total cholesterol/HDL ratio
  • Raised blood pressure.
  • Variation in two blood pressure readings
  • BMI
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
  • History of migraines
  • Severe mental illness
  • On atypical antipsychotic medication
  • Using steroid tablets
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction
  • Angina, or heart attack in first degree relative under the age of 60
  • Ethnicity
  • Postcode

Fine…ish. It is true that all these things are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, in the UK, at present. However, to create a coherent hypothesis, you have to explain how they fit together. Where’s the house?

For example, you need to link a ‘history of migraines’ together with smoking. Then explain how they both lead to exactly the same disease. Or diabetes and severe mental illness. Or ethnicity and chronic kidney disease. Someone, anyone. Good luck.

As a quick aside, you may notice that the low-density lipoprotein level plays no part in this list of ‘most important’ risk factors in Qrisk3. None. Instead, we have the total cholesterol/HDL ratio – which is a very different thing indeed. It is only very indirectly related to the low-density lipoprotein level, if at all.

Moving on, the more I studied cardiovascular disease, the more I became aware of an inescapable fact. Which was that, in order to claim that I understood it, I had to establish how such very disparate factors can all lead to exactly the same disease.

This, in turn, meant giving up on the causal model. Because all that the causal model had produced was an ever-growing pile of ‘stones.’ Beneath which, the structure of an underlying house was becoming increasingly difficult to discern.

The process model

What I had to do, as pointed out to me by the late, great, Paul Rosch, was to turn my attention to the disease process. As in, what is actually going on? What is cardiovascular disease? What are we looking at?

What became very clear to me, very early on, is that what we cannot be looking at LDL molecules leaking through artery walls – or to be more exact, the endothelial cells that line all artery walls – then gradually building up into cholesterol plaques/thickenings.

This blog is not long enough to describe in any great detail why this ‘LDL leaking through’ process makes no sense. There is a great deal of information to be covered. Most of which is described, in some detail, in the book.

However, just to give you a couple of thoughts to consider. All blood vessels are lined by cells called endothelial cells. These cells, and indeed all cells in the body, have enormously complex mechanisms in place to regulate what gets into them, and what can then escape from them.

This regulation can control the movement of the largest molecule, down to the very smallest. Including tight control of the entrance, and exit, of single atoms e.g., sodium, or potassium, or calcium (in truth, in the body, these atoms exist as ions – which is just the name for a charged atom).

In short, nothing can gain entry to a cell unless the cell grants entry. Nothing [Unless you are a virus e.g., COVID19, whereby you hijack a receptor to sneak in – the cunning little devils]. For anything to gain entry, the cell must open a channel of some sort i.e., an ion channel. Or it has to manufacture a receptor. The receptor will then lock onto the substance floating in the bloodstream and drag it through the cell membrane and into the cell.

Just to pluck an example from the air. In order to get low-density lipoprotein into a cell, the cell must first synthesize a low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor. It then transports the receptor to the cell membrane. Once in place, it locks on to a passing LDL molecule, and then drags the entire LDL/receptor complex back inside – before breaking it down. Without this machinery getting to work, there is no way to get LDL into a cell. None.

Just to repeat this, from a slightly different direction. Cells can control the movement of single ions/atoms through their cell membranes. An LDL molecule is massive in comparison to an ion. Think rowing boat vs. super tanker.

Yet, if we are to accept the LDL hypothesis, we are supposed to believe that cell membranes simply step aside, or part like the red sea, to wave through a super-tanker sized molecule.

It all gets more unlikely. The cell must then allow the LDL molecule to propel itself from one cell membrane to the other. A very clever trick for an inanimate molecule, with no means of propulsion. Looked at from a human scale, if I were an LDL molecule, a cell would be about half a mile across.

Even if the LDL managed this, once it reached the other side of the cell, the LDL would need to pop back out of the cell and into the artery wall behind – using an inside-out LDL receptor perhaps?

Some people have therefore suggested the LDL molecules simply sneak between endothelial cells. But this, too, is impossible. Endothelial cells are tightly bound to each other, with a whole series of protein bridges a.k.a. ‘tight junctions.’ These too, can prevent the passage of single ions. Which means that nothing can get from the blood and into the artery wall though a side entrance either:

‘Tight junctions prevent the passage of molecules and ions through the space between plasma membranes of adjacent cells, so materials must actually enter the cells, in order to pass through the tissue.’1

If this were not the case, if the ‘endothelium’ did not represent a perfect barrier, we would all die immediately. To quote from a paper in the journal ‘Tissue Barriers’ yes indeed, there is such a journal:

Physiological barriers provide the framework for a boundary between circulating blood and interstitial fluid, a pre-requisite for mammalian life.’2

So, yes, there is simply no way for LDL to sneak between cells either.

Just to give you one example of what happens if you loosen the tight junctions between cells, we can look at the Ebola virus. This virus opens up the tight junctions between endothelial cells. At which point the endothelial barrier function is critically compromised, and blood can now escape into the tissues, and organs.

This leakage is the reason why Ebola is also known as a form of haemorrhagic fever. Blood appears in the cornea, so your eyes become bloodshot. You cough up the blood that that has escaped into your lungs. Your tongue falls off. Your urine is filled with blood from your kidneys, your bowel motions turn black, and then…. Bang, dead, from massive fluid loss and vascular collapse.

Ebola demonstrates very clearly the critical importance of tight junctions between cells. Open them up… and you die. How did you think Ebola actually kills you? I imagine that you, like me, before I started looking at this area in detail, probably never really thought much about it. You just vowed never to catch it:

Ebola patients experience a breakdown in endothelial barrier integrity that leads to massive fluid losses and vascular collapse.’3 

That would be where the ‘pre-requisite for mammalian life’ comes in.

Anyway, forgetting about that for the moment. Let me take you back to think about an alternative process model. To ask, so what is the disease process that allows you link smoking to, say, systemic lupus erythematosus? Because both things are most certainly causal. ‘A’ cause, rather than ‘the’ cause, of course.

And what of the many, many, other factors, not mentioned in Qrisk3? This is a very long list indeed. For example: cocaine use, antiphospholipid syndrome, Avastin, use of steroids, periodontitis, Sjogren’s syndrome, sickle cell disease, high fibrinogen levels. I could go on… for a few pages.

The harder you look, the more stones you unearth. In the end I had this massive pile of stones which became my two-thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle – just to change metaphors abruptly. A puzzle that didn’t even have a box to go with it, so I didn’t know what the picture was supposed to look like once I fitted all the pieces together. Was it a cow, or a lake, or a mountain scene?

At this point, you may get some insight as to why I called the book ‘the enduring mystery of heart disease’. Admit defeat …me? Well, usually, I am quite good at chucking in the towel. If at first you don’t succeed, give up, why make an idiot of yourself. But for some reason I did not, could not.

This bloody thing kept nagging away. I would lie awake at night considering the morphology (structure) of plaques. I contemplated the blood clotting system in all of its massively complex detail. I read papers outlining the thirty-two different types of HDL (good cholesterol). I discussed plaques with cardiologists and pathologists. I stumbled across entirely new entire worlds of research that I didn’t know existed. There were few rabbit holes down which I did not disappear.

The answer, when it finally lodged in my brain, was surprisingly simple. Not only was it simple, but it has also been kicking around for very nearly one hundred and seventy years. In 1852 Karl von Rokitansky published his ‘encrustation hypothesis.’ Describing what he saw when he closely examined atherosclerotic plaques.

‘Rokitansky proposed that the disease is the result of an excessive intimal deposition of blood components (blood clots) including fibrin. He maintained that localized thickening, atheromatous changes and calcification of the arterial wall are due to the repeated deposition of blood elements and their subsequent metamorphosis and degeneration on the lining membrane of the vascular wall.

There you go, that’s it. Blood clots, blood clots… and more blood clots.

In fact, I am being slightly disingenuous here. I had been thinking about blood clots for many years, but in a rather uninformed and directionless way. Many moons ago, when I was a medical student at Aberdeen, I was briefly taught cardiology by Dr Elspeth Smith. In a small group tutorial, she mentioned to us fresh faced students that LDL cannot penetrate the endothelium. Bing!

This was almost an off the cuff remark. Almost… but the way she said it… I knew that there was something critical here. A secret never to be told. Or, it was like a good murder mystery, where a chance remark represents the most important clue. My antennae pricked up at that moment and have not stopped twitching since.

She also wrote this over forty years ago:

‘After many years of neglect, the role of thrombosis (blood clots) in myocardial infarction is being reassessed. It is increasingly clear that all aspects of the haemostatic [blood clotting] system are involved: not only in the acute occlusive event, but also in all stages of atherosclerotic plaque development from the initiation of atherogenesis to the expansion and growth of large plaques.’

Yes, she knew what causes cardiovascular disease. I now know, for sure, that she knew. She never knew that I knew she knew. I was daft and did not take the opportunity to discuss things with her. Too much ego, I suppose. I also went off in other daft directions for many years. Looking for ‘the’ cause: the lost chord, the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail. Of course, I never found ‘the’ cause, because it does not exist. Oh, well.

It was only when I was directed to return to process, that I came to fully recognise her genius – and the genius of others. I only hope that this book will help to raise her status up to where it belongs. Along with Rokitansky, Duguid, Ross and all those who pursued the blood clotting route over the decades, nay, centuries now.

Yes, I know this probably sounds very simple, and possibly completely wrong. There is no way you are going to believe straightaway that atherosclerotic plaques are just blood clots, ‘in various stages of metamorphosis and degeneration’. How can this possibly be true?

The reason why it can be true, is because it fits all the known facts about cardiovascular disease, and atherosclerotic plaques, and heart attacks, and strokes, and suchlike. Yes, everything.

For example. It is widely known, and accepted, that the single most common ‘final’ event in cardiovascular disease is the formation of a large blood clot – almost inevitably on top of an existing plaque. This can fully block an artery, leading to downstream mayhem.

It is also widely accepted that thrombus formation, on top of an already existing plaque, can make plaques suddenly jump in size. Here, for example, is a passage from a paper in the journal Atherosclerosis. This is about as mainstream a publication as you can get in cardiovascular disease research. The paper was called: ‘The role of plaque rupture and thrombosis in coronary artery disease.

In addition, plaque rupture and subsequent healing is recognized to be a major cause of further rapid plaque progression.’ 4

I could find a million quotes confirming this mechanism, without even breaking sweat.

In short, it is not remotely controversial to say that blood clots represent the final event, the thing that kills you. Nor is it controversial to say that plaques grow through the deposition of a new clot on top of an existing plaque. I would get very little argument from any cardiologist about this sequence of events. I know, I have had many such discussions.

But what is not accepted, will simply not be accepted, is that the arrival of a blood clot on the ‘healthy’ arterial wall is what initiates atherosclerotic plaque formation. Instead, it is almost universally accepted that it is LDL that does this, and LDL alone. Therefore, current conventional wisdom is that we have a three-step process:

  • The plaque starts – due to LDL leaking through the artery wall
  • The plaque grows – due to deposition of new blood clots on top of the existing plaque (which has become a point of clotting vulnerability)
  • A ‘final’ obstructive blood clot forms on the already grown plaque, causing a heart attack, or stroke – due to a blood clot

In one way, all I have done in this book is to make it clear that, yes, we do have a three-stage process. However, low-density lipoprotein plays no part in it. It is entirely driven by blood clots, from start to finish. Which means that the first step is not:

  • The plaque starts – due to LDL leaking through the artery wall

The first step is that:

  • The plaque starts, due to endothelial damage, and resultant clot formation (creating the ‘focus’ for further plaque growth)

Then, everything else follows, as described earlier by Elspeth Smith:

It is increasingly clear that all aspects of the haemostatic [blood clotting] system are involved: not only in the acute occlusive event, but also in all stages of atherosclerotic plaque development from the initiation of atherogenesis to the expansion and growth of large plaques.

Yes indeed, the Clot Thickens.

In truth, this is not a major leap in thinking? All I actually needed to do was remove low density lipoprotein from the picture. Once I did that, the jigsaw actually fitted together. Leave it in, and you cannot create a coherent hypothesis. Everything is distorted, nothing works, the picture is a mess. Take it out and it all makes sense.

I hope this brief foray into the process of cardiovascular disease has left you suitably enthused to buy the book, read it, and find out in much greater detail what is really going on here. And also, what you can do to prevent heart disease. It has been my life’s work. I hope I am right. I hope you can learn from it and enjoy it.



3: 4:

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439 thoughts on “The enduring mystery of heart disease – The Clot Thickens

    1. Just call me Angina

      He left out the initial MAIN cause for damage and plaque forming, before step 1, the most important part…

      The cause of endothelial DAMAGE is homocysteine. Its caused by too high protein intake, meat, and not enough folate from leafy greens, aka Vitimin B, to convert homocysteine to next step. Yes, really, just like you were always told, eat your salads.
      Without folate protein synthesis gets stuck at homocysteine. To be able to continue to the next protein synthesized requires folate, aka folic acid. But the required form of folate for this job is not commonly used. The form of folate needed is called Methylfolate.
      The other nutrients which help folate do its job are…
      Vit. B6 (as p5p)
      Vit. B12 (as methylcobalimin)
      Betaine HCL

      Look for methylation support nutrients. I think best brand is Actif.

        1. sal marinello

          Wonderful read for the layman – me to a T – as are all of your writings (well, mostly)!

          I am at the part where you discuss the role of endothelial cells, and how for so long they were disregarded, or viewed as being a passive player.

          Same thing happened with fascia with regard to its functional role. Fascia was thought to be just a covering for strictures in the body and now it’s understood to be a complex structure with a system of nerves that plays a more substantial role.

          1. Eggs and beer

            And the appendix. No function, must be a vestigial organ, cut it out. Along with tonsils and adenoids. And tigers. Must get rid of the tigers.

        2. Stuart Grace

          Hello. I have not read your new book yet but have read your previous books many moons ago. I am a keen supporter of your approach to heart disease. Just to mention though regarding homosysteine levels. Some medical conditions can cause elevated levels one being a dodgy thyroid gland. So anyone with this condition I think should get a blood test to check homocysteine levels. From memory I think less than 8 is consider OK. Another good book regarding homocysteine is

        3. Andrew H

          In the book you mention taking supplements for B6, B12 and Folic Acid. Do you mean take supplements for all three at the same time? Or just one will do? In your opinion.

    2. SJB

      Very interesting article. I have a question regarding the Qrisk3 score.
      Where a score of 16.1% is given for a 71 white female, a comparison score of 12.7% is also given for a ‘healthy person with the same age, sex and ethnicity but with no adverse clinical indicators’. As this is presumably an unavoidable risk due to age, I am wondering if or how this affects the individual’s own score of 16.1%? Thank you and hoping this makes sense!

    3. Stephen Marlowe

      An interesting quote from a 2006 novel by Linda Fairstein where one of the characters was electrocuted:
      “Blood offers less resistance to the electrical current than other body tissues. Usually there’s a large amount of current that flows through blood vessels, and that can causes damage to the lining. Increases the risk of thrombosis. Stroke is always possible.”
      This seems very pertinent, but I don’t know the original source!

    1. Marianne

      I’ve always suspected genetics plays a part. So I’m not sure there’s a whole lot you can do other than kick it down the road by eating properly, keeping BMI within normal, not smoking, etc. JMHO.

      1. watersider

        Just played 18 holes of golf. Apart from 3 stupid putts I scored 82. That is 3 over my age. Not boasting or anything, but I am convinced that the one factor our good Doctor did not mention was genetics.
        “If you want a long and healthy life, choose your parents very carefully”

      1. MikeM

        Agreed, vitamin C was likewise my first thought upon reading the words “The first step is that: The plaque starts, due to endothelial damage.”

        Maintaining blood concentration of ascorbate to keep blood vessels smooth and flexible and endothelial cells in particular in good shape is the premise of the vitamin C theory, as I understand it. And of course Dr Kendrick has discussed as well.

        Recommendations are not addressed in the essay above, we’ll just have to read the book!

    2. smartdocuments

      A large chunk of the book is dedicated to exactly this.

      It’s a good book. Easy to read, funny, full of science. Also full of advice which comes from the heart (bada boom). Malcolm’s personality shines through. It’s quite different to most of the recent books I’ve been reading in the health sphere.

  1. gillpurple

    Thank you for all your hard work and so pleased you’ve finished the book! Not being medically trained some of the theories are above me some of the time but I can say I know a lot more now about heart disease – and several other very important issues as well as a result of following this blog. Look forward to reading it and, like your other books, giving it as a present to those who might benefit from it.

  2. Jeanie

    Congratulations Dr K looks a very interesting read,I’ll be busy decoding the big words for a while lol.
    Thank you for all the hard work and research you’ve put into this im looking forward to a good read.
    My now 70 years old fit husband has buscopic valve problems,apparently it’s genetic or so we’ve been told,has been dumped by the nhs system,had no check ups for over 2 years and it worries me so much,he has that typical Scots attitude don’t worry I’m fine,I’ll be ok etc but will he really?
    I’m hoping your book will educate me a bit more on how to best help him stay alive as long as possible, big ask I know but important when we have no where else to turn to for help these days.
    We are so lucky to have access to Dr’s like you where hopefully we can read your blogs and learn something from them that maybe is a big factor in our lives and really does help us,bless your cotton socks lol and best wishes to you

    1. Ann

      Hi Jeanie – I think you mean Bicuspid aortic valve. That is a heart defect that a person is born with, hence it is congenital. I was born with it. A normal aortic valve has three cusps, a bicuspid aortic valve only has two cusps. This means it’s more difficult for the blood to pass through the narrower opening and blood turbulence takes place which can lead to calcification of the valve and more narrowing. Some people with bicuspid aortic valve need to have a valve replacement soon after they’re born, others when they’re teenagers, others in their 20’s or 30’s and others in their 60’s or 70’s, yet others never need to have it replaced, it all depends on the size of the valve and the cusps’ opening. There’s nothing one can do to stop calcification in the bicupsid aortic valve building up because it’s caused by the blood turbulence due to the naturally narrowed valve. however, living in a heart healthy way as Dr Kendrick says can only help, especially when one has to undergo open heart surgery to have the valve replaced.
      My bicuspid aortic valve was first heard when I was 25 but I didn’t need to have it replaced until I was 60. In the years leading up to valve replacement I took extra vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 and had a low carb diet, and I did lots of exercise, but I doubt any of that made a difference to the bicuspid valve other than making me more healthy so that my heart and body were more resilant to heart surgery.

      1. Jeanie

        Hi Ann thank you for sharing that info.He is super fit for his age and still works full time says he’s too young to retire lol.
        I just worry that he’s not being properly monitored he’s s hard work to get him to go near a gp,if we could get near them that is.
        I hope you are well now.I will take a screen shot of your advice to show him later then maybe we can both understand the importance of what’s going on and he’ll listen to the advice.many thanks x

        1. Anne

          Hi Jeanie,
          I was extremely fit when I had to have my bicuspid aortic valve replaced. You don’t always get signs that the valve is too narrow as the heart compensates, but if a person does suddenly get unusually fatigued or dizzy then that can be an indication that the valve needs replacing and they need to see a cardiologist asap. But on the valve replacement forum I’m on there are several like me that didn’t have any symptoms and were very fit. Your husband must have seen a cardiologist at some point to get his bicuspid aortic valve diagnosed as a GP cannot diagnose it although they might recognise the particualr murmur it has, the only way to diagnose it is with an echocardiogram which a cardiologist would order. Sometimes people with bicuspid valve only need to be monitor every other year or for even longer periods but as the valve gets narrower they are given echocardiograms every year or every six months – that’s what happened with me, the cardiologist can see from the echocardiograms how the valve and heart are coping so that they can do surgery when it’s needed, and not before, they don’t do heart surgery before it’s necessary. Perhaps your husband and you can go and see his GP about this, especially as you are rightly concerned about it – pity Covid is getting in the way of having GP consultations.
          all the best x

  3. Eugene C. Kruger

    So how does Cardio Aspirin help? After several years of taking 100mg every day on prescription, I still had a hear attack while playing tennis! Luckily within one hour I was in theatre and the obstruction ( a clot or a piece of plaque that broke off?) was removed and two stents put in. Two years later I developed a 40mm clot in my right groin , my leg swelled up, but after ten injections and three months of blood thinners have “recovered”. What are the chances that it can happen again? I still wear surgical stockings to help blood flow in my legs.

