Distorting science in the COVID pandemic

5th July 2020

This blog has been published in RT.com https://www.rt.com/search?q=malcolm+kendrick

I’ve lost all trust in medical research – the financial muscle of Big Pharma has been busy distorting science during the pandemic

Evidence that a cheap, over-the-counter anti-malarial drug costing £7 combats COVID-19 gets trashed. Why? Because the pharmaceutical giants want to sell you a treatment costing nearly £2,000. It’s criminal.

A few years ago, I wrote a book called Doctoring Data. This was an attempt to help people understand the background to the tidal wave of medical information that crashes over us each and every day. Information that is often completely contradictory ‘Coffee is good for you… no, wait it’s bad for you… no, wait, it’s good for you again,’ rpt. ad nauseam.

I also pointed out some of the tricks, games and manipulations that are used to make medications seem far more effective than they truly are, or vice-versa. This, I have to say, can be a very dispiriting world to enter. When I give talks on this subject, I often start with a few quotes.

For example, here is Dr Marcia Angell, who edited the New England Journal of Medicine for over twenty years, writing in 2009:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgement of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.”

Have things got better? No, I believe that they have got worse – if that were, indeed, possible. I was sent the following e-mail recently, about a closed door, no recording discussion, under no-disclosure Chatham House rules, in May of this year:

“A secretly recorded meeting between the editors-in-chief of The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine reveal both men bemoaning the ‘criminal’ influence big pharma has on scientific research.

“According to Philippe Douste-Blazy, France’s former Health Minister and 2017 candidate for WHO Director, the leaked 2020 Chatham House closed-door discussion between the [editor-in-chiefs] – whose publications both retracted papers favorable to big pharma over fraudulent data.

“Now we are not going to be able to, basically, if this continues, publish any more clinical research data because the pharmaceutical companies are so financially powerful today, and are able to use such methodologies, as to have us accept papers which are apparently methodologically perfect, but which, in reality, manage to conclude what they want them to conclude,” said Lancet [editor-in-chief] Richard Horton.

A YouTube video where this issue is discussed can be found here. It is in French, but there are English subtitles.

The New England Journal of Medicine, and the Lancet are the two most influential, most highly resourced journals in the world. If they no longer have the ability to detect what is essentially fraudulent research, then… Then what? Then what indeed?

In fact, things have generally taken a sharp turn for the worse since the COVID pandemic struck. New studies, new data, new information is arriving at breakneck speed, often with little or no effective review. What can you believe, who can you believe? Almost nothing would be the safest course of action.

One issue that has played out over the last few months, has stripped away any remaining vestiges of my trust in medical research. It concerns the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine. You may well be aware that Donald Trump endorsed it – which presents a whole series of problems for many people.

However, before the pandemic hit, I was recommending to my local NHS trust that we should look to stock up on hydroxychloroquine. There had been a great deal of research over the years, strongly suggesting it could inhibit the entry of viruses into cells, and that it also interfered with viral replication once inside the cell.

This mechanism of action explains why it can help stop the malaria parasite from gaining entry into red blood cells. The science is complex, but many researchers felt there was good reason for thinking hydroxychloroquine may have some real, if not earth-shattering benefits, in COVID-19.

This idea was further reinforced by the knowledge that it has some effects on reducing the “cytokine storm” that is considered deadly with COVID. It is prescribed in rheumatoid arthritis to reduce the immune attack on joints.

The other reason for recommending hydroxychloroquine is that it is extremely safe. It is, for example, the most widely prescribed drug in India. Billions upon billions of doses have been prescribed. It is available over the counter in most countries. So I felt pretty comfortable in recommending that it could be tried. At worst, no harm would be done.

Then hydroxychloroquine became the centre of a worldwide storm. On one side, wearing the white hats, were the researchers who had used it early on, where it seemed to show some significant benefits. For example, Professor Didier Raoult in France:

“A renowned research professor in France has reported successful results from a new treatment for COVID-19, with early tests suggesting it can stop the virus from being contagious in just six days.”

Then research from Morocco:

“Jaouad Zemmouri, a Moroccan scientist, believes that 78% of Europe’s COVID-19 deaths could have been prevented if Europe had used hydroxychloroquine… “Morocco, with a population of 36 million, [roughly one-tenth that of the U.S.] has only 10,079 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and only 214 deaths.

“Professor Zemmourit believes that Morocco’s use of hydroxychloroquine has resulted in an 82.5% recovery rate from COVID-19 and only a 2.1% fatality rate – in those admitted to hospital.”

Just prior to this, a study was published in the Lancet, on May 22nd stating that hydroxychloroquine actually increased deaths. It then turned out that the data used could not be verified and was most likely made up. The authors had major conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies making anti-viral drugs. In early June, the entire article was retracted by Richard Horton, the Editor.

Then a UK study came out suggesting that hydroxychloroquine did not work at all. Discussing the results, Professor Martin Landray stated:

“This is not a treatment for COVID-19. It doesn’t work,” Martin Landray, an Oxford University professor who is co-leading the RECOVERY trial, told reporters. “This result should change medical practice worldwide. We can now stop using a drug that is useless.”

This study has since been heavily criticised by other researchers who state that the dose of hydroxychloroquine used was, potentially, toxic. It was also given far too late to have any positive effect. Many of the patients were already on ventilators.

Then, yesterday, I was sent a pre-proof copy of an article about to be published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases which has found that hydroxychloroquine…

..“significantly” decreased the death rate of patients involved in the analysis. The study analyzed 2,541 patients hospitalized among the system’s six hospitals between March 10 and May 2 and found

  • 13% of those treated with hydroxychloroquine died while
  • 26% of those who did not receive the drug died.(ref)

When things get this messed up, I tend to look for the potential conflicts of interest. By which I mean, who stands to make money from slamming the use of hydroxychloroquine (which is a generic drug that has been around since 1934 and costs about £7 for a bottle of 60 tablets)?

In this case it is those companies who make the hugely expensive antiviral drugs such as Gilead Sciences’ Remdesvir – which costs $2,340 (£1877) for a typical five-day course in the US. Second, the companies that are striving to get a vaccine to market. There are billions and billions of dollars at stake here.

In this world, cheap drugs e.g., hydroxychloroquine, don’t stand much chance. Neither do cheap vitamins, such as vitamin C and vitamin D. Do they have benefits for COVID-19 sufferers? I am sure that they do. Will such benefits be dismissed in studies that have been carefully manipulated to ensure that they do not work? Of course. Remember these words:

‘…pharmaceutical companies are so financially powerful today, and are able to use such methodologies, as to have us accept papers which are apparently methodologically perfect, but which, in reality, manage to conclude what they want them to conclude,” said Lancet [editor-in-chief] Richard Horton.

Unless and until governments and medical bodies act decisively to permanently sever the financial ties between researchers and Big Pharma, these distortions and manipulation in the pursuit of Big Profit will continue.

Just please don’t hold your breath in anticipation.

(ref) https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/02/health/hydroxychloroquine-coronavirus-detroit-study/index.html?utm_content=2020-07-03T08%3A10%3A01&utm_source=twCNN&utm_term=link&utm_medium=social

354 thoughts on “Distorting science in the COVID pandemic

  1. Winston Lord

    Dr Malcolm. Thanks again. Having read most of your books, including Doctoring the Data I am very sceptical of anything I see in the mainstream offering to be health or medical advice. I’m interested in your comments about Hydroxychloroquinine.

  2. Paola

    “You may well be aware that Donald Trump endorsed it – which presents a whole series of problems for many people.”
    Do you mean that if you don’t like Trump you won’t take hydrossichloroquine? I can’t believe that!

    1. AhNotepad

      I don’t like Trump, but he seems to be one of the few in the US who make medical statements based on facts, albeit a bit loosely.

      1. ricksanchez769

        The thing is, Trump has nothing to do with testing HCQ efficacy in covid. TDS (Trump derangement syndrome) looms large and if there is a cheap effective treatment fore covid, his economy comes back, things reopen – and we can’t have that. Every 60mins there is an update of ‘new and increasing cases’ – so? Death rates are declining, new cases are in a younger cohort that seem to ‘get over’ covid without much distress – how many new cases convert to hospital admissions? how many convert to ICU admission? It’s all political now…sad state of affairs.

      2. Greg Jaxon

        Perhaps it just took the extra political pressure to drive the otherwise corrupted medical info system into exposing themselves. The giveaway for me was this tabloid story that circulated widely and early via MSM in direct response to Trump using the word hydroxychloroquine: https://www.nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny-coronavirus-no-homicide-death-man-ingested-chloroquine-20200429-3xktpqchlrhgrhfh7rgt5kcjk4-story.html It was clear that the high-voltage line of American politics had shorted analytical brains, Tabloid news is the easiest to push out, the Lancet just took longer to publish the equivalent content, but it was the same high voltage propaganda line.

    2. Tom Welsh

      Dr Kendrick simply mentioned the fact that some people take Donald Trumps’ statements into account when evaluating medical remedies. (Which is obviously foolish).

      Surely any and all political issues are irrelevant to questions of medical fact.

      1. KJE

        I wish they were, but these days most statements about health and treatment seem to be political, rather than factual or empirical.

    3. Rachel Marcus

      I can I’m afraid, I have at least one friend with Trump Derangement Syndrome who walked off in disgust when I tried to suggest early evidence showed HCQ could work as a prophylactic. She loathes Trump. It was around the time he announced he was taking it. She said The Times didn’t think it worked, I imagine also largely due to the Trump association, so it must be ineffective and she’ll wait for the vaccine. I’m tempted to send her this brilliant article, but what’s the point?

      1. David Bailey

        Although I am British, I very much prefer Trump, mainly because I think he has kept the US (and therefore us) out of war, and I think he intends to continue doing that.

        Part of the madness of our time is that HCQ was obviously evaluated partly on political grounds!

        1. theasdgamer

          Big wars are a great evil, but small wars are an occasional necessity. One must keep one’s sword sharp. This was the lesson of World War 2. Pacifism resulted in military obsolescence and a great war. “Si vis pacem, para bellum”

    4. robertL

      You may dislike, dispise, or even hate DJT but look at his record.
      What record?
      He made a bunch of election promises (you may not like them but the electorate did) and unlike many previous presidents he is delivering on his promises and ticking the boxes.
      So what is your problem? The man’s behaviour or his election promises.

      1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

        I am going to ask that we don’t get into a discussion on The Donald (Yes, I know, I started it). Such discussions create too much angst. I have enough trouble discussing BLM with my daughter. I am officially a reactionary old codger.

        1. DevonshireDozer

          Superb piece , as usual.

          Your daughter sounds like my own children. Throughout their state education, they seem to have been programmed to regurgitate rather than actually think, assess, question etc.. Taking Euclid & his proof from first principles out of the maths syllabus was a bad move.

          I’ve given up trying to debate anything – I’m much more decrepit than you & can no longer cope with the waves of pre-packed bolleaux that wash around.

          Try a flanker & see if you can get her to engage with the importance of the Fat Wives Natter campaign. Take a wee – that kind of stuff. It makes as much sense.

          1. Chancery Stone

            It’s nothing to do with “state education” (like private education is any different). That’s just what people do. Following the herd is, to some extent, hardwired in humans for survival. It doesn’t pay to stand out and disagree if you want to be a social survivor. Social media is far more responsible for hive-thinking than education is.

            As for your last paragraph: “Try a flanker & see if you can get her to engage with the importance of the Fat Wives Natter campaign. Take a wee – that kind of stuff. It makes as much sense.” I do not understand a single word of that. What is a “flanker”? What is the “Fat Wives Natter Campaign” other than a sexist retort to BLM? What does having a wee have to do with anything?

            Hope I’ve questioned the inexplicable and illogical in your stance enough, and me with a state education too…

        2. Jennifer

          Just as well you are, I say. I have been far too passive in my lifetime, despite having lots of opinions, which makes me sad.

    5. Gary Ogden

      Paola: I think what he means is that it has become politicized. During the latter part of the Obama administration, President Obama and his underlings used both the Department of Justice (primarily the FBI) and intelligence agencies to undermine Trump even before he was officially a candidate, and especially after the election. The recent revelations in the General Flynn debacle show clearly who was in charge of this and what they were up to. This continues today in the media, which has played an essential role in this from the beginning. It has nothing to do with liking or hating Trump. It is just hardball politics. Pharma uses similar tactics to subvert science and human health.

    6. Binra (@onemindinmany)

      Not one of any of my comments appear on this page. Nor are any of them disrespectful to the blog and its readers of to the themes in play and in discussion.

      I cant rule out software filtering, so I needn’t presume that I am being doctored. But I put this message in a bottle and cast it to its fate.

      The Trump wild card has nothing to do with the agenda that Trump is being used for – by those who are adept at framing and manipulating opinionated identities – and those who rush in to such identities as if to achieve vindication or vengeance for themselves over others.

      1. Sue Madden

        Thank you Malcolm for tackling the Hydrochloroquine debacle (i too have read all your books and blogs!). I`ve been going crazy following the story. I couldn`t understand how it was possible they were trialling HC in patients in the acute inflammatory stage of this viral illness i. e when most of the viral replication is over. Worse is the fact that the most negatively hyped side effect of HC is on cardiac rhythm, yet they are giving it in the acute phase of the illness when the cardiovascular system is under extreme stress!!!! If you wanted to trash a drug this would be the best way!!!
        I just want to see proper trials using HC in the early stages – ie at peak viral replication – the first few days/week of symptoms. Also with an arm including Zinc. Why aren`t they risponding to the documented strong possibility that Zinc will enhance HC – HC is a Zinc ionophore, and Zn has been found to inhibit viral replication in vitro. We need proper trials. Meanwhile we need to stop people getting critically ill with this. So, we need to help the innate immune system( ie in the first week) by having global public health measures to roll out vitamin D supplemention for EVERYONE.
        Then what on earth is the point of an antiviral that has to be given intravenously (Remdemsivir,at $3,000 a go)?????? ipso facto can only be given once seriously ill in hospital??? Virologists concur that antivirals need to be given in the first 24 – 48 hours of symptom declaration!!!
        As the weeks go by and people are dying and being crippled and we aren`t insisting on something that would truly be a game changer and certainly can`t do any harm, I really despair…
        but try not to!!!

