How does COVID kill people?

2 June 2020 You will have your head bashed in with everything written about, claimed about, and talked rubbish about COVID-19. What to believe, what not to believe? Is this some weird virus that kills people in a way never seen before? Why are children developing a strange widespread inflammatory condition that looks like Kawasaki’s […]

COVID deaths – how accurate are the statistics?

31st May 2020 [This article was first published on, and can be seen there at As a doctor working in the midst of the COVID chaos, I’ve seen people die and be listed as a victim of coronavirus without ever being tested for it. But unless we have accurate data, we won’t know […]

Care homes and COVID19

17th April 2020 The government’s disregard of care home residents – old, sick people, acutely vulnerable to COVID19 – has been scandalous. As a GP, I regularly visit care homes. At one I visit, they recently had eight residents who died in a week, probably from coronavirus. But there’s no testing, so who could possibly […]

A Good Cause

15th April 2020 I have known Steve Bennett for a few years now. He became a convert to the high fat low carb world (primal living and eating) and has set up Primal Living to promote this dietary message to the world, using his considerable financial muscle to do so. In the midst of lockdown, […]

COVID – 19 update

22nd March 2020 I thought I should do a quick update on COVID-19, as some interesting and important information has been published in Italy. Looking at deaths in various age groups, underlying conditions etc. It can be seen here Points of greatest importance Far more men are dying than women, with a ratio of […]

The Lancet Study

11th December 2019 Several people have asked me to comment on a recent Lancet paper ‘Application of non-HDL cholesterol for population-based cardiovascular risk stratification: results from the Multinational Cardiovascular Risk Consortium.’ which made headlines around the world. Here – for example – from the BBC website: What did the researchers find? People should have their […]

What causes heart disease – Part 63

17th March 2019 [Is stress the most important cause of cardiovascular disease?] Forgetting for a moment attacks by various people, and newspapers, that shalI remain nameless [Mail on Sunday UK], I thought I would return to the more interesting topic of what actually does cause cardiovascular disease and. As I have done several times before, […]

What causes heart disease part 61 – strokes

15th January 2019 In this never-ending story on heart disease, I have tended to use the terms “heart disease” and “cardiovascular disease” almost interchangeably. Well, everyone else does it, so why not me? However, in this blog I shall be splitting cardiovascular disease into its two main components, heart attacks and strokes, and concentrating mainly […]

What causes heart disease part 60 – prediction

2 January 2019 ‘It is difficult to make predictions, particularly about the future.’ Old Danish proverb The hallmark of a great scientific hypothesis is prediction. Einstein’s theory of special relativity predicted that gravitational fields could be demonstrated to bend light – and he was proven right during observations made during a total eclipse of the […]