    1. robertL

      Eugene Kruger,
      Consider that whatever you were doing (as a lifestyle) before and whatever you did since your stents has not changed, maybe?
      Consider that in spite of your fitness you are following a poor or bad lifestyle, maybe?
      Consider that the height of insanity is doing the same lifestyle thing over and over and expecting a different result, maybe?
      Consider a major change in your lifestyle may be appropriate?
      Consider research of LCHF and Keto and stress management, maybe?
      Many of “our” Doctor’s followers have done this (me included) with some amazing results.
      Worth a try, it was for me.

    2. Tanhh

      There are some contradictions in Dr MK hypothesis – the biggest is that LDL in the artery cannot get through the endothelial, then what causes the damage on the endothelial? Resulting in blood clots necessary to patch up the damage. If the damage is there it will be leaking blood out of the arteries or everywhere else if it is a system wide damage – as posited in Ebola attack. Could there be another hypothesis? The artery (blood vessel) is weakened and the blood pressure continue increasing as in an aneurysm, the human body is patching the weakened area using LDL, blood clots, these are not from the endothelial side but from the tunica media fed from vasa vasorium which is nourishing these coronary arteries. The feed of LDL and blood clots etc by the vasa vasotum does not need to clear the endothelial barrier. Could these coronary arteries be weakened as a result of not getting the necessary amino acids or other nutrients needed to strengthen the arteries? (e.g. red meat – beef and lamb/mutton) After being stented in LAD and RCA in Dec 2018, after the first year on anti-coagulant and anti-platelet drugs as standard therapy. Start taking beef /lamb/mutton very frequently (but no carbs) – this is Strong Medicine recommended by Blake Donaldson. Aso stop taking aspirin 1.5 years ago.

  4. Jennifer Ward

    Bought it! I am also following your advice on vits etc re the new big C. Etc etc. Jenny Ward in Louth, Lincs. It’s an old folks’ town where a lot of the old folks are wearing masks in the street. I sometimes cough when I pass them, just to watch them shrink away.

    Keep up the good work. I always enjoy your witty blogs.

    On Thu, 4 Nov 2021 at 09:39, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick wrote:

    > Dr. Malcolm Kendrick posted: ” 4th November 2021 Available online in > paperback and eBook worldwide through Amazon: UK | USA | DE | FR | ES | IT > | JP | CA | AU Additionally as eBook: NL | BR | MX | IN Please support > independent publishers and the author ” >

    1. mmec7

      Louth – My old stomping ground. For 12 years I lived in Muckton – then left to live in France. Love Lincolnshire. It was a good wee town when I lived there, and not ‘so’ old

    2. Dr Susanna

      What is wrong with wearing a mask? It is the custom in Asia to wear a mask if one has a cold/virus/unwell to protect others. I don’t think what you do is in any way clever or funny….why not just leave people to live their own lives however they see fit.

      1. lingulella

        The question needs turning around “what is right about wearing a mask?”
        There are plenty of justifiable answers to this question that support not wearing a mask whereas there are few to none valid answers that support wearing one.
        The use is limited to virtue signalling and warning passers-by that you are unwell and should be avoided – all healthy people wearing masks removes the only valid use to which they can be put.

        1. Marty G

          I like to wear a mask when i go shopping because, grumpy old misanthrope that I am, i’ve come to enjoy the anonymity it gives me. I tried wearing goggles too but they kept steaming up and i kept walking into the produce in the supermarket.
          How do people wearing glasses and masks overcome this problem ? Is the increase in mortality due accidents caused by fogged-up specs rather than Covid-19 ? I expect we will never be told

          1. JDPatten

            Well, that’s really very easy. You might as well not wear a mask at all if it doesn’t filter out (or in!) those tiny bits that are micronish. – more-or-less. The filter material might be good, but useless if not snug to your face all around the edge, covering mouth and, yes, nose. Fogged glasses if proof of seal failure. That’s where COVID will get in or out.
            Also consider that a beard is a very bad filter.

          2. Marty G

            From your previous comments you sound like a good guy but this time I can’t tell whether you are taking the piss or not

      2. Eggs ‘n beer

        What is wrong with wearing a mask?

        1) it forces you to breathe through your mouth. This reduces NO synthesis and dehydrates you quicker (see, I read the book!).

        2) bacteria and viruses caught in the mask and on your face can become a health issue with you rebreathing them. You’re supposed to breathe them out.

        3) your CO2/O2 balance is compromised. Seriously, anyone who claims otherwise is a sandwich short of a picnic. Doubling the dead space HAS to cause this issue.

        4) I took one apart last week and bunged the middle element under the microscope. The holes are obvious. They don’t work.

        5) the heat and humidity can cause leaching of toxins from the mask.

        6) the only way people can get immunity to a cold/other virus/bacteria is by exposure. The slight exposure from someone else’s aerosol triggers an immune response.

        I’ve no intention of forcing anyone to wear a mask. I just wish 90% of the population would extend to me the same respect regarding my decision not to wear one.

        1. southparkbarn

          Hear, hear! I have no problem with others wearing masks if they wish to but would like the same courtesy to be extended to me for choosing not to!

          I caught the tail end of a programme on the radio last week where a medic was saying how useless masks are as the holes are ten times bigger than virus particles. In the early days of the pandemic even the WHO and the likes of the delightful Fauci were saying the same thing. How did that change to the complete opposite? The waste is staggering, we live in a rural area and there are face masks littering the footpaths with the increase in dog walkers.

          1. Eggs ‘n beer

            I pulled one to bits (in medical terms, dissected) and put the inner layer under the microscope. The holes were obvious. You wouldn’t use it to filter coffee.

    3. Malcolm

      “I sometimes cough when I pass them, just to watch them shrink away.”

      Deliberately scaring people is just nasty, particularly when some of them probably have the beginnings of dementia.

  5. michaelistrulymyname

    This book has appeared at a very opportune time, from the medical point of view. Too late for many I fear, but it may help to save some.
    The crucial thing to understand is that if it fails to make an impact the reason will be that Kendrick is picking a fight with one of the strongest adversaries in the world, the Pharmaceutical Health Complex (PHC), whose tentacles reach into every branch of politics and business.
    I think we may be approaching a point of no return. If we don’t find a way of neutralising the evil that is abroad, including the PHC, our way of life will be destroyed. There cannot be much room for doubt about that.
    I urge everyone to watch the brief piece by Daniel Hannan: Our moment of liberty is coming to an end
    And then find others who care about this and start working out how to counter the treats we face.
    Time is running out.

  6. Brenda Taylor

    Just bought your book. Thank-you Dr Kendrick for keeping going when everything and the powers that be seem to be against you. You are one of my hero’s of this age. Thank-you again for all your tremendous hard work.

  7. DG

    Well done!

    Shall be ordering. 30 years……whoa…..a little longer than it takes me to get round to washing the car…..

  8. hilaryjm

    …So all we need to do is understand what causes endothelial damage, and mitigate ….?

    I guess this is where lifestyle factors really matter : reducing unmanageable stress? Diet modification? What’s the role of exercise, and should people do who can’t?

    I’m not a professional, just someone with a brain and some success in managing auto-immune conditions of which I have several!

    Thank you for challenging orthodoxy and thinking differently, you are not the first and won’t be the last (I hope)!

    Best wishes, Hilary Mansfield.

  9. oldbeechimages

    Dear Dr Kendrick

    Congratulations on your new book.  I have an interest in heart disease
    as my fit, slim, healthy living, asymptomatic husband died recently, and
    very suddenly, while he was out running… He was 61.  I wonder whether
    you have read Thomas Cowan’s ‘Human Heart, Cosmic Heart’, and if so
    whether you have any particular opinion on it?

    Best wishes

    Heather McCombie

  10. Paulo Kichler

    Dr. Kendrik, I always relish to read your texts, light and homorous, make me laugh and relieve the “weight on the hearth”, so much common on our times.

  11. Carole Naylor

    I’ve followed your arguments on this for years and have no trouble believing what you claim to be true, is true. Is it correct that blood clots occur only in arteries, not in veins? If it is true, when we talk about people having veins stripped from legs what is causing the blocking of these veins? Also, probably a very naive question – does blood travel more forcefully through arteries being pumped directly from the heart and if it does is the lack of damage to the inside of the veins due to the blood travelling at a gentler pace?

  12. carl297

    Sat alone at my desk, there was nobody around to see or hear my round of applause after reading this blog intro to the book. How elegantly and eloquently written. I’m heading straight to the Kindle for my copy!

  13. carl297

    Sat alone at my desk, there was noone to see or hear my applause at reading the blog intro to the book. How elegantly and eloquently written. I’m heading straight to my Kindle! Thanks!

  14. Ruth Baills

    Thank you Dr Malcolm Kendrick for your tireless work in pursuit of the truth. I plan to get my hands on a copy as soon as possible.

      1. smartersig

        I have read the article and we return to the question if its arterial damage what gives the biggest bang for our buck. Personally I think outside of smokers its insulin and the link with cortisol and insulin resistance provides a stress connection

        1. Mr Chris

          I seem to remember you have a business which is very very stressful. Is stress a key factor for you?

    1. robertL

      Smartersig and Prudence

      I think Smartersig is trying to identify those “causes” that provide the highest Risk of causing heart disease in many people. Smoking is probably high up in such a list.
      Obesity and/or diabetes (diabesity) may also be there in this list.

    2. Valda Redfern

      Buy the book and find out! The book describes the many causes in satisfying detail and also discusses the many ways of mitigating the risks.

  15. Cary Blackburn

    Your email couldn’t have arrived at a better time. In 30 minutes I’ve got my annual argument with yet another practice nurse because they want to put me on Statins for the simple reason I’m 65 and Male. Thank you for all your blogs over the years and I’m looking forward to reading your book to get some ideas how I can delay the Grim Reaper.

    1. Prudence Kitten

      Keep the faith, Cary! I am 73 and male and not only will I never take a statin – I won’t take any of the “Covid vaccines” either. Nor, with what I have learned in the past two years, probably any other medically prescribed drug.

      Unless I can find a GP to prescribe Glenmorangie.

    2. Fiona Ferris

      April 2020 my 56 yr old husband had a trip to A and E with what, many months later, was diagnosed as SVT. He was given a “package prescription “ of beta blocker, aspirin, simvastatin. Long story short. he stopped taking the statin after about 6 weeks due to thigh muscle weakness. Beta blocker stopped early Autumn due to increasing breathlessness. Now more than a year later he is being investigated for statin induced necrotising myopathy which is incurable, progressive and disabling. His breathing muscles are affected so he is breathless almost constantly and is on high dose prednisolone in order to breathe at all. HE HAS HAD HIS LIFE RUINED FOREVER BY A STATIN. And by extension, mine too. Although still having investigations, it’s 99% certain it’s statin damage causing an auto immune disease. A little shop of horrors it is too. On top of the severe muscle weakness and atrophy, his chance of cancer is increased eightfold.

  16. gallusgail

    Dr. Kendrick congratulations on completing your book, I look forward to reading it. Thank you for educating me on this subject. If it wasn’t for you I would be taking unnecessary statin medication now. Thankfully I read your previous publications and learned a great deal from them. Good luck you really deserve a big pat on the back for dedicating your life to this subject.

  17. sergeykushchenko

    The blog post is great. I hope the book won’t disappoint me also.

    Let me repeat again that you are a living saint. You expose yourself to significant risks to convey the truth about heart disease and covid-19.

  18. Michaela

    Brilliant news and congratulations! You are our hero! Keep going, we love your blogs challenging general orthodoxy and Big Pharma. We need more scientists like you to speak out against the high jacking of medicine for financial interests.
    Just bought the ebook and look forward to reading it.

  19. dearieme

    I love the bathos of ending the list of risks with “Postcode”. All I need to do is find a house that doesn’t have a postcode and I’ll be right as rain.

    But I ask, how does the clot know which postcode it is in? I think we should be told.

    1. John

      Thanks. Will get book. But why does my postcode – a surburban area of terraced houses (not upmarket) reduce my risk by 0.8%? Makes no sense to me.

        1. John

          Hmmm. It’s next to a major dual carriageway and intersection with motorway, so don’t think it can be lack of air pollution. And we have lots of sheltered accommodation and other elderly people, so probably not demographics either

        2. Prudence Kitten

          The UK government has completely failed to meet its obligations under EU air and water pollution agreements. (I understand that now we are out of the EU). It makes sense to find out how bad pollution is where you live.

  20. Pentti Raaste

    Dear Malcolm

    Congratulations for the publishing your book!!!

    May it bee successful and hopefully cause changes in the treatment protocols.

    All the best luck.

  21. John

    Thanks. Will get book. But why does my postcode – a surburban area of terraced houses (not upmarket) reduce my risk by 0.8%? Makes no sense to me.

  22. SteveR

    Great stuff, as ever, Malcolm. I look forward to reading your book when my copy arrives. I have to say I don’t remember Elspeth Smith at Aberdeen, but then again a lot of biochemistry passed me by! I’m glad her comments had such a profound effect on you, however.
    I am mortified to think that it wasn’t until half way through my professional life, when big pharma tried to persuade me that all men over the age of 63 should be taking a statin, that I began to smell a rat. It’s amazing how clear everything becomes when you cast aside the LDL blinkers. And why has the medical profession been so slow and resistant to cast them aside? Follow the money……

    1. robertL

      Follow the Money …
      so much of this nonsense happening in this world today when boiled down by the likes of Dr Zalenko and Dr Malone and many, many others (including our Doc) reveals the obvious truth.
      It is all about PROFIT and has nothing to do with your, my, our health and well being.
      To misquote Forrest Gump; Evil is as Evil does.

  23. Gerda Van Der Wilt

    Good afternoon.

    I would like to buy it as ebook. But how! I don’t want a paper book.

    Kind regards Gerda

    Op do 4 nov. 2021 10:38 schreef Dr. Malcolm Kendrick :

    > Dr. Malcolm Kendrick posted: ” 4th November 2021 Available online in > paperback and eBook worldwide through Amazon: UK | USA | DE | FR | ES | IT > | JP | CA | AU Additionally as eBook: NL | BR | MX | IN Please support > independent publishers and the author ” >

  24. Jeremy May

    Dr K.
    I read the blog post which scared the jeepers out of me. Any mention of endothelia and/or blood vessels or blockages always does, but I have to read stuff like this to find out if there’s something else I can be doing.
    The only one on your list I can be positive I don’t suffer from is postcode, whatever that is.

    I needed to calm myself so dressed warm, went to the garage (where I shook the mouse droppings out of my cycling helmet) and went for a ride up on top of the Pennines.

    Having survived that, I’ll order your book, see if I can modify my habits to live a bit longer.
    Well done. As ‘a life’s work’ it is worthy work indeed.

  25. Tony McKenna

    Thank you, just in time to treat myself for my birthday.

    I am ordering a book to leave lying around and reading in public and an e-book to study and make notes on.

  26. rinksb22

    I live in US and I would like to get a copy of your book but do not like buying through Amazon. Will your publisher be shipping to US in the future?Thanks!

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

    1. AH

      Yes. we will be shipping worlwide when we get stock of our ‘international’ version – Lighter paper to reduce shipping costs. Should be with us later this week. Thanks

  27. Cindi Anderson

    I’ve thought this for some time, as lp(a) is so related to CVD and it causes increased fibin. I read an article in Life Extension Magazine a few years back which solidified this idea for me. It said the best test for CVD would actually be blood viscosity (which is more related to fibrin than typical clotting tests) but that can only be tested in a research setting with complicated equipment.

  28. FW

    Ordered! The least l can do, a) to further inform myself, and b) as a mark of respect and gratitude for Dr K’s courage and determination to pursue independent thought, wherever it might lead, despite the threats and calumny he must have faced!

    Ideal Christmas present!

    1. Gary Ogden

      FW: Dr. Kendrick’s best advice so far is “like water off a duck.” That is now my way of life, plus P.G. Wodehouse and Brandon for laughs.

  29. Christine Hudson

    Ordered and looking forward to a challenging read for a non scientist! Might occasionally dip into my other recent purchase Mikki Willis`s “Plandemic: Fear Is the Virus” for some light relief!

  30. robertL

    Love, absolutely love, the book’s title.

    The Clot Thickens.

    PS you must have been carefully harbouring this thought for years – well done

  31. another Jim

    I see no mention of omega-3 vs omega-6 fatty acids. If I recall correctly, prehistorical (before 1980) studies showed that the prostacyclin derived from omega-3 was more potent than the prostacyclin derived from omega-6, and the corresponding thromboxanes from omega-6 was more potent than omega-3.
    Thus diets low in omega-3 and high in omega-6 are prothrombotic. Most vegetable oils are high omega-6. Take fish oils, avoid high omega-6 oils.

    1. Gary Ogden

      another Jim: My advice is to avoid fish oils (and most cod liver oils, except Rosita) like the Plague. Polyunsaturates go rancid so quickly. Stick with high-quality (wild-caught) fatty fish.

  32. jeanirvin

    Even the introduction in your email has many, many things to think about. Looking forward to reading the whole book.

  33. Janice Willoughby

    Congratulations, Dr. Kendrick.

    There is much, in your ongoing work, to recognize and applaud. Here and now, I wish to THANK YOU for staying strong and carrying on, in your search for truth.

  34. Dr. John H

    Really looking forward to reading this!

    Something I have been thinking about for a long time, and I hope you will write about:
    When someone has a heart attack, or is diagnosed with blocked arteries, which treatments work, and which do not?

  35. Tish

    I have bought directly from your publisher Malcolm but have visited wretched Amazon for a “Look Inside” – much enjoyed the sample. You enjoy a well deserved bit of rest now?

  36. April Kemper

    I love Dr. Kendrick’s writing style-wil order the paper copy when available for Amazon. I am in the US. I am enjoying the sample read provided by Amazon.

  37. Roger Lanham

    Hi Malcolm, I was introduced to you by my an ex Reuter’s correspondent some years ago and have followed your blogs religiously since then. While not pretending to understand every detail I do thank you for making the whole investigation ‘layman’ friendly. I too had doubts about the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment for ‘heart disease ‘ and the role of big pharmaceutical companies. Keep up the good work, congratulations on a job well done. Kind regards Roger Lanham New Zealand

    Sent from my iPhone


  38. Craig E

    Having been enthralled by your heart diease threads on this blog since 2013 I jumped straight on the Kindle and grabbed a copy.

    I look forward to reading it.

  39. Yvonne van Eck-Remmers

    I am trying to buy the book (e-book NL) but it says the it’s not available at the moment… I clicked on the e-book link…

      1. Le Chris

        I bought the Kindle edition in English on Amazon France
        Sorry not to buy from other sources but at my age difficult to fit more physical books in the house.
        I am a serial book buyer

  40. Yvonne van Eck-Remmers

    Y.S.E. van Eck Remmers, this title is not available for you.
    Due to copyright restrictions, the Kindle title you’re trying to purchase is not available in your country/region: Netherlands.

  41. Jeff Heywood

    Thank You Doctor Malcom..

    I just bought your book and have read your other books.

    Please Stay Strong, and All the Best.

    Jeff Heywood from silicon valley CA

    On Thu, Nov 4, 2021 at 2:39 AM Dr. Malcolm Kendrick wrote:

    > Dr. Malcolm Kendrick posted: ” 4th November 2021 Available online in > paperback and eBook worldwide through Amazon: UK | USA | DE | FR | ES | IT > | JP | CA | AU Additionally as eBook: NL | BR | MX | IN Please support > independent publishers and the author ” >

  42. Clathrate

    [Total aside, the book front cover has appeared on the homepage in addition to Doctoring Data & the Great Cholesterol Con – why didn’t the cover of A Station Nation ever appear?]

    I enjoyed the read of the blog, words of which I’ve read in previous blogs and Dr K’s books (all of which I have purchased including at least two that Dr K has contributed a chapter too) and have printed it out in A3 try to give the chance to some family members to read (my Dad will read it, even if he’ll understands little of the technical detail, but he is getting ‘good’ with ‘clots’, AKA the ‘clot shot’, & is getting more observant of some the events happening {Sergio Aguero}).

    I shall certainly buy the book though caveat is not straight away (I buy virtually all of my books in physical form & at the current paperback price – sorry I’m from Yorkshire – will wait until the New Year though I’ll add it to a shortlist of books for Christmas & a birthday not long afterwards).
    [Boring to most but the last 2 books which I received this way were ‘The Wim Hof Method’ & ‘The Invention of Medicine – from Homer to Hippocrates’ – longer lasting presents than a bottle of Whisky or pack of beer either of which is unlikely to see a week through.]