        1. Harry de Boer

          The ‘golden standard’ would be a random placebo controlled double blind study. But this would be unethical with the HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) combination with azithromycin and zinc as we already know too many in the control group would die. If I were working in this field I wouldn’t propose such a study, it’s killing people that could have been saved with the treatment.
          So many general family physicians already noticed that use of this cocktail (I call it the HCQ+ cocktail) slashes the number of deaths in their clinic and just use it. It would be nice if the others would also wake up.

        2. David Lilley

          From what I have read, the clinical trials of Remdesivir showed that it reduced the recovery time of patients from an average of 14 days to an average of 11 days. For every 28 coronavirus deaths, treatment with Remdesivir would save 1. This is pretty underwhelming. Yet its approval was fast-tracked.

          Turkey has had a covid-19 mortality rate of 62 per million of population compared to 108 for Germany and 652 for the UK (figures from Worldometer at 6th July). The Turkish Health Minister has reported that this has been due to the early administration of hydroxychloroquine in conjunction with other drugs. (I assume the other drugs are an antibiotic such as azithromycin and possibly zinc.)

          1. Gary Ogden

            David Lilley: Turkey is doing some good work in cancer treatment as well, thanks to a less restrictive legal minefield in treating the seriously ill. Details in “Tripping over the Truth.”

          2. Harry de Boer

            From what I have read, Remdesivir has a NNT (Number To Treat) of between 5 and 28. The HCQ+ cocktail I infer from the 6 x lower death rate in mediterranee-infection.com/covid-19 has an NNT of around 1.17. And that includes not crashing into the ICU as with Remdesivir is so often the case.
            I’d go for the HCQ+ cocktail. 😉

  3. AhNotepad

    Thanks for another valuable facts exposé. Thankfully I bought several copies of Doctoring Data, though I have read only one. Another I gave to someone who expressed an interest in working in “public health”. I may not be in the medical world, but my heart sank at hearing the words since “public health” seems to mean the exact opposite of what people might think.

    The pseudo-“scientists” who claim hydroxychloroquine does not work are just like those who claim vitamins are bad for you, and statins are the only thing that can save you. How do they live with themselves?

      1. KJE

        And perhaps a feeling of superiority. The plebs are unimportant so if they are stupid enough not to look after their own health and rely on what others say, let Darwinism run its course, whereas “they”, the superior they, can afford to tailor their own health care to what they actually need and know works.

    1. Tom Welsh

      Nowadays the first step to take when considering any important question of science or health seems to be “What do the people involved have to gain or lose?” Sad but true.

      As Dr Kendrick points out, hydroxychloroquine is a very well-established medicine that has been in use for many decades throughout large parts of the world. It has a good reputation for safety and effectiveness.

      So when prominent people and institutions start to attack it, one should immediately ask, “Cui bono?” (Who gains if hydroxycholoquine is discredited?)

      It’s always a question of money, power and influence.

      Avoiding the manifold traps and pitfalls of staying healthy today seems just as tricky and dangerous as avoiding the cave bears, saber-toothed cats and hyenas of yesteryear. I can’t think of any actual bears or cats involved in the pharmaceutical industry, but there are a great many hyenas, polecats and weasels.

      1. janetgrovesart

        Tom, Tom, Tom – what an unkind disservice you do to hyenas, polecats and weasels. Big Pharma is all too human, I regret to say.
        Thanks, Dr. K for another great illuminating post.

    2. Harry de Boer

      I don’t call it ‘health care’ anymore, it’s nothing more than ‘disease business’.

    3. Binra (@onemindinmany)

      They have a mindset that takes priority over truth in order to survive.
      If you look at that you will immediately see it makes no sense. Nor will anything from such a mindset make any sense. Therefore sense is redefined in terms of opinions that support and reinforce survival of the mindset of control set over masked or denied fear.
      They may call this ‘survival of the fittest’, and fitness as the ‘right to rule’, or simply that they assume the power to assert and impose their mind on others as representative of the belief they know best and represent to lesser evil as the higher good.
      But the core thing is the locked down mind of a masking against fear of pain of loss, that simply will not hear or see or allow anything to enter – excepting it ticks their boxes.

  4. 005lesfrenes

    In middle March I heard a doctor on the radio in Israel saying they were using Hydroxychloroquine with azythromycin and zinc in patients hospitalised with COVID-19. In a population of 9 million there have been 330 out of 28,888 confirmed cases, and 17,669 recovered (July 5th). To my non-medical/non-statistician mind this spells effectiveness for hydrocychloroquine. The Department for Health has kept this very quiet for some suspect reason, but it hasn’t stopped the doctors from doing what is best for the patients.
    I don’t read anything about the effectiveness of herbal medicines, such as andrographis, scuttelaria, dandelion (yes!), propolis inhalation, and others, in addition of course to vitamins C and D, and zinc with quercetin is a very effective preventative. But there’s no money in these for any of the pharmaceutical companies.
    How have we come to this? People like Fauci and Gates ruling the world. We let them, we are too comfortable, we are too scared. WHEN will we wake up people???

      1. David Bailey

        I can imagine that. I have a friend who is a retired biochemist. He has seen examples of scientific fraud and/or extreme carelessness (as I did, for the short time I was in research as such).

        However he has developed a way of thinking in which mistakes or fraud can only happen for a short time in science, he even acknowledges that Big Pharma are a problem,
        but in the end he believes the scientific truth wins out!

        If one good thing comes out of this COVID crisis, could it possibly be that everyone, including our politicians, get to see the ugly truth!

        1. theasdgamer

          Google J Harlan Bretz and the Missoula Floods. Bretz’s claim about the Missoula floods was scoffed at by the scientific powers that be for 60 years, but eventually he won out. (Probably because his detractors died off…hence the saying that science advances one funeral at a time.)

      2. Rick

        Dr Kendrick
        Thanks for your diligent work exposing some of the unsavoury practices surrounding medicine.
        One thing I want to understand is the amount and type of pressures or even incentives that medics like you face and why more do not speak out. I found that whilst studying Nutrition the lecturers would often deviate from the consensus view in debate and discussion but then insist everyone toe the line when writing up essays etc? They were clearly under pressure to conform and not go against the established narrative even when evidence (like much of your analysis in your Cholesterol Con Book) is contrary? Watching Michael Levitt during a very recent video conference debate, suggests even Nobel prize winners are ignored and dismissed if they fail to support the prevailing narrative regardless of their data?

      3. Göran Sjöberg

        Malcolm, I think what you now say is at the core.

        What an horrible development I personally have passed through from being a “full” believer in the “medical system” to to now being an almost complete dissident.

        Refusing CABG myself for now 20 years and together with my wife with her severe T2D also refusing all medication and letting the “food be our medicine and the medicine our food”. (Read basically LCHF! – Much hated by Big Pharma!)) Add supplements – vitamins, minerals!

        Anyway this has worked out extremely well for us.

    1. mmec7

      005lesfresnes – This is the protocol they are using in Cairo :-
      Antipyretic – Paracetamol :
      Antivirol – (mild/severe ICU care) – Oseltamivir :
      Céphalosporine :
      (mild/severe ICU care) Hydroxychloroquine :
      (mild/severe ICU care) Chloroquine :
      (mild/severe ICU care) Chloroquine – Hydroxychloroquine ; Lopinavir/ritinovir :
      (ICU care) Azithromycin :
      Hydrocortizone :
      Tocilizumab :
      Therapeutic anticoagulants e.g. low molecular weight, heparins or heparrin

      “Protocol of the Ministry of Health, in the treatment of Corona.
      For those who will be isolated at home, there are medicines that will be taken before the test is proven positive, when you feel these initial symptoms (effective materials) are important in the first period and easy to provide.”

      Sad that the western world could not have followed suit. If they had, then no doubt the mortality rate would have been far far less. (NY : *Full Body bags found in the broom cupboards…unbelievable).

    1. Chris

      I am getting to the point where I would not be surprised to see someone advocating the loading of unborn babies with statins to prevent future CVD
      By the way – in my experience (and if the drug does everything it is promoted to do) statins MAY prevent CVD from geting worse – but at some considerable cost to muscles

      1. David Bailey

        Do you mean your personal experience, or are you a doctor?

        One way to help prevent CVD, is to take regular exercise. From personal experience, statin side effects can make that impossible.

        1. Jeremy May

          From personal experience it is quite possible.
          Best not to over-generalize I think.
          (I take a statin but not for cholesterol).

  5. Davenox

    It is now so brazen. They simply do not care whether they get found out. They just get something published so that they can rubbish the “competition” for their expensive drugs or vaccines (even if they do not yet exist). So many of these rubbish jobs are so transparent these days. Early trials with HCQ and zinc and an antibiotic show promise and there are good sensible physiological reasons why such a combination might work. “Someone” comes along does a trial using an overdose of HCQ alone, without the other parts of the protocol. What a surprise, no benefit and adverse side effects. Pharma bottom line is the only thing that matters. I guess you need to remember that most Pharma companies have multiple convictions for serious crimes : felonies in the USA terminology. Once a criminal always a criminal

      1. AhNotepad

        That might seem reasonable, but the medical world has had liability removed for all treatments for covid.

  6. CureFacts

    With Big Pharma Lobbying budgets, that are double than those of any other industry, how can we ever expect “governments and medical bodies act decisively to permanently sever the financial ties between researchers and Big Pharma”?

    If the Corona crisis, with all of its devastating financial effects on the economy, does not convince them to change their act, what, if at all will, ever convince them to change?


    1. barovsky

      Well if the same forces have ignored the devastating effects of consumer capitalism on the environment and the biosphere, for decades, leading to global heating, what do you expect them to do about something as profitable Big Pharma?

      1. Harry de Boer

        Environment and biosphere, I agree.
        Climate change? No.
        Short primer: Henry’s law controls the atmospheric concentration of CO2 above the oceans through temperature, The hotter the water, the higher the concentration. As the oceans contain 60 times more CO2 than the atmosphere it is a buffer which just absorbs any excess CO2, produced by us, (deep sea) volcanos or plants and keeps it at a temperature controlled equilibrium with the oceans. So if the CO2 concentration increases, for some reason the oceans must be getting warmer.
        The other way around is just impossible and for me that’s the end of it.
        So yes, the climate scare scam is also a scheme set up for money (Blood & Gore) and power (UN).

        1. Anna M

          I’ve come to the conclusion that the climate change scam is the key to the brainwashing conundrum that we are witnessing.

          1. AhNotepad

            Anthony P, well, that was a content-free comment. Have you no useful information to add? I see your comment as a personal attack, since you provide nothing. Twitter would be a more appropriate place.

  7. mmec7

    Thank you Dr Kendrick – Skewed science and the ‘pseudo scientists’ – what hope sanity in the power mad corruption of pharma ? One has to look out for ones self nowadays – check everything before you take anything : only admit trauma ! Perhaps when *the ‘vaccine’ appears and the appalling side effects kick in, the world might wake up to the realisation of what pharma is bent on achieving, and it aint nowt to do with ‘health’ !

  8. Jennifer

    Thankyou for your wonderful work, and bringing such things to our attention.
    My street is busy having a party to celebrate our NHS, despite the poor weather. From what I have gleened, the folks are more concerned that the food is safely cooked for all, than what to believe the scientists are telling us. For instance, discussion got round to hair do’s, and when the club opens, items uppermost in peoples’ minds, according to BBC. Two of the women mentioned that their hair is coming out in handfuls, and a neighbour mentioned statins…..the 2 women didn’t have a clue what a statin is. But they said they are on drugs to ‘reduce their cholesterol’. Now then….that is the level of trust ordinary people put in the doctors. They just have done unto themselves without question. Sounds a defeatest attitude to the majority of bloggers here, I am sure, but someone has to watch that the sausages and burgers don’t burn to a crisp on the bbq.
    Life has become so complicated that the vast majority are just getting on as best we can, and will generally do as we are told like good little children. What real option do we have?

  9. John Wright

    Imagine if HCQ was a statin. Just think of all the fun the industry would have with relative risk. Zinc could be the new COQ10. Even talk of a combination. There has to be a way to premium price this thing.
    Great article Malcolm. Talk soon.

  10. lorrainecleaver7

    Dr Kendrick do you happen to know what NHS hospital protocols are currently for treating Covid 19? We hear so much about social distancing and masks but very little about how medics are actually treating patients in hospital. I assume the initial push to ventilate everyone has abated.

    Also, was rather vexed to read NICE still saying there is no evidence Vitamin D can cure Covid. No one ever said it did! The evidence was that sufficient levels of Vitamin D have a protective effect on respiratory disease.

    1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

      The push to kill everyone with ventilators has, luckily abated. I have asked the question ‘how many people do you think you are saving?’ No-one knows. Probably no-one ever will. They just do the stuff they have always done, because they don’t know what else to do. They should follow the Dr Kendrick philosophy. ‘Don’t just do something, stand there.’ But the terror that people might die if you do nothing, rules the world. So, something is always done. Even if it ends up killing people. The hardest and most difficult thing to do, in medicine, is nothing. However, very often that is the best course of action.

      As regards vitamin D. I know, I know. ‘We have found that throwing vitamin d capsules at the patent from the end of the bed has no benefits with COVID, so it clearly doesn’t work.’ Guys, guys, I have an idea. Why do’t you try doing the right thing with it. Such as, using as a preventive medication.

      1. Mike C

        Many thanks Dr Kendrick. Informative as always.

        You mentioned ‘But the terror that people might die if you do nothing, rules the world.’.

        When will public health managers realise that gathering data is not ‘doing nothing’?

      2. Håkan

        It’s maybe not the possibility that people die if you don’t do anything that makes doctors keep trying treatments, it’s embarrasing for doctors if they don’t have a plan. If you don’t have a flippin’ idea what to do be sure to not show it. Better to risk a life than look powerless.

      3. barovsky

        The early reports on the use of intubators in Italy revealed that they were being used ‘according to the book’, or as they say, ‘the protocols’, rather than actually examining the patient and making a judgement based on the examination, rather than a piece of paper.

        1. Martin Back

          From memory, in the early days of the coronavirus they were quick to intubate patients in order to prevent them spluttering and spreading droplets around. In other words, intubation was for the benefit of the medical staff, not of the patient. When they realised how deadly intubation was, they were forced to reconsider the early intubation policy..

      4. Tom Welsh

        I forget what enlightened person it was who said, “The doctor’s job is to keep the patient amused while Nature takes its course”. Obviously there are exceptions: broken bones must be splinted, heart attacks coped with, etc. But perhaps that saying should be plastered all over hospital and surgery walls.

      5. Janet Love

        Prevention kills Repeat Business.
        Human nature dictates it’s easier and more impressive to say ‘NO’ than ‘Yes,
        The latter requires knowledge & Understanding to confirm your position.
        The former does not.

    2. dearieme

      When I visited an NHS hospital nearly a month ago for treatment (i) I wore a mask, (ii) the receptionist wore a mask, (iii) the two nurses who treated me wore masks, (iv) but out in the concourse plenty of nurses weren’t wearing masks – nor indeed, were they “social distancing”.

      I wonder if that meant they felt the danger had largely passed.

  11. Jeff Cable

    One is surprised, isn’t one. With fines of millions of dollars regularly handed out to errant and miscreant pharmaceutical companies (who appear to pay them out of petty cash and then carry on as if nothing is amiss), it is no wonder that the idea of open medical research has struggled to take off.

    I am currently trying to get a paper published which could significantly impact treatments of diabetic plantar ulceration. I cannot afford the ‘open science’ fee of £2,300 just to have the pre-assessment of the paper to see if it can be submitted and accepted for peer review. You may remember the six false scientific publications started by MSD in Australia, to gain acceptance of their ‘science’ facts and ghost written claptrap.

    1. Sasha

      It’s makes it easier to pay a fine, even a large one, when later on you get to write it off your tax bill.

    2. Jerome Savage

      Jeff – medical equivalent of “crowd funding” for medical pioneers might be worth pursuing.

  12. Mike S

    Thank you for your hard work Dr Kendrick. I check here every day for something new and am thrilled when it appears. We are drowning in a sea of lies and it’s a comfort to find the rare people who are dedicated to the truth.

  13. Gary Palmer

    Let’s not get too excited about Trump because he accidentally might have got something correct re: science. He’s also the guy who advocated trying “injecting disinfectant” and “very powerful UV light inside the body”. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

    1. Harry de Boer

      Do not reply, I don’t want a discussion about Trump. But just ask yourself: have you actually heard him saying those words during that famous press conference?

  14. Frederica Huxley

    So what is the truth? Can hydrocholoquine cause tachycardia, or does it lower risk of atrial fibrillation? Certainly, the reports on HCQ research are all over the place.

    1. robertL

      I think that Hydroxychloroquine after 40 odd years of extensive use if there was a problem it would probably have come out of the woodwork by now. Yes?
      However, in many things Truth and Reality do seem to be at odds these days.

    2. James DownUnder

      HCQ has been in use for over 50 years, so by now it is well understood. Also, when researching RCTs and ‘Observationals’ on the hazards of HCQ, check the dose rat. It’s been shown to be safe up to 500mg / day, – in pregnant women, so 200mg would be safer…
      Trials will show whatever it’s Paymaster wants it to show. Sadly.

    3. Alec in France

      Interesting fact: The French government added Plaquenil (HCQ) to the prescription-only list on 13 January 2020, having been on sale OTC since at least 2004 (and probably much earlier) at an official price of €4.17 for 30 200mg tabs.

      According to official reports, Covid-19 was first found in France on 24 January…

  15. James DownUnder

    Adding to the LANCET reference above – worth wading through even for us dumbkoffs.
    – One thing, I was under the impression that HCQ’s Claim to Fame was it’s action in transporting zinc into the cell, where it (Zn) would interfere with viral replication.

  16. Martin Back

    Then there’s Dr Zev Zelenko in New York, who in March already was reporting good results from his triple combo of HCQ, azithromycin, and zinc sulfate. Not a cure, but very helpful if administered early.

    Dr Zelenko did what you would hope any doctor would do when confronted with a new disease: he searched the literature. “[Didier Raoult] influenced the protocol greatly. I saw what he was doing in France by using HCQ and AZ, and I saw that in South Korea they were using HCQ and Zinc. Combined the two regimen to start prescribing all three early in the outpatient setting”https://tinyurl.com/y8w7uy5d

    As soon as the heard about this potentially useful protocol, Dr Fauci should have sent his personal representative to check it out, and if the reports proved true (as they would have), he should have decreed this to be the treatment of choice in the USA until a provably better regimen became available. Because at that point in time the medical profession was floundering with no effective treatment known.

    That Fauci didn’t take this step is greatly to his discredit and he should be called upon to explain his actions.

    1. Martin Back

      The New York Times headline and lede is absolutely despicable. It smears the doctor and his treatment instead of soberly evaluating whether it might be beneficial.
      “touting” — to solicit support for importunately. to describe or advertise boastfully He’s just telling us what he did and what the results were. He has nothing to gain except the satisfaction of having done some good.
      ‘Simple Country Doctor’ — I know that’s the way Dr Zelenko describes himself, but giving the phrase such prominence creates the impression he’s an uneducated hick whose ideas don’t need to be considered seriously.
      “a right-wing star” — has got nothing to do with the effectiveness or otherwise of the treatment. Why politicise things? Also, at this point a lot of left-wing people might have stopped reading this valuable information.
      “all the way to President Trump” — ditto. The NYT’s Trump Derangement Syndrome has twisted it from a paper of record to a paper of spite. One no longer expects good journalism from it.

        1. Martin Back

          Good article. Another reason I think Fauci et al might have ignored Zelenko is that Zelenko got his ideas based on work in France, Korea, and China. Americans tend to discount work done in other countries. I’m reading about the early days of AIDS and it was the same then. Thousands of excess deaths based on failure of Americans to recognise the worth of research done in other countries, or, less charitably, discounting the work in the hope of themselves finding a patentable test or remedy and getting very rich.

          1. Anna M


            I think Fauci is supposed to have been involved during the AIDS crisis in stealing the credit for discovering HIV from a French doctor and giving it to Gallo.

      1. Derek Reynolds

        Cures are not what the pharmaceutical industry wants – they would have no purpose for being. Treatment on the other hand, produces a ‘healthy’ bottom line.

    2. Jerome Savage

      NYT reference to “right wing” added no value to the message – looks like it was opportunistic & politically motivated reference.

  17. JDPatten

    Dr Kendrick,
    I’m wondering what your personal observational anecdotal experience is as a PCP.
    Have you prescribed D (preventive) C (as treatment) and/or hyroxychloroquine (as either) – and seen what you believe to be benefit? For COVID-19?

    If there are no reliable RCTs on any of this, you’re going on your gut instinct yourself, are you not?

    Is there no reliable Science at all?

    1. Tom Welsh

      The thing is, JDPatten, that “Science” nowadays has been penetrated by money, power and influence.

      For a start, it’s notorious that although papers should give all the information necessary to duplicate a result, that is done less and less often. Grant sources don’t want to fund work that “has already been done” – refusing to accept that checking the validity of a published result is at least as important as the result itself. Journals often won’t accept papers duplicating and verifying previous results. And scientists don’t see much prospect of fame and fortune in such work.

      Hence very few papers are ever checked, and so we don’t know whether the results are repeatable or not.

      Had “cold fusion” been treated this way, everyone would have accepted it unquestioningly. It was only when many groups around the world attempted to duplicate the experiemnts and found they couldn’t that the whole thing began to unravel.

      Remember the old saying “The job isn’t done until the paperwork is complete”? Well, for programmers the software isn’t complete until the testing has been done – all of it, and without a single error. And for scientists a result is not established until it has been duplicated – I would say at least three times.

      Science itself can be quite reliable. But the way our societies do science nowadays, he goal is not to establish the truth or to help people. The goal is simply to make money and progress in the profession, with as little hard graft as possible.

      1. JDPatten

        Yes, yes. I grant you the obvious – which is beside the point.
        I addressed my questions to Dr Kendrick purposefully.

    2. JDPatten

      Dr. Kendrick,
      No, really. I wasn’t asking rhetorically.
      Are you not able to tell your personal stories on COVID due to privacy concerns? I’m willing to bet that your surviving patients would be willing, even eager, for such information to be available to help others. “Pay it forward”.

        1. Jennifer

          I expect there may be many cases entering the court system regarding the government’s handling of the pandemic.
          We are searching for accountability, but who has been running the show? An unelected,devious, narsisistic bully? Hidden, political influences controlling us from across the pond? A greedy, monopolistic pharmaceutical industry confusing our elected members?
          The NHS and care homes have been struggling to follow ever-changing and confusing guidelines. I can’t see any judge and jury ever being able to unravel the course of events that have landed us in these health, social and financial catastrophes, as never experienced in centuries.
          But I see that our government are relying on ‘blame culture’ alone, as their defence. I only hope the electorate can see through it.

  18. Gary Ogden

    Thank you, Dr. Kendrick. The world of science and medicine has indeed taken an ominous turn with this plandemic. Remdesvir: no difference in mortality. HCQ: 50% reduction in mortality. The only silver lining I can see is that, this time, the thugs have gone too far. Many more people are aware of the criminal actions of the pharmaceutical industry, regulators, and governments.

      1. Gary Ogden

        Mehrtash Olson: No, I’ve never had an interest in them. Nor do I have a dumb phone, just a normal cell phone. But we can always share and exchange ideas here. I would be pleased.

  19. Lynn Wright

    Fauci endorses Remdesivir, five NIH high up employees were recently caught taking money under the table from Gilead, maker of Remdesivir, now the U.S. spends tax payers dollars to buy nearly all of the Remdesivir available. This highly toxic drug has been shown to reduce hospital stay by 31%. No cure, no reduction in deaths. just reducing time in hospital. It is all about money, control, manipulation,. Lies, lies and more lies. “Coronavirus: US buys nearly all of Gilead’s Covid-19 drug remdesivir” https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53254487

    1. Tom Welsh

      I’ll see your “desperately wicked” and raise you Kant’s “Out of the crooked timber of humanity was never any straight thing made”.

      And “For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 1For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows”.
      – 1 Timothy 6

      1. Janet

        TW, Not just Filthy Lucre driving the world’s leaders. Lust for Power ?.
        Why else would an 80 year old Tony Fauci have chased the Very Important Office he now holds?
        – He certainly doesn’t have many years left to enjoy his (potential) fortune.

        1. Tom Welsh

          As far as I can see, janet, money and power are essentially interchangeable. With enough money you can buy the services of the powerful; and with enough power you can easily get the rich to fund you.

        2. Anna M


          Ha, ha. I wonder this about several players on the world stage. Ruth Bader Ginsberg – supreme court justice, nearly 90. Even Bill Gates – does he actually not have enough money? Joe Biden – he’s 77. Should he be president until 86? What’s wrong with these people?

  20. Scott Robinson MD

    There are many people with medical training who nevertheless don’t treat patients. Those of us who do (I’m an Anesthesiologist with 30 yrs experience titrating drug effects in patients) recognize easily that a drug with the effects and safety profile Dr. Kendrick notes here, realized early on that there was little to lose and much to be gained prescribing HCQ in the early stages of COVID 19 ilness.

  21. jeanirvin

    I find it all depressing. So many people all trying to gain something out of all this mess but very few trying to gain the health of the ordinary public!

    1. Tom Welsh

      Capitalism is “the astonishing belief that the nastiest motives of the nastiest men somehow or other work for the best results in the best of all possible worlds”.

      – Attributed to John Maynard Keynes by Sir George Schuster, “Christianity and human relations in industry” (1951), p. 109. Recent variant: “Capitalism is the astounding belief that the wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone”.
      As quoted in Moving Forward: Programme for a Participatory Economy (2000) by Michael Albert, p. 128. (Wikiquote)

  22. abamji

    Hydroxychloroquine is a fairly weak anti-rheumatic drug so even if used in high (and toxic) doses my gut reaction is that it wouldn’t work very well. However, despite my numerous missives to PHE, the NHS and the government there appears to be a blank wall. Covid-19 has two phases. The first in the viral infection with lung damage, the second is the cytokine storm. Remdesivir might work a bit for the first (and the evidence is weak) but it won’t work for the second. I have submitted a cytokine storm protocol which would use high-dose steroids, an interleukin blocker (or two) and low-molecular weight heparin. Previous examples of cytokine storm events have been successfully treated with similar regimes. It is interesting that it has already been suggested that the Kawasaki-like syndrome in children should be treated exactly so, using the IL-1 beta inhibitor anakinra. With steroids in high dose. It works, too. so the trick is to get this potent anti-inflammatory cocktail in at the right time. Tests will tell you e exactly when – dropping oxygen saturation, rising inflammatory markers (CRP, fibrinogen, ferritin) and D-dimer. The theoretical evidence that this should stop the worst effects of Covid-19 is overwheming. In the USA some units are already using similar protocols. Yet I have had not even an acknowledgement of my missives. On that basis alone I subscribe to the cock-up theory rather than conspiracy; I suspect that government and some of its advisors are relying too much on trials that have a conflict of interest. But if something really works well it’s so obvious you don’t need a trial to prove it.

    I started submitting my ideas in the penultimate week of April. If I am right then there are many deaths that might have been prevented. Yes, anakinra and tocilizumab are expensive, but not as expensive as being ventilated on an ICU for 3 weeks.

    Science changes. What is thought true may be proved to be untrue (look at statins!). But I have said from way back that Covid-19 is not a problem if you can stop it from killing people – but “The Science” has been generated by the wrong people on the wrong hypotheses, as even the top brass are now admitting up to a point. We have a long way to go, but I don’t think Remdesivir will be much more than a niche product in this Covid-19 war.

  23. mmec7

    Informative and, sadly only all too-true a comment on our dire times. Sigh. Thank you again Dr Kendrick – you are a true ‘lode-star’.

    1. Tom Welsh

      Blue pill, red pill.

      J.S. Mill in “Utilitarianism” proposed that it is “better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied”.

      1. Sasha

        Not to a pig. A pig wants to be satisfied. It has no concept of what Socrates is nor a desire to be one.

        1. Tom Welsh

          Sasha, I think Mill was assuming a human thinker – as am I. The hopes and dreams of pigs seem off-topic.

  24. Bill Manahan

    OUCH! This is extremely painful. Now my All-Time four favorite medical doctors/heroes are all saying the same thing. Marcia Angell, Malcolm Kendrick, Alan Gaby, and Christiane Northrup have (for a number of years) been presenting overwhelming evidence that we can no longer trust medical science – especially when it involves the use of pharmaceuticals. This article by Dr. Kendrick on the use of Hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19 appears to be the nail in the coffin for me. Why did it take me so long?