  43. Sandy Gotttein

    HI Malcolm,

    I’ve started reading your book and am at the spot where you talk about calcium actually stabilizing blood clots (or however you put it). What are the ramifications for coronary calcium scans that tie higher calcified calcium in the arteries to a higher risk of CVD? It seems to me that if you are right, it blows a huge hole through that idea. (Are there randomized controlled studies that convincingly show a relationship?)

    Am I confused and/or missing the point?



    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Well, this is complex. Essentially, plaques go through several stages. When they are ‘old’ and advanced, they become calcified. A calcified plaque is normally quite stable, in that it is unlikely to rupture and cause a major obstructive blood clot to form. However, if you have lots of calcified plaques visible (on a CT scan), this means you will most probably have other, younger plaques in your arteries, and these are the ones that are potentially dangerous – if not visible on a CT scan. Doe this make sense. There are newer scanning techniques that can show the ‘younger’ more vulnerable plaques. MRI scans, bascially.

    2. Chris

      As I understand it, it’s not the level of calcium in the CAC score that’s the issue, it’s whether it is stable and still laying down more deposits each time the body “repairs” it. That’s why if you have a moderate-high score it’s recommended more regular CAC tests to see if it changing or whether it’s stable. Some with a stable, but high CAC score is at almost same risk as someone with a low score for mortality AFAIK. (Ivor Cummins work is good for explaining this)

  44. Andrew H

    Is it possible for you to sign a copy?
    Ordered from
    Will be under the Xmas tree for me.
    I have Dr. Kendrick’s previous books which are two of my health “bibles”. Having lost my father to heart disease at a younger age than I am at now, partly due to the lousy advice from PHE, MHRA etc. coupled with Big Pharma & Big Food, I have a keen interest.
    It also helps that Dr Kendrick is one of those rare authors that you can’t wait to get to the next part, but don’t want the book to finish.

  45. Stewart

    I’ll order two. One for my consultant whom I have never seen. Never swallowed the cholesterol myth. I thought I had avoided it but….really looking for more advice post diagnosis. Not much I can usefully find. Instead of Spectre they should send 007 after Big Pharma. Speaking of which Nil Carborundum Illegitimi.

  46. Mark Heneghan

    I’m reading it on Kindle. Re fructose, if we are to believe Robert Lustig’s work on obese Latino and African American youths with metabolic syndrome (and I do), it should not be considered the same as glucose. When he removed most of the fructose from the diets of these kids, and replaced it with glucose (starch actually), within a low number of weeks their metabolic syndrome features drastically reduced. The adding back of the glucose/ starch for the removed fructose resulted in their not losing any weight, in case the reversal of metabolic syndrome could be attributed to weight loss.
    This does suggest that fructose has a special place in human metabolism, and why removing table sugar, sucrose, from the diet is so important, because sucrose is a double molecule, one fructose attached to one glucose.

    1. jeanirvin

      I’m not sure if I’m reading your post correctly, Mark. It looks like you are saying he removed the fructose but then you say he added BACK the glucose. Am I missing something?

      1. Mark Heneghan

        That is exactly what he did. The point of the paper was to see the effect of fructose and fructose alone. We most commonly get dietary fructose as half of the sucrose (table sugar) molecule, or as high fructose corn syrup, which is 55% fructose. Had they just cut table sugar from the diet, they also would have been removing an equivalent amount of glucose, being the other half of the sucrose molecule, and any change could have been attributed to either or both sugars. To deflect that argument they advised the kids to eat more starch (which is poly glucose) to an amount to keep their weight constant, so that any change in their physiology could not be credited to weight loss or less glucose.

  47. SteveR

    Well I got my copy of the book, Malcolm. In fact, the publishers sent me two copies by mistake. Is this a cunning ploy to make the best-sellers’ list?

    1. AH

      ‘Twas a long day packing and posting so sorry for the error.
      Hope you can find someone suitable to gift the extra copy to.

        1. Marjorie Susan Filkin

          We’ve been absorbed reading the blog to this point, but your response Steve R caused us to laugh out loud, what a brilliant idea.

  48. JDPatten

    • If your first Myocardial Infarction doesn’t kill you, and you do nothing about it, a following one probably will.
    • If you address the risk factors to reduce MI, you avoid (put off!) death.
    Seems logical. Been shown to be true, right?

    Wrong. So much for this surrogate marker.

    This fairly plain-language article explains the research.
    Perhaps the fact that it’s a meta-analysis explains the unexpected outcome.

    Also, PCSK9 inhibitors are discussed, citing a reduction of MI of 27% vs placebo – with minimal reduction of death.
    So, if you reduce blood lipids (lipoproteins?), you reduce MIs by a lot? But not death?? What’s with that???

    A lot here to chew on.

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      When is an MI not an MI?

      When it gets measured and recorded as part of a clinical trial.

      ‘New printed evidence reignited the controversy over the
      EXCEL affair, exposing more important flaws, both in the trial’s
      statistical analysis and the revelation that the previously concealed
      myocardial infarction data has now been made available.
      Further to the extensive disclosure of flagrant bias introduced
      into the design, analysis, and publication of the 5-year follow-up
      of the EXCEL trial, the June edition of the Journal of American
      Medical Association (JAMA) Internal Medicine revealed and
      highlighted that the formal hypothesis testing, which in the
      EXCEL trial was prespecified as a demonstration of noninferiority
      at 3 years, was without discussion or explanation switched to a
      superiority test in the 5-year analysis. If as prespecified, the same
      noninferiority analysis had been conducted at 5 years it would not
      have met the criteria for statistical significance, and the printed
      conclusion would not have been possible. This is a classic case of
      interpretation bias, otherwise known as spin. ‘

      In essence, the trial investigators changed the definition required to diagnose a myocardial infarction to achieve statistical significance.

      Yes, there is really no end to the manipulation of data. Which is why the only outcome I am really interested in is overall mortality a.k.a. ‘dead or alive’ Because that is one outcome that is tricky to manipulate. At least, so far.

  49. Gary Ogden

    Hooray! Managed to successfully place an order. Yesterday they said it was out of stock; today they said only 1 was available, but I managed to order two, which was my intention. Due next Monday.

  50. Cookie

    So what you are saying is the very nature of blood, and the balance in its interactions between tissue in our body both keeps us alive but also sends us on our path to eventual destruction?

    Genetic forces can narrow down that path and lifestyle choices can narrow the path again.

    It seems to me that as in Blade Runner where Tyrell is explaining to Roy the facts of life “The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long” is no idle boast.

    What keeps us alive kills us in the end.

    1. Prudence Kitten

      “What keeps us alive kills us in the end”.

      Precisely – which makes very good sense when you think of it. A candle flame is kept alive by the wick, the wax and oxygen – plus the “vital spark”. Eventually, all the wax or all the wick is used up.

      For us, it’s oxygen that keeps us alive and eventually kills us. If you’re interested, see Nick Lane’s wonderful book, “Oxygen”, or one of the many others.

  51. David markovitz

    What about people who have a high factor 8? I have been ketogenic for 22 years because I had epilepsy and it helped me a lot. I do not want to stop the diet but I after a seizure in the hospital is destined for a catheterization. Maybe because of the vaccine right after it I did not feel well. But they found me a high factor 8. And also Troponin 3100

  52. john barr

    Hi Malcolm
    Good luck with the book.
    Since I first read your musings about clotting being the root cause of cardiovascular disease, it just seemed right.
    As a GP in Australia, working in a practice with about 20 others, the general belief is that cholesterol is still the cause of cardiovascular disease. They all use the local cardiovascular risk calculator and put their patients on statins.
    If you play around with the calculator, changing the cholesterol level makes very little difference to the patient’s risk, while for example, increasing the blood pressure or changing the smoking status, makes a big difference. It’s very obvious they’ve never actually tried this. The designers of the calculator could see that cholesterol made little difference, which is at least honest.
    I will keep applying your principles, as there are lots of people out there who don’t want to take statins, and are perfectly happy with their levels.
    Keep up the good work. Can’t wait to see what your next project might be.

    1. Prudence Kitten

      It’s a classic case of a received paradigm, as explained by Thomas S. Kuhn in his book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”.

      Kuhn, a physicist turned philosopher of science, points out that science doesn’t progress smoothly, one minor discovery piled on another with the overall view being continuously adjusted to accommodate new data.

      Quite the opposite: scientists, like everyone else, invest their belief in “paradigms”, which are essentially stories about how things work. Before Copernicus, most “natural philosophers” (the ancestors of science) learned their physics and astronomy from Aristotle and Ptolemy. The Earth had been created to host the human race, the heavens were a sort of ceiling with stars and stuff embedded in it to cheer us up a bit, and the Sun, Moon and planets revolved around the Earth with invisible crystalline spheres in which they were embedded.

      This world view was authoritative and intuitive; it was supported by the Church (which tended to burn people who disagreed with it publicly), and thanks to great mathematical ingenuity it had been “kludged” to give almost the right predictions of eclipses, etc.

      This was a paradigm: a comprehensive way of explaining things that was very hard to challenge. Galileo challenged it when he got his first telescope and saw that Jupiter had moons of its own (so everything did not revolve around the Earth); Venus had phases, with the same implication; and the Moon had mountains, showing it wasn’t just an ornamental bauble bu a planet like Earth.

      The Church slapped Galileo down: he was found “vehemently suspect of heresy” (that crime you could get burned for) and sentenced to house arrest for the rest of his life.

      The cholesterol people had it drilled into them, were probably disciplined if they didn’t subscribe to the dogma, and would look (and feel) pretty stupid if they now admitted it’s wrong.

      The great scientist Max Planck put it more snappily:

      “A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it”.

      Sometimes paraphrased, even more snappily, as “Science advances one funeral at a time”.

      1. Prudence Kitten

        “Elite Athlete Explains Vaccine Injury and Doctor’s Ignorance”

        Here is a story about an individual confronting the establishment’s commitment to its chosen paradigm.

        A very fit 29-year-old cyclist had his second Pfizer shot and immediately felt weak and had serious heart symptoms. The ER told him it was just an anxiety attack, kept him waiting for 3.5 hours, then – when he finally saw a doctor – was referred to a psychiatrist for what he described as a “psychotic episode.” A few days later he felt so bad he visited another hospital, where he was taken more seriously. A cardiologist diagnosed him with pericarditis along with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and reactive arthritis.

        It’s very grim and almost unbelievable. Rather than accept that any ill effects could follow from the “vaccine” which is supposed to purely beneficial, the first doctor diagnosed psychosis! Whereas the second doctor immediately recognised pericarditis.

        “There are none so blind as they who will not see”. But who wants to seek treatment from a doctor whose eyes are so tightly closed that he cannot do his job?

          1. Penny

            On visiting a health website I read a post by a young woman who asked if her recent heart problem was linked to her thyroid condition. I asked if she had had the shot; she replied in the affirmative but her GP had said that there could not possibly be any link and she had never heard of any link. Another person posted that the same thing happened to them; young, no previous heart problems but had a problem after the second shot. I was warned by an ‘administrator’ that my questions were anti-shot and I would be barred from the site if I continued. I had not expressed a view either way as to the shot.

        1. Prudence Kitten

          Galileo indirectly attracted the attention of the Roman Inquisition through his Letter to Castelli, enlarged a year later into a Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina. Arthur Koestler, in “The Sleepwalkers”, described these letters as “a kind of theological atom bomb” because Galileo said that the Bible could not be taken literally. This attracted the attention of the Inquisition, which summoned Galileo for trial and found him guilty of suggesting that the Bible could be wrong. He was ordered never to say, write, or in any way imply that the Earth went round the Sun rather than vice versa.

          Sixteen years later he wrote a book in which he did exactly that. He was summoned again and found guilty; in a gesture of mercy, the Inquisition only sentenced him to house arrest for life.

          You may say that his talk and writings angered many, some of whom denounced him to the Inquisition. But once proceedings began, the Inquisition relied on its own panel of theologians, who examined Galileo’s writings and found him guilty based on them. Essentially, he suggested that the Bible is not always literally true, and that was adjudged heresy. people were burned alive for little more.

          1. theasdgamer

            The theologians WERE the scientists in opposition to Galileo.

            There is no necessary conflict between the Bible and the earth going around the sun, so Galileo was never implying that the Bible was wrong.

            Galilleo’s approach of ridiculing his fellow astronomers (who were also theologians) and the pope didn’t help his case. The pope was perfectly willing to let Galileo’s ideas gain popularity and eventual acceptance within Catholicism, beginning with the theologians. Most of the younger theologians sided with Galileo. Galileo moved faster than the pope thought prudent. Hence, the Inquisition. It was really a fight among academics, including the pope. Galileo was permitted his work at home, but travel was out.

      2. Roy Bonney

        It was apparently said by Max Plank the physicist. Coincidently I have just reread Kuhn some 30 plus years after first reading it is a very good book, definitely recommended.

    2. Prudence Kitten

      “Can’t wait to see what your next project might be”.

      In view of the Herculean efforts he has put into this book, I am inclined to wish him a period of fishing (or his pastime of choice) and the occasional wee dram. Maybe even the occasional wee clootie.

  53. Jeremy May

    “I’ll order your book, see if I can modify my habits to live a bit longer.” (From my earlier post).

    Turns out there’s not much more I can do. The odd extra supplement here and there perhaps.
    Nice to know my BMI is right in the sweet spot. I shall have lamb chops with a glass of red this evening and try to be happy.
    That should get the old cholesterol up a tad, which will get Smaug (my diabetes nurse-dragon) hopping up and down with angst.
    I’ll tell her to calm down, getting ratty is not good for you.

    Well done for putting it out there.

  54. Loodt Pretorius

    Malcolm, this is third book you wrote. Does this mean I will have to take a trip to IKEA in future to get a whole shelf for you books?

    I am waiting for the printed edition. I use Kindle for stories, not factual books. I like to use a highlighter, which I can in my own books. Hope there are plenty I can highlight in this new book!

    Thank you very much!

    1. Prudence Kitten

      “Does this mean I will have to take a trip to IKEA in future to get a whole shelf for you books?”
      If you are deeply interested in health, maybe instead you should consider building a small shrine for the books, complete with candles and maybe an icon of Dr kendrick smiling sardonically.

  55. Patrick Donnelly

    FVL x2. Already had one PE. Taking Vitamin C 1-3 grams orally a day. Serrapeptase and aspirin. Staying alive for now

  56. David Bailey


    I have just started reading your book, and it made me realise just how much I had forgotten from your various blogs. For example:

    I’d forgotten the significance of cholesterol CRYSTALS within plaque – the crystals come from the pure cholesterol in red blood cells, not from LDL, which contains cholesterol esters (BTW I suppose this couldn’t get hydolised in some way during plaque formation?.

    Because I would imagine that cholesterol is not that easy to crystallise, I tried to look up crystallisation of cholesterol in the lab, but all I found was references to various biological processes.

    I admit I had somehow not realised that the significance of lp(a), is that it is so similar to LDL that it can be mistaken for LDL in analyses of plaques, but it performs a totally different function – being part of the clotting process no less.

    Also, I have always been amazed by the strange way terms are defined, and then misused in medical science. My favourite is the term triglycerides, which to a former chemist like me, obviously refers to a triple ester (hence the tri prefix) of glycerol and an acid of some sort. If the acid is a fatty acid then it describes plain old fat – yet as you point out, this is not found in the blood stream. As you explain, for some reason this term is used to refer to VLDL!

    WIKI however follows the chemical definition:

    I suspect muddles of that sort may explain a lot of faulty medical science.

  57. janetgrovesart

    Good morning, Dr. K and everyone – I’ve just bought it on Kindle and am already a few pages in and hooked. I immediately recognise your inimitable style – factual, entertaining, serious and funny. Good stuff. My Kindle tells me I have eight hours of reading ahead if me. Total pleasure. Thank you for all your hard work.
    Go buy, people. This man is our hero. 👏👏👏👏👏

  58. Tish

    I’m away from home and the post at the moment so my book still awaits me but I do have a query.

    We know that there is clotting in veins when the blood gets too sluggish. A clot forms but not because there is a need of blood vessel repair.

    We understand that clotting is more pronounced in arteries where they branch and bend. So, can’t sluggishness in arteries be a precipitating as well as a contributory factor? (And of course a very important factor once the vessel is narrowed by plaque.)

    If so, putting people on blood pressure pills could be responsible for a huge number of deaths.
    My opinion is that the body knows best. I assume that as our arteries age along with the rest of our bodies, we NEED a higher pressure. It seems irresponsible to me that people should play god and administer such drugs to a very high percentage of the older population. Higher blood pressure is surely a sign that the body is trying to help the flow of blood around the body, including of course the brain.

    1. Sasha

      One way to check that theory is to look for RCTs comparing morbidity/mortality with blood pressure meds versus placebo. Not sure if there are any of those around as they might not pass an ethics board.

  59. Ken MacKillop

    Congrat’s, Dr. Kendrick. Having followed along for years with your blog posts on CVD and its origins, development/progression, etc. it strikes me that your announcement post is admirably succinct. I will certainly purchase the book and look forward to reading it, front to back. But you already have me won over with all of your most important theses. I wish you as much success with the book sales as is possible in the face of the overwhelming apathy/ignorance/hostility with whcih it can be expected to be recevied by the broad society.
    As with other modern tissue-specific degenerative conditions (I don’t care for the phrase “chronic diseases” — don’t like either of the two words applied, because I reject the implicit analogy to microbe-induced pathologies and I also reject the notion that there is anything (other than the behavior/diet of the individual) intrinsically persistent/persisting in the root cause), it is the BIOLOGY (and its evolution) that is so much disrespected and ignored. For cancer, for another example, it is Tom Seyfried, Peter Pedersen and many other heterodox “outcasts” (John Pawelek just recently died, I noticed by happenstance) who have focused on the biology rather than the massive institutional interests, and have filled out the enormous efforts and theses of Warburg from nearly a century ago, essentially completing the understanding of what cancer biology is and is not.
    Anyway, in the face of one of the largest medical/pharmaceutical revenue-generating of these widespread modern urban/industrialized societal conditions, you are the only person of whom I am aware who has done the hard work to develop a credible thesis, or set of theses, for CVD and ischemia.
    I think that I have done the same for diabetes (in all of its forms), by the way. Would like to publish a book at some point, by digesting all of the research literature in all of the separate and disparate underlying fields of study (of the biology), but am not sure if I will be able to muster the effort while I still concentrate upon making a living as a career-long self-employed professional. The problem with all of these “conditions” and their underlying biology is that the most important researchers (with precious few exceptions) know nothing, or next to nothing, of the work of their counterparts in others of the underpinning seminal fields. They do not read the literature from their counterparts. They are not curious, nor evidently capable, to develop a full systemic understanding of the biological “systems” involved. As Tom Seyfried and you have.
    And of course, self-reliant intellectual curiosity and dogged persistence of analysis can be the only motivation/method, because in today’s world one can only expect to be ignored at best, or viciously attacked and suppressed, and certainly not to be remunerated, by such efforts.
    So congrat’s to you — you have earned this small praise and honor.