    Because I love medicine; I love what we have been able to accomplish; and now it feels like no longer trusting allopathic medicine is similar to no longer trusting your marriage partner. It seems impossible that your life-long occupation that you truly love is riddled with corruption. OUCH! But, thank you to Kendrick, Gaby, Northrup, and Angell for doing the necessary research so as to bring this corruption into the light.

    Bill Bill Manahan, MD Minneapolis, MN ________________________________

    1. Tom Welsh

      The difficulty is that there is no such thing as “medical science”. It’s an abstraction, albeit often useful.

      In reality all thate exists is individual scientists – each with his or her own aims, wishes and motives.

      As the number of scientists increases, their average dedication to truth and the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake is bound to decrease. As Kingsley Amis warned 60 years ago about the expansion of university education, “More means worse”.

      And so a large number of scientists are willing to compromise their ideals in return for money or promotion or fame.

      1. dearieme

        Amis said “More will mean worse”. It was a prediction about a particular issue, not a blanket description of the world. His prediction was successful.

        Nonetheless, I agree that the age of “mass science” is not an age helpful to scrupulous and honest scientists who will often be shouted down. See the great Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming fraud as an example, or the Statination dogma as another.

        1. Jerome Savage

          Dearieme – Opportunistic sorts will perpetrate fraud given half a chance but it seems the glaciers ARE receding significantly.

  25. Clare Bourke

    On Sun 5 Jul 2020 at 13:47, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick wrote:

    > Dr. Malcolm Kendrick posted: “5th July 2020 This blog has been published > in RT.com https://www.rt.com/search?q=malcolm+kendrick I’ve lost all > trust in medical research – the financial muscle of Big Pharma has been > busy distorting science during the pandemic Evidence that a ch” >

  26. barovsky

    Dr Kendrick, I assume you’ve read the NICE view of Vitamin D, as aside from the incorrect assertion that Vit D ‘cures’ covid-19 (rather than prevent), the Nice article actually says that there hasn’t been sufficient testing to show one way or the other! In other words, not enough data and given previous insufficient testing of vitamins, this seems to be par for the course as they say.

    1. David Bailey

      I seem to remember that one study found that almost all the patients who were hospitalised with CV19 had low vitamin D, and that those who became seriously ill had even lower levels of vitamin D. Wouldn’t that suggest that vitamin D may do something useful even after someone has come down with CV19?

      1. James DownUnder

        DB, NO ! -, not unless there are Randomized, double-blind, placebo-Controlled Trials
        undertaken over a long period of time…. employing and remunerating many, Many Researchers,
        and assorted staff… producing obscure, anally-retentive detailed descriptions of how, what and who was done to, …. down to the brand of ball-point pens..

        The ‘Conclusion’ will be known from the Beginning, and the scribe who writes this drivel – (not the “authors”) massages the above data to the approval of theTrial’s Financier.

        A ‘retrospective’ has the disadvantage that data is openly, objectively recorded with little or no bias for an unknown future Result. Exceedingly difficult to fudge.

        Like a soldier returning from the battle-front, regardless of military rank, his opinions and methodology are held in high regard by his superiors back home.
        – Surviving is Gold Standard Proof.

    2. Tom Welsh

      “…the Nice article actually says that there hasn’t been sufficient testing to show one way or the other…”

      Di the article go on to say, “and if we have our way there never will be”?

      It’s rather like, “I am aware of no evidence…” – said he, while wearing dark glasses and staring fixedly in the opposite direction.

  27. Carol A Parker

    THANK YOU for sticking your neck out like this in order to help the human race. Love and peace to you. C

    It IS all about Love. Carol ATMortillaro Parker 307.690.3888


  28. Alan Gaby

    Don’t despair, Bill. The advent of the Internet and of alternative media outlets has made it easier than ever before to get the truth out. Our job is to keep telling the truth and hope that people have enough sense to recognize it among all of the false narratives that are being put out.

    Best, Alan

  29. Ian Roselman

    Can anyone advise if there is any difference in efficacy of chloroquine versus hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID 19? There is certainly a difference in availability and price in the UK. I am not asking for the official guidelines here. I know that neither is sanctioned. I also know that chloroquine was an effective anti-malarial drug from the time I spent in Africa.

    1. David Lilley

      My understanding is that chloroquine is the active ingredient in hydroxychloroquine. The body has to separate the two parts of hydroxychloroquine which means that the hydroxy- part regulates the availability of the chloroquine part. This gradual release is more in keeping with how the body will use the drug and it also reduces the risk of side effects.

  30. Dr. John H

    Found this interesting comment on MarketWatch:

    “In all likelihood, remdesivir has no effect. The trial data was not convincing at all, and we all know that these trials are outcome oriented.

    Development cost? LOL! remdesivir was developed in 2009 for hepatitis C, for which it did not work, and then repurposed for Ebola, for which it did not work, and then repurposed for covid, for which it did not work.”

    1. James DownUnder

      Dr JH, Don’t be too harsh, they’re practicingThomas Edison’s dictum, – Never mind the 99 failures, keep trying till you find the One Success.
      Only 96 to go.

      1. ShirleyKate

        Hi James. And there’s no rush because each of the 99 failures will have generated a nice little profit. Never mind how many deceived patients lie in their wake.

        1. Tom Welsh

          “…each of the 99 failures will have generated a nice little profit”.

          And a little pile of dead bodies. But that’s not important right now.

  31. LA_Bob

    We marvel and laugh at the shamans of yore, the “witch doctors” with their incantations and magic potions, certain to cure anything from stomach trouble to romantic letdown.

    Really, are we that much different today?

    Today, we are so modern, so “scientific”, so gullible…

  32. Chancery Stone

    I was one of the people sneering at the use of the drug, partly because The Donald was yelling its praises (NEVER a good sign – it’s like being endorsed by Hitler) but also because Covid isn’t malaria, so I assumed it was one of Donald’s bullshit theories and was ridiculing it wherever I saw it mentioned. Looks like I may have been wrong. Sorry, world…

    1. David Bailey

      I am someone who thinks “The Donald” speaks a lot of sense (sometimes hidden by the incredibly biassed media) so I had a hunch that this drug would turn out to be useful!

      Is there any reason why those who falsified research on this drug to make it appear harmful, should not face prosecution for manslaughter?

    2. anna m


      I heard that these guys like Fauci have known since 2005 that hydroxy is effective against corona viruses.
      When will the trials for murder begin?

    3. Tom Welsh

      “…NEVER a good sign – it’s like being endorsed by Hitler…”

      That is never a sound argument. By the way, Hitler was a vegetarian and warned everyone around him not to smoke, as it would kill them.

      He also got a surprising amount right about economics and finance that most people today don’t understand at all.

      No one is all bad or all good. (Not even me).

  33. Stella de Wyatt

    I stopped going to doctors years ago. All I ever got from doctors was lies. I would only ever go to a doctor if I broke a leg, or something similar. I have already had my appendix out. Any intelligent, educated person is a much better doctor for themself, than so-called doctors. Buy your own blood pressure measuring device, eat properly, exercise, take approriate vitamins and supplements, read the scientific papers (yes, they do have problems, and are often contradictory, but an intelligent person can make sendible judgements about what to believe and what not to believe) and keep away from doctors. If you want to live a long and happy life, do not go to doctors.

      1. AhNotepad

        I did that with what turned out to be cellulitis. The GP gave me oral antibiotics, they didn’t work, went to hospital where they gave intravenous antibiotics. Whether that worked or not I don’t know, but it cleared up. Had I known about vitamin C at the time I may well not have got it in the first place.

  34. Corinna Lennox-Kerr

    Thank you so much for telling the truth and putting your head above the pulpit. I wish more credible professionals would do the same to support each other. I so appreciate what you have to say. Many thanks, Corinna

    1. Jerome Savage

      I think the Guardian as a recipient of Gates funding is no longer a credible source of information in the medical arena.

      1. Tom Welsh

        IMHO the Grauniad has not been a credible source of information in any area since… oh, about 1948. Before then I wasn’t alive, so I probably shouldn’t judge.

        But I do remember people going into paroxysms of mirth at its ridiculous statements by the time I was 12 or 13.

        Admittedly it has got worse since then.

        1. Jerome Savage

          We know Jeromy Clarkson poked fun at it, it seen to be “green”, left of centre and belonging to dreamers unlike the straight to the point telegraph. Its attraction for me, OAAT was that it cared less for share price and the machinations of business than, by definition, the environment and societal equality. It might have been seen not to be tainted by capitalism & all sorts of nefarious business interests and to be softer, sort of. An innocent millennium generation might be caught by its pretenses but I hav had enough of it – it has no testicles (excuse the figure of speech) its pretentious & unable to challenge anything.

      2. dearieme

        You’d have to very old to have experienced the Guardian as a credible source on anything save the football results. The Observer used to be much better; has it been Guardianised down to the same level?

  35. Eric

    This is totally unrelated, but interesting for a number of reasons:
    – Scary idea!
    – The journalist is still totally sold on the lipid hypothesis.
    – How is it possible to publish total cheerleading for lowes LDL in 2020? I should consider cancelling my subscription.
    – If the gene editing works as advertised, there goes a huge source of profit for big pharma. Wonder how long until it gets shushed from that side.

    Do people with the mutation really not get heart disease as claimed in the article with links provided? I am looking forward to a razor-sharp analysis by Malcolm! My bet is that they die of cancer before they can get heart disease with LDL below 50.

  36. Honório

    What about Japan the most? Why has less deaths by Covid (7 / million and another hundreds / million)?
    I understand Einstein better about the Universe than the human blindness about Covid’s dogmas and the evidence of the Japanese not colonized is clear. What do they have, then?
    They have organization, healthier goals, vulkan fujiyama, rich soil, strong immune system, more than 65,000 centenarians, abundant vitamin K and no bogeyman, cholesterol without compromise.
    They have no Covid, nor heart attacks that justify an ‘institute of the heart’. They do business with other things. And they must be very surprised because they die for sport, while others hunt for paper and we are all much poorer in shame, in economics, in health,
    of humanity. But it’s all there!
    If the vulkan fujiyama gave mineral-rich ashes, if prevention is better than cure, there is only one problem – it is cheap – the rest, as Einstein said.
    If the immune system works with zinc; with magnesium in all vitamin D metabolism and beyond; with selenium in cell physiology and, if the cow has 4 legs to have healthy calves, but only if it has vitamin K in milk fat and more in other places, as well as A, D and E, while if we take them out they don’t even grow, so Japanese should not understand why 2 legs are cut to the elegant cow (K and the starting base for D)! Einstein, even if he were not a genius, would have seen this.
    The rest is there, in complete Nature. And, if it is worn out on old continents, we do not have the investigation by the hematologist, Ananda Prasad to say that at the first symptoms, 25 mg of zinc gluconate and 15 mg in maintenance; we don’t now have the cardiologist of choice J Durlach et al, preaching 420 mg of Mg permanently; nor PhD, Christopher Masterjhon in the efficient animal fat or cod liver oil for A and D in the absence of others; nor the prof. Resnick putting salt in the wound of the lack of stomach acid, which generates pneumonia; nor the prof. Ravnskov et al, debunking cholesterol myths; the Japanese taking care of Natto da K with legs in the cow and, after many more saying how to avoid it and the body with an immune system without handcuffs to face Covid and much more !? Why cure what you don’t have and take the option of the probable lost battle? When you die, is there a heaven for the rich ?!

  37. Eric

    And while I’m at it: We have speculated before what caused the huge rise (seed oils, lead, lack of sunshine, unhappiness, infections agent) and decline (not statins) in heart disease. Suppose there was a slow burning corona virus epidemic starting in the 1920s and petering out in the 90s? One of the endimic viruses that maybe started out with weird effects on the endothelium like COVID19 but gradually mutated so that we don’t know about it now?

    1. AhNotepad

      I know we should think about all sorts of possibilities, but I can almost hear Captain Mainwaring’s comment about that. (Not to do with Pike)

  38. Tish

    Where is any proper British information on Covid19 and gastrointestinal symptoms? These symptoms are said to be common and long-lasting yet any information seems to quote Chinese cases.

  39. scotfly19

    Thank you Dr Kendrick the voice of reason in a world of competitive powerful vested interests.
    For the layman this world can seem like a bottomless black hole. Too many people sink without trace.
    Your knowledge insights and understanding of the medical world helps us to navigate it in our preferred manner.

  40. Susan

    Does anyone know if chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are related to the fluoroquinolone family of antibiotics? I understand these antibiotics have been banned as a first line of defence in Australian and the UK but are routinely prescribed in Europe. My son took a course of one such antibiotic at the end of last year and suffered an extreme toxic reaction, including gastritis tendonitis and severe insomnia. He still requires medication to deal with the insomnia. Facebook support groups indicate that this reaction is far from uncommon. Since there may be a genetic component to this type of reaction, my whole family is terrified of taking any drug that could be biochemically similar.

    1. colettebytes

      I think, but, Dr Kendrick is better qualified to say, that chloroquine is not the same and much more toxic than the safely administered hydroxychloroquine.

  41. Bill

    As the British psychiatrist David Healy says, all drugs are poisons, just as all surgery is mutilation. (Of course sometimes, as Healy emphasizes, it is wise to let someone poison or mutilate you.) The chloroquine drugs appear to be, unsurprisingly, toxic like all the others, with relatively uncommon but potentially devastating neuropsychiatric injury. Which perhaps should be part of this discussion before hydroxychloroquine becomes per protocol for millions more people:


    1. Jerome Savage

      Bill – re “devastating neuropsychiatric injury” not seen as an issue in India – population of a billion plus is subject to its routine administration – india & other tropical countries may have developed a protocol to ensure it’s safe application . The irish psychiatrist David Healy makes a good point though.

      1. Bill

        Nevin, and others, appear to believe that the harms of this drug class have been greatly underestimated, partly because the neuropsychiatric injuries can be easily misattributed to other conditions. If you don’t expect a drug to cause certain harms, and those harms are relatively infrequent, you may never perceive them even if they are right before your eyes. Even if these drug injuries only occur, say, 5% of the time (what I recall Nevin saying), they are so terrible that one would want to think very carefully about widespread use of these drugs.