  60. Ken MacKillop

    On Cause/Origin: From my point of view a central property of virtually all of the modern degenerative conditions is an abnormally elevated rate of apoptosis in the underlying tissue(s)/organ(s). Many of these are insulin-regulating/expressing tissues, and this is certainly true of the vascular endothelia.
    Acknowledging the tremendous importance of the clotting phenomena that you, Dr. Kendrick, have so carefully studied, and which is such a very important part of the progression between the silent damage of the originating “insult” (as postulated by the so-called “response to injury” theory) to endothelium and the eventually ensuing clinical or ischemic event(s) (in the most common types of medical sequelae), I tend to focus more upon the cause of persistent and excessive cellular insult that is outside of evolutionary context.
    I have not revisited the pub’s of (presumably) ongoing research by M. Brownlee’s lab (Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, NYC) into origin of CVD for many years now. Their/his thesis (going back to the ’90s) is that modern/urban/industrial diet induces insulin resistance (IR) in endothelial tissues, and that for these specific tissues this is a highly abnormal condition — outside of evolutionary context. Because these tissues, uniquely, ALWAYS have adequate blood glucose (from vascular lumen) available as fuel substrate for respirative energy/ATP production.
    While the tissue-insulting diet is (usually) everpresent, so is the elevated “injury”, manifested as an excessive rate of apoptosis of endothelial cells requiring repair/regeneration that keeps pace. If, for any reason at all, this pace is not kept, then there is progressive pathology.
    In ALL muscle (smooth or skeletal) tissues (in the longstanding textbook cellular/molecular biology that I have scanned/skimmed), IR leads to a near total collapse of fatty acid (FA) metabolism, but only a quite moderate reduction of the glucose-based metabolism. This seems 100% ignored by current medical pro’s, despite the fact that any MD having gone to medical school since the 1990s (and maybe before this) would have had to have used textbooks containing this basic knowledge I believe.
    Endothelium, like muscle, is heavily insulin regulated. But different in many ways. FAs are (also) available in blood (which distributes them to the large mass of muscle tissue and certain other organs such as liver, kidney, intestine, etc.). According to the Brownlee hypothesis (and lab tests/measurements), with IR in these tissues the cells compensate by attempting to substitute FAs, in significant quantity, as respirative energy substrate/fuel. And this generates excessive rates of intracellular free radicals because endothelium, unlike muscle, is not EVOLVED to perform such a large rate of ATP production using FAs rather than glucose as cellular input/substrate. And hence, the INTRACELLULAR repair cannot adapt and keep pace, nominally (in the typical individual with typical familial/genetic inheritance). Hence, pathogenically upregulated apoptosis.
    In T2DM, by analogy, islet glucose concentration is directly sensed by means of normally exclusive ATP production using BG as substrate, rate-limited by glucokinase and other transport channels that make the ATP production rate roughly linear/proportional with/to the islet BG within a basal to prandial (nutrient absorptive via portal vein) normal range. It is HIGHLY abnormal, and outside of evolutionary context, for FAs to be used as fuel in the islets’ beta cells. And indeed, in T2DM the beta cells (and organelles within) are observedly heavily morphologically deranged and inflamed and dysfunctional, as well as exhibiting excessive rates of apoptosis. Barbara Corkey (Boston Univ.) has studied, and written/published on, the topic of the basic workings of the human (and other mammalian, though there are very large differences between mammal species in islets biology) beta cells, for a starting point of reference.
    I find the Brownlee thesis to make sense, and to be consistent with much of the observed correlation between markers of whole-body IR and low-grade but chronic CVD in the broad urban/industrialized modern societies.
    While Brownlee’s hypothesis for origin of the complications of diabetes are nearly universally accepted, his (lab’s) work on CVD seems not only ignored, but largely unread/unrecognized or rejected.
    Don’t know if you have any thoughts, Dr. Kendrick. Feel free to knock down the Brownlee thesis. I know that you have not been much of a fan of the notion that modern diet is a big contributor to CVD. You have always acknowledged the importance of the damage to endothelium, while seemingly focusing much more upon all of the clotting phenomena.

      1. Ken MacKillop

        P.S. By the way, one who has read as much as I have of the historical body of research on diabetes may know that the most common early method of inducing diabetes in a small rodent model (e.g. mouse) was to feed with glucose-water for ten days or so. This is still very effective, and still used by some old-school researchers, but has fallen out of favor. Most prefer to kill the beta cells using selective toxins.
        So if it is this straightforward, and rock-solid reliable, to induce T2DM in small rodents merely via ten days of feeding purely with glucose in water, one might consider just what is the mechanism? Of course, I think I know what it likely is, as does Brownlee.
        OK, that is the beta cell, which is unusually susceptible to overstress and apoptosis via excessive OxPhos using glycolytic pathways and substrate (i.e. pyruvate).
        Endothelial tissues are a different type, and are not required to “sense” BG concentration via the simple glycolytic/OxPhos glucokinase rate-limited loop utilized in beta cells. Hence, they can be more robust in repair (from free radicals generated by OxPhos) capacity. But are they evolved/adapted/differentiated to generate OxPhos using FAs as substrate, as muscle tissues are? Why would they be? Just as brain is differentiated NOT to utilize FAs at all as energy/fuel substrate, why would endothelium be much different? Even in the fully fasted state, there is still plenty of BG available from vascular lumen to provide the minimal/tiny total mass of tissue represented by the endothelia. This is not enough to even spit at.
        That is why I am intrigued, at least, by Brownlee’s thesis and his (and/or his lab’s) measurements. I find the notion that OxPhox using FAs as fuel, in endothelial cells, may be so inefficient that it generates a lot of free radicals and induces excessive rates of apoptosis. Analogously to that of the beta cells in T2DM (decompensation/decline).
        Also, as another comment, I have thoroughly studied the effect of sulfonylureas on both T2Ds and upon HNF-type monogenic diabetics (such as myself). The clinicians use sulfonylureas exclusively for HNF forms of MODY. They do NOT use insulin, unless and until these diabetics become insulin-dependent. Just the same as T2Ds are treated.
        But HNF1-alpha, at least, is NOT intrinsically progressive. The late Stefan Fajans, one of the grand old men of earliest MODY research in the world, had this figured out and published this conclusion. And being an HNF1-alpha diabetic myself, I can confirm this non-progressivity in me. There is none at all. In fact, the beta cells in HNF diabetics are abnormally small — very small. This is easily seen under microscope. Due to underexpression of insulin and insulin proteins because of the homeobox mutations. What would be the mechanism for progressivity? There is none.
        However, large-cohort studies (at least, as large as can be obtained in London and NYC for this rare genetic condition) of many hundreds of HNF-type monogenic diabetics have been performed over four decades and more now. And to varying degrees, these diabetes lose beta-cell function over time. They are ALL on sulfonylureas. They only get 20% of the dose of T2Ds — they get similar efficacy from one fifth of the dose.
        Many of them do eventually, within the span of the studies, become insulin dependent. Quelle surprise. Sulfonylureas put the beta cells under similar excessive free-radical stress as does carbohydrate chronically in excess of individual tolerance causing type 2 diabetes. They die off slowly by apoptosis. Another unpopular notion (with MDs). But this is simply a fact. I have studied enough of the clinical evidence to state this with confidence. And it should not be surprising to anyone who understands much about the working of the beta cells.
        So again, beta cells are beta cells and endothelial cells are not. But there is excessive apoptosis in common, garden-variety CVD, no? Something to think about, methinks.

        1. janetgrovesart

          Thank you, Ken MacKillop, for all that info on MODY3. I was diagnosed with ‘mild’ diabetes back in the 50s but of course no one knew back then about MODY. A few years ago I was offered the genetic test and was found positive. It’s so important to know. I dropped the Metformin, continued with LC and the smallest dose of Gliclacide possible and that only when I know I might be pushing my limits a bit (half a cheese scone, say) I don’t want to risk beta cell burnout. Most of the info I have is thanks to my own (amateur) research. It’s not enough to be told to ‘do this.’ I always want to know ‘why.’ Your info regarding beta cell size is the answer to a major question, so thank you. 👏
          JanB (79 now, with rather tragic feet but otherwise in good (rude) health.)

          1. Tish

            “It’s not enough to be told to ‘do this’. I always want to know ‘why’.”

            Hi Jan. Yes, it’s just like that with many recipes isn’t it? I have often been unable to resist finding out what happens if you do something other than they say. I think that most of the useful things I’ve learned about cooking have resulted from pure experimentation – not always successful but certainly enlightening.

            Very best wishes for you staying in rude health.

          2. Ken MacKillop

            Hi Janet,
            It’s nice to occasionally hear a word of appreciation for the kind of things that I write — so the thanks should be from me instead, and of course I am delighted to hear from another HNF1-alpha diabetic.
            Sounds like you must be doing pretty well if you were diagnosed back in the 1950s — wow! My own paternal grandfather was similarly misdiagnosed as a type-2 in the late ’40s after coming back from fighting in WWII. My father was never diagnosed before he died, but his feet sure looked like hell — once again, interesting to me that you also mention your own feet. When I first noticed my feet exhibiting the complications of diabetes as a young man I thought of my own father, and had no notion whatsoever that either he or I could be, or have been, diabetic. My brother is not diabetic, nor does he have either of my other two genetic conditions.
            I myself do not seem to be able to exceed ~200mg/dL BG even with a rapid-acting carb meal — I noticed this before I started using insulin but after I recognized that I was a diabetic. But my grandfather was diagnosed by developing polyuria and polydipsia, as with a typical T2D (or T1D for that matter). So he had lost ~20% more of normal beta-cell function, or for him it would have been 50% of what he started with, by that time via the normal pre-diabetic (i.e. type-2) route of chronic overstress of the beta cells with modern diet. He was overweight and had the excess visceral adipose (i.e. beer belly) characteristic of pre-diabetes too, according to my one remaining uncle. By the time I could/can remember him he was using insulin and had a relatively disciplined low-carb diet and was lean for the rest of his life.
            I guess I would say that the notion that HNF-type diabetics are not susceptible to T2DM because they are characteristically “insulin sensitive” is 100% mistaken. Just as IR is a far-downstream phenomenon of T2DM and pre-diabetes, and manifests uniquely and differently in each and every unique tissue/organ. The notion of whole-body IR being even meaningful, much less causal, in T2DM is laughably naive and 100% wrong, despite its universal appeal and popularity in all circles of diabetes research/thinking. As I have written to Dr. Kendrick.
            The diet is 100% causal in T2DM, despite the fatal non-PCness of this hypothesis. For the large minority of those in Western populations who lack the beta-cell genetics (familial background/inheritance) to substantially upregulate the beta-cell population/numbers to remain in perpetual “compensation” and avoid decompensation which leads to overt diabetes (i.e. <20% beta-cell function relative to normal in nondiabetics), exceeding carb tolerance chronically WILL generate T2DM, and this includes monogenic diabetics. I myself had the classic excess of visceral fat which developed more and more in middle age, until I figured things out biologically for myself.
            The same phenomenon occurs in most males for most of lifespan in endothelial tissues. Though the endothelial tissues are more robust in their defenses against excessive intra-mitochondrial free-radical generation and consequent abnormally high rates of apoptosis, anyone exceeding his/her own daily carb tolerance will develop some excess of injury to endothelia as a result. Women have a big advantage of being largely protected until they lose fertility. This buys them quite a few decades over men, on average. A BIG advantage.
            Anyway, my most serious genetic condition (not the diabetes) has caused me, by my present age, to be intolerant of any and all plant foods for the most part. So I only eat meat/fish, eggs and well-aged cheese now. If I were to eat the plant foods they would kill me within a few years — I would die by starvation, having lost the ability in gut to absorb nutrients.
            So as a side benefit it is not difficult for me to avoid carb's in diet. I have a zero-calcium coronary artery CT-test score. Unlike Dr. Kendrick, I am absolutely convinced that the single most prevalent cause of CVD derives from decades of persistently exceeding carbohydrate tolerance, and consequent damage to endothelial tissues. It is either the pre-diabetic condition, or the overt type-2 diabetic condition — it matters not. One cannot eat a modern urban diet and avoid this for life, unless one is maybe 1 (or at most 2) in 10 of the population sufficiently adapted to an agriculture/plant-derived diet.

  61. Jacek Hoffman

    I bought it, read it, understood it (at least partly English is not my language). A great book. Very convincing and explains a lot. Knowing the blog and previous books, I am not surprised by the content. However, I will read it many more times.

  62. TFS


    In the last 48rs of going down the rabbit hole that is Youtube I came across the likes of Prof Tim Noakes, which somewhat opened my eyes. This morning I opened up the browser, and wondered what Mr Kendrick was up to, and bingo another book relevant to what I’d had just be looking at from a smorgasboard of videos by Prof Noakes. Gonna have to buy another book (any chance of a signed copy?)

    Anyways for those who are not aware of Prof Noakes:

    In some of his videos, he talks about the machinations of his own University that tried to silence him, which reminds me of Peter Gøtzsche, and similar attacks from the Cochrane Institute.

    1. Janice Willoughby

      November 9, 2021

      Thanks, TFS, for putting up the link to Noakes’s video presentation.

      I have listened to some of his past presentations: As an active man- a marathoner- who believed and preached that the high-carb diet was the necessary dietary approach to optimal health, he suffered a heart attack, and saw the light: the low-carb diet. In fact, he states in this video that that is 25 grams carbohydrates per day, maximum.

      Noakes covers A LOT of ground in this video- from pre-hominids, to modern man. In general he does it rather well (although JMHO, information in the chart at about 25:30 could have been much better presented). Those of us who have done time on the USDA’s 1977 Food Pyramid diet (shown and commented on in the Noakes video), and then later discovered the Low-Carb Diet, are certain of its necessity if we suffer any type of “diabetes”. ……..And then, once bitten, we must move on to general skepticism regarding any advisories coming from government health bureaucracies. Whatever health disciplines are any good, will become evident in good time.

      (Note that Dr. R. Bernstein allows 32 grams per day of carbs, but for those of us who are dependent on injected insulin, there will be some need for added glucose to address or prevent hypoglycemias. If we believe in the virtues of phytochemicals in our diets, we will allow ourselves the 32 g as vegetables etc., and often end up >32 g total carbs. (This would apply, of course, to any Type 1s, or T2s. or otherwise labelled diabetics, on injected insulin.))

      I am supposed to receive your book, Dr.Kendrick, c. the middle of November, so will look forward to reading what you have to say regarding diet. I know that I have gone on about diet in this comment, but I do realize that there are other key factors in cardiovascular health and disease (LOL).

      Thx, Dr. K.

  63. Hugo Williamson

    Off topic somewhat, my apologies.
    The question I would like to ask is
    “If one had had a primary vaccination of either the AZ or Pfizer intra cellular mRNA vaccine, would not a “booster “ vaccination of the more old school type, ie the Valneva vaccine be safer and more efficacious? “

  64. zak

    Dr K, I’ve ordered the book (really enjoyed reading and listening to the cholesterol con). One question that comes to mind is — if we shift to a process model — and we say that it is endothilial damage that initially starts the problem — why does the cholesterol molecule no longer fit as part of the problem? Not that I am sentimental about the cholesterol model, but it just strikes me that it could be a lot of things getting stuch inside a rupture. Please excuse my ignorance, I’m not a doctor.

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Good question. I believe the answer is that LP(a) does get stuck in the clot. LP(a) is almost identical to LDL, and we have a case of mistaken identity on our hands. I hope this is made clear in the book.

  65. roisin costello

    Hi Malcolm Congrats on getting Book finished and published ! Looking forward to reading and spreading the word.. Roisin Costello

  66. Jill

    Thank you, I’m looking forward to reading it and hopefully having a better understanding of why it happened to me. I’ve been encouraged by a lot of useful information from Dr Aseem Malhotra. Thank you both for your work and for helping the medical profession and the public to move forward with their understanding and hopefully their ability to prevent cardiovascular disease.

  67. AJ

    Got the book three days ago. Read the whole thing. Very impressive. Loved the dry wit humor. Now have to re-read it to understand it a little better. Loved the biochemistry/endocrinology.

  68. Shaun Clark

    The Clot Thickens? Just brill. Thank you Dr K! Hopefully, thicker clots will try to understand this, but my guess would be a big NO to that. Money talks and it walks. What a daft world we live in, eh? The more I delve into nutrition, the more of a sceptic I have become, and so thank you again for kicking-in the door on this (…and other) heartfelt matters.

    1. Prudence Kitten

      “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so”.
      – Josh Billings

  69. JR

    Dr. Kendrick
    two-thirds in your book, some excellent pondering from you!

    Minor erratum maybe: you say that there is 5g of glucose in blood, totalling 25kcal.
    Let’s ask Dr. Bernstein in american units (which I find better than “mules”). Glucose content 83mg/dl equals with 50 dl of blood to 4,15g of glucose and with 4kcal/g (not 5) we have 16,6 kcal. Of course this is like “risk factor promilles”; how close to 5L is the human blood content, considering size differences.
    Ps. revert with a question(s) when finished.

  70. Joe Sabroski

    Is LDL not part of the clotting mechanism, then? As a layman, I have often heard doctors and researchers in this space propose that LDL did not cause atherogenesis but played a part in the response to endothelial injury. I suppose I shall have to read the book!

    1. David Bailey

      I am still reading it, but I have been on this blog a long time. Malcolm presents a lot of evidence that medical research has got this subject completely confused – I’d certainly advise reading the book.

  71. Eric

    Sounds like a well argued rood-cause story that will compell readers who have not been following your blog for years. Congratulations!

    The only argument I have is with the title which is a little cheesy.

    1. Prudence Kitten

      Some of us love cheese! Mmmmmm… Gruyere, Comte, Manchego, Reblochon, Stilton… even good ol’ Cheddar, if aged for long enough.

      It’s awfully good for you, too. Masses of yummy saturated animal fat, a good deal of protein, hardly any carbs; and Vitamins A, D, and K; calcium… what’s not to like?

  72. billinoz

    Malcolm I’d like to buy this book of yours.
    But for reasons beyond my ken, I am locked out of my rarely used Amazon account.
    Could you arrange with your publisher or online distributer
    To have your books stocked by another online book seller here in Australia ?
    Booktopia is an efficient online book seller here in Australia

  73. Valda Redfern

    I have bought it and am 60% through. Fantastic hypothesis and reasoning, and I’ll likely be taking whatever advice you have to offer when I get to that part.
    I think you deserve better copy editing, though. I’d do it for free, just for the sake of making your unique message come through more clearly.

  74. Ram

    Greetings from India. I have been regularly following your blog posts for five years now. Read your Cholesterol Con book and now have the Clot book (brilliant title, by the way!) on kindle. Really appreciate your original thinking and, yes, your great sense of humor.

  75. thyroidpatientsca

    Hello, We notice that Low T3 Syndrome is missing from your list of causes of heart disease. Back to the drawing board???

    On Thu, Nov 4, 2021 at 5:41 AM Dr. Malcolm Kendrick wrote:

    > Dr. Malcolm Kendrick posted: ” 4th November 2021 Available online in > paperback and eBook worldwide through Amazon: UK | USA | DE | FR | ES | IT > | JP | CA | AU Additionally as eBook: NL | BR | MX | IN Please support > independent publishers and the author ” >

  76. smartersig

    I fed 26 countries into a linear regression equation using Excel to see the relationship between meat consumption (per kg per person) and heart disease (death rate per 100,00), the results are not what I expected

    1. Jeremy May

      Not heart specifically, but this is the conclusion from Dr Sebastian Rushworth’s paper, ‘Is red meat healthy?’

      “The best available evidence suggests that there are no negative health consequences associated with eating red meat. If there are any negative consequences, the effect sizes are so tiny that they’re really not even remotely worth bothering about.”

      The full article is here:

      I hope that link is OK. Fat, cholesterol, diet, heart disease etc. are all referenced so hopefully it adds something to this overall debate. (more than copy editing anyway).

    2. smartersig

      Just to add I applied the same method to the same countries for sugar consumption and veg oil and again both showed the same negative correlation (ie consume more and less HD), but wait GDP per capita also showed up as negatively correlated so I took the top 10 countries on GDP per capita and this showed that meat flat lined but sugar and veg oil were positively correlated (ie eat more get more HD). Taken literally meat is not the elephant in the room but sugar and oil could well be

      1. Mr Chris

        Thanks for that. Am not surprised by the results as have had negative views on sugar ever since reading books by Yudkin. Have heard that about vegetable oils as well, is that all of them olive oil canola etc?

        1. smartersig

          I think some are worse than others but there are studies I have seen that show virgin olive oil causes endothelial dysfunction

          1. Mr Chris

            I am not an agent for olive oil, but I check what you say against longevity in olive oil consuming countries, especially blue zones. I also freely acknowledge that isolating one factor and it’s results is very difficult

  77. JR

    Dr Kendrick

    Regarding arteries and veins, this is going to be a kind of a question. Your question in your book was, why not plague in veins.

    The starting point is that main arteries have multilayered epithelium, like year rings in trees, growing until 25-30 years old. Maybe this is a response to oscillating pressure . Veins do not have thick layers, nor do they experience pressure. When veins are being used for grafting i.e. bypass surgery on heart, they face pressure + eternal motion. And they become lesioned and plagued all way long, within a couple of years?

    Once the plague starts forming in the main artery, possibly repeatedly, the already thick wall becomes even thicker. The heart surgeon knows that when faced with plague, there is almost certainly going to be neovascularization from vasa vasorum. In your thrombosis model, this would fit well, clot first and hypoxia next, and finally a new vascular system is formed providing inappropriate access into vascular media. I guess Subbotin was proposing the opposite process, neo first and plague next.

    Veins lacking the pressure created lesions, have to settle to mobile thrombus. Forced bedding apparently creates point pressure with ensuing clotting?

    Would this fit your process model? Is this valid by any part and means?

    Rgds JR

  78. Tish

    I’d like to know more about Body Mass Index and longevity as studies conclude that overweight people fare best. Paywalls make enquiry difficult.
    Are normal weight people in studies investigated for hidden illness and recent weight loss?
    Is muscle weight versus fat weight taken into consideration?
    Is genetic / familial stature considered?
    Anything else to consider?
    It’s a fascinating subject.

    1. Eggs ‘n beer

      Tish, it’s merely a matter of definition. The BMI ranges have been arbitrarily decided, so all you have to do is move them all up a notch. Create a new category, chronically underweight for <18.5, underweight is 18.5-25, normal is now 25-30 …. and all is solved. See Doctoring Data for more detail. Which also debunks the five servings of vegetables a day rule.

  79. Tish

    P.S. Forgot What/how did subjects eat? (and I suppose lifestyle and happiness but that would make any study rather complicated. I saw one study that said married men weigh more than single ones.)

    1. Jeremy May

      Very good points Tish.
      ‘Why’ one is overweight must be crucial – what one eats.
      For example, I’m 8 or 10 pounds over ‘ideal’. That puts me in the BMI overweight category.
      BUT, I eat very low carb, so it’s the saturated fat on my lamb chops (and some wine) that’s making me a bit porky.
      Better than cereal-based excess I believe.

      But, why is ‘overweight’ better?
      (I am married! My Mrs is a good cook and we’re both good eaters)

      1. Prudence Kitten

        My simple theory is that our ancestors evolved to live strenuously – some of the time. Chimps, for instance, being mainly herbivorous, are compelled to spend a lot of the hours in the day grabbing leaves and suchlike, leaving them to be digested by bacteria in their big barrel-like guts. Like cows. They also have to move around. When our ancestors descended to the ground and began hunting, they had to walk and run rather a lot – and probably jump and climb when they were noticed by big cats or even bigger angry ungulates. It is a known fact that a fit human being can keep running longer than any plausible prey animal, making it possible to hunt just by chasing until the prey lies down and gives up. I think modern-day hunter-gatherers walk and run something like 20 miles per day; but they think nothing of that, because they are used to it.

        I am not suggesting you do this – and you would have to adjust gradually if you did – but if you were to walk 20 miles every day, and throw in a few long sprints and some climbing, I think you would find the pounds would fall off fairly quickly. Or even 10 miles, though the results might come more slowly. The belief that if you exercise you just eat more is untrue in my experience.

  80. Steve

    Almost half way through Dr K’s excellent new book. Got to the point where he discusses the differences between Aspirin and Warfarin for alleviating CVD problems, and came upon this report which has a tenuous link to this work:
    “A newly released document shows that drug giant Pfizer added a “secret” heart attack drug (tromethamine) to the children’s version of its coronavirus vaccine”
    I know nothing about this drug but an interesting development, if correct.

  81. imnoclue (James)

    I’m in the middle of the book and it’s very well done, as expected. One question that has come to mind is at one point you say that they haven’t found a way to lower LP(a), but I’ve read at least one study saying evolocumab lowers LP(a). Interestingly, that study also says that the quartile with the highest LP(a) was at the highest risk for CVD events, irrespective of LDL levels. But that doesn’t seem to get any comment.

    Still, wondering if evolocumab has any utility for treating high LP(a)?

      1. Mr Chris

        Is high Lp(a) really the only factor in being at risk for a CVD event?
        I would also have thought that taking evolocumab was as bad for you as having high Lp(a) .
        I come back to my other question, does the variability of Lp(a) levels imply that some people need more than others?

  82. Zak

    hi Dr K, I’m reading a lot in your book about insulin resistance and heart disease. I just wanted to ask if it is known whether it is the extra glucose in the blood that causes the problem (by problem, I mean endothelial damage) or is the insulin itself somehow damaging to the cells?

      1. Zak

        hi again Dr K – just following up on insulin… I wonder if the primary function of insulin being to transport glucose into cells means that it has some kind of power to weaken cell walls which might explain why it might be damaging.
        on another note, is the mechanism by which glucose causes damage understood, or is it just an associative relationship?

  83. David Bailey

    Thanks Malcolm, for a wonderful book that pulls the contents of your many blogs on CVD together. A few points stood out for me:

    1) I was amazed that for a man of age 60, a systolic BP of 160 only reduces his life expectancy by 1.5 years compared to his having a systolic pressure of 120! If I started getting readings like that, I would have been screaming for an emergency ‘meeting’ with my GP. That figure puts the BP risks into a very different perspective!

    2) You seemed to go hot and cold about alcohol consumption. You said that the body consumes alcohol as its preferred fuel – thus causing it not to consume all its glucose. I thought I had read from you or someone that although alcohol contains a lot of calories these are just wasted (maybe as heat?). Looking it up, I see that alcohol dehydrogenase does indeed produce NADH as it oxidises alcohol.

    Later on, you seemed to make kinder noises about moderate alcohol consumption. I have always understood that alcohol is one of those substances that show a pronounced hormesis effect – i.e. small amounts are beneficial while larger amounts are poisonous (which goes for a lot of things, I suppose). I don’t think you mentioned this striking fact.

    3) I used to take glucosamine to ward off arthritis. My mother suffered from this badly at my age, and polio left me with a limp, which I had been warned might cause arthritis. However, I have discovered that for me at least, acupuncture can fix arthritis and related aches and pains extremely well – so I gave up on glucosamine. My friend, who is a retired biochemist/physiologist always scoffs at glucosamine, claiming that most of it will simply break up into glucose and ammonia in the body. However, since you say it is also good for my glycocalyx, I have resumed taking it.

  84. JeffG

    No discussion of proline. No discussion if lysine. No discussion of vitamin c. An article this long on the subject of cardiovascular health that misses all three doesn’t earn much confidence from me.

  85. Jerome Savage

    “Vegetable Fats Tied to Lower Stroke Risk, Animal Fat to Higher Risk” could be somewhat misleading but following 2 paragraphs within, clarify things a little.
    “The highest quintile of total red meat intake was associated with an 8% higher risk for stroke, but this was driven mainly by processed red meat (which was associated with a 12% higher risk for stroke). These findings are “generally consistent with cohort studies showing that processed meat, as with most highly processed foods for that matter, are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events,” Mente noted.

    “Surprisingly, dairy products (such as cheese, butter, or milk) in the study were not connected with the risk of stroke,” he added. This finding differs from results of meta-analyses of multiple cohort studies of dairy intake and stroke and the recent large international PURE study, which showed that dairy intake was associated with a lower risk for stroke.”
    I expect when I hav read – “the clot thickens” – I will be better informed to comment.

    1. theasdgamer

      I did some research. There’s lots of K2 in dairy fat. Cream, whole milk, cheese. Especially the pasture fed cattle, not those merely fed hay. The same holds true with K2 in eggs from free range chickens. The feed needs to have K1 in it. The animals convert it to K2 and more K2 gets into the milkfat and eggs.

      Oh, and it seems that K2 helps prevent new plaques, per Dr. K.

      1. David Bailey

        Is there any chance of quantifying that? I mean how many free-range eggs would I need to eat to activate 2000 iu of vitamin D per day? Does the K2 requirement scale with the quantity of vitamin D consumed?

        1. Eggs’n beer

          Recommended dosage 350-400mcg/day, but that’s for menaquinone-7, and the chart is menaquinone-4. Other sites say 45mcg for m-4.

          So at 20gm/yolk, that’s 6mcg per yolk. Or 8 yolks per day. Which seems rather excessive, although the folk at the Egg Marketing Board may disagree. I just grabbed some emu oil from the local supplier, although next time I’m out west I might try grabbing an emu …. somehow.

      2. Prudence Kitten

        I found this book useful:

        “Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life”
        by Kate Rheaume-Bleue

  86. Clathrate

    After reading some of the comments I decided that I’d buy Dr K’s latest book sooner rather than later (partly because I had a 10% off voucher, which will now expire without a spend at midnight, from a UK-based online book seller acquired by a company named after a the long river – not available on the subsidiary but available on the long river, albeit now reduced from its initial RRP). With a bit of luck not spending will mean the 10% offer will be repeated again. Dr K’s book will now go on my Christmas list, as well as Stephanie Seneff’s, so hopefully I’ll get at least one of them as presents.
    Aside 1 – there is another Malcolm Kendrick writing books. Based on the title of the other MK, looks like the UK’s Chancellor might have purchased it. No idea whether a Golden Money Tree is better than the Governments Magic Money Tree – {golden Scottish drink speaking} a gold money tree would be good but the leaves would have to be thin otherwise they’d fall off and I’ve no idea how they’d convert carbon dioxide to oxygen.
    Aside 2 – {apologies for changing the subject} I previously mentioned that, after my 80’s parents got the lurgi a couple of months ago – as did I and a couple of other un-jabbed relatives – that I thought at least my Mum would succumb to the jab due to peer pressure (‘I told you so’). They are seeing what is happening to their peers – jabbed are catching the lurgi and some ending up in hospital (and much younger). In church this morning, it was announced that there would be no Zoom as the lady who organises it was ‘poorly’ after receiving her booster jab.
    Aside 3 – at church, the (elderly) priest and myself are the only ones who don’t wear a mask all the way through (my Mum and Aunt didn’t wear one going in but put them on insides – apparently this is to help the others feel comfortable).
    Aside 4 – the world is going mad.

    1. Clathrate

      Apologies – was a ramble last night for which I blame the Scottish water & Arthur Bell (fullstop).
      Aside 1 – I was emailed a 15% off voucher today. Perhaps if I wait long enough I’ll eventually end up where they’ll pay me to take books off their hands. Smiley thingy.
      Aside 2 – didn’t watch the live version of BoJoke and his two sidekicks this UK afternoon (another fullstop).
      Aside 3 – Dad watched it. I asked what was said about Vitamin D ([nothing] – Dad knows about Vit D, is off statins from a few years ago, plays golf a couple of times a week {sorry for repeating this}, and am confident won’t follow BoJoke’s advice).
      Aside 4 – for anyone who know my Dad, please remind him to clean the grass and mud out of the boot of my albeit I think he is taking it again on Tuesday as my 80’s Mum is taking their car to go shopping.
      Aside 5 – good job that we aren’t living in Austria.

      1. Prudence Kitten

        A propos Austria, see

        Specifically the wall spray painted with “VAX MACHT FREI” and a swastika. An obvious reference to the notorious motto over the gate at Auschwitz, “Arbeit Macht Frei” (“Work Makes You Free”). At Auschwitz, of course, work tended to make you dead before long – that was the whole idea.

        For an Austrian to conjure up such a parallel shows that they take the “vaccine” threat very seriously indeed. Of course the implication is that “if you accept the ‘vaccine’, you will be free to live your life”.

  87. Dexter Scott

    Can’t remember any mention of testosterone, which increases red blood cell production and makes blood thicker. By the logic of the book, this should be a factor in men having more heart attacks than women. Also, there has been argument back and forth about whether or not Testosterone Replacement Therapy increases the likelihood of a heart attack, and again, by the logic of the book, it should.

  88. moohah

    Just been skim reading parts of the book ahead of fully diving in. I read the part about extreme hot and cold as physical stressors. What do you make of taking cold dips and cold showers etc where no strenuous work is being undertaken but it’s flippin’ cold – would you say these are to be avoided? I’m aware the physical conditions for the miners were quite different to these short sharp shocks in a more controlled and potentially mindful environment. Thanks in advance and I’m looking forward to reading fully – from what I have skimmed – a great book packed with both good science and good humour!

  89. Tish

    Dr Kendrick
    Your new book is, as expected, great.
    But it won’t be read by a lot of the public who, despite having some intelligence, will avoid it because it is “not my area of expertise” and too long, quake quake. Most of the population reads short articles in magazines, newspapers and online. And they seem to believe it all too.
    Perhaps, since you have more right and authority than most, you could get important messages across to the populace by writing a book with a number of short snappy chapters that will not frighten or tax them. Your references in the back would prove your diligence, as usual.

    (Covid has left me with less respect for the majority of people than I used to have – so if this sounds like I’m patronising them, I’m afraid that is the reason.)

  90. nicspicsweb

    Hi Malcolm

    Congratulations on your new book, which I have purchased on Amazon! Will publish a review when I have finished it.

    I also subscribe to Zoe Harcomb who writes about your book this week. She mentions “A study of 324 transgender people who had undergone gender reassignment surgery with mean follow-up of 11 years demonstrated a 2.5 times increased risk of cardiovascular death.”

    Zoe’s comment made me wonder if there have been studies into whether heart disease was lower in haemophilia patients. I found this one which supports this hypothesis: – as far as I can see, you did not cover this in your book, unless I have missed it.

    What are your thoughts on this? A strong inverse relationship between heart disease and haemophilia would support your hypothesis.

    Kind regards, Nic

    On Thu, 4 Nov 2021 at 20:40, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick wrote:

    > Dr. Malcolm Kendrick posted: ” 4th November 2021 Available online in > paperback and eBook worldwide through Amazon: UK | USA | DE | FR | ES | IT > | JP | CA | AU Additionally as eBook: NL | BR | MX | IN Please support > independent publishers and the author ” >

  91. Bruce Berry

    Now I’m intensely curious how the updated thrombosis hypothesis would or could be assisted by the insights of Prof. Subbotin who has been working at the problem from the other side – so to speak- that being the hyper-vascularization of the tunica intima. I imagine Dr. Kendrick will have come across Subbotin’s work, having done such an awesome deep dive into the topic. Ivor Cummins was recently giving him an airing, which is how I learned of it.

    1. Neil Wilkinson

      Just when I thought I might be getting a grip on some understanding, along comes a new factor. Interesting, errett.

      1. Gary Ogden

        Neil and erret: I read the article, and his conclusion about salt screams confounders. I think he’s simply wrong about this.

  92. RBB

    Small LDL carrier molecules abrade the arterial walls. The resultant clots that build up over time are the manifestation of heart disease in the form of plaques. If this is a result of LDL molecules simply inserting themselves between cells in the vascular system, then why is it that plaque only manifests in arteries where the blood is under greater pressure?

    1. Eggs ‘n beer

      Due to the vagaries of the English language, the meaning of your question is unclear.

      Do you mean that the pressure is naturally greater in healthy arteries and the LDL abrade the endothelium, in which case kenfurphy’s comment is spot on; no abrasion occurs in healthy arteries because the glycocalyx is intact; or,

      That the pressure is greater in arteries with plaque, which is obviously the result of the heart having to pump harder to provide the same volume of blood through the constricted artery?

  93. Ted Bernert

    I am buying your book when I am done with this post. I need to read your blog also. I am a 61 year old active male with a calcium score of 2,400. I ride mountain bikes 2 to 3 days a week. 1.5 to 2.5 hour rides. My max heart rate is over 180 BPM. Had a stress echo test about a year ago. Went well, no flow restrictions. I have no heart disease symptoms and have no limitations. Cardiologist has me on statins and blood pressure meds. Theory is that the statins convert plaque to more calcium which is stable. So hopefully no plaque caused heart attack, but calcium score rises. No treatment for stopping plaque formation as far as I can tell. Should I even worry about the high calcium score? I do practice intermittent fasting and have followed a keto diet at times. I definitely have reduced carbs in my diet. Thx.

    1. Eggs ‘n beer

      Ah, pure alchemy. Statins change plaque into calcium. Presumably the penultimate step to transforming lead into gold?

  94. Gary Ogden

    I’ve only gotten to the end of the Introduction, but I want to thank you, Dr. Kendrick, for your clearest explanation yet of the metabolism of dietary fat. My evening meal of fatty beef and cheese concluded, I can feel those basketball-size chylomicrons wending their way up my thoracic duct. I also read everything from the beginning, and I was pleased to see Richard Feinman use the fine English word “fusillade,” which well describes the assault we skeptics are delivering to the powers that be on all fronts now.

  95. Leila

    I will probably order the book seeing as I have just been kicked out of my job as a physiotherapist here in New Zealand for refusing to have the jab. The govt have offered no alternatives at this stage for people in education and health care workers.
    So at the moment, it appears I have some time to read. Thank you Dr Kendrick for your dedication and years of hard work

    1. Gary Ogden

      Leila: You will not be disappointed. Dr. Kendrick has gone into much greater depth in this quest than ever before. Gripping, and great fun to read. I grieve for all you good folks down there; we, the unjabbed, are the control group, and they just hate having control groups.

      1. Leila

        Thanks to you both, not an easy time. The health system here was already struggling before us unjabbed were kicked out so it will be interesting to see how they cope.

        1. AhNotepad

          The governments’ professed concern for the health services is just theatre. Last year it was “clap for heroes” , now it’s “jab the selfish”. A comparison might be
          “Ding dong bell, pussy’s in the well

          Let’s rouse everybody to rescue and protect pussy, but in this case pussy was strangled before being thrown down the well.

 This is the situation in the UK. Adverse effects of jabs are seen associated with particular batches (I don’t know which manufacturer(s)). I suspect it’s happening in other countries.

          1. Mr Chris

            AH notepad
            About bad experiences being linked to various batches, you could well be right. I have to admit not having thought of that.

          2. AhNotepad

            Mr Chris, I hadn’t thought of it either, but I got this by emai:

            Analysis from VAERS of specific batch toxicity shows that approx. 1 in 200 batches cause most of the adverse reaction reports (e.g. over 1000 reactions per batch) and the other batches result in very few reactions, e.g. only 1 or 2. What is more is that it looks as if there is a regular pattern to the toxic events. This is a very significant finding IMHO. Is it possible to further locate the batch production facilities and see if some have particularly bad quality?


            Post Link:

            There is a suggestion that about 15% of jabs could hit blood vessels, and this would not be known as the instructions are to not aspirate. It might explain why sportsmen are keeling over, as they probably have larger blood vessels to feed the oxygen hungry muscles.

          3. Prudence Kitten

            “It might explain why sportsmen are keeling over, as they probably have larger blood vessels to feed the oxygen hungry muscles”.

            I rather doubt if that would make a big difference. Perhaps more likely that sportsmen and women make tremendous physical efforts while playing, which stresses their hearts and circulation.

            Who knows how many of the “vaccinated”, in quieter jobs – some of them rarely even leaving home – have latent weaknesses that will show up eventually? When, of course, the link with the “vaccines” will be even less likely to be declared.

      1. Prudence Kitten

        “The FDA outed Pfizer. Some of the people at the FDA must be fighting the good fight”.

        Gosh. So at least one of the FDA’s nearly 20,000 employees is doing the job they are paid to do. The system is failing!

      2. theasdgamer

        I should add that the baseline for deaths looks to be about 15 per 22,000 for the time of the trial. This means that the vaccines are likely causing an increase of 5 out of 6 excess deaths and that the vaccines are causing five deaths, mostly from heart attacks, for every covid-related death which they prevent.

        17 deaths in placebo arm, two of which were covid-related…this gives us the non-covid baseline of 15 deaths per 22,000 (range is likely 14-16)

        21 deaths in vaccine arm, one of which was covid-related…this gives us the baseline in the covid era of 16 deaths, leaving 5 excess deaths

        And the FDA is trying to prevent release of the Pfizer raw data until 2076.

  96. Tish

    We know that low fat food has caused illness for many people over the years but the abuse, of course, extends to quality of life. Since the seventies people have mistakenly suffered less than delicious food for the sake of their health. Great numbers of people forbidding themselves butter, cream… .and the rest. For 5 decades. So sad.

  97. Gary Ogden

    Dr. Kendrick, maybe I’ve forgotten, but I don’t recall you mentioning in the blog that Apo(a) inhibits tPA, thus fibrolysis. Hope I got the jargon right. Seems cruel and unusual, like life plus 99 years.

  98. Dexter Scott

    In the book you recommend glucosamine and chondroitin. If you know you have a heart condition, would you necessarily recommend “take both” or is it “take either one”?

    1. Eggs ‘n beer

      Don’t. Don’t wonder, that is. Buy the book. Learn a minute amount of the intricacies of vascularises, diet and lifestyle associated with healthy hearts and make your own decision.

      1. zak

        hey eggs n beer 🙂
        I agree with your approach and although I am trying to get a deeper understanding of the biochemistry, a few short cuts are welcome. Dr K has spoken about endothlial damage as being the start of the whole process of cvd. And that has many roues, HPA disfunction, and other stress / cortisol related problems, and insulin/insulin resistance being main factors that induce a potentially damaging situation. But OO has received so much press, I think the question is justified, no? In Cholesterol Con Dr K “reluctantly” (ha!) concedes that omega 3’s have a positive impact. So isn’t it a fair question? What do you think? I’m not a biochemist, but I am trying to be one.
        PS would love to hear from DR K too, but very much appreciate sharing your thoughts

        1. Eggs ‘n beer

          It is a fair question, and one that is answered in the book to a certain extent and with more detail and related background information than one post could. Plus there is a heap more biochemistry and microbiology which also relates to CVD. You’ll also find that Dr. K does not consider any one thing to start the process, after all, the endothelium won’t be damaged if the glycocalyx is intact, and the glycocalyx won’t be compromised so long as ……. but now I’m in danger of quoting the whole book.