        This page on Nevin contains some very interesting links documenting his concerns: https://remingtonnevin.com

        1. Jerome Savage

          Bill – “Nevin, and others, appear to believe that the harms of this drug class have been greatly underestimated” Ditto statins & a host of others mainstream concoctions. The implication of this is that the following countries for example and their associated medical institutions, namely India, Egypt, Turkey, Brazil as well as other well known Western medics are –
          1. Careless or
          2. Ignorant of the implications of administering the drug or
          3. have accepted that any side effects are worth the greater benefit or
          4. Have developed protocols to ensure that side effects are avoided/ minimised or
          5 combination of the above.
          We might also consider that the side effects referred to are not of the making of the drug in question – that the tests / studies identifying the side effects were not reliable, bit like the two recent studies on hydroxychloroquine from either side of the Atlantic.
          Again widely used, (very widely used), available across the counter, decades of use suggest its safe. However the observations of an army doctor should be free of bias.
          Finally, could this relatively new organisation (formed 2018) be keen to make headlines ?

          1. Bill

            I think we can safely say that all the countries you list allow and even promote a great many highly toxic drugs. That countries use a drug says nothing per se about its safety. There are countless examples, some discussed quite entertainingly in Doctoring Data. And, again, I believe Nevin is pointing to relatively rare but very serious injuries, which are not fully appreciated. Hence his efforts to ensure that the harms are acknowledged and balanced against any benefits—and that patients truly understand the risks they are assuming with such “safe” medications, an oxymoron really.

            Perhaps Nevin is wrong, but his papers seem very concerning and should be part of the discussion I’d think.

            BTW, to cite just a single example, Tylenol (Paracetamol) is also “widely used, (very widely used), available across the counter, decades of use…” Yet it is definitely not safe. Is it not still the leading cause of acute liver failure in the US and other countries?

          2. Jerome Savage

            “According to the ICMR study published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR), consumption of four or more maintenance doses was associated with a significant decline (>80%) in the risk of Covid-19 infection among the ‘participants’. The study also found that there was no significant association between HCQ and adverse drug reactions.”
            One Hawkish article in Nature magazine states – “there are a growing number of reports that it can trigger serious side effects” without giving a reference to these reports and despite acknowledging the withdrawal of the Lancet article.
            Might there b an element of – these third world chaps are not really up to it – dont know what they are at ? And, might it be said that the number of Hydroxychloroquine treatments, given the populations involved could actually be in the billions at this stage? Hydroxychloroquine the “”medicine that has been used for over 60 years relatively safely and is regularly prescribed to pregnant women if they are going to a malaria zone,” per White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Director Peter Navarro
            “The idea that this is a dangerous drug is just silly” he said. The withdrawn Lancet article drew a particularly hasty response from the WHO as we know but somehow cose to ignore the ICMR study published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR).which has not been withdrawn.
            (PS ,Does the Lancet thingy tarnish the Harvard image thingy?)

    2. Dr. John H

      Well, that was a very interesting link. So, is Hydroxychloroquine safe to use for COVID, or is it not?

    3. shirley3349

      Note: This is a re-post on this topic, as my previous one vanished en route.

      About 35 years ago I was prescribed Chloroquine as a prophylaxis against malaria before a holiday in Morocco.
      After two or three doses I have never felt more ill in my life, before or since. I was feverish, giddy and nauseated among other things, and took to my bed. But as there seemed to be only a few mosquitoes around, I took no more of the tablets, recovered within a few hours, and enjoyed the rest of my holiday. Fortunately, I did not get malaria.
      I have never taken Hydroxychloroquine, but as the two drugs seem to be related, I would be very reluctant to do so.
      How common are such side effects with both drugs? Is the more modern, more expensive, Hydroxychloroquine, a real improvement on the drug I took, or not? I’d be interested to read of other peoples experiences.

  42. colettebytes

    Great article Dr Kendrick.

    I recommend looking up ‘Dr Been Medical Lectures’ channel on YouTube. He has many around the treatment of COVID 19. He is a US medical doctor with several clinics.

    The two that stood out for me, were:

    “Covid19 Insights : Quercetin as a zinc ionosphere and Covid19 Outpatient management.”


    ‘A new study on vitamin D’

    Dr Been has been posting lectures on line for a long time, but is starting to come up against YouTube censorship now which is mystifying him as he says he is only reporting the valid studies and the mechanisms to other medical practitioners. He does repeatedly warn any lay people not to self medicate but to get proper advice that may vary due to pre-existing medical conditions.

    I know that you care deeply, Dr Kendrick, and thank you for trying to spread the truth. The UK should hold another trial with hydroxychloriquine in regular (no toxically High doses as in the failed Oxford study) doses for patients with onset of any COVID symptoms in first 3-5 days of reporting.

    Dr Zelenko of NY (I think I have spelled his name correctly), also combines zinc and azithromyacin in his therapies. I believe he has just released a paper about this. I hope you can find access to it.

    Thank God, for truth seekers like you!

  43. dearieme

    “Lancet [editor-in-chief] …”: golly, I expect to take him seriously

    “… Richard Horton”: oh God, that twerp. I suspect that if what he says is true it’s by fluke.

    It’s not that I doubt your point, doc, but Horton is a frail reed to rely on.

      1. martinbrumby

        At first I assumed your response to Dearieme was rhetorical and that you missed the /sarc tag.
        But I note an earlier comment about “Global Heating”, so clearly you will think Horton, repeatedly suggesting that Climate Change is the greatest threat to humanity, is exactly your kind of scientist (sic).
        Almost as good a source as Greta Thunberg, no doubt.
        Oh well.
        Even a broken clock is right twice a day, so I guess far-left loons may occasionally get something right.

  44. Mike Smith

    i could almost sob at the state of the world we now live in. Whatever you think of Trump you cant help but notice how the world media is going hell bent on discrediting him and promoting Clinton. In the UK, the people (of which I am one of them) who identified the BLM movement as a Marxist, near terrorist organisation which cleverly hid behind the slogan that Black lives matter – of course they do – all lives matter for gods sake. The world is in a very sad state right now, god only knows what the cancer rates are going to be like next year due to lockdown, depression and domestic violence is going to sky rocket due to the bankrupt country we will find ourselves in. What is wrong with our MP’s ? They no longer represent us but rather just take the bribes and the easy money which puts powerful groups such as big food and big pharma is an incredibly strong position knowing that they just have to factor in a cut for their favourite MP and its happy days all round. I really am truly sick of it all now and can only see things getting worse. Sorry that this sounds like a rant but dear god something needs to change.

      1. Mr Chris

        Please, I beg you, no Brexit, no Trump and no BLM.
        if possible eliminate the craziest conspiracy theories.
        This stuff may be cathartic for the writers, but a rad irritating for the readers

        1. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Post author

          I cannot promise to expunge all political debate, or comments. Not that I would wish to. In the end, most things end up ‘political’ in one way or another. The entire lock down has been, essentially, politicians playing games political games whilst hiding behind the veil of science.

          1. JDPatten

            But you COULD address the craziest conspiracy theories, yes? At least by hanging some Kendrick-Logic off them? You’ve commented on G5 already. More sanity is sorely needed on many fronts.

          2. Gary Ogden

            JDPatten: What definition do you accept for the term “conspiracy theory?” All theories developed by more than a single individual? Theories which challenge mainstream views or accepted truth? Dr. Kendrick’s theories of the causes and progression of CVD would fall under this definition. There is good scientific evidence of the biological consequences of EMF radiation. Have you read it? I haven’t read much of it myself, but to hold it up to ridicule is unscientific. That said, this is a subject very much off topic, except in the sense that the “Rona scare is about monitoring and controlling the population, and 5G is as well. Much more worrisome things are happening in this world, so I share your questioning its place in this forum.

    1. Gary Ogden

      Mike Smith: It is important for everyone to recognize that most Americans, Trump supporters, Trump haters, and the politically non-partisan, are offended by our history of the murder and mistreatment of blacks. That mistreatment was commonplace until the 1960’s, but we live in a world today in the U.S. which is dramatically different. We have seen a sea change in attitudes, except among a minuscule group of die-hard haters. In the mid-’60’s, the government response to the growing chorus of the civil rights movement (LBJ’s The Great Society) ended up doing more harm than good, but the attitudes of the citizenry have changed for the better, and legal barriers to full equality have fallen. That said, there is still much injustice faced by the poor, especially the black and poor, but this is mainly a function of poverty. Nevertheless, it is clear that Black Lives Matter is a partisan political activist group, no matter how lofty its stated aims and goals. It is not a grassroots movement; it has nothing in common with the civil rights movement; and it is funded by some of the largest “philanthropic” organizations in the U.S. Philanthropy is customarily a way for the wealthy to shield their wealth from the tax man and improve public perception of their goodness through PR, and in the case of the Gates, to dramatically increase that wealth. There are no doubt many sincere and good people who support BLM and attend their public events, but there is great danger ahead when municipal and state governments and academic institutions support a partisan political group. The media reports that this is happening.

    2. Tom Welsh

      “What is wrong with our MP’s ? They no longer represent us but rather just take the bribes and the easy money…”

      Sorry to have to tell you, Mike, but it was ever so. True, there have been a few British politicians down the years who tried to do what they thought was right. (Although often, like Mr Gladstone for example, they ended up doing more harm than good). But increasingly, with the elimination of “privilege”, we have been landed with a “professional” body of politicians who see their work as just being an office job like any other – with its main purpose being to bring home an income and seek promotion.

      Nowadays there is, oddly enough, better news coverage – if you know where to seek it (as in this blog and others). So we have gradually become aware of the cynicism and selfishness of politicians and others.

      But there is still nothing we can do about it. They have been very assiduous in sealing up all the exits.

    1. AhNotepad

      Disappointing, but not surprising given the morality (spelling? Should that be “corruption”) of the judiciary. I wonder what Lord Sumption’s view would be. Smacks of Lynn Thyer and David Noakes.

    2. Tom Welsh

      The law in the UK is basically there to guarantee the rights of the rich and powerful against the poor and weak.

      The first line of defence, of course, is simply the exorbitant cost of going to court at all. Lawyers’ fees, court fees – all those marble halls and wigs and cushions and panelling…

      Then there is the judiciary. Contemplate this latest outrage and add Julian Assange, Alex Salmond, Craig Murray and all the hundreds of other “miscarriages of justice” and malicious prosecutions.

      I suppose it should have been obvious all along that no judge is going to allow a mere proletarian to sue Her Majesty’s wonderful government. They may be a bunch of ignorant, conceited fools – but that’s their privilege.

  45. Leigh Gold

    Chances of buying hydroxychloraquine over the counter or online are nil at £6.00 a go. At £30 you can get it. Cashing in? You betcha. Other ‘learned’ sites try to scare the living daylights out of anybody contemplating buying it. As a scientist, I have yet to meet one who fully agrees with another, nor have I ever met one who willingly admits to being wrong. However, what I am increasingly encountering is the overpowering stench of BS emanating from governmental advisers, Both medical and scientific concerning COVID-19. I also increasingly notice the increased blame game such as Boris claiming care homes have not followed protocol and advice. So that’s why there’s been so many fatalities In care homes. Really? Honestly? Nothing to do with shuttling the elderly and infirm out of hospitals without adequate testing then? To repeat Albert Einstein’s eloquent submission and which Dr Kendrick quoted recently “only two things are infinite; the Universe and human stupidity….and I’m not sure about the former”. Nuff said.

    1. Gary Ogden

      Leigh Gold: And isolating them from all familial and familiar human contact. How many deaths from despair have there been? And “social distancing,” the most inhuman phrase to enter the lexicon that I can recall. The result being, in ways subtle and pervasive, to sever those ordinary ties to each other which are the glue which holds together civilization.

  46. Jerome Savage

    Back to statins. I notice these pages make scant reference to ststin side effects, merely that the outcomes are not what they are trumpeted to be and that the dividend is minuscule at best. There may be good reason for this. Contributors meanwhile take up the flak. Other boards critical of the anti cholesterol money spinner refer to effects such as muscle pain, neurological disorders and liver damage. The contributors here make consistent references to the first, muscle pain & aches, seldom to neurological and I have yet to see a reference to statin induced or perceived statin induced liver problems. I have just had the difficult experience of speaking to a once active 65 year old who had a heart valve operation, is prescribed statins and appears beaten by not only newly acquired aches & pains but difficult sleep patterns, nightmares and waking up in a disturbed state of mind. He feels he cannot stop them, very fearful of consequences. I could only giv my experience & how better I felt since I opted out of the chemical mistreatment. His work is now very limited. Might try Dr. K’s book. His doctor of course has more influence than this once bitten, twice shy victim.

    1. Jerome Savage

      DL – strange comment at the end re the author – “This article is not medical advice. Like his others, it is political advice” ??

    2. Gary Ogden

      My God, these Oxford people are utterly incompetent. Criminally incompetent. Even little old me knows the difference between malaria and amoebic dysentery. They lie without compunction.

    1. Chad S

      If there were not some sort of immunity at work, then the cases would not be tappering off. Alternatively, if there is no good immunity at work, then this virus is not nearly as contagious as we have been lead to believe.

    2. LA_Bob


      you might find this interesting. (H/T Instapundit)

      Dr Kendrick’s post is all about trust in medical research. Let’s face it. We don’t know nuffin’, and it’s hard to know where to turn (and the video his post links is a really big Owwie)!

    3. Terry Wright

      Randall: what’s your point? “a so-called herd immunity to Covid-19 is “unachievable,””??

      1. AhNotepad

        My understanding is antibodies indicate you’ve had the disease, no antibodies may mean you are immune. (Innate immune response), so herd immunity might occur without anyone noticing, as with most diseases until this political one. The vaccine industry labours the point that immunity only occurs if antibodies are present, pertussis has blown a hole in that claim. It’s not even worthy of the title of “theory”.

  47. V Lewis

    Fascinating thank you. Once I realised hydroxy chloroquine is Plaquenil you “got” me. I was on this drug some years ago for sjogrens. It didn’t have much effect sadly but the important thing is I didn’t react adversely and I’m usually highly sensitive to drugs. If I catch covid I’ll ask for this. A nursing friend said you couldn’t have had that it is toxic 😆 thats how easily people are influenced

  48. Craig E

    And as of just now, the Victorian Premier has placed the whole of metro Melbourne into a 6 week lock down as an “evidence-based, science-based” approach to curtail the massive (in Australian terms) spike in COVID cases. Victoria has also been cut off from the rest of Australia. I suppose it was inevitable. The irony was that Victoria, of all Australian states, locked down for the longest and had the toughest lockdown restrictions.