          It’s a great read. Already my friends and rellies are rolling their eyes at each other as I approach the barbie with my grass fed steaks and a look of disdain for the veggie burgers. “He’s read another book by that bloody MacKendrick bloke”, the looks say. “Try to head him off with a discussion on Tolstoy or something”.

          1. Zak

            hey eggs and beer
            so I do have the book and I am hoping the audio book becomes available as for the cholesteril con it was very helpful. I am totally sold on Dr K’s approach. Even if for some reason it turns out his midel isn’t fully accurate, what he has done is darn good science and I really think he should be acknowledged for this!
            I know it is cliche to talk about specific wonder foods because its the kind of thing people did with cholesterol, but in reverse. Whereas cholsterol was the easy to (wrongly) demonise molecule, olive oil is the easy to glorify savior. All hail olive oil 🙂
            But… having said this I have read in Dr Aseem Malhutra’s book the Pioppi diet (which doesn’t get into the science too much) that olive oil has properties that help endothelial cells repair. So obviously there is much more to avoiding CVD than 4 tablespoons of the all mighty olive oil, but in the context of Dr K’s process approach, I definitely would be curious if its recommended as something inthe diet. Dr K has so far said a few things explicity – such a proteins and vitamin C are highly recommended as they too help rebuild damaged tissue.

            By the way, to your comment on your family members rolling their eyes, I have a quite similar experience!!

          2. Eggs ‘n beer

            Excellent! Pp20, 25 (in bold), 26 (in italics) explain why olive oil can be considered a problem. Claims that it can help heal endothelial damage are like being hit by a truck from a panel beating repair company.

          3. Zak

            Hey again eggs n beer! Sorry for the delay – finally got round to writing back…
            So I went to pages 20 and 25. But I am not sure I am seeing it? (I am using the kindle).
            p20 – Dr K quote the BMJ article saying “evidence from randomized trials did not support the intro of dietary guidelines..” but this is talking about cutting saturated fat. (Personal note – I am convinced on this – saturated fat satiates is delicious and healthy and you can’t really cut carbs without increasing it).
            P25/26 – Dr K talks about VLDL and the saturated fat.
            But specifically – olive oil?
            In the Pioppi Diet, which I recommend, actually I recommend all Aseem Malhotra’s stuff, he pushes olive oil quite strongly. If I understood him right there he said there’s good reason to believe it helps the endothelial cells — but I am not quite sure in which capacity. Possibly healing after damage, so thereby slowing down any degradation and improving health. I know Dr K doesn’t often comment on this, so I guess I won’t push it, but I really am curious what you think Dr, if you are reading it. And eggs n beer, I welcome your thoughts, or anyone else’s

          4. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

            I am not sure about olive oil – particularly. It contains a lot of saturated fats…. I think it is a somewhat over-promoted as a wonderful health giving substance with quasi-magical properties. I certainly believe it does no harm. I like it, I eat it. I fry my steaks in in, and pop it in salads – especially Greek salads. I cannot see exactly how it is supposed to help endothelial cells. That mechanism currently eludes me. I mean, if it replaces trans-fats, or certain polyunsaturated fats this is a good thing from cell membrane function/stability. That just means that those fats are not healthy, rather than olive oil(s) being particularly healthy.

          5. Zak

            thanks Dr K, that clears up something I was wondering about for a while. Maybe that’s why the guy I buy from (fresh, from the Golan heights) has a slight smirk on his face when I order the second 18 liter vat in 6 months 🙂
            Really really appreciate your amazing work Dr K. It’s inspiring. Thank you.

          6. Mr Chris

            A couple of weeks age I asked you a couple of questions about Lp(a), and you, very reasonable suggested my questions revealed that I had not read your latest book. I am now at Chapter 2, and I realise my questions were not that bright, and what I learned is very interesting. A regular Vit C taker for at least forty years, I am hoping it has protected me up til now.
            about olive oil, I too gave read other peoples neutral attitude towards it. On the other hand do you suppose that it is just successful marketing?

  99. David Bailey

    This is almost off topic, but there is a paragraph in Dr Kendrick’s book in which he points out that H2 receptor blockers (zantac, famotidine, etc) are safer than proton pump inhibitors.

    This reminded me of a comment somewhere that Zantac might be useful against COVID.

    Zantac was banned by the FDA in April 2020 because it was claimed to be contaminated with a possible carcinogen.

    A little GOOGLing confirmed my suspicion that COVID researchers are indeed looking at H2 blockers in connection with COVID – so the effect against COVID might be common to this whole class of drugs. E.g.

    I then GOOGLE’d famotidine, and sure enough, all the H2 receptor heartburn drugs seem to be unavailable – only the PPI’s are available!

    Can anyone fill this picture in a bit? Am I chasing an imaginary hare, or is this yet another attempt to stop simple treatments for COVID?

  100. Eggs ‘n beer

    OK. I’ve read the book. I would’ve bought the T-shirt if it was available. I’ve read all the blogs. I agree with the conclusions. But:

    How do people who have bad diets and stressed lives live to 97?

    Maybe Uncle Ernie could absorb the impacts of fighting in Burma in WW2, being recalled to London to sort out the Typhoon problem, demobbed in Tasmania, manic-depressive-witch wife etc. smoked since 17, several failed businesses, refusing to eat anything that wasn’t available in Yorkshire even though he lived in Australia since 1946, white bread, sausages, drumsticks ….. I don’t know.

    1. Prudence Kitten

      “How do people who have bad diets and stressed lives live to 97?”

      We shall be better placed to answer such questions when we understand what is a good, or bad, diet.

      Also it seems that people have very widely varying tolerance of stress – and need for it. The general feeling seems to be that there is an ideal region of stress for everyone – but what is ideal for one person may be very harmful to another. (Either through over- or under-stimulation).

      My daughter once went skydiving, and thoroughly enjoyed it. My feelings were closer to those of a young girl who, when told about the skydiving, asked, “Why would she do that? Was the plane on fire?”

  101. Steve

    Just finished the excellent new book, brilliant, as expected. Thank You.
    Who’d have thought that the thick Clots were the problem. It’s a bit like our government, full of thick clots causing the death of our country…

    BTW, excellent piece in the TCW. Although, I fear you are preaching to the converted. Would be great to see these articles in the BBC and Daily Mail, the preferred media choice of the unthinking masses.

  102. tree

    Why you do not create a new site dedicated to showing your knowledge and your failures?
    It would be nice and would clean up Dr. Kendrick’s blog.

  103. Tish

    This is REALLY worrying from the BBC website today. You can see what’s happening.
    The WHO are suggesting mandatory vaccination and encouraging the vaccinated to turn against the unvaccinated.

    ‘Dr Kluge said mandatory vaccination measures should be seen as a “last resort” but that it would be “very timely” to have a “legal and societal debate” about the issue.’

    ‘Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said…jabs were “the only exit ticket we have to break this vicious circle.”’
    ‘“It’s a problem for the whole society because even those that are vaccinated, if they don’t have access to an intensive care unit because they’re blocked by those who are not vaccinated and got sick, then they are affected as well,” Mr Schallenberg told the BBC.’

    The ‘societal debate’ is ominous. I feel quite sick.

    1. lingulella

      Of course, we all know there is no such thing as ‘the vaccine’, but for some reason we are not to be allowed to ‘choose’ our poison. We can have any poison we want as long as we want an mRNA one.

      What is wrong with e.g. sinovac’s coronavac, or the Indian Covaxin, both of them with a ‘killed’ virus and adjuvanted as per the last 100 years or so?

      Why do we have to put up with a manufactured ‘spike’ protein that has also been codon optimised to make production more ‘reliable’ (a.k.a. cheaper) but, fingers crossed, still looks to the immune system like the ‘wild type’ viral spike? My guess is that the codon optimising is why some batches are giving so many side effects as did the EU medicines agency when they questioned Pfizer’s manufacturing process and were warned/fobbed off before being leaned on to grant an EUA. At least they raised the issue unlike the supine FDA and MHRA.

  104. Ram

    On the role of apolipoprotein levels on CVD, should we focus on A1, A2 or B? Can they be used on a wide scale to assess the risk for CVD in place of the currently prevalent cholesterol tests? Also, is the Coronary Artery Calcification (CAC) scan a good test to screen for CVD? Incidentally, does the pule rate have any bearing on CVD?

  105. SD Cook

    As always, amazed and grateful for your ongoing explorations that the MSM or mainstream medical establishment won’t/don’t acknowledge. I’m surprised even that Amazon has the book listed…just snatched it before they decide on cancelling.

  106. Perran

    I’ve just finished listening to The great cholesterol con. Thankyou Malcolm. You have completely destroyed a whole heap of what I thought I knew. I thought I was at low risk of heart disease but am no longer certain. I have started making major lifestyle adjustments.
    The very first thing I did was swap the sugar in my coffee for cream. Sugar is sooo addictive and yet when I replaced the sugar in my coffee with lots of fat I didn’t feel like I was missing out and enjoyed the nice creamy taste.

    I’m profoundly grateful that I stumbled across your book.

    1. David Bailey

      A researcher called Viv on Alex Berenson’s site has posted what, to me, is probably a valid explanation of this difference. She points out that the age range of the sample is huge, and most of the deaths will be at the top of the age range – the very people who are most vaccinated, which will skew things badly in favour of more deaths in the vaccinated.

      Sorry about that – but it does show how slippery statistical arguments can be!

      1. Eggs 'n beer

        Well, yes, that’s similar to what I said, which is why I went the excess mortality route. But that argument doesn’t apply to the 60-69 group, where the number of deaths will increase slightly over the ten year range (compared to the fifty year range for the 10-59 group), but the excess mortality is very large.

    2. Eggs 'n beer

      If the NHS data is correct, then yes, it’s true. Well, sort of. I downloaded the nhs file last night and graphed the stats. Partly because I wanted to check out the 60-69 age group. Although with a BP of 112/76 I feel safe(ish) anyway. My GP said I am as fit as a 16 y/o. Then muttered ‘as fit as a healthy 16 y/o’ and muttered some more about diet, exercise. young people nowadays, when I were a girl etc.etc.

      But, to the data! My first question was the definition of ‘vaccinated’, and the nhs provides great detail. They have four age groups, 10-59, 60-69, 70-79 and 80+. With four vaccine stati (statuses, statices); unvaccinated, within 21 days of first vaccine, 21 days or more after first vaccine and double jabbed. Berenson gives the graph for totally vaccinated vs unvaccinated. But the puzzle is why does the rate per 100,000 for the unvaccinated drop so much, from 4/100k to 0.9/100k? In isolation, this doesn’t make sense. It’s as if the commencement of vaccination reduces the unvaccinateds’ chances of dying by 75%. Not logical. A note to the data says that this could be due to the older people in the 10-59 group being vaccinated first, but you would have expected the lines to be converging rather than diverging along the time axis.

      As one would expect the rate for the unvaxxed to stay constant, let’s instead take that 4/100k as a baseline, and look how the overall mortality per 100k changes. Including all four categories. Which shows total deaths/100k running at 6.5-7, so a substantial increase over the base level, but not quite double. I wish I could post graphs.

      Now, for my age group, the results are different. The rate per 100k for the unvaxxed remains fairly stable, around 40, but the excess mortality climbs to a peak of 180 and drops back to about 80 for the last six weeks, so the risk of death from the vaccine trebles (40, vs 40+80=120) for the 60-69 y/o.

      1. Charly

        Maybe the explanation is found in what cardiologist are finding in the real world not just in theory. Something Dr. K wrote a few blocks back and is in line probably with the new book (haven’t read it yet) about cardiovascular risk by damage to your arteries.

        Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

        1. Prudence Kitten

          So now we can change the headline statement from “No single cause of cardiovascular disease has been identified” to “No single NATURAL cause of cardiovascular disease has been identified”.

          The authors of the article referred to by Charly say, “We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination”.

          From the summary:

          “A total of 566 pts, aged 28 to 97, M:F ratio 1:1 seen in a preventive cardiology practice had a new PULS test drawn from 2 to 10 weeks following the 2nd COVID shot and was compared to the previous PULS score drawn 3 to 5 months previously pre- shot. Baseline IL-16 increased from 35=/-20 above the norm to 82 =/- 75 above the norm post-vac; sFas increased from 22+/- 15 above the norm to 46=/-24 above the norm post-vac; HGF increased from 42+/-12 above the norm to 86+/-31 above the norm post-vac. These changes resulted in an increase of the PULS score from 11% 5 yr ACS risk to 25% 5 yr ACS risk. At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vac”.

          Note especially the second-last sentence, which states plainly that the risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) more than doubled after “vaccination”.

          1. Eggs ‘n beer

            Well, no, not really.

            These are all heart patients of a prominent cardiac surgeon, so it’s probably safe to assume that they already have CVD. In which case the increase in ACS in this study is due to the jab exacerbating the issues, rather than causing them, as the damage is already there.

            A study of the same markers in a population not known to have CVD would be very interesting. Of most concern to my son’s mate who has suffered these symptoms, at 22, fanatical soccer player, is the last sentence. “At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vac”.” At 22, he doesn’t care so much about dying as living. He’s been told he may never be able to run again.

          2. Charly

            The worst is that even do this is the most reported adverse effect. There are many other adverse effects. Some doctors are seen increase of markers of cancer risk development. There are autoimmune concerns. They will probably will go under the radar as there is a mantra that they are “safe and effective”. It appear there is no willing to really investigate anything that goes against the official narrative. As the plan is to continue with the booster route and have 100% of the population jabbed. But in my view they are harming 100% of the population for a condition that is treatable, were the vast majority recover quickly and with little trouble and many have probably already natural immunity. For a “therapy” that doesn’t stop the spread or death.

        2. David

          Or not. The AHA has published an ‘Expression of Concern’ ( for this abstract, stating that there are a number of errors: ‘Specifically, there are several typographical errors, there is no data in the abstract regarding myocardial T-cell infiltration, there are no statistical analyses for significance provided, and the author is not clear that only anecdotal data was used’.

          1. Prudence Kitten

            That sounds like exactly what one would expect when anything gets published that might get people doubtful about the official line.

            As soon as influential people hear about the article they get on the phone to the editorial board and explain some facts of life. The same day, the editorial board discovers that the article has serious deficiencies.

          2. David

            You trust the publication because of the EOC? Who can argue with a logic like that.

            You think that the abstract shows ‘research’ that was well done? That the science is correct? That should be the issue here.

    3. theasdgamer

      All Berenson’s data shows is that the clotshot offers no benefit. The lines converge, so there is no ADE in the data.

      Mathew Crawford teaches statistics and explains it on substack.

  107. Clathrate

    Apologies for cluttering up the blog. Dr K’s book is not available on a subsidiary of what is the same name as the 2nd longest river in the world (had a 15% off voucher which expired midnight by the time I typed this UK time – with a bit of luck they might send me a 20% voucher now). I looked at the river site and it has reduced the price 9%.
    As much as I want to read The Clot Thickens I have a backlog of reading & look likely to put it on my Christmas list including Seneff’s and Kennedy Jnr’s latest.
    Apparently I also can have a trial of audio books and download two for free. I prefer the physical variety* (which the kids can throw on the skip when I bite the dust) though do have some electronic ones when on offer (an example being ‘Fat & Cholesterol Don’t Cause Heart Attacks’ – for Dr K’s chapter among others – was 99 pence at the time & was thanks to someone on here highlighting it).
    I love reading this blog readers recommendations (including our Swedish ‘friend’ though he hasn’t been active on here for a while). Happy to see any recommendations.
    For what it is worth, the latest book that I finished at the weekend was Brian Cox’s ‘Forces of Nature’ (I didn’t watch the series on which it is based). Need to read it again.

    * can put yellow sticky notes in to go to relevant sections to flick though when sat on the big potty.

    1. Jeremy May

      Go on, pay the going rate.
      We need to support people who put their head above the parapet to give us life-altering advice.
      Besides, if the ‘establishment’ get their teeth into our noble Dr, he may be needing another income stream! God forbid.
      (From someone who knows how much time and effort go into writing a book and getting it in front of people who don’t want to pay for it).

      1. Clathrate

        Thank you Jeremy – I would but it is close to Christmas that I would rather have Dr K’s book on my list & if it doesn’t appear gift wrapped in nice red shiny paper, will be 1st book that I buy in 2022. Dr K should be safe as he avoids the ‘traps’. You suggest that you have written a book & got it in front of people – I did a quick search on the long river site, do you have a middle initial of ‘R’?. I wrote a book – albeit a mickey mouse PhD thesis – maybe the two viva examiners read it though suspect more likely flicked through it (smiley thing). My sister admitted to starting to read it then giving up. I’ll leave my copy to the kids & let whichever gets the short straw chuck it in the skip when I go up in smoke or to the worms.

  108. Jan Lucas

    Excellent book, full of useful advice which I will try and follow. One criticism… I haven’t been able to stop thinking about tigers since I finished the book a week ago.

  109. Gary Ogden

    Apologies for taking too long to thank you, Dr. Kendrick, for your best book yet. Except for the scary parts-the parts which have this reader contemplating his mortality-it is pure joy to read, and finishing it left me feeling relaxed and hopeful. I’m particularly enamored of the glycocalyx; it’s no wonder our circulatory system functions so smoothly for so many decades. Truly our best friend. I thought the reason it took so long to arrive was a slow boat across the Atlantic, but in the back it says, “Made in U.S.A. Coppell, TX 05 November 2021.

  110. Jayne Spencer

    Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning
    I am just an ordinary lay person and have been following your blog and have found it helped balanced the official COVID-19 narrative and therefore would very much appreciate your thoughts. Is this research from the AHA Journal a game changer regarding vaccine mandates?

    1. Steve

      “In many countries and communities, we are concerned about the false sense of security that vaccines have ended the pandemic and that people who are vaccinated do not need to take any other precautions,” the WHO’s director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said Wednesday at a press conference on the Covid-19 crisis in Europe.
      So the gene jabs don’t work to control the false pandemic, apart from potentially killing the recipients, now what ?

      1. theasdgamer

        “we are concerned about the false sense of security…”

        Wot? You lot tink dat you can go back to normal living? We gots clotshots to hawk and can’t do none o’ that without some panic.

  111. lingulella

    Excellent summing up of many years of curiosity driven research. Although I have followed Dr Kendrick’s posting for the last decade, I will have to read the work again (probably many times as with his others) after I have finished Robert F Kennedy’s exposée of the Dr Fauci’s life promulgating malfeasance in public health practice.

  112. Tish

    The Clot Thickens p.156: ‘Exercise can also increase cortisol levels’.

    When people are having nocturnal panic attacks you would think that maybe getting out of bed and doing some exercise would help to rid the bloodstream of the excessive glucose molecules and FFAs. Would this work at all or would you just be adding to the fight or flight scene by getting physically worked up?

    1. Steve

      I would suggest that deep breathing exercises, Yoga or even just a cup of Tea would be much better than vigorous exercise.

    1. Prudence Kitten

      Charity apart, I feel on balance that mass hysteria is a far more plausible explanation than any kind of deep conspiracy theory.

      Frankly, those people just are not clever enough. Not nearly clever enough.

      1. theasdgamer

        Gates is clever enough, but he has to work with flawed tools, so your assertion of incompetence is true in part. The operation didn’t quite go as he hoped it would. But his backup plan was to raise cash for the next time. He made 50 billion off of the vaccines.

        Here was the business plan:

        1) Spread panic with a) wild projections of catastrophic deaths by academics, b) media campaigns to hyperbolize the danger with an onslaught of personal stories of loss, c) public health recommendations for ineffectual, weird behavioral changes like antisocial distancing and masking,
        2) Suppress opposition science by a) calling it “misinformation” in media, b) censoring it in social media, c) preventing publication, and d) supporting fake research to oppose published research
        3) Smear inexpensive, effective treatments like HCQ and IVM and quercetin to clear the way for EUAs for vaccines
        4) Clear the obstacle of governmental regulation for Warped Greed to speed sale of inadequately tested vaccines
        5) Protect pharma from liability lawsuits due to vaccines
        6) Sell expensive treatments and antivirals to governments

        The plan was wildly successful.

        1. theasdgamer

          I think that Prudence’s point was that there seems to be an awful lot of useful idiots running around, including “physicians” recommending the clotshots for children and young adults.

          Lots of sheep and lots of predators, but very few shepherds who can fight off the predators. Most physicians are sheep. I know of one who had a bad reaction from his second clotshot, but he went ahead and got the booster anyway and had to take a day off work from it.

          1. AhNotepad

            This might have been posted already, but this physician is definitely not a sheep. It is a long read, but well worth it, and it is not full of medical jargon. It relates many of the effects caused shortly after jabs.

            Just one of the comments describing the jabbing of a 12 year old:
            It beggars belief. What have we become? I require an ‘over-25 check’ to purchase zero percent beer at Morrisons. This lad can opt for dangerous, unnecessary experimental gene therapy at school in sworn secrecy. It is healthcare hell on earth.

      2. Steve

        Let’s not forget that the Davos Set to a large extent fund and thus control the MSM. The hysteria of the massed lemmings is whipped up and amplified by the MSM, eg. the likes of the bbc and the mail. Look at what is happening with the fake MORONIC strain, wall to wall hysteria. We are being played and the objective of the game is control and money.
        The benefit of the doubt could be given to the first six months of the covid hysteria, after that time it became an opportunity and was managed. Two years later it is clear what is happening.

    2. Janice Willoughby

      Thanks for the link to the eugyppius blog post. Another recent eugyppius post, : “…Original Antigenic Sin..” is well worth reading. Vanden Bossche and some others have been trying to address the complexities of the human immune system and the design of vaccines. Can you say “complexity” ?

      So very many of the adverse effects of the vaccines are manifested in the cardiovascular system. For that matter, the COVID-19 itself, when serious, seems so often (always ?) to involve clotting.

      I have not so far come across any mention of vaccines in Dr. Kendrick’s new book, but I have only just begun to peruse my copy. (If they are not covered in this book, I believe that you must be looking forward to discussing them with respect to CVD, in your next book, Dr.K . Of course, that’s after a well-deserved rest ! )

      The book: I am learning a lot, and I highly recommend it. Readable, well organized, and informative.

  113. Roy Bonney

    Anyone who is interested in modern diet and diseases might be interested in the study…

    Cereal Grains: Humanity s Double-Edged Sword


    1. Prudence Kitten

      Thanks, Roy! I have read – and been impressed by – the case against grains as made by Dr William Davis and many others. (Notably the Jaminets, authors of the Perfect Health Diet, recommend complete abstention from all grains except for white rice).

      A thorough study like this is very welcome indeed. I hope no one will mind if I spoil any surprise by quoting the final paragraph of the paper’s “Conclusions”:

      “Cereal grains are truly humanity’s double-edged sword. For without them, our species would likely have never evolved the complex cultural and technological innovations which allowed our departure from the hunter-gatherer niche. However, because of the dissonance between human evolutionary nutritional requirements and the nutrient content of these domesticated grasses, many of the world’s people suffer disease and dysfunction directly attributable to the consumption of these foods”.

      It might also be borne in mind that, without the “complex cultural and technological innovations which allowed our departure from the hunter-gatherer niche”, our species would not now be facing the multiple crises that are all ultimately caused by runaway population.

  114. David Bailey

    I tell people that typically viruses evolve to become less damaging and thus spread more easily. Furthermore, the mild disease variants cause, confer immunity to all the variants and thus act like a conventional vaccine.

    Are there any notable exceptions to that story, or is it universal?

    1. Eggs ‘n beer

      I don’t think the last seven words are correct. Even with conventional vaccines, naturally acquired immunity is better than artificially acquired. It is longer lasting and has other benefits such as being passed on through lactation. Otherwise, agree entirely. If the comments from the epicentre in SA are correct (extremely mild), then omicron becomes a must get variant.

      I just love how Omicron is an anagram of Moronic.

      1. David Bailey

        I had to read what you wrote rather carefully to realise that you were basically agreeing with me!

        I like the fact that logically this variant should have been called Xi!

        So with luck it really is the nightmare variant – but for Reset21

      2. David Bailey

        Second question: Are there any exceptions – examples of a virus that suddenly became more damaging as a result of a mutation? If not, why were the medical profession peddling the story about dangerous variants?

        1. Eggs ‘n beer

          The second wave of the Spanish ‘flu was by far the worst. But then, the first wave was in summer, the second in winter, so it may not have been due to a more virulent mutation.

          How can we really tell? Suppose delta was actually more deadly than previous variants, but alpha and beta had killed off the most susceptible, then delta would have killed them plus the ones it’s killing now. I don’t think that IS the case, especially as in Oz we’re not seeing many deaths from delta, and alpha and beta were effectively squashed. But past performance can affect present perceptions.

          Why are they peddling stories of dangerous variants? With a highly vaccinated population a variant can only be dangerous if the vaccine isn’t effective against it. So you need more vaccines. Skipping the fact that these aren’t vaccines anyway, according to the 230 year old original definition, supplanted in March this year. We KNOW the ‘vaccines’ don’t work for omicron because only the double jabbed can travel, and it’s already spread around the world. That doesn’t stop Jabba the Hut mandating booster shots every three months in the UK though …. ££££

        2. David

          You can look at the evolution of the Influenza virus, specifically dependents of the 1918 virus (1968). The changes can be zoonotic in origin (1957). Sometimes the ‘pandemic’ is due to the strain being unknown to the immune system, even if it not as severe a disease (1977), so I’m not sure if increased CFR is the only measure we should use for labeling.

        3. michaelistrulymyname

          @Dr. Kendrick. I am half-way through The Clot Thickens. I am very glad I bought it and will finish it soon. When it arrived my wife and thumbed quickly through the book to see what you say about elevated blood pressure. My wife has always had normal blood pressure but since the second shot of the Astra Zeneca concoction she has suffered from very elevated pressure which was diagnosed when she complained of throbbing in her head when exercising. She is now reluctantly taking medication. Of course we can’t be sure about the cause. Correlation is not causation as they say.

        4. michaelistrulymyname

          @David Bailey – Replying to your important question ‘Are there any exceptions – examples of a virus that suddenly became more damaging as a result of a mutation?’ I suggest you read about Marek’s disease, a viral infection of poultry, and what happened when a non-sterilising (or “leaky”) vaccine was administered during a pandemic of the disease.

          (Acknowledgement to the foul-mouthed but prescient Karl Denninger. I had never heard of Marek’s disease until he drew attention to it when the Sars-CoV-2 vaccines were first suggested)

      3. David Bailey

        I hope nobody blows a blood vessel as a result of reading this, but a psychic called Sylvia Browne predicted in 2008 the COVID-19 outbreak and how it would end:

        “In around 2020 a severe
        -like illness will spread throughout the globe attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and all known treatments,” Browne wrote. “Almost more baffling than the illness will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later and then vanish completely.”

        The last sentence might make sense if Omicron really does end the pandemic!

  115. Robert MacGregor

    Hello Dr Kendrick, I am in the midst of reading the Clot Thickens and something occurred to to me. Does cholesterol occur in the plaques with people who’s CHD is from smoking?

  116. BRR

    The Homocysteine Theory Of Arteriosclerosis, as put forward by Dr. Kilmer McCully, in various papers and books, has been disproven by a lot of research.
    High homocysteine levels are an effect, not a cause of Arteriosclerosis. This is explained in detail in this paper, which can be downloaded for free:
    2000 – Homocysteine and cardiovascular disease – cause or effect
    The paper has many, many citations and you can spend weeks studying the underlying research.

    The cause of Arteriosclerosis and CVD is not as simple as the Homocysteine Theory, or the cholesterol / saturated fat theory. As Dr. Kendrick has stated here and in his 2008 book, The Great Cholesterol Con: “Heart disease , is very much a multifactorial disease.”

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      Hmmm. I was aware of that paper. They have decreed (based on no actual evidence) that renal disease/chronic kidney disease, raises homocysteine, and it is the chronic kidney disease that increases the risk of CVD – not the raised homocysteine per se. It is equally possible that a raised homocysteine damages the glomerular apparatus in the kidneys, leading to chronic kidney disease/damage. The raised homocysteine also causes the same endothelial damage that leads to the increased risk of CVD. Ergo, the raised homocysteine represents the causal factor that links CVD to CKD. I believe, on balance, that raised homocysteine does damage the vascular system.

      The same issue can be seen with diabetes, whereby a raised blood glucose levels damages the endothelium throughout the body, and also in the small blood vessels, such as those found in the kidney, back of the eye etc. So, with diabetes, you get chronic kidney disease/nephron damage and CVD. The key driver is not the kidney disease, it is the raised blood sugar.

    1. BR

      Since Dr. Kendrick hasn’t answered this, i will take a chance.
      Dr. K covered apolipoprotein(a) as a possible factor, eons ago, back in 2008,
      in his book “The Great cholesterol Con”
      To quote from p. 153: “a high level of Lp(a) may be an important factor
      in creating big, difficult-to-shift blood clots in your arteries.
      So, a high level of Lp(a) could well be a risk factor for causing the development of
      atherosclerotic plaques – could it not?”

      So it is possible that a high level of Lp(b) may be a risk factor / marker as well.
      The problem is that the article in question is so full of corporate pharma LDL-bad /
      statins-good references and disinfo, Dr.K has spent decades ridiculing and disproving,
      that i wouldn’t take anything the author of the article has to say seriously.
      Reality is always much more complex than pharma sheep scientists and “authors” love to
      This article is nothing more than propaganda for getting the sheep into the statin

  117. theasdgamer

    Looks like there may be another item to add to the list of ACS risk factors…from Steven Gundry, published in “Circulation”…”these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vac.”

    “Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

    Our group has been using the PLUS Cardiac Test (GD Biosciences, Inc, Irvine, CA) a clinically validated measurement of multiple protein biomarkers which generates a score predicting the 5 yr risk (percentage chance) of a new Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). The score is based on changes from the norm of multiple protein biomarkers including IL-16, a proinflammatory cytokine, soluble Fas, an inducer of apoptosis, and Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF)which serves as a marker for chemotaxis of T-cells into epithelium and cardiac tissue, among other markers. Elevation above the norm increases the PULS score, while decreases below the norm lowers the PULS score.The score has been measured every 3-6 months in our patient population for 8 years. Recently, with the advent of the mRNA COVID 19 vaccines (vac) by Moderna and Pfizer, dramatic changes in the PULS score became apparent in most patients.This report summarizes those results. A total of 566 pts, aged 28 to 97, M:F ratio 1:1 seen in a preventive cardiology practice had a new PULS test drawn from 2 to 10 weeks following the 2nd COVID shot and was compared to the previous PULS score drawn 3 to 5 months previously pre- shot. Baseline IL-16 increased from 35=/-20 above the norm to 82 =/- 75 above the norm post-vac; sFas increased from 22+/- 15 above the norm to 46=/-24 above the norm post-vac; HGF increased from 42+/-12 above the norm to 86+/-31 above the norm post-vac. These changes resulted in an increase of the PULS score from 11% 5 yr ACS risk to 25% 5 yr ACS risk. At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vac.We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”

    1. David

      Didn’t you see the ‘Expression of Concern’ ( for this abstract?
      The AHA stated that there are a number of errors: ‘Specifically, there are several typographical errors, there is no data in the abstract regarding myocardial T-cell infiltration, there are no statistical analyses for significance provided, and the author is not clear that only anecdotal data was used’.

      I think that we should all wait for the actually paper, if there is one….

      1. theasdgamer

        This was a cautionary letter telling cardiologists to gather data.

        The “expression of concern” was inappropriate as a response from a scientific perspective, but understandable if pharma was exerting pressure on the journal editors.

        1. Janice Willoughby

          December 4, 2021
          At his YouTube channel, Dr. John Campbell, who deserves much credit for his ongoing video discussions of most aspects of Covid19, covered the Gundry abstract in some detail: “Heart risk after vaccination”, dated November 25, 2021. Yes, he did say, “PLUS” rather than “PUL:S” as he got into his discussion. His discussion, total of about 24 minutes, is nonetheless intelligent and thoughtful, discerning and civil. He is another hero of the Covid19 wars !

          Campbell gently points out a style/typo problem at the top of Gundry’s page; I will be more critical in pointing out that “PLUS” seems to be a typo for “PULS”; and you cannot have this sort of typo at the top of your paper, even if you are presenting Big Information that needs immediate publication, and even if your word processor was the traitorous source of the typo to begin with. Another reason to strive for perfection in the written word, whether it’s handwritten on paper, or electronically printed : you don’t want to cause people like Campbell to unintentionally misstate your findings.

          Refer to the Vitamin D/Covid19 paper out of Turkey, authors Mustafa Sait Gonen et al.,abstract currently trending at PubMed, and then look at the full (free) paper, for a reminder of how these studies, papers, and abstracts, are properly done. Or just take a look and enjoy a few minutes of appreciation for a job well done, beautifully done.

          Sorry for any mistakes in my comment- the word processor probably did it !

          Thanks, Dr. Kendrick……any comments on PULS ?

    1. Prudence Kitten

      A very good interview; Peter Robinson did a fine job asking pertinent questions, some of which proposed views which simply screamed to be demolished. But towards the end I became disillusioned with Dr Bhattacharya, when – to my astonishment – he said that he recommends the Covid “vaccines” and that they are safe! Mind you, he also demonstrated remarkable naivete when talking about politicians – he fails to understand the most obvious fact about them, which is that they never, ever admit to having been wrong.

      Incidentally, the remark which Mr Robinson attributes to John Maynard Keynes was probably not made bu him, but by Max Planck about scientists. I don’t think economists ever make any progress, since their “discipline” is 90% advocacy of the status quo whereby the rich become ever richer and the poor can go to the devil. That’s hardly surprising, since most economists are paid by the rich. (There are one or two honourable exceptions, such as Michael Hudson, Steve Keen, and – in the past – John Kenneth Galbraith).

      “Eine neue wissenschaftliche Wahrheit pflegt sich nicht in der Weise durchzusetzen, daß ihre Gegner überzeugt werden und sich als belehrt erklären, sondern vielmehr dadurch, daß ihre Gegner allmählich aussterben und daß die heranwachsende Generation von vornherein mit der Wahrheit vertraut gemacht ist”.

      English translation:

      “A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it”.

      Max Planck, Wissenschaftliche Selbstbiographie. Mit einem Bildnis und der von Max von Laue gehaltenen Traueransprache. Johann Ambrosius Barth Verlag (Leipzig 1948), p. 22, as translated in Scientific Autobiography and Other Papers, trans. F. Gaynor (New York, 1949), pp. 33–34 (as cited in T. S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions).

      Paraphrased variants:

      Die Wahrheit triumphiert nie, ihre Gegner sterben nur aus.
      (Truth never triumphs — its opponents just die out).
      Science advances one funeral at a time.

  118. Steve

    Some excellent reading, I recommend today:
    Scientists believe they have found “the trigger” that leads to extremely rare blood clots after the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine.
    These scientists are, IMO, standing on the shoulders of giants like Dr K, Mike Yeadon, etc.

    People will be likely to need to have annual Covid vaccinations for many years to come, the head of Pfizer has told the BBC.
    Who would have thunk it ? $$$$

  119. Jeremy May

    “The herd instinct among forecasters makes sheep look like independent thinkers.” – Edgar Fielder
    That is one quote from an amusing article on forecasters, in which the author compares forecasting the financial markets to forecasting pandemics.
    Those old chestnuts, lack of accountability, vested interests and herd stupidity (among forecasters) are among the things that come into my mind while reading the article.

    This ‘herd’ business leads to conclusions (and advice / recommendations) that are difficult vehicle to stop and turn.
    The same appears to be true of ‘accepted’ advice on CVD and cholesterol where ‘experts’ make an impressive case ‘for whatever it might be’ based on forecaster’s inaccurate predictions.

    Anyhow, it’s worth a read….

    1. Prudence Kitten

      “There are two kinds of forecasters: those who don’t know and those who don’t know they don’t know”.

      – John Kenneth Galbraith

    2. Prudence Kitten

      An excellent book on the topic of forecasting (especially in technology) is “Megamistakes: Forecasting and the Myth of Rapid Technological Change” by Steven P. Schnaars. I read it 20 years ago or more, and the main points are still quite clear in my mind – an almost unique state of affairs.

      Schnaars’ main conclusion, as I recall, is that even the most expert and celebrated forecasters predict mostly things that never happen; and that those new and important developments that do occur are rarely, if ever, predicted.

      I don’t remember if he makes this particular point, but in the 1960s no one (even Arthur C. Clarke!) would have believed that 60 years later computer hardware would have been so vastly improved because of a market of several billion customers carrying around in their pockets computers vastly more powerful in every way than the IBM mainframes of that time. Nor that software would have so dismally failed to keep pace.

      1. Eggs ‘n beer

        Maybe not the 60’s, but The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is from the 70’s and it nailed the iPad and the internet to a T. OK, the Guide had buttons rather than a touch screen, but the ship’s computer was voice controlled like Siri.

        1. Prudence Kitten

          Yes; SF writers have done a lot better than professional forecasters, on the whole. They have the freedom to neglect details of how something is done, in order to focus on what is done. In the 1950s Arthur C. Clarke had everyone wearing wristwatch computers which automatically communicated with the universal network by (I think) infrared or some other line of sight radiation.

          But that scenario showed up SF writers’ Achilles heel very clearly: Clarke proposed that the whole system (computers and network) would be free to all citizens and visitors. He was good at human intelligence, but failed to grasp human greed.

        2. Roy Bonney

          What about Blake’s Seven they had talking computers Zen and Orac, and beaming up and down!

          I also watched the Jay Bhattacharya interview, ( twice! it is that good !)
          His comments on the Precautionary Principle (33 mins in) were absolutely spot on!
          Essentially is the risk of the cure worse than the risks from the disease?

        3. David Bailey

          I suspect engineers and scientists also tend to read Science Fiction, and this inspires them to invent things like the internet to match what they have read about.

          Sometimes however, the comparison is a bit strained. Quantum teleportation is unbelievably far removed from the Star Trek version, asin “Beam me up Scotty!”

          Since this is primarily a medical blog, does anyone here feel up to inventing the Tricorder?

  120. lingulella

    Either politicians are getting a lot cheaper to buy, or Bill Gates as the biggest financial backer of jabs, has a lot more money than we thought, otherwise how do you explain countries being locked down and the unvaccinated stigmatised like the Jews in 1930’s Austria and Germany, to enforce a medical experiment that has already long been a demonstrated failure and a health disaster?

      1. Prudence Kitten

        My initial reaction – some years ago now – was to reflect that, in my years of studying history, I often read about leaders who betrayed their people and were arrested, tried, and sometimes condemned to death.

        Why does that not happen now, when the political and financial leaders of dozens of countries seem to have sold out and taken Washington’s shilling? At an international conference in Delphi a few years ago, Dr Paul Craig Roberts declared:

        ‘My Ph.D. dissertation chairman, who became a high Pentagon official assigned to wind down the Vietnam war, in answer to my question about how Washington gets Europeans to always do what Washington wants replied: “Money, we give them money.” “Foreign aid?” I asked. “No, we give the European political leaders bagfuls of money. They are for sale. We bought them. They report to us.” Perhaps this explains Tony Blair’s $50 million fortune one year out of office’.
        – Paul Craig Roberts

        Curiously, no one has seen fit to sue Dr Roberts for defamation. It’s almost as if they didn’t want the issue discussed in open court.

        Perhaps the answer to my question is amazingly simple. Why are political leaders not prosecuted for treason? The prosecutors work for them, report to them, and depend on them for their future prospects.

        It seems that, in the West, the whole of government and the civil service has become unfit for purpose. It has become detached from its original goal of serving the public, and now serves itself.

        Long ago the great SF writer Jerry Pournelle explained it in simple terms:

        “In any bureaucracy, the people devoted to the benefit of the bureaucracy itself always get in control and those dedicated to the goals the bureaucracy is supposed to accomplish have less and less influence, and sometimes are eliminated entirely”.

      2. David

        Has anyone seem how they got to this number? Or do we just have to just believe the ‘editorial staff’ of Apumone (whoever they are)?

        1. BR

          Besides her salary as prime minister, Ardern also has written books and has been named as one of the world’s most influential women. This raises her net worth again. Ardern was named on TIME magazine’s ‘100 Most Influential People of 2019′ list, and Forbes magazine’s ’25 Most Powerful Female Political Leaders of 2017’ list.
          With this in mind, it is likely that Jacinda Ardern’s actual net worth is somewhere between $5-10 million.