  49. Tish

    Simon Dolan yesterday:
    “I wanted to launch the legal action because it was terrifyingly obvious the Government needed to be challenged. Parliament has been a bystander throughout. Ministers have repeatedly signed legislation into law without scrutiny, debate or votes by MPs – until weeks after the event.”

    1. IMoz

      I’m getting fed up with being fed such BS, so I’ve just sent him the following email:–

      Dear Sir Venkatraman,
      It has been reported in the BBC that you urged that face masks should be worn “whenever you are in crowded public spaces”. It was also reported that “[You] said evidence shows they protect the wearer and those nearby, and the UK was “way behind” other countries in usage.” [1]

      Unfortunately, the only empirical evidence I was able to find outright contradicts your assertion. First, the Health and Safety Executive conducted a laboratory experiment back in 2008 to test the effectiveness of surgical masks in containing influenza spread, and concluded with “Live viruses could be detected in the air behind all surgical masks tested.” [2]

      Secondly, a systematic review of personal protective measures in dealing with influenza spread (published in May 2020) found “… no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.” [3]

      Finally, in 2015, a study entitled “Unmasking the surgeons: the evidence base behind the use of facemasks in surgery” opened with “The use of surgical facemasks is ubiquitous in surgical practice … Examination of the literature revealed much of the published work on the matter to be quite dated and often studies had poorly elucidated methodologies” concluded, among other things, that “Facemasks do have a clear role in maintaining the social cleanliness of surgical staff, but evidence is lacking to suggest that they confer protection from infection either to patients or to the surgeons that wear them.” [4]

      In light of the above studies and repeated mentioning by the media, and now the express words from you, that there is evidence that masks do protect against COVID-19, I can only conclude that I am missing something obvious. Would you please point me to the empirical evidence that the face masks are the magic bullet in fighting COVID-19 that it made out to be? I very much look forward to your reply.

      1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-53316491
      2. https://www.hse.gov.uk/research/rrpdf/rr619.pdf
      3. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/5/19-0994_article
      4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4480558/



      I’m not holding my breath waiting for a reply.

      1. AhNotepad

        Well done iMoz. The reply, if any will be along the lines of, “Your references are old data, and the new evidence is building that masks are effective, nay, vital to stop this killer virus”.

        It couldn’t be the masks are to hide the tortured expressions of people who get vaccinated, could it?

      2. Dr. John H

        Nice Letter, iMoz!

        Here is a fantastic article on masks to add to your arsenal. Denis Rancourt talks about how every single randomized controlled trial with verified results shows that surgical masks and N95 respirators do not work to prevent the transmission of respiratory viruses. He also explains how aerosol transmission is the primary mode of infection, which are so small they go right through masks. Lots of study references included. There is also a 20 minute interview with him and Del Bigtree that is well worth watching.

        I read the article 3 times to really understand it.


      3. IMoz

        just a quick update on this:-

        I did get a reply from the President reasonably promptly; and he clearly is a man of some degree of integrity as he had acknowledged that there was no _direct empirical evidence_ in favour of facemasks, and he did point me to the research they used at RS to arrive at the conclusion. A day or so later, I got a follow-up email from someone else (I am guessing they were more involved in accumulation of knowledge), it didn’t contribute much to the initial email however.

        This is their research:

        Click to access set-c-facemasks.pdf


        Needless to say, most of the research RS appear to have used is based on observational studies and computer models. There are some quantive experiments from the present and some from distant past. Moreover, their research didn’t seem to include any adverse quantative results (ask yourselves why that might be!).

        I am looking in detail at the quantative papers they used (real controlled experiments, not observational studies or in sillico models (great mastery of sophistry there!) for obvious reasons). Reading the actual research and working things through, as opposed to skimming abstracts, does take some time, but as you might imagine a rather lengthy reply will follow.

    2. elizabethhart

      Isn’t it interesting that masks are being pushed now?

      How long would people be muzzled, as Peter Hitchens so aptly describes it: https://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/2020/07/peter-hitchens-weve-all-turned-from-normal-humans-into-muzzled-masochists.html

      What’s the ultimate agenda here? That people be muzzled until the blessed vaccine is ready?

      Is this part of the compliance training, make people wear the masks, and they’re more likely to comply to the vaccine?

      1. AhNotepad

        elizabeth, I don’t think it’s as simple as that. Look at the end of this broadcast https://youtu.be/gUFd2kpO8-A to see the insanity (some might say vital protection) where people are outside, on a sea crossing, with plenty of fresh air, and all wearing those bloody silly face coverings. Fortunately the people in The Netherlands are a bit more intelligent and are saying stuff this, and all are not wearing masks. You may have seen my earlier post where I showed a cloth mask reduces oxygen by 20% of normal. The commercial masks have other problems as the plastics used degrade when contaminated by breath moisture, according to Dr,. Rashid Buttar.

  50. Glynn Fletcher

    In The Daily Mirror on Monday 6th July Dr. Miriam Stoppard says exactly the opposite of what Dr. Kendrick claims about the use of HCQ. I believe Dr. Kendrick’s version. Dr. Stoppard just goes along with the flow, she also recommends statins. She keeps her job at the paper by not rocking the boat.

  51. Steve-R

    There is an interesting podcast on the Guardian with Professor Danny Altmann of Imperial College on the long term effects of a SARS-CoV-2 infection. It appears that it causes a multiplicity of ‘strange’ immune system responses that persist both during and after the apparent Covid-19 symptoms – even in asymptomatic disease.
    If the ACE2 point of cell infection is unique to this virus in humans, and thus infects a wide range of cells, are we looking at a virus that causes an equally wide range of autoimmune conditions?

    1. IMoz

      Do they have an assay to verify those “strange” responses? Oh, and SARS-CoV-2 isn’t the only virus that uses ACE2 😉

      1. Steve-R

        You would have to direct that question to Professor Altmann.
        Oh, there aren’t that many human viruses though https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3302248/ maybe you can point me to some other studies?
        But my point is that the SARS-CoV-2 is said to be highly infectious, uses the ACE2 receptor, and therefore potentially infects a large variety of cells that could lead to auto-immune problems when inflammation is uncontrolled.

        1. IMoz

          without looking too much: given that there is at least one virus from the the alpha- subfamily, and at least one from beta- subfamily, you can reasonably infer that there are others in the family that would bind to ACE2 (this doesn’t sponateously occur all of a a sudden) just like the likelihood of SARS-CoV-2 suddenly gaining a major function to be “airborne”…

  52. Mike S

    I just read this: “It appears that every chapter of the Covid-19 story in the U.S. has been bent by the reality-distortion field of the presidential election in November.”

  53. Nick Turner

    The latest weekly report on deaths in England and Wales has just been published by the ONS:


    Go to section 3 to see ‘Deaths registered by week’. The data was published this morning and there is a convenient link to the chart that will display the correct result here:

    As I pointed out in a comment to Dr Kendrick’s previous article, it is clear that there was no suggestion of any excess deaths due to Covid-19 until lockdown on 24th March. The current chart again shows that the weekly death rate is back to the five year average. The ’emergency’ is over, so why are there still restrictions? We are looking at a contrived situation.

    I came across this article:

    View at Medium.com

    “Coronavirus: Why everyone was wrong. – The immune response to the virus is stronger than everyone thought”

    Preamble to the article:

    “The original article was published in the Swiss magazine Weltwoche (World Week) on June 10th. The author, Beda M Stadler is the former director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern, a biologist and professor emeritus. Stadler is an important medical professional in Switzerland, he also likes to use provoking language, which should not deter you from the extremely important points he makes.

    This article is about Switzerland and it does not suggest that the situation is exactly the same globally. I am advocating for local measures according to locale situations. And I advocate for looking at real data rather than abstract models. I also suggest to read to the end, because Stadler makes crucial points about testing for Sars-CoV-2.”

    1. Nigella P

      Interesting, so you could say that lock down directly correlates to the excess deaths?

      I find it so helpful when very clever people like Dr K and Prof Stadler write in a way that non-scientists can understand. Great article as ever by Dr K and thank you for the link to the Stadler article Nick Turner.

      I’m watching Andrew Mather & Skepticat on Peerless Reads too now. This blog is a mine of information.

      I still cannot understand how some of the most wealthy and well developed countries in the Western world have managed to kill so many of their people in the last half of the year. How on earth have we ended up with so many excess deaths?

  54. Stuart

    Good luck in your quest for some accountability Dr K!
    If the editors of the Lancet and NEJM were so aware of the “criminality” of Pharma seems strange that they were so easily duped by fraudulent studies that other doctors realised, almost immediately, couldn’t be legitimate. Very fishy indeed! Clearly no accountability with scientific fraud as Prof Mandeep Mehra will testify. Just apologise and move onto the next one.

    1. AhNotepad

      ”As we are still in the midst of an unprecedented global health crisis,………”

      Of course, what else could it be. We will only have herd immunity when a vaccine is available. Science, innit?

    2. Gary Ogden

      JDPatten: Thanks for the link. One of the oddest things in this saga is unquestioning use by actual scientists of the oxymoron “asymptomatic cases.” We are all germy boys and girls, I guess. All diseased. Doomed.

        1. KJE

          Typhoid is a bacterium, not a virus, not is not dependent on being on your cells doing damage to proliferate

        2. IMoz

          The problem is this: there seems to be a huge, anomolously huge, number of asymptomatics, and like I said before, it either means that the disease is nowhere near virulent as it is made out, or that the tests are just, of course it could be both!

          In the good old days, proper emidemiologists would be right on top of that, trying to dig down into the details of what makes one person be asymptomatic while causing a cytokine storm in another… Nowadays, everyone is trying to get their name “out there” and predict that the sky is falling; most, if not all, is evidence-free, of course. The latest craze is that “SARS-CoV-2” is airborn now, apparently, why or. more importantly, how on Earth would a virus gain a major function??! To be “airborne” the agent needs to be resistant to drying, anyone seen evidence of that?

        3. Anna M

          The typhus bacterium was colonized in her. It is spread through feces and she worked as a cook! But that does not mean that colds and flus are spread by people without symptoms. Symptoms are an indication of viral replication. If the virus is handled by the innate immune system, that indicates there isn’t much viral replication and you would not be shedding enough virus to get others sick. There is nothing strange at all about people testing positive but not being sick. That is probably the norm – that we are often exposed but only sometimes does our body fail to meet the challenge and we come down with symptoms. How many times does one person in a house get sick and not the others? All the time. In China they determined that people in the same house only got covid about 10% of the time. As for the test, it will come up positive for many reasons including any other corona virus.
          I think the longer this goes on, the more it is a small bit of the real mixed with a large amount of bunk.

          1. JDPatten

            Anna M,
            Typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella bacteria, either typhi or paratyphi. It must be eaten for infection to occur, however it may have gotten into food or water. Yes, feces is the ultimate source. Typhus is caused by various Rickettsial bacteria, prowazekii considered the most deadly. It’s spread through human body lice and, more common today, by the parasites of infected flying squirrels. (How unlikely does that seem?)
            This makes me wonder what your qualifications may be to be lecturing so determinedly.

    1. Steve-R

      Thank you – we like mavericks. That timeline from Spain fits with my close relative’s believing that they contracted Covid in March 2019 from their NHS Spanish dentist.

  55. IMoz

    Don’t you just love when people who have no idea about the implications of what they’re saying say one thing but it implies another? Here’s an example: “Two-thirds of people with coronavirus have no symptoms, ONS data shows” [1] Let’s, for a moment assume that of those two-thirds bodies really can’t tell when their cells are dying: the fact that two-thirds are asymptomatic is great news—even when you catch it, there’s 66.6.% chance that it won’t affect your life at all, not even a sniffle! Of course, the more rational explanation is that the test is gravely flawed, but that won’t make for a great scare–story either!

    1. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus-latest-news-asymptomatic-cases-symptoms-ons-data-a9606031.html

    1. Martin Back

      I’d rather be real positive and symptom-free than fake positive and symptom free. It means that I’ve got a good immune system and I’m unlikely to get Covid in the future.

  56. Nick Turner

    The following is a transcript of part of a recent Sky News piece by Alex Crawford, available on YouTube under the title ‘The Texan hospital facing ‘pure hell’. Note the treatment.

    “The infections in Texas have spiked but the mortality rate’s much lower and the medics are trying everything. They’ve devised one treatment here by mixing steroids, vitamins and anti-coagulants and they’re getting results.

    This is the cocktail of drugs which the doctors at this hospital have been giving their coronavirus patients and which they say is responsible for an astonishing 96% success rate at a cost of $100 a day and they believe it’s going to turn the corner in this fight against the deadly virus.

    They are going to need it to work. With record numbers of daily infections in Texas and grim warnings to other countries not to make the same mistakes as them.”

    1. Gary Ogden

      Nick Turner: Is this the first time in history that those without symptoms of any disease are called “infected,” or a “case”? It appears to be so. Apparently, in the U.S. vast numbers of people are being “tested.” Thus the number of “cases” is rising, according to the media, at an alarming rate. Meanwhile, the numbers of hospitalizations, ICU patients, and deaths have dropped to normal levels. The J.B. Handley article I linked to above explains why the pharma minions are panicking and flooding the media with dire new warnings. HIT is about 10-20% (17% in Sweden), and we’ve reached that in most states.

        1. David Bailey

          I think the real problem with testing healthy people for COVID and calling them ‘cases’ if the come out positive, is that it completely disregards the possibility of false positives. How do they test for false positives? It isn’t obvious – My partner quotes a report she saw (in Czech) in which a doctor in Africa opened a fruit, tested the inside, and it came up positive.

          1. KJE

            Tanzania. I think they tested a goat, a pawpaw and some motor oil, gave patient names to the tests, and all came back positive. Another report said that doctors sent in several unused tests with fake patient names and they also came back positive, but no idea if that is actually true

          2. Jillm

            A Sydney footballer tested negative, then inconclusive, then positive, then negative, in six days.

      1. Martin Back

        You can have cancer without symptoms. You can have HIV without symptoms. You probably have a nunber of viruses and bacteria right now that your body is fighting off routinely and not generating symptoms because everything is under control; no need to change behavior.

        It’s only when infection damage reaches a certain point that symptoms are generated..

        1. KJE

          If you have no symptoms, is it actually a problem? Do we make health worse by attempting to “cure” something with no symptoms? No idea.

          1. andy

            The “cure” for “cases” is 6 weeks of lockdown as practiced in Australia. The feared 2nd wave will be caused by a pandemic of testing where recovered individuals will be counted as “cases” because they have some leftover viral fragments or antibodies. No sure how this will end. Even with a vaccine people will test positive.

        2. Gary Ogden

          Martin Back: We are all “infected” with gazillions of microbes on every surface outside our bodies (which includes the gastro-intestinal tract), and could not survive without them. Yet we are not diseased. We also have detectable remnants of “pathogens” in our noses and throats that our bodies have yet to dispose of. PCR testing, used in the U.S. to determine “cases” amplifies this debris, of fragments of viral particles. This appears to me to be a novel use of the word “case,” or “diseased” among the symptom-free. I may be wrong, but I think, historically, infectious diseases have been diagnosed based upon symptoms, with lab testing as followup when possible to confirm. Those without symptoms go about their lives. Cancer is not an infectious disease. HIV I’m not going to touch with a barge pole, as you and I disagree about its causal role in AIDS.

    1. Jerome Savage

      “Separately, four NIH scientists have filed for a provisional patent application entitled “2019-nCoV vaccine,” according to disclosures in a pending scientific paper. Moderna scientists co-authored that paper, but none are listed as vaccine co-inventors.”
      That was 25th June. Children’s defense obviously see a different game being played out.

      1. David Bailey

        That is an excellent article!

        I used to be decidedly doubtful about the idea of herd immunity, because it seemed to be amount to, let it spread and get it over with!

        Then I realised the obvious.If, like most viruses, COVID evolves to be less virulent, because it can spread better, then it is the weaker strains that spread through the population and ‘immunise’ everyone, while doing little damage at all.

        I suspect the powers that be will ‘realise’ COVID-19 in no longer a threat on November 4.

        1. AhNotepad

          David, I suspect the powers that be will ensure as few people as possible find this out. They will try to keep people scared.

  57. Eric

    I have shared this link of live rankings and maps before, but two interesting features have been added. When you scroll to the very bottom, there are two maps of Germany. The first will show new infections per county or large city (most of them form a county of their own) in the most recent 7 days and infections per 100,000 inhabitants.

    I have found this useful in learning about my own county and planning trips and visits. It is also interesting to watch these maps over the course of days and weeks. One can see newly discovered hotspots bloom, spread out and fade quite quickly.

    In planning summer holidays, I would be grateful to find similar sites for surrounding countries. Specifically, I have been trying to get hold of county numbers for France but came up with nothing. Does anyone have a good link?


    The second map shows available ICU capacity, Covid patients and Covid patients in ventilation per county or city. It is interesting to see for example just 7 in all of Hamburg who are in intensive care. Out of these 6 are in ventilation, one should probably say, still. They had a nasty outbreak in a cancer ward. Away from past outbreaks, the percentage in ventilation is a lot lower. Apparently, new patients are not ventilated as readily.

    1. Terry Wright

      Eric mate: you gonna be ok mate; these respiratory viruses come in the spring; they go away as summer arrives; our chum the Rona has moved on; hibernating now; you will be our survivor Eric; so live dangerously: just be impulsive; jump in the car; drive over the border into France; go to Perignon; home of foie gras; eat lots of pate; enjoy their cheese; drink the red wine; relax in the late afternoon sun by the canals; live dangerously; have another glass of red wine; watch the sun set; realise everyone has been scaring you for no reason; all best wishes

  58. Tish

    My husband has just broken up two coconuts with a hammer. He enjoyed it ‘cos he called one Boris and the other Dominic. He needs more coconuts though as he’s thought of some more names.

    C for curative
    D for defensive

  59. dearieme

    Seen in the comments thread on another blog: “we know a great deal about viruses and the defenses against them. No, they don’t secrete toxins like bacteria; it’s generally the immune system that kills with viremia, not the viruses themselves. In COVID-19 it’s the florid inflammatory response that is fatal.”

    That reminded me of Dr Kendrick’s argument that inflammation is the key to heart attacks.

    1. Göran Sjöberg

      Interesting exposure!
      Though a kind of “mixed bag” appraisal!
      Living in Sweden I have still felt the “craziness” involved in this Corona hoax all around!

      I am a disbeliever for sure – I don’t see any science.

      1. elizabethhart

        The table on deaths is interesting what do you think about that data?

        9 years and younger: Deaths – 1. Percentage of deaths – 0.02
        20-28: Deaths – 8. Percentage of deaths – 0.15
        30-39: Deaths – 13. Percentage of deaths – 0.25
        40-49: Deaths – 44. Percentage of deaths – 0.85
        50-59: Deaths – 150. Percentage of deaths – 2.88
        60-69: Deaths – 364. Percentage of deaths – 6.99
        70-79: Deaths – 1141. Percentage of deaths – 21.90
        80-90: Deaths – 2157. Percentage of deaths – 41.41
        90 and above: Deaths – 1331. Percentage of deaths – 25.55
        TOTAL 5209

        1. Göran Sjöberg

          No reason to doubt these figures but the “devil” usually hides in the details.

          Covid testing procedures??


          Total deaths are perhaps the only numbers we can trust!

          Flu, year to year comparison?

          Excess deaths?? With/from Covid ??

          I am fed up!

          1. Göran Sjöberg


            I just read how communities in northern Sweden was hit by the Spanish Flue a hundred years ago. What a difference to this Covid “mild” stuff! Within a week or two a whole family, young and old, could be wiped out.

          2. AhNotepad

            elizabeth, I think the gatesnotes article might be a teeny weeny bit biased. Then again it could be described as BS from a snake oil seller.

          3. elizabethhart

            Crikey, I’ll stop beating around the bush and come out with it…

            Using Sweden’s statistics as an example, how can it be justified to implement fast-tracked experimental coronavirus vaccine products there?

            This link provides more up-to-date figures (note these are likely to change): https://www.statista.com/statistics/1107913/number-of-coronavirus-deaths-in-sweden-by-age-groups/

            Today the reported deaths’ total is 5,526, with 1,428 deaths in people over 90…over 90…
            2,300 deaths are reported for people in the age group 80-90…80-90…
            So that’s 3,728 of the deaths.
            Then there are reportedly 1,194 deaths in the age group 70-79…70-79…
            That’s 4,922 deaths across the age group 70 to over 90.
            There are 379 deaths reported across the ages 60-69. And 156 deaths in the age group 50-59.
            With a total of 69 deaths across the ages of 0-49 years.

            So most of the deaths are in the elderly age group 70 to 90.

            The focus now should be on finding effective treatments and strategies for the sick, i.e. generally elderly people.

            And recommending long-term practical preventive measures for the population generally, to reduce the prospect of the illnesses which exacerbate the effects of this virus, and enhance health.

            Instead, there’s a grotesque ‘race’ for coronavirus vaccine products going on around the world, with 140 vaccine candidates now being tracked by the World Health Organization: https://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2020/jul/02/coronavirus-vaccine-tracker-how-close-are-we-to-a-vaccine

            And with people out to make “a boatload of money” from this gravy train, e.g. Moderna executives: https://www.aljazeera.com/ajimpact/millions-race-coronavirus-vaccine-200703061457842.html

            Again using Sweden as an example, it seems most of the population remains alive and not adversely affected – how can it be justified to push coronavirus vaccine products for the millions of people who it seems are unlikely to be too adversely affected by this virus in the prime of their lives?

          4. Gary Ogden

            elizabethhart: Well spoken. There have been effective treatments developed by real doctors, such as MATHs+, Dr. Zelenko’s protocol, the nebulized asthma drug developed by a Texas doctor, Dr. Brownstein’s protocol, also using a nebulizer, for which he was threatened by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission). It is the agenda of the oligarchs to make everyone a client for their medical products, but unlike infants and children, they will see massive pushback from adults.

  60. David Bailey

    Dearieme wrote:
    “That reminded me of Dr Kendrick’s argument that inflammation is the key to heart attacks.”

    I hope Dr K will correct me if I am wrong, but I think his view is that inflammation is usually a sign of some sort of damage taking place, and it is the damaging agent that needs removing. Again as I understand it, that is why all the Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs(NSAIDs) carry a certain increased risk of heart attacks.

  61. Stuart

    A bit off subject I know but interesting anyway. another example of the dodgy deals going on.
    “I understand that normal procurement chains were struggling, but I would still trust any of the UK’s numerous long established and globally successful medical supply companies to go out and get the right kind of medical supplies, of the right quality, and arrange their supply and delivery, rather than throw an incredible sum of taxpayers’ cash at the first couple of City wide boys who said they can do it. From a company with a very dodgy balance sheet”

    1. Mr Chris

      This is a general reply, I think it’s true even if sometimes hard to take
      « Restriction of debate, ..by a repressive gov’t or an intolerant society, invariably hurts those who lack power & makes everyone less capable of democratic participation. .. to defeat bad ideas is by exposure, argument, & persuasion, not by trying to silence or wish them away.”

  62. Anna M

    This is the best antimask and general BS calling video I think I’ve seen yet. Not too long, not too short, and quite interesting.

        1. AhNotepad

          Steve, that was a typographical error. You will notice the n is next to m, so sometimes my finger will hit the wrong key. Unfortunately wordpress doesn’t have an edit function available to me, so the error is there forever. Hope you have’t spent too much time looking for a nonexistent product.

          1. Steve-R

            Sorry Ah, I couldn’t resist, I have the Peter Cook and Dudley Moore dialogue in my mind somewhere where the character interviewing mis-spoke “start” as “strat” in the question “when exactly did you strat this important work” – a protracted denial then ensued to the effect that the interviewee would never ever have stratted anything.
            Again, apologies if you thought I was ‘having a go’.

          2. AhNotepad

            Steve-R, no I didn’t think you were having a go, I just gave what I saw as a matter of fact (boring) explanation, but unfortunately all the nuances of what would have been spoken words often get lost when they’re written. Well they do if they are written by me. This should indicate to those who think remote working etc is a satisfactory alternative for conventional gatherings perhaps do not understand social contact. Even then it needs normal circumstances and not hampered by the impediment of such things as excessive distance or nasks. 😉

          3. Gary Ogden

            AhNotepad: He was trying to have a bit of fun, which we all sorely need, all the time, not just now. Were I you, I would claim to have invented a new word. Come up with a definition, see that it is used more widely and cited, and you’ll have your fifteen minutes of fame! A listing in the dictionary.

  63. The Wizard

    It is during times like these, when the darkness has descended all around me and I am in the depths of despair, that I derive a small measure of joy in a freshly made cuppa and take comfort in the words of the Basque philosopher Bernard Paul Heroux
    ” There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea”.

    1. Steve-R

      I prefer “when I’m out on my bike cycling along Welsh lanes, the World is ruining someone else’s day”.

  64. Terry Wright

    we have had repeated forays into chants of “protect the elderly”: without really having the slightest idea what we really meant; or what it would look like; or how many of us would be willing to role up our sleeves and help out and do long shifts, and change sodden diapers; … somebody else must do this.

    This article seemingly was the 6th June: https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/dying-of-neglect-the-other-covid-care-home-scandal but it talks of the stark realities of scaring the living daylights out of everyone; so the staff cower at home, terrified;

    This happened all around the UK: terrified hospital staff: thinking they would somehow die; and terrifying everyone they came in contact with; fear, fear and not a drop to drink.

    so the article talks of nearly 50% staff absenteeism in some areas around Europe; so old folks locked in their rooms; (to protect them, mind!!!) .. didn’t get any fluids. The article suggests many may have died of dehydration. All sorts of actions taken; all creating a worse problem.

  65. Anna M

    So, to cure covid, we have Dr. Kendrick’s cocktail, we have hydroxy, we have IV vitamin C and possibly oral, and today I saw an interview with a doctor who says he has great success giving a breathing treatment with an asthma medication, I believe he said it was pulmacort, but not sure about that.

    1. Gary Ogden

      Anna M: I watched a Dallas interview with a Midlands, Texas physician who has had excellent results early on with an asthma steroid drug delivered with a nebulizer. Dr. Brownstein has also had excellent results using a treatment involving a nebulizer. He got a warning letter from the Fools and Dimwits Administration.

  66. janetgrovesart

    Totally off topic, I know, so please excuse me, but do any of you clever people out there in WonderfulKendrickBlogland know what the NTT number for the shingles jab is. I’ve just been invited by my GP surgery and I’m hesitating. Ooh-er. 😬

    1. Steve-R

      Sorry, just looked at theNNT.com and the vaccine doesn’t feature.
      For what it is worth, there is an issue with the chickenpox vaccination sparking outbreaks of shingles in teenagers in California. As I understand it the breaking of the continual challenge provided by circulating chickenpox – by vaccination – reduces the immunity you might have from catching the virus as a child, then re-infection can cause shingles. Vaccination is not a consequence free medical procedure, even when it does what it is supposed to.

        1. janetgrovesart

          Gary and Elizabeth – thank you. On reflection I shall be saying “thanks, but no thanks” to the shingles jab. (And future flu jabs.) Despite my age and a weird variety of diabetes I have a very robust (and well nurtured) immune system so I shall wholeheartedly place my trust in that.
          ❤️ this site.

    2. Gary Ogden

      JanB: I do not know, and the data concerning vaccines is a tightly-held secret, like that for statins. I advise: run for the hills at the first suggestion of an untested medical treatment. No licensed vaccine has been properly safety-tested, so we really don’t know.

    3. AhNotepad

      janet, sorry I can’t help with the NNT without knowing which poison your GP is getting paid to administer. Shingrix is supposedly effective, but who is making the claims. Vernon Coleman gave an overview recently. https://youtu.be/IRmIY9oWRP8 I am biased, as well as petrified by needles, and I like vitamins. Apologies for not answering the question.

  67. Tish

    The symptoms for Covid19 have become more and more diverse. Whilst this could be a fair representation, isn’t it probable that with there being a lot of false positives, there will be a lot of diverse false symptoms?

    1. Steve-R

      I’m not sure what you mean by ‘false symptoms’? Do you mean symptoms unrelated to viral attack by SARS-CoV-2 or imagined (psychosomatic) symptoms?
      I am still of the view that the wide range of symptoms, if real, have to be resulting from the response of the immune system to a viral attack that can infect any cell that has ACE2 receptors.
      Some of these symptoms will result from the toxic breakdown products resulting from the overload of dead cells killed by the immune system, some from the specific damage of key organ cells from local viral proliferation in e.g. brain, kidneys etc, and some from auto-immune disease directly caused by the immune system mis-identifying ‘innocent’ cells as ‘different’ during the all out defensive inflammatory response. The last of these being responsible for long term effects of the virus long after it has been defeated – it seems not to be ‘hiding’ like HIV or Herpes zoster which is some consolation.