          Evil Globalist puppets get paid a lot of money in “book deals”, “speech engagements” and other perks to promote the genocidal globalist agenda.
          Jacinda is a well paid Soros puppet.

    1. Gary Ogden

      lingulella: I urge you, and everyone else here, to read RFK, Jr.’s “The Real Anthony Fauci.” Between them, the sociopaths Fauci and Gates (business partners since the year 2000) are responsible for more death and destruction than the three reigning 20th Century mass murderers: in order, Mao, Stalin, and Hitler. Additionally, Fauci Is the chief perpetrator of of the damage to the health of Americans, using our tax dollars to do so, over the last 37 years. A very dangerous, and very powerful man.

  121. gordan

    i remember an old book titled something like you are not ill you are thirsty
    about of all things water great book

    i remember a prize winning speech given by a french man about keeping the blood pure
    no jabs
    1913 was a long time ago

    Anaphylaxis, perhaps a sorry matter for the individual, is necessary to the species, often to the detriment of the individual. The individual may perish, it does not matter. The species must at any time keep its organic integrity intact. Anaphylaxis defends the species against the peril of adulteration.

    We are so constituted that we can never receive other proteins into the blood than those that have been modified by digestive juices. Every time alien protein penetrates by effraction, the organism suffers and becomes resistant. This resistance lies in increased sensitivity, a sort of revolt against the second parenteral injection which would be fatal. At the first injection, the organism was taken by surprise and did not resist. At the second injection, the organism mans its defences and answers by the anaphylactic shock.

    Seen in these terms, anaphylaxis is an universal defence mechanism against the penetration of heterogenous substances in the blood, whence they can not be eliminated.

    1. Eggs ‘n beer

      It’s not death I fear. There’s no point in fearing the inevitable. I had to go to the Department of Main Roads in person yesterday to renew my driver’s licence, they wanted a new photo and wouldn’t accept that my assurance that I haven’t changed a bit in the last ten years. So rather than fear the inevitable hour queuing outside the dept. to get in, I was ready with a fully charged phone and two or three calls I’d been saving up for such an occasion.

      No, what I fear is a lingering period of ill health and incapacity prior to the final curtain dropping. Avoiding that is my incentive for reading the blogs and putting a few quid in Dr K’s pockets.

  122. dunash

    “The plaque starts, due to endothelial damage, and resultant clot formation”

    This is not the whole truth. I would formulate your sentence:

    “The plaque starts, due to endothelial damage, dysregulated/hyperactive immune system (caused by high insulin levels) and resultant clot formation”

      1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

        This is a paper that I read some years ago.


        Background— Insulin resistance is often accompanied by hyperinsulinemia and may predispose to atherosclerosis. Endothelium plays a central role in atherogenesis. The in vivo effects of hyperinsulinemia on endothelial function of large conduit arteries are unknown.

        Methods and Results— Twenty-five healthy subjects were enrolled for study. In study A (n=9), subjects underwent both a time-control saline study and a euglycemic low-dose insulin (insulin ≈110 pmol/L) clamp for 6 hours. Study B (n=5) was identical to study A except that the euglycemic clamp was performed at high physiological insulin concentrations (≈440 pmol/L). In study C (n=7), subjects underwent two 4-hour euglycemic insulin (≈110 pmol/L) clamps with and without the concomitant infusion of an antioxidant (vitamin C). In study D (n=4), two saline time-control studies were performed with and without the concomitant infusion of vitamin C. In all studies, both at baseline and throughout the experimental period, endothelium-dependent (flow-mediated) and endothelium-independent (nitroglycerin-induced) vasodilation was assessed in femoral and brachial arteries by echo Doppler. Both low (study A) and high physiological (study B) hyperinsulinemia abolished endothelium-dependent vasodilation, whereas endothelium-independent vasodilation was unaffected. Vitamin C fully restored insulin-impaired endothelial function without affecting endothelium-independent vasodilation (study C). Vitamin C had no effects on endothelium-dependent or endothelium-independent vasodilation during saline control studies (study D).

        Conclusions— Modest hyperinsulinemia, mimicking fasting hyperinsulinemia of insulin-resistant states, abrogates endothelium-dependent vasodilation in large conduit arteries, probably by increasing oxidant stress. These data may provide a novel pathophysiological basis to the epidemiological link between hyperinsulinemia/insulin-resistance and atherosclerosis in humans.

        You may not that Vitamin C restored the endothelial function that was impaired by raised insulin levels.

        In general it is difficult to disentangle the impact of raised insulin from the many other metabolic problems found in diabetes/pre-diabetes. However, I do think that high insulin level creates many problems.

      2. Martin Back

        Possibly it’s not so much the high insulin levels, but the high glucose levels that are normally associated with high insulin levels. I have read that excess glucose loosens the tight junctions between endothelial cells because glucose replaces the vitamin C which is vital to the health of the junctions. Can’t find a reference, unfortunately.

  123. Gary Ogden

    JDPatten: There is an answer to your query about Apo(b) in plaques on pp. 66-68. Turns out that Lp(a) has a full complement of Apo(b), just like LDL does.

  124. Shaun Clark

    Dear Dr Malcolm Heretik, The Clot Thickens? £15? You must be joking! I’m halfway through my second reading, and I consider the book… priceless! At 70 years of age, the conversations I often have with many (at the golf club, for example), are around and about most of what the book covers, but my efforts to engage with folk re your sacrilegious ‘drift’ from LDL and Statin’s etc., etc. Just falls on deaf ears. Most look at me as if I’m totally mad (which is wrong ‘cos I’m only a bit mad), but doing so is an absolute conversation stopper! So, how do you get by talking about such stuff down at the pub? Or, are you just more sensible than me and never mention it? As for the medical establishment? Hmmm… Still, Barry Marshall managed to overturn the mobsters, and so maybe there is indeed hope for all you have come to understand, and so a big, big thank you for your 30 years of effort!

    1. AhNotepad

      Shaun,I still have a lot to learn, more and more every day. One of the things that came my way recently is that most people are not ready for the knowledge you have. I was told it’s because they have not enough reincarnations to enable them to accept the knowledge, seems a bit fantastic, but I don’t have information to prove otherwise. It’s frustrating that people can take in the government narrative, when it is obviously false, given the speed and varying directions the goalposts move, yet dismiss any questions about it.

    2. Cassandreggs ‘n beer

      Hello Cassandra Clark and CassandraNotepad. Unfortunately the people, like the Trojans, will only realise the truth when they lose a lot. Only then will their eyes and minds be opened. Pfizer will always be “Safe, Effective and Free” (Australian Government official slogan) until your diagnosed with MOG, MS and POTS. Not safe, and very, very expensive. Or a friend, 70, just had a quad bypass. Very careful to follow all the guidelines. Actually died on his strenuous weekly walk, but was fortunate in that enough of his fellow walkers knew what to do to revive him before the ambos arrived. As soon as he starts receiving visitors I’ll recommend The Clot, although I won’t be surprised if he’s still not ready for it. I think the indoctrination is too deep. Statins, sunscreen, low cholesterol diets, untested vaccines; just, follow the narrative.

  125. Shaun Clark

    AHN, Reincarnations? A bit far out buddy, but hey, I’m kinda with you. I have seriously had to reinvent myself a few times (…maybe a bit too many, but hey that’s the reality of me), and so I would like to think that I come at many, many things with far less baggage than a lot of everyday folk. In my time, I have got a few key things very, very right (and a couple wrong), but this covid shit-show has got me a bit worked up. I spend a lot of my time reading scientific papers (on both sides), and I know where something of the truth lies, but it’s definitely not with the pollies, and their unctuous polypharmaholic drug-pushing sycophants. What a fucking shambles they are. It’s shameful. Never, ever, would I have thought that such numpties could gain such ‘pull’.

    1. Eggs ‘n beer

      Shaun, it’s a game of Simon Says, and everyone plays along.

      Simon Says put on a mask.
      Simon Says stay 6’ apart.
      Simon Says get injected with poison twice.
      Simon Says don’t go into your back yard.
      Simon Says more poison.

      If you miss an instruction, you’re out

      Out of a job. Out of the pub. Out of the sports stadium. Out of society. It’s depressing how many go along with it.

          1. Shaun Clark

            Yes, I follow Mattias D. He has great insight! I’ve been saying much the same since masks first came in. I also discussed it in some depth with Dr Mike E. – who gets a bit cross with masks! A good man.

  126. lujacal3

    I have a question: on pages 260/261 you recommend glucosamine & chondroitin supplements to improve the health of the glycocalyx. Is one capsule of 400mg glucosamine / 100mg chondroitin per day sufficient?

  127. Adrian

    interested in your take on this


    Arginine contains four times more nitrogen than most other amino acids, so it is the source for the nitrogen used by the body to make nitric oxide (NO). The enzyme eNOS produces a small amount of NO, which dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, and is essential for a healthy cardiovascular system. Similarly, neuronal NO is essential for a healthy brain. In these ways, arginine functions as “the lady”, with the desired effect.

    One function of blood vessel dilation from NO is to enable men to have an erection. Arginine is thus marketed as a “prosexual nutrient”.17 Notably, arginine is widely taken by bodybuilders and athletes, including teens.

    NO, which is also a highly reactive free radical, is induced in large amounts by the inflammatory immune system, where it is a major player in the inflammatory immune response. This is critical to fight infections. However, in excess, NO combines with free radicals, generated from the inflammatory immune response or from toxins, to make peroxynitrite. NO also inactivates the vital CP450 enzymes, thus inhibiting the metabolism of toxins and drugs.71 In addition, NO slows down enzymes that convert cholesterol to sex hormones, cortisol, and activated vitamin D, plus it inhibits release of dopamine and norepinephrine, which reduces alertness and activity, and may lead to addictive behaviors (which increase dopamine artificially).74 Thus, in excess, or with inflammatory conditions, nitric oxide can be “the tiger” instead, and cause much damage.

    Peroxynitrite is a major free radical that damages tissues, plus it constricts blood vessels, which raises blood pressure.54 Lysine lowers inflammatory NO, preventing the formation of peroxynitrite.73 It does this by breaking down its source: arginine. Lysine also increases natural killer cells, which efficiently destroy viruses, bacteria and parasites. Then, once these pathogens are destroyed, the inflammatory immune system is turned off, thus limiting the damage from NO and peroxynitrite.

    Alcohol increases inflammatory NO production, and researchers have suggested that a low arginine (low NO) diet would enable people to stop smoking.42 Elevated ammonia levels also increase inflammatory NO production (see Urea, Ammonia and Metabolic Acidosis below).

    Membrane permeability is a major problem in many diseases. In excess, a growth factor that is induced by NO, which is VEGF, has a “detrimental role” on membrane permeability.57 Accordingly, arginine supplements were found to increase intestinal permeability.61 This may be why side effects of arginine supplements include worsening of allergies and bloating. VEGF expression is also high in type 2 diabetes, asthma and cancer.68 The receptor, VEGFR-1, is elevated in autism, and greater intestinal permeability enables undigested gluten and casein to enter the blood stream.72 This is a major problem for people with autism as well as many others who are sensitive to these foods.

    Excess inflammatory NO is found in many diseases: leaky gut-blood-brain barrier, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, COPD, mental illness, inflammatory bowel disease, schizophrenia, insulin-dependent diabetes, cataracts, constipation, asthma, osteoarthritis. Excess NO prolongs illnesses such as the flu. The widely used drugs Prednisone and Minocycline, as well as vitamin B12, lower NO by destroying arginine. Production of excess NO thus uses extra B12 and may cause a deficiency. Damage from peroxynitrite is a “crucial pathogenic mechanism” for heart problems, stroke, diabetes, autoimmune, shock, neurodegeneration, cancer. Excess NO also increases fatality with heart attack and sepsis, and lysine is suggested as a therapy for sepsis. Similarly, interference with arginine metabolism “holds great promise for the treatment of cancer (and autoimmunity”.6,7,8,9,11,18,19,31,32,44, 49,53,55,56,57,58,59,61,70

    ALS patients are advised by Stem Cell Therapies: “For the sole purpose of not contributing to excess nitric oxide production, you would at a minimum want to choose mostly from foods with a ratio of more lysine than arginine.”10

    Lysine, combined with aspirin, was effective treating rheumatoid arthritis and neuralgia. Lysine also controlled symptoms in schizophrenia and a case of IBS.20,21,22,23,45

    Regular lysine supplementation also controlled symptoms in a case of Raynaud’s.21 A lysine salt was also found to protect against diabetic neuropathy, which is induced by a vasospasm.63,64 People who have Raynaud’s often suffer from migraine headaches as well. NO can induce migraine, as well as tension headaches, because it dilates blood vessels, and NO inhibitors prevent both kinds of headaches.43 Lysine plus niacin has been found to be effective against migraines.65

    The body also produces arginine to maintain proper blood pressure. This is done via the hormone arginine vasopressin (AVP) and via nitric oxide (produced by the arterial wall). AVP raises blood pressure by inducing a vasoconstriction, narrowing blood vessels and retaining water, plus it enhances blood clotting.84 In contrast, healthy NO, induced from eNOS, lowers blood pressure by dilating blood vessels (vasodilation). Arginine retailers claim that arginine helps heart disease. However, arterial NO is induced only when the collagen (from lysine) in arterial walls are intact. In fact, lysine supplementation normalized blood pressure among hypertensive people with sub-optimal lysine intake.82 AVP is also “paradoxically” increased during heart failure, which contributes to the accumulation of fluid found during heart failure. 83 Arginine was recommended to heart attack patients until, in a study, the only study participants who died of a second heart attack were those taking arginine.60

    Thus, the heart-healthy effect of NO from arginine depends on the presence of lysine, both as acetylcholine and as collagen. This is the classic case of “the lady, or the tiger” because, although we hope that arginine will produce arterial NO, in excess, it can lead to many problems. On the other hand, beets, which contain an important component of methylation, have been found to increase arterial NO, so they are included in the high lysine diet.50

  128. Andrew H

    This could be the final pieces of my quest for prevention or at least significant delay of dementia.
    I tested +ve for Huntingtons nearly 30 years ago, and though devastating at the time, it has been a mission of prevention ever since.
    Thankfully the diagnosis at least allowed our children to be born without it – so whatever happens – it WILL end with me which is a huge weight of our shoulders.
    I keep myself in reasonable shape (10km in 48 mins – resting heart rate 48bpm) and despite a scare 12 years ago when I almost succumbed to statins, I remain prescription free – including the COVID vax.
    I am originally from Macclesfield and my father developed symptoms and was in a bad way until he died of a heart attack at the age I am now – 58. He did finish the Times crossword on the day he died which my mother kept! My elder brother developed the illness at age 41 and died from complications relating to HD aged 55.
    My sister has developed it about the age I am now, and is aged 67, but still coherent.
    I’m putting myself forward for all sorts of tests and samples to aid research. That includes a full brain scan which shows no deterioration yet.
    Our CAG count is 39 which is right on the border of whether we develop it or not – which may explain differences in age onset and severity – but I do think that lifestyle and diet has been overlooked – as with many things. And even if it IS looked at, the diet-heart-cholesterol reigns supreme.
    But as Dr.Kendrick says in his book. Buying a few vitamins (B6, B12, Folic, Vit D) won’t do any harm, but the best thing may be that you never develop dementia. Watch this space!

  129. switt964

    How about some good news for a change? For the last nine months, I’ve been using Dr. Kendrick’s “high LP(a)” protocol mentioned in The Clot Thickens:

    Vitamin B3 (Niacin) – As much as possible (currently 800mg/day)
    Co-enzyme Q10 (currently 400mg/day)
    Vitamin C (currently 1,000 mg/day)
    Low dose Aspirin (75mg) (currently white willow 535 mg/day)

    My lab results have been:

    12/27/2022 = 183 Nmol/L
    3/28/2022 = 154 Nmol/L
    6/28/2022 = 135 Nmol/L
    10/12/2022 = 115 Nmol/L

    Thank you, Dr. Kendrick! I have one less thing to worry about.

  130. Leila

    A question for the people on this blog that eat a carnivore diet. I’m just interested what you would eat on a daily basis. Could you give some examples of a typical day?

    1. Gary Ogden

      Leila: I aim for about 20-24 oz. of beef each day (Which gives me 125-150g of protein, since I weigh about 140, and aim for 1g per pound of body weight each day), and twice a week I eat 2-3 ounces each of liver, heart, and kidney, just lightly cooked. I usually eat two eggs each day. All the cheese I want, and 1-2 quarts of kefir each week. Bone broth with butter and salt. Occasional smoked salmon or salmon caviar (it’s not expensive). Two and a half years of it, and I feel wonderful. I discovered early on that I needed to add back some carbohydrates, so I also eat small amounts of fruit and honey. My source for this regimen is Dr. Paul Saladino’s “The Carnivore Code.” Of course, holidays and special occasions I eat festive foods. We’ve just had our best holiday, Thanksgiving, and I’m still eating pie!

      1. Leila

        Thanks Gary. So how many meals a day do you find you eat? Do you have one big meal of beef, or do you have 2 eggs in the morning then a lunch of beef and a dinner of beef? Just interested in whether you still need 3 meals a day or you eat less than that.
        Glad you still enjoy the festive times! I don’t think I could avoid those myself. But I really want to try reducing my carbs and sugar on a daily basis

        1. Gary Ogden

          Leila: Usually two meals a day. Breakfast at mid-morning, and supper about 6:00 p.m. However, on days when I’m more physically active, and especially now, as we’ve had an unusually chilly Fall, I often have a small meal in between. I do have half my beef for the day in the morning, and half in the evening. The morning meal is the larger of the two.

          1. Leila

            Thank you for sharing that Gary, it’s super helpful! Is the meat mostly steak, apart from the liver? Sorry for all the questions!

          2. Gary Ogden

            Leila: Ask all the questions you wish. Happy to answer. The rule I follow is to eat the entire cow. I buy half a cow at a time (I have two freezers in the garage), so I get all the different cuts, from steaks to ribs to roasts to ground (which I believe you call mince), including tongue, tail, cheeks, organs, feet, and skin, when I can get it. The only parts I don’t receive are most of the head, and all the spinal cord (I suspect this because of mad cow disease). The steaks are a meal; the roasts I cut into about 12 oz. portions to refreeze; the the ribs and shanks (leg bones with the attached meat) I make into stew. It is important to eat organs, as they are the most nutrient-dense parts of the animal, but not too much, at least in the case of liver. 4-6 oz. of liver a week is about right. If you don’t have access to a cattle farmer, and intend to buy cuts individually, I would suggest buying a variety. As fatty as possible. Beef fat is very healthful. The main reasons I buy half a cow at a time are two: 1. Convenience (I always have a supply, and can choose what I wish on any given day); and 2. Cost ($8.00/pound for everything). Sorry to have written a medium-size book, but there is a lot to say!

          3. Leila

            Hi Gary,
            Thank you. If I had the space and money for another freezer then this might be possible for me. At this stage, I don’t! So I wouldn’t be able to get that much meat at a time but I can see it makes sense to do it that way. How long does it last you? And do you bother with any other meat, such as lamb or chicken?
            I know organ meats are really good, and I used to quite enjoy liver. For some reason these days I feel a bit funny about eating it – psychologically. I still don’t mind it when I do eat it but I can’t bring myself to cook it. I don’t know why!
            I also know the fattier the meat, the better. So I am trying to buy fattier types when I can, either beef or lamb but beef is cheaper.
            Thanks for sharing the info, it sounds like it’s working out well for you so far

          4. Gary Ogden

            Leila: Yes, it’s working well for me. I would eat lamb, or any other ruminant, if I could get it. I stick with beef because it is easy to find. I stay away from chicken for a variety of reasons, but manly because it has neither flavor nor texture. A side of beef, which costs around $2,200 US, lasts six to eight months.

          5. Leila

            Lamb is available here in NZ but expensive! I try to get both beef and lamb, I do prefer lamb for taste. I used to be a fan of chicken but I feel the same about it having no taste! Thanks for all the help 🙂

          6. Gary Ogden

            Leila: Most of the lamb sold here in California comes from New Zealand! I don’t buy it, not because it isn’t tasty (it is), but because it seems madness to me to ship food all the way across the Pacific Ocean. I’m glad you ave access to it. I sure like lamb chops!

  131. David Curtis

    Thanks I now understand what causes heart disease and will read your book and thanks again and have a good day

  132. Smitty

    This theory goes along with the scientific fact that “O” blood type is less at risk for heart attack and stroke due to thinner blood and blood donation is good for avoiding heart attack and stroke as vicious blood doesn’t help clots.


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