      I would be grateful for any criticism of this view.

    2. AhNotepad

      Tish, I wouldn’t see the symptoms as false, but the diagnosis of having covid could well be false.

      1. Tish

        Steve and Ah
        No I don’t mean people’s symptoms are psychosomatic or not real and many symptoms ascribed to Covid may well be the result of Covid and be diverse, though with some perhaps occurring more frequently than others. Yet where you have false positives for Covid and people relating their symptoms of goodness-knows-what (after all, most of us get funny symptoms arising here and there from time to time or as we age), there could well be symptoms falsely ascribed to Covid or ascribed too frequently to Covid. Could all be rather messed up by cavalier testing?

    1. KJE

      Yeah, everyone in the world can afford a computer (there’s one in every room in care homes) and has good enough bandwidth for video, and knows how to use a computer well-enough to do it – and everyone can both see and hear perfectly. Stiff upper lip and public school culture says that hugs and physical contact is unimportant. of course, so that would influence an judge. That said. I’m more concerned for the people whose livelihoods have been destroyed by forcing their businesses to close for no good reason – many, many people were not supported by any govt handout or loan schemes and still more will end up on UC when furlough ends.

  68. Jerome Savage

    STATINS – If I can indulge myself again, in light of the recent Jama featured study trumpeted in the hysterical Express where 25% reduction in deaths were reported in elderly ex army caucasian men testing over 5 years – not random, even coming in for some mild cautioning from Co Author Professor Colin Baigent of Oxford University, (Colin Baigent who received €268 million known funding from statin manufacturers back a few years ago along with RCollins) I insist on coming in on this as some things are worth repeating. Tthe data showing side effects of statins (quote) “remain the property of the trial sponsors, so we are not able to provide unlimited access to the combined database.”, Baigent is on record of saying . The sponsors having given £268 million would not agree it appears to releasing the data – for any promising young medical students or researchers for the benefit of science & humanity in general.
    The Express article had full bias, read like an advertisement, no genuine critics were entertained, the BHF rowing in with a blessing, infused with soft token caution in the place of real critical analysis from any well qualified medics with genuine concerns and no influencing largesse at their disposal.in other words, no need to look over their shoulders.
    So I found this – an antibody to the Baigent bias virus – Oct 2018 – I think its Swedish.
    Quote ” our analysis of three major reviews [1–3], that claim the cholesterol hypothesis is indisputable and that statin treatment is an effective and safe way to lower the risk of CVD, we have found that their statements are invalid, compromised by misleading statistics, excluding unsuccessful trials, minimizing the side effects of cholesterol lowering, and ignoring contradictory observations from independent investigators”
    Critical analysis of the Jama study would be nice.

  69. Nick Turner

    Further to Anna M’s post (July 8, 2020 at 9:22 pm, the interviewee (Denis Rancourt) is a “Former tenured and Full Professor of physics at the University of Ottawa, Canada. Known for applications of physics education research. Published over 100 scientific articles in the areas of metal physics, materials science, measurement methods, and earth and environmental science, and many social commentary essays.” He is now a Researcher for the Ontario Civil Liberties Association.

    In the interview, he refers to a paper he has written, titled ‘All-cause mortality during COVID-19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response’, which can be found here:


    He makes the point that, for every country he researched, deaths did not rise until preparations were made for the ‘virus’, e.g. clearing hospital wards to receive the afflicted, lockdowns, etc. I wonder why the MSM and government advisors cannot see the obvious.

    1. Nick Turner

      Now when I was viewing Denis Rancourt’s interview video (Anna M’s post (July 8, 2020 at 9:22 pm – link here for convenience but delete the *):


      I happened to look at the comments under the PFT logo and came across two highly critical posts by a Kevin W. McCairn Ph.D. An extract from one of his comments reads:

      “Since February and having to come on and go public dealing with crank science and ideological driven agendas, I’ve dealt with whatever argument your are going to pull out of your backside.

      htt*ps://masks4all.co/ (Delete the * to activate the link)

      I have 100’s more science papers I can reference for you, and the crank scientist who self published on Research gate has literally misquoted much of the studies he cites any way.”

      Masks4all sounded interesting and I found the home page carries the statement ‘Cloth masks can help stop the spread of COVID-19, save lives and restore jobs’. The ‘About’ tab gives the co-founder and leader as Jeremy Howard; he has a PhD and is listed as ‘Distinguished Research Scientist at USF; Founding Researcher at fast.ai; Member of the World Economic Forum’s Global AI Council’. The other members of this volunteer organisation are named but there is no mention of Kevin W. McCairn.

      Under the ‘About us’ tab, the beginning of the aims of the organisation states:

      “#Masks4All is an all-volunteer org that started and powered the movement for people and Governments to follow the overwhelming scientific evidence that shows we need to wear homemade masks in public to slow COVID-19.

      Now that this is widely accepted as a fact by Government, news, and health leaders, we’re focused on getting masks to be required across the U.S. and the world.”

      Howard’s contention is that viral load depends on droplet size and that screening-out visible droplets with a simple cloth mask will dramatically lower the risk of infection from a carrier of Covid-19.

      Now go to The ‘Letter’ tab, where you will find a letter that the reader is invited to send to persons of influence. The letter is headed:

      “Over 100 Prominent Academics Call For Cloth Mask Requirements. Scientific evidence is strong that mask use can help save lives, restore jobs, and slow the pandemic.”

      The main point of the letter is:

      “Therefore, we ask that government officials require cloth masks to be worn in all public places, such as stores, transportation systems, and public buildings as soon as possible. This action will prevent people who are infectious from unknowingly spreading the disease.”

      At face value it is ‘signed’ by over 100 academics, the names and qulifications of whom follow the letter’s content. Further research found an interview conducted by Eric Ries, during which Jeremy Howard describes the path to his belief that cloth face masks are the solution to stopping the spread of Covid-19 (delete the * to activate the link).


      You can either read the transcript or listen to the interview via the Apple or Google podcast buttons. This is taken from the transcript – Jeremy Howard:

      “It’s always hard to know exactly which bits are our impact and what would have happened anyway, but it’s been cool to see, I don’t know, for example, The Mayor of London yesterday or the day before wrote something, open letter in The Times saying, “Hey, we want to require everybody to wear masks, come on, UK government, change your policy,” and he only tagged two people. One was me, and the other was a soccer player, Gary Lineker.”

      Howard’s campaign organisation is achieiving results, this being from an article in the Telegraph for 19th April, under the title ‘Medics have urged the public to make their own masks to limit further transmission of Covid-19.’ (Delete the * to activate the link)


      From the content:

      “Doctors across the UK have lent their support to ‘Masks4allUK’, a movement set up by medical professionals in the wake of the Government’s reluctance to make mass-wearing of facial masks compulsory. ”

      Masks4All now has a small UK site (Delete the * to activate the link):


      on which the well-produced, short propaganda video from one of the founders of the parent organization already has almost 6,000,000 views. It doesn’t matter if their version of the science is dodgy, they appear to be getting results. Denis Rancourt’s video has less than 27,000 views and needs to be promoted – fast.

      1. AhNotepad

        Denis Rancourt deals with facts, which don’t interest most people, masks4all turns to emotion and appeals to non-critical thinkers, or to people who follow the crowd. There is no scientific credibility just because you have a large number of followers. What I don’t understand is why the mask supporters who claim to be saving lives are not jumping up and down demanding governments explain their murder policies of shutting down health services.

  70. Jerome Savage

    Re the Jama featured statin study favouring statins, this author has “nothing to declare” as regards conflicts of interest.
    Prof Stephen MacMahon, Principal Director of The George Institute for Global Health, Professor of Medicine at the University of Oxford, and Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at UNSW Sydney, said:

    “There are many weaknesses in this study that make its conclusions unreliable. It is not a randomised trial, which is the gold standard used by all drug regulators and most clinical researchers to assess benefits and risks of drug treatments.
    “In this case, the results themselves raise serious questions about the reliability of the study. For example, while there is a lower risk of death among those taking statins, the greatest reduction is in deaths from diseases not known to be associated with cholesterol. Additionally, there is no reduction in those conditions known to be particularly sensitive to treatment with statins, such as myocardial infection and ischaemic stroke.
    “These inconsistencies are almost certainly due to biases that are impossible to avoid, even with the most sophisticated statistical analyses. In many ways, the study results illustrate precisely why randomised trials are essential and why other approaches frequently produce misleading results.”

  71. AhNotepad

    I have subscribed to Private Eye for years. I take it because it usually exposes political wrong doings and it is fairly humorous. There is usually a piece written by a practicing doctor, and is under the name “MD”. Again usually it will show the parts of the health industry other publications avoid. This week was perhaps too revealing that everything might not be what it seems, but with Private Eye rather than the health industry. Private Eye have lost credibility with a few choice phrases. In a section:

    Vaccines for all?
    A VACCINE may yet allow people to live, work, travel, learn and socialise together safely again, but it must not be an excuse to carry on as before.
    . The first big test of the global concordance in health is not whether safe and effective vaccines for Sars-CoV-2 can be produced in record time (95% of vaccine attempts fail, and the previous fastest turn-around was four years, for mumps), but whether they will be shared affordably and fairly. The second test will be whether sufficient people want to take them to achieve herd immunity, given the poisonous and profitable growth of the anti-vaxx industry (see the excellent report by the Centre for Countering Digital Hate).

    Where is the “anti-vaxx industry”? And what about all the “profits”? We don’t need a vaccine for herd immunity, unless Mr Fauci was lying when he expressed concern that if the disease was allowed free run, people might get immunity before a vaccine was available. However the industry lobby has since being going all out to tell people we cannot get herd immunity without a vaccine.

    MD then goes on about the spikes in measles cases in the US and how “Vaccines prevent deadly diseases”.

    There is more if you want to buy a copy of Private EYE. Usually a good read, but in this case it looks like a MSM influence. Perhaps if someone knows “MD” they can find out if this article was coded in some way that I don’t understand.

    Center for Countering Digital Hate has on their about-us page “Over time these actors, advocating diverse causes – from anti-feminism to ethnic nationalism to denial of scientific consensus – have formed a Digital Counter Enlightenment. Their trolling, disinformation and skilled advocacy of their causes has resocialised the offline world for the worse.

    Isn’t the government worthy of their attentions then? Or is the government misinformation rather than disinformation. https://www.counterhate.co.uk/about-us

      1. elizabethhart

        What do doctors/GPs know about vaccines?

        For instance, what do they know about all the vaccine products, combination shots and revaccinations on the Australian National Immunisation Program Schedule? https://www.health.gov.au/health-topics/immunisation/immunisation-throughout-life/national-immunisation-program-schedule

        What do doctors know about the long-term cumulative effects of all these vaccine products given throughout life, which they press upon their patients?

        Precious little I suggest…

        And it should be more accurately called the National Vaccination Program Schedule, because immunisation is seldom verified.

        I’ve been surprised how even so-called ‘experts’ use the words vaccination and immunisation interchangeably, do they not realise these words do not mean the same thing?

        Recently I challenged Dr Tony Bartone, the President of the Australian Medical Association, about his comments in an ‘anti-vaxxer’ article, which are published regularly in the mainstream/corporate media here, belittling people who question taxpayer-funded vaccination and coercive vaccination policy.

        Bartone and his ilk are determined to silence people who question the ever-increasing number of vaccine products being pressed upon the community, but who are they to shut people down?

        Bartone failed to disclose his conflict of interest in the article, i.e. that he is a member of the industry-funded Immunisation Coalition, which is sponsored by vaccine manufacturers CSL/Seqirus, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, MSD (Merck) and Sanofi. The Australian Medical Association is also associated with the Immunisation Coalition, along with many other medical groups here, a cosy arrangement.

        I also questioned Bartone about his expertise in the area of vaccination. According to the response I received from the AMA, he doesn’t appear to have expertise in this area. But these people ‘argue from the authority’ of their title, i.e. ‘doctor’, when in reality they may have little idea of the matters on which they pontificate.

        I complained to the Immunisation Coalition about their members discussing vaccination in the media without disclosing their conflicts of interest. See my email via this link, it also includes my email to Tony Bartone: https://elizabethhart.files.wordpress.com/2020/07/conflicts-of-interest-and-the-immunisation-coalition-_-apaci.pdf

    1. Mr Chris

      about MD in Private Eye, he has always in my experience told it as he sees it. One can agree or not. Now about anti-vaxxers, I think you would put yourself in that category, you will recall he took Wakefield’s side for a long time.
      personally I find his column a breath of fresh air.

      1. AhNotepad

        I have appreciated Phil Hammond’s articles. What I picked up on was the somewhat unguarded “given the poisonous and profitable growth of the anti-vaxx industry”. If it wasn’t for the tactics of the vaccine industry they could have been seen as force for good instead of the single minded commercial greed outfit that has only money as its goal.


    The median age of morocco is 29, is this significant in the low numbers of infections/deaths?

    1. andy

      Hi Gary: re benefits of alcohol for mice
      The mice probably consumed their daily alcohol drink (4ml) over a 24 h period, humans can consume their alcoholic drink in a matter of minutes. Ethanol can disrupt gut tight junctions if concentration is high.

      1. Gary Ogden

        andy: Good point. I sip my glass or two of wine over a 3-4 hour period. Tastes better that way, to me.

    1. AhNotepad

      Yes, they do indeed discuss, actually what they do is not a discussion, as they all agree with each other that the only way is contact tracing followed by vaccines. Hydroxychloroquine does not work, they said so. Numerous studies, right, does this remind you of statins and cholesterol?

  73. Walter Leadbetter

    Malcom, I believe (if I remember rightly) that you are no expert mathematician (neither am I!). However, I wonder if anyone with any expertise in the field (or any reader of this blog) can clarify if Benford’s Law can be used to expose the manipulation (and false data) which I believe that the UK government is peddling?

    1. Walter Leadbetter

      Malcolm, whilst looking on YouTube I came across a video which uses this technique (in this case) to analyze data from the CDC about Coronavirus
      (How to detect fraud using Benford’ Law … by a forensic accountant … Robert A. Bonvinto.
      So, I suppose I have answered my own question, however, if would still be interesting to see if any reader has tried this on the UK data?